Stella Dimoko Ten Things Men Find Unattractive in Women But Probably Won’t Tell You


Monday, December 30, 2013

Ten Things Men Find Unattractive in Women But Probably Won’t Tell You

1. Excessively Drunk Women – When I was a boy I thought a group of drunk women was the move. When I go to the club now and see a chick throwing up in the bathroom, I get repulsed. Who’s mans is this?!

2. All the way turned up – Why I can hear you in a club on any night is a problem. It’s loud, there’s loud music, and still I can hear your voice shrieking over the speakers. Or what about those women who can’t control their volume when their drunk and try and talk in your ear but they’re screaming?

3. Negative Women – These women think everything is wack. “How about this lovely 80 degree weather today?” “This is wack, why these girls think it’s ok to be wearing their open toes?!”

4. Impatience – They hate waiting. They are the type to tell you to let them know when you have arrived at the restaurant so they can leave their house. They have cavities on each side of their mouth from sucking their teeth so much.

5. Teen Spirit Women: Waiting to be entertained – These are the ones who are rimming the club waiting for the party to jump off. They bring nothing to the party, but will call it wack because it didn’t turn into a bashment. Although, they didn’t come to dance anyway.

6. Random hair cuts or attempts to go natural – Have you ever seen that look a man has when he’s been caught cheating? It is NOTHING compared to meeting up with his boo and she decided to cut all her hair off. Your hair was down to the middle of your back yesterday, but now you sporting a Kobe fro. We will not be partying like it’s 1999 boo.

7. Liars – You can just tell this woman is lying. And often times it’s about something she doesn’t have to lie about. She got a hating friend who tells you all her business, especially about how she buys fake designer shoes. And you witness her blacking on some dude; “My shoes cost more than your whole outfit, negro!” #DIQUE.

8. Ms. Know It All – I don’t even have words to describe this one because she probably wants to describe it herself. When you told her that eating too much salmon could cause mercury poisoning, she even brought her grandmother into it, “My grandmother ate salmon everyday and she lived to be 106!” Seriously, this woman can’t take a piece of advice or fact that she didn’t come up with to save her life.

9. Attention Hordes – These women are always showing out looking for a reaction in the building. She usually has the attention of most of the guys, but if there’s one focusing on one of her friends, she makes it a point to hook that guy too. “Oh you got a nice chest. Do you work out?” Meanwhile, dude ain’t got a six-pack, he got a loaf of bread and he’s drinking a 40.

10. Women who think they can do WHATEVER they want – These are the women screaming at the promoter outside the club. These are the women who will break things in your house because they are having a temper tantrum. These are the women who say things like, “And I will tell him to do it, and he will do that ish.” These are the women who end up at the Chesapeake Rest Area because their man didn’t make it out of Maryland before he put her out the Range.

These ten are according to  here  …what are some of yours?do you agree with these?.

*body/armpit/mouth odour.
*dirty under wear wearers
*too much make up
*what else?


  1. Well I guess am in d d "impatient zone" I don't like waiting for a man...if am going to see a guy nd he's not there when am there, I wld immediately get back...this is cos it really gets embarassing when u waiting @ d road side nd u av some silly men calling u " sexy, baby, are u waiting for me,..bla bla bla"

    1. Well, everyone has got faults... Deal with yours!

    2. I second dat

    3. Yea, I'm impatient too.......
      The first words I said to my husband after agreeing to a date were "if you aren't here by 6, forget it" amd he still remembers it till today.
      I'm always on time and I expect everyone to be like that......anyway, I'm working on it cz if u know the kind of things I tolerate now eh..........

    4. Abeg anon 3:17 ur right oh jare, biko y wait for a man, y please, no pride no dignity, u start waiting for him you keep waiting for him till u breakup, Hez 2 wait 4 u not u wait for him, by d wai who saiz this analysis is right somethings written are wrong. Please don't cme n put Yeye ideas in2 women's mind.

    5. When my husband says I'll be there in 30 mins, pls just add 3 hrs to that. After 13 yes together, I've learned the art of patience.

    6. And I officially hate to be on time for anything!well am only forced to be' for appointments that can cause me to loose my job or a biz*rme*!so I really don't like pple dat force me to be on time for dates,had to break up a relationship bcos of dat!impatient pple can really get annoying and selfish!they'd make u come outt of your gate and wait for them before they are two streets around ur house!wtf is dat#cant deal abeg#

    7. Add these to the list:
      1. Rude/loud gurls with screaming make up like The new masquerade.
      2. Gurls wey their talent & believe say naa their birthright to dey receive gifts for every occassion like "Amaka begi begi" frm every tom,dick & harry.. Even Christmas-celebration of Jesus Christ's birth naa their birthday..
      3. Ungrateful/greedy gurls who lack contentment. Who are envious & don't appreciate what God has given them but covet other peoples stuff.
      4. Guys dislike gurls with unreasonable fantansies especially those gurls with unrealistic wishful thinking-(facing reality is wisdom)..
      5. Guys dislike those gurls with everything fake, hair, eyelashes,nails, breasts, bumshot, push up bra. Etc etc haba! and they want a real man?. Why can't they jst have confidence in being natural, accept & appreciate what God has given them..
      6. Then the lazy type...

    8. Anony 1 u jst described me.I once pulled my ex's ear cos he made me wait at d bus stop.looool

  2. Immature list.

    1. Very immature boo. What happened to all the basic turn offs. Let me go down and start my list. I'm a woman though but I got tips.

    2. Yea datz d word....Immature

    3. Not only immature. He mentions "club" on almost each point! D guy bu onye nkwu!

  3. Lol, over to the guys in the house...

  4. Stella!
    I don't agree with the lowcut hair or going natural one at all.
    Most men love women who can rock natural n still look amazing like me.
    You should have included skin grooming.
    Men don't like dark scaly skinned girls,I mean Naija men

    1. Yeah you are right about the hair thing! I don't agree with number 6 too. I have one more to add to the list. Men don't like women who waits for men to pick up the bill EVERYTIME they are out.

    2. Ist reasonable comment but dnt believe dt of dark skiny girls

    3. Ist reasonable comment but dnt believe dt of dark skiny girls

    4. #sings# Am every woman,its all in meeeeeeee..* I am a hint of number 1 to 10(in teeny weeny doses if you please)!Who cares??? He's all that and more too! That explains why he kisses me in public still!

    5. add these to the list.
      Guys dislike unrealistic/unreasonable gurls with Wishful stupid fantasies..
      Guys dislike rude/immodest gurls especially those wey carry their beauty for head like say naa talent'
      Guys dislike those gurls wey be say their talent & believe naa to dey receive gifts frm every tom, dick & harry even for Christmas naa their birthday wey everybody know say naa Celebration of the birth
      of Jesus Christ.
      Guys hate greedy gurls wey what God has given dem no do them, naa another person thing dem go dey covet.

    6. This m.amie na ur type dey get skin like grass.always referring to light skin gurls like dey r superior

  5. This post is for guys but according to my guy he doesn't like too much make up on me esp red lip stick

  6. Oozing hair/weaves, Dirty toes and ugly feet 'ewww' some men cant stand these.

  7. I don't understand No.3, "“This is wack, why these girls think it’s ok to be wearing their open toes?!”" No.8 and 9 reminds me of some blog visitors.

  8. I hate it when my woman lie, because there is nothing that can make me to hate or leave her. I prefer she tells me the truth so I can help her to come out of any situation she is into. I know when my baby is lying or telling me a half truth, but I usually keep queit, so I wont hurt her feelings

    1. Tooony! You making all these good comments, because of that your ugly girlfriend or future wife, just say your mind! "Na quiet" i b4 the e, dumb ass!

    2. So,if she bangs ur boss,u'll be glad to hear it?

  9. Madam stella I'm so loving ya blog. U d realest. Emerald

  10. Let me add to the list
    Nagging women
    Lazy women

    Ohhh....the all year round Number 3 (on the list) award winning Lepa shandy....

    1. Helloooo!!!! U r in d 21st century..stop being a cave man!

    2. Helloooo!!!! U r in d 21st century..stop being a cave man!

  11. Jeans wearing ladies.big turn off for me.I wuld ban ladies from wearing Jean or pant trousers if I av my way.#sipsMoetnChandon#

    1. You get sense so?

    2. Really? Never heard a sillier thing!!!

    3. A fool at last hr of 2013 will be a fool in 2013

  12. Most niggas won't even observe these stuvs....all the want is SEX.

  13. I see is Club,Party,Club,Party
    The writer self is irresponsible ashole

    1. My sentiments exactly!He is obviously an immature party womans wnts a party guy..NFA..Big TURNOFF!

    2. Lepa you can say that again. Its like u've started seeing the psychiatrist I recommended. Good for you! Come let me hug you. (Hope u used deodorant.) LoL.

    3. *all I see*
      Let me correct my self before some bitches will come with their yeye suffocating grammar

    4. Asss innnn I thought it was only me that saw it...if all u have is club, party and sure do deserve the type of woman u ve listed above.

  14. I love you Stella,you lack some of this qualities but i still love you; a woman doesn't have to be perfect, we would work together,and build a perfect home together.

    1. What is there to L♥√Řą about stella the nagging bitch? I remain a loyal LIB.

    2. So what are you doing here,idiotic bufoon of an anonymous!Eject,reject and delete yourself from here this instant!...Newbie!

    3. @anon 5:48 beta crase dey ur head...even linda sef go deny u. Mumu

  15. No 6 got me thinking cos i ve been thinking of going natural come 2014 have not retouched my hair for 3months now and any time i bring up the topic with hubby he frowns at it. after reading this i'm running to the saloon tomorrow..

    1. Been wanting to cut my hair but I can't let my bf. Come back and meet some1 else. So I thought to wait till he returns in jan but truth be told I no go cut again after reading this post

  16. Which sane man wil like al wat d writer mentioned???? all dz oyinbo writers r gtin annoying.... *insult me n dye...*

    1. Tie & dye? Olodo!

    2. Hehehehhehe @ insult me n dye....and fear nor let dem insult. So una dey fear to die
      Maybe pj shd try dis too

  17. Stephanie said:

    I agree to certain extent, let say 811/2 percent!

  18. Hi ppl,my girl jst brokeup wit me,she I lik sex 2 much,wat a funny reason 2 breakup,ppl me nd dis girl always see 2wic in a month,she spends a nite each tym she coms nd we mak lov lik 6tym b4 she leaves d nxt day.plz ppl is dat 2 much 4 a. Girl u only c 2wice a month? So nw am confused,is it cos of d sex she brokeup or thers more 2 it.ppl wat do u think?

    1. Blood of Jesus! 6 times in 1 night? #faints... Sorry but you must be a dog...WHAT!

    2. The truth is,u are a Broke Ass nigga.
      Get rich or girls will keep dumping ur ass

    3. Aha aha...bros.....small small naaa...... 6round!!! U want 2 kill her??Lmao

    4. Its too much mr man
      So because you haven't seen her in a month you want to tear her yanshh haba
      I'm happy shr broke up with you, cus after spoiling her yash u myt not marry her
      Haba so you guys do not sleep only fuck fuck fuck tru out

    5. Choooooiiii U be RAMBO. Which breed of dog are you nna?

    6. Its more 3tyms b4 we sleep nd d other 3 b4 she leaves d next day

    7. Its more like 3tyms b4 we sleep nd d other 3 b4 she leaves d nxt day

    8. Mon 30 Dec 2013 even b short short rounds ooo,used to hv a bf dat comes every 1min,and 4 him mind him don do 10rnds under 10mins

  19. Yet they say women are gold diggers. We (most of us) want just love, respect and of course a well to do guy.
    But on a serious note, these points are laughable because guys don't even know what they want, you will be amazed at the things most married men cheat on their wives with. So as I always say, TALK IS CHEAP

    1. "Nwamen" (abi how una dey speak am) U'r ryt girls,nebo etc

  20. Funny enough it swings both ways!
    Women don't like mpatient guys either!nor liars nor pessimist!either Did u just say smelly armpit? Are u shiting me?

    I don't copy and paste my gist.
    And comments are auto comment! No need to wait for approval

    click here

  21. Abeg SDK which one be Attention Hordes again oh! abeg mind your self oh I tire oh Hordes ko Whores ni (I must write in english)

    1. Illiterate!!

    2. Ohh yes. People horde attention. Its attention hording.

  22. All dis 1 is referring 2 club, 4 me wat turns me of in girls, is wearing sista nkiru kinda skirt n top, plus mouth n body odour n dusty legs...

  23. Okay.. Let me wait for the men on this blog to reply *waiting to learn*

  24. Hahahaha so true, some women are not just trying.
    @Dimma pearl

    1. Who re u. I hope ur nt refering 2 me

  25. Nagging, too aggresive like a motor park tout, envy, proud, lazy n d ungodly:::::hate women like dt.

    1. I'm sure that by the time people finish saying what they hate about you, shame no go gree u comot outside again. You hate women dat nag et all, biko are you a man? Wetin concern u wit hating your fellow women if not envy? Women are still their own worst enemies

    2. Hehehehe show thy self coward.

    3. Too aggressive like a motor park tout.....he he reminds me of Yinkuses new alias.

  26. The nagging my soon-to-be-ex-girlfriend

  27. Jus wnt to use dis time to say my mind abt ur looks. Wow, jus recovered from seeing ur pics som weeks bck. No adjective to describe ur looks, saying u are ugly is an understatement. Stella, u are way too ugly, cnt believe u talk abt pples looks, wow. Maybe ur face is a surgery gone wrong cos mehhn, u r damn too ugly. I rest my case. Dnt care if u post it, jus wnt to tel u my mind.

    1. Foolish Coward,Why come under anonymous to cuss her.
      You really need to get your frustrated life together before 2014,or else you will die of bitterness.
      Disgusting dirty asshole,lets see ur mutherfuking rotten gutter face.
      Son/Daughter of a Bitch
      now GO AND DIE
      Amadioha destroy your fingers there...

    2. You will die hating if you can not create a strand of hair. What am I even saying, I pray you die hating if SDK is finer than you or finer than any female in your family, both nuclear and extended

    3. Buahhahahaha It looks like her face caught on fire and someone tried to put it out with a fork

    4. Buahhahahaha It looks like her face caught on fire and someone tried to put it out with a fork

    5. My adive 4 u: Go 2 church nd start prayin 4 urself,cos d bashin u will receive ehn...lemme nt tlk!!! I trust my SDKers

    6. Don't normally comment , but this got me mad. Have you ever created a grain of sand? No course not , don't go about showing off your stupidity to everyone. Of course people are entitled to their opinion , but your comment is purely vindictive !!

  28. Stella my gal, u r balling 2day oo

  29. Hmmmnnnnn that list is not complete.
    I don't fall under any of the above categories.

    1. Yeye anonymous, how is she a liar? Do u know her?
      If u don't believe her then GO AND DIE

  30. The person who compiled this trash lacks any sense of responsibilty. All the reference he used are based on club/party going girls who usually *freestyle*. People like these tend to give their own quack statistics because they fail to broaden their perception about people. That's how a blog visitor said in a recent post that 90% of Nigerian women have done at least one abortion. Hehehe.

    1. The blog visitor might be ALMOST right. Think about it in absolute numbers not percentage. 10% of 60 million leaves about 6 million that haven't done an abortion. That's assuming 60 million women in the country.

  31. Nos 7 to 10 are the worst traits of them all. Sadly, so many women sport them with impunity. With such women, who needs a wife? Who needs a successful marriage?

  32. I have almost 5 of those problems, yet am settled with kids...

    *am out

  33. SDK, dirty underwear, dirty armpits, body odour, too much make up et al are the least of problems cus they can be fixed but a horrible character? Phew! Can't deal.
    My ex fiance was hell,tried to cover her up but she put up her nasty attitude to my friends and family who all kicked against marriage to her if I wanted to stay alive. O girl, I take off o.

  34. The girl in d pic.wateva hapnd to her boobs....slackd,shrinkd,flabby fallen boobs.yuuuuck

  35. Talking too much, being rude, having too many friends.

  36. I ended a relationship 2 days ago b4 I travelled. Not used to being single, I still can't believe it.

    Sorry I'm talking off point my fellow blog members, I'm just... *sigh*

    Stella I passed ur city enroute... Its pretty.

    1. It's well, Nelly.

    2. You've finally achieved your dream of travelling.Congrats but I hope not as sex slave.So you ended a relationship because of your travelling plans! Typical ... Girl

    3. Being single is not a disease dear, don't settle for less

  37. Women who meet you and feel inferior and get that urge to bite you or put you down or boast cos of inferiority. Pretty woman here, so I get that a lot.

  38. 5 out of the 10 things are talking about clubs and clubs...not everyone clubs...ok writer TEN THINGS WOMEN HATE IN MEN:
    1) Stingy Guys
    2) Unshaved armpit
    3) mouth Odour/acidic Breathe.
    4) Drunkard.
    5) Razz/ Prof.Gbagaun..
    6) Kiss n Tell niccur.
    7) too many female friends
    8) tryant. A.k.a Mr.I want it my way.
    9) Stingy Guys AGAIN.
    10) Dirty guys.
    Eehee Kapish?? Oya Take note. Unbehalf of SDK is our list.

    1. You are on point sommie..Nice one.

    2. Chaiii take 5, gbamest comment

    3. Its "On behalf".
      You're welcome.

    4. Wherez d like button?

      Sea Diva!

    5. ur head correct oo jarre

      I also hate guys that dere feet smells

      If dem remove dere shoes eehh,,u no fit stand,,,,,ee smell die


    6. ur head correct oo jarre

      I also hate guys that dere feet smells

      If dem remove dere shoes eehh,,u no fit stand,,,,,ee smell die


    7. ur head correct oo jarre

      I also hate guys that dere feet smells

      If dem remove dere shoes eehh,,u no fit stand,,,,,ee smell die


    8. ur head correct oo jarre

      I also hate guys that dere feet smells

      If dem remove dere shoes eehh,,u no fit stand,,,,,ee smell die


    9. Smelly pussy, smelly ass, smelly armpit, please brush your teeth and take a bath before bed. Please suck some dick, na new millennium we dey so!

    10. @Sommie, I concur!!! Some dudes are not just razz but they are so crass yet they would b forming Tush & fly. Some with their very poor diction sometimes be forming I know English more than u 2d chica they are conversing with(sometimes when they speak or write u'd b wondering if they ever held a Pencil or Pen or Paper or ever went 2 secondary school let alone Uni.

  39. Different strokes for different folks.
    Some men might just love some of these in their women

  40. Some people should remove the big wood in their eyes before removing the dot in other women's eyes. As if you aren't negative. Oponu ode.

  41. *Women who expect/demand so much from a guy.
    *Ladies on low cut....gosh!what were u thinkn?
    *A proud lady.
    *Women wid ''i dn't care attitude..

    1. Wats wrong wit ladies being on low cut. Well dts my signature and am not ready to trade it for anything rite now.

  42. Anon#43, you forgot to add guys that brag a lot......
    To the topic,I am only guilty of being impatience when it comes to waiting for someone..

  43. I have been natural for over 2 years now and loving it. My hubby hated initially, especially when I had a TWA(teeny weeny afro). My hair is slightly past shoulder length now and hubby has fallen in love with it. Be patient, don't perm/relax it, instead use weaves until you gain some length .You can still be natural and look hawt. There's a gazillion hair gurus on you tube that are super helpful. Good luck!

    1. My hair refused to grow ooo pls help what should I do?? I got angry and cut it still no improvement

    2. Eat more protein. Leave rice and garri alone. Enjoy chicken fish meat egg.

    3. Hi Anonymous 8:49 I have some advice:

      1. Hair is a living thing so it is ALWAYS growing. The trick is retaining the length once it grows. You wont think your hair is growing if the ends keep breaking off..
      2. Our hair is prone to dryness so it is important to moisturize your hair a few times a week, if not daily. Remember: water and water based products are moisturizers. Oil is a sealant NOT a moisturizer.
      3. Condition- this is just as important as moisturizing. Conditioners add moisture and also help with breakage/ split ends and help to make/keep the hair soft.
      4. Leave in conditioners- after you're done washing your hair you always need to put the moisture back in it with a good leave in.
      5. Shampoo-I prefer to use sulfate free shampoo. Right now I use our very own dudu osun black soap bc all the ingredients are natural!!! It does have lime and lemon in it which some people dont like but I only shampoo my hair about once a month so I dont mind.
      6. Oils- oils such as oilve oil, castor, coconut, almond and jojoba are really good for natural hair. Play around with different oils to see what works best for your hair.
      7. Protective styling-a protective style is any style that protects your ends which are the most fragile part of your hair. If you want to retain growth this is a must! Our hair retains length when it is NOT constantly being manipulated. In nigeria we like to fix our hair every week. This is a BIG NO NO. If you fix a weave on, leave it on for at least 4 weeks. You can still wash and condition your hair during that time but its important to let your hair just be. Same thing with braids.
      8. I only comb my hair when it is damp and has conditioner in it. The conditioner loosens the tangles a bit before you go through with a comb. I also have been using my fingers more to detangle because my fingers can feel knots that a comb cannot.

      Sorry this is quite long but I hope this helps!!! !Kissess

  44. too much of makeup freak me out.,,,,i hate dem makeup
    Cant a woman just ne natural for once......



  45. Pls where is @galore? I miss her comments oh

  46. No one is perfect, even the writer of the article isn't.

  47. Fantastique Topic, but the articulation . . . Not explicit enough

  48. Oh! shut up u silly slimy skunky mouth! lets see your pic, Monalisa gone wrong, Ewu Gambia.

  49. 1 dirty boxers
    2 unshaved crotch
    3 clit biter
    4 belching guys

  50. Number one turn off is a woman with a foul mouth not foul as in mouth odour oh foul as in the words coming out of your mouth. Nigerian women are experts in this department it's like they were taught that you have to use abusive language to pass your point across that is the only way people will hear you. What you present when you use foul language is lack of decorum, no home training etc people loose respect for you so fast the moment you add obscenities to your grammar. Most people who use foul language are so insecure in so many ways it hurts.

  51. Ochi atogbuolam...
    Nsogbu di kwa.
    Stella nwanyi di uto...jisike

  52. Women HATE
    (1). Womanisers! So if ur woman is nagging check yourself bro.
    (2).Stingy men! Akah glue! Aradite. How do u prove u love ur woman when u don't spoil her with money & gifts.
    Remember: u can give without loving but u can't love without giving.
    (3).Proud,Pompous,Arrogant dudes: women don't like dudes who claim 2b mega bois wen in d real sense u are some broke ass nigga. U go all out of ur way,buy expensives cars,expensive clothes without any savings in ur bank account incase of rainy day.
    (4).Low life/trashy guys: Money can buy u Fame but it can't buy u class.some dudes are so classless and would settle 4 any kinda chica even d ones way below their standard all becos of sex.
    (5).Dudes on every social network: we don't like randy men who scavenge all social media's in d search of some loose chica's on d run looking 4 men 2 devour.
    (6)Family Oriented: women do not like who are not family oriented care less bout their parents & siblings.
    (7)Lazy ass men: women do not like men who just pose in d dining seats,have their meals served 2 them,they eat without helping 2 clear d dish when they are done. They don't help their women with chores or atleast gist with her(keep her company)when she's busy in d kitchen.
    (8).Prospects: women do not like men who do not invest & Plan 4 the future,all they do is spend their money hanging out,partying,clubbing,drinking. All in d name of being hailed "chairman or big boy"
    (9).Alan posers: men who pretend 2b what they are not. Some men rent 2 bedroom apartment with their friends & they Pay the rent together,but they would b posing its their crib they are only helping a friend in need out by allowing him have one room 2 himself.
    (10).Leeches: these ones only go insearch of chica's from wealthy or comfy homes,so they'd b giving them money.

    1. Lastly; Abusive men: the ones that have the default insecurity of wanting to control and manipulate people ( especially their women; because na only that one their power sabi reach) excessively. Whether, physically, financially emotionally et'al

  53. Ist time here.. N im luvn errybit of it.. Sommie my namesake hi five' abegi..loool....

  54. anonymous 8.55 You got it spot on! were is the like button! and sommie too! u guys nailed it

  55. Didn't fall in any of diz categories! Stella I guess u shld include ladies dat r nt into sex alwaz,can turn her man off.

  56. My number one turn off is Women with foul mouth...what we call "onu ojo" in igbo...Many Nigerian women sit down and study dor badd words and @ d slightest provocation unleash hell on others with their mouth and I hate it lyk muaad..and its not lyk there are baad as they potray..its just cultural crassness..ibelibe..its lyk there are in a competition for who has d deadliest word bombs..its a BIGGG turn off for many men

  57. you got me laughing so hard, I asked myself what happened,.


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