Stella Dimoko CYNHAMS CAKES....Delivery On Demand!...Try It Out This Christmas.


Sunday, December 22, 2013

CYNHAMS CAKES....Delivery On Demand!...Try It Out This Christmas.

I am into baking of all kinds of quality cakes; birthday, wedding, cup cakes, christmas cakes, meatpie, chinchin etc here in Abuja. I also take orders from people residing outside Abuja  who want to send a birthday or any kind of cake to their loved one living here. 
My cakes are baked fresh on demand and various flavours like Coconut, Banana, carrot, fruit, rum, chocolate, strawberry, vanilla, pineapple, red velvet etc are available.

I deliver cakes to any location in Abuja.

My phone no are  07034794947 , 08052874411.(call and whatsapp)


  1. Woooow..rili lovely cakes, , buh I prefer butter icing to fondant. Tnkz for d info stella

    1. Whaaaaaaat!!!!! Just saw this now. Thank you so much Stella

      You have given me the greatest Xmas gift.
      Am soooooooooooo happy.
      Thank you.


    2. Wasup mzflambo,u no longer active on twitter!why?

    3. still active dere ooo, jst read peepos tweet buh dont tweet.

    4. Less is more,cakes are too busy for my liking,but they are lovely

    5. Sorry I don't mean to knock ur hustle, but d finishing on ur cakes is terrible! Especially d borders

    6. Miss cynhams. It's nice to see photo of some butter iced cakes. No be everybody gbadun fondant. Well done. Mam.

  2. Don't u bake Louis vuitton and chanel cakes, plus makeup and louboutin shoes design?

    1. I do. My bag cake pic is on my blog.
      I bake what a client wants. I suggest to them though but eventually its what a client wants you give them.

    2. Dear Cynhams Cake, forget all these people forming voltron for you. Improve on your skills. Accept criticism. Only a friend that loves you will tell you your mouth stinks. Frenemies will say it doesn't but will laugh at your smelly mouth behind your back. Next time u wanna showcase, showcase your best. I once noticed a bakers page on FB, her cakes are exquisite, and I just couldn't stop looking at the pictures. So dear, improve, God bless your hustle.

    3. True talk am also a baker good job dear try tone down your color and less detall ..all the same good job God bless you

    4. Cynhams nyc job. A caterer 2

  3. Wow, nice cakes. Why are you not in lagos? Anyway, all the best.

  4. Waoo this is beautiful!
    You will get a call from me soon...
    God bless your hustle!

  5. The sight of these cakes is making feel hungry for them. I am interested they will be needed for my wedding anniversary. Will call.

  6. Honestly,this cakes are lovely..wish u stays in kids and 1 loves chocolate cakes...may God bless your hustle..wil tell my abj friends abt you

    1. **these cakes*****



    2. 'My kids and I "LOVE" cake not "loves" cake. How many of your Abj friends have u called yet. Look at you forming mrs. Nice. Ndewo!

    3. If you want to correct me,be bold enough to use a name...keep correcting,na you go tire...foolish anonymous,why don't you use your perfect writting skills to BETTER your low lives..please stop wasting it on LINDA EZE...I have stoped replying anonymous people like you..don't even know why am doing these..

    4. Smelly mouth so called linda eze. That's your real name abi. Ekwensu! Bush meat.

    5. Mumu linda. Its doing 'this' not 'these'. Keep displaying your mumuness. I'm here for u today. Linda eze ko, agbaya ni.

    6. Doing this not these lol

  7. Do u do burial cakes?.................T

    1. Yes she does..on ur burial she will do a very lovely cake.*winks

    2. Yes she does! Are you going to die anytime soon?
      Mtchwwwwwww foolish question coming from a stupid fellow

    3. Anon 12:37PM, Burial cakes in ur village abi??

    4. Burial cake ke????? Na who go cut am, the dead person abi him family? Na wa o. E get as e be o

    5. Can u bake coffin?.......T

    6. Lol! Are you sick? Wayray leleyi ke. Coffin bawo? Better check yourself into a mental institution. Don't commit suicide oh.

    7. Funny T. @Cynhams: keep it up.

    8. Lmaooooo! You guys wnt kill me..

  8. Ugly designs its soo rough

    1. Exactly! I bake cakes as well and can c d roughness and hideousness, too much colour. Less is more, I beg

    2. Too much design, cakes too busy
      Please simplify and they will look classier.
      Advice from the heart, God bless.

    3. @Cynhams cakes, pls ignore these stupid anonymous. They will die of envy. Your cake is perfect!
      God bless your hustle once again!

    4. Bad Belle, bake ur own and send to Stella.

    5. @anonymous, u can't spoil her hustle. You are so pained, if u think u are better, don't hide under anonymous. Anyone that reads ur comment won't take u serious cause nobody here knows u or your cakes.

    6. Cy u jst won my respect n admiration wit ur reply...buh I don't stay in abj wda loved 2 order. Soon though
      Nice one girl

    7. Dear Cynhams Cake, forget all these people forming voltron for you. Improve on your skills. Accept criticism. Only a friend that loves you will tell you your mouth stinks. Frenemies will say it doesn't but will laugh at your smelly mouth behind your back. Next time u wanna showcase, showcase your best. I once noticed a bakers page on FB, her cakes are exquisite, and I just couldn't stop looking at the pictures. So dear, improve, God bless your hustle.

    8. @Abigail, praise and criticisms are part of business growth ooooooo. If people dont tell me my mistakes and where i should improve on, how will i know how to improve myself? Am really happy with everything being said here. I sure know that i will do better in the Cake (s) i will bake next.
      So let the criticisms and corrections keep pouring in. I need them jare.

  9. I'm not here to make you feel bad,but your cakes look somehow,too many colours sometimes less is more,maybe you should google cake designs and do some butter icing designs too.I wouldve othered to support your business but I stay in lagos.

    1. Exactly what I said above, to the trained eye, it looks rough and the colouring is too much.

  10. Warm up against 15th April . Would be for someone close to my heart.

    1. Cy u jst won my respect n admiration wit ur reply...buh I don't stay in abj wda loved 2 order. Soon though
      Nice one girl

    2. @Abigail, praise and criticisms are part of business growth ooooooo. If people dont tell me my mistakes and where i should improve on, how will i know how to improve myself? Am really happy with everything being said here. I sure know that i will do better in the Cake (s) i will bake next.
      So let the criticisms and corrections keep pouring in. I need them jare.

      @Stella, thanks once again.

  11. Warm up against 15th April . Would be for someone close to my heart.

  12. Warm up against 15th April . Would be for someone close to my heart.

  13. phrinkies long time i see u comment ,was thinking if na tony dey or what is he called dey threaten u,tony the dreamer,lovely cakes you got ,God bless your hustle jarreh

  14. Why is she not in Lagos? Don't we have better bakeries here in Lag? Try cakes and cream. Perfection at its best.

  15. I really prefer butter to fondant cos I luv eating icing and this fondant doesn't melt easily in the mouth. Lovely cakes though.

  16. Why is she not in Lagos? To be honest i have never seen uglier cakes. Looks like something my six year old niece baked. Don't we have better bakeries here in Lag? Try cakes and cream. Perfection at its best.

    1. Fool! I guess u work for cakes and cream. You are just a fool with a bitter and soured soul. And you will die of Envy cos these cakes are beautiful.

    2. People learn everyday.that doesn't mean you shouldn't say the truth but say it in a nice way.learn to warmly correct and support people not making them feel bad.I can hazard a guess that you can't bake a single thing neither do you have a talent.lest I forget you don't even have a are unknown.

      CYnhams Dear keep it up you will definitely improve make use of any observation noted by the so called trained eyes and someday soon they will wish to have a taste of your talent

    3. CYnhams Dear keep it up you will definately improve make use of any observation noted by the so called trained eyes and someday soon they will wish to have a taste of your talent

    4. Its either u work @ cakes n cream or u r just being plain rude. Must u comment? Silly ass moda4ka. Just waka pass n swallow ur rotten comment. D woman dey dere dey make money, u dey here dey abuse her. Na dere u go tire. #sicko.

    5. Have u ever heard of constructive criticism, google it then grow up..

      Baker, I live in abj but will be spending christmas in Lag, will sure patronise u but ease up on the decorations and am hoping ur cakes are tasty too

    6. Thanks y'all. @ANON 5:55, please save my contact details.
      ............and yes, my cakes are tasty. That am 100% sure of. You can come back here and trash me seriously if i mess up (lol).

  17. 'Don't even know why I'm doing this' not 'Don't even know by I'm doing these' Linda Eze take note.

  18. Must pipo hate, jes support, advice or read n don't comment, Nywaiz, good job dear, jes improve to pecfection

  19. Please what's with all the beef!! These cakes are far from ugly, yes the designs are a little too much, true!!! But she is good @ sugar craft and there always room for improvement!! FYI cakes and cream is not all that!! Nice work dear @ cynhams cake!

  20. Cynhams please u need to perfect ur designs and decor skills. Try to watch cake boss on dstv or better still go to a school for cake craft.What u have up there is too much to the eyes.Lacks finesse.I pray God bless ur hustle

    #woke up in my brandnewbugatti#

    1. Just like your name, you have spoken like a mother.
      I will work more on my finishing and decorations since that is where the complaints are coming from.
      Thanks @anon 3pm for the observations.

  21. Is it too late to order cake for xmas?Pks let me kw

    1. Its not late at all. As am typing this, some cakes that were ordered for (via this blog) are baking right now to be delivered on Tuesday for xmas.

    2. Hi.we all started from somewhere.......The bottom actually,we all made terrible cakes at some point but that's what leads to perfection.focus on your finishing, and try to make your cakes look less busy.

  22. Try to give constructive criticism,at least she is not just sitting down expecting money to come....she has said she will improve.Besides its not only cakes and cream that make good cakes,there are so many places in lagos.

  23. Pple r just cruel seeking 2 make pple feel less abt demselves n wat dey do....dis lady bakes cakes n does oda confectionary,she's working,hussling legally yet sum pple hide unda anonymous 2 criticise her negatively,if u must criticise,do dat objectively n positively...I dnt undastnd d nid sum pple av 2 subject oda pple 2 unnecessary hate! Well done Cynham cakes et all....remember....dnt let negativity get 2 u,kip on improving,no1's perfect!u wil get dere!God bless ur hussle! N if by any chance I av nid for cakes n all,be sure to knw dat I wuld kip u in mind.take d criticism u nid n flush out dose u dnt nid,KIP UR HEAD UP!

  24. Why do ppl hate what doesn't affect them, na una go know which cake sweet pass abi which one ugly, must yall comment? Support her hustle or PASS! Cynham at least ur hardworking and have a source of living, that I envy. With time you'd reach d top, everybody started somewhere. God ur bless ur hustle. Stella thanks for supporting blog visitors, may God bless n enrich u.

  25. Thumbs up dear!!!! You can only get better.

    1. Yes ooooooo. Infact i don charge. I will be mindful of every single details. Will watch more videos on cake decors.

  26. Ode! Cakes and creams ke.....u r too local and behind pls try araba's!

  27. Nice,ignore bad belle people. Perfection comes with time.

  28. Those Ø̶̷̩̥̊͡Ƒ̶̷̩̥̊͡ us dat stays outside Abj dat lyks ўoŮr cake,ђã†̥ wil we do. i really lyk dem.

    1. Am touched........ thanks for liking my cake and the desire to patronize me. God bless you.

  29. @ cynham's cake , really appreciate and respect d way uve responded to criticism............ u strike me as a pleasant person, will definitly patronize u

    1. Cynham it is obvious you have been well brought up and you kept to that training. I'm very sure that this business will flourish because you have the right attitude.Btw,are you single?you are the kind of lady I want to be friends with.

  30. Mehn that Red Cake is Ugly! luks like a Cannivorous plant

  31. Cynhams, do not mind all these your voltrons, no one has said anything too bad. @least u now know your shortcomings and thereby you can improve on it.
    God bless ur hustle dear.- desire

  32. Lovely! Would have ordered but u are far away. Will do Chocolate Royale, it's closer. Meanwhile I love dem colors...pleasant in d eye...EEE!!!

  33. You have talent, it just needs some refinement. the first hurdle is actually baking a cake that TASTES good. One of my mum's friends, is an excellent sugar crafter, but her cakes are a wet, fruity mess. I come from a family of bakers, and will email you some links for tutorials you can rad and watch. may your blessings continue.

  34. Amen, Amen, Amen. You just said it all.

  35. I just sent you two links. they should say "Cake decorating tutorials" in the subject line.

  36. Don't mention it, I hope the links are helpful.


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