Stella Dimoko YOU CAN BE WHOLE AGAIN By Apostle Anselm Madaubuko


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Monday, November 25, 2013

YOU CAN BE WHOLE AGAIN By Apostle Anselm Madaubuko

''Then they that were in the ship came and worshipped Him, saying, “Of a truth thou art the Son of God”. And when they had gone over, they came into the land of Gennesaret. And when the men of that place had knowledge of Him they sent out into the country round about and brought to Him all that were diseased; and besought Him that they might only touch the helm of His garment. And as many as touched Him were made perfectly whole.  -  Matthew 14: 33-36''

It is important to understand the picture of what the Bible paints in the scripture quoted above. These people so believed in Jesus that they said to Him: Just sit down, let us touch you. And as many as touched Him were healed of all their diseases and problems and needs.
We all have needs, but the most important need is salvation. You may have money, name and fame. Everything may be going for you, but if you do not have salvation, you do not really have anything. That is why the Bible asks that what shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul? If you do not have salvation, at the end of this life, you will lose your soul and go to hell.

My prayer for you, dear friend, is that you reach out and touch Jesus. You may not be able to touch Him physically, but you can touch Him by faith. Though He is not here physically, He is here by faith. He says, “Lo I am with you always.” Wherever you are , He is right there with you. If you can reach out today and touch Him, that will be the first step to the end of your misery, confusion, doubts and whatever the devil has planned against you. The devil has plans for everybody. He wants to steal, kill and destroy you.

But Jesus said, “I have come that you may have life and have it more abundantly.” The plan of the devil is evil. But God says, “The thoughts that I think towards you are thoughts of good and not of evil; to bring you to an expected end.” Also the thoughts of the devil towards us are thoughts of evil to bring us to a disastrous end. There are two forces that are daily at work. One is against us and the other is for us.

How do we overcome the force working against us? It is through the name of Jesus Christ. The Bible says that God has given Him a name that is above every name, and that at the name of Jesus, every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. It is only through Jesus that we can get total victory over the power of sin and the power of Satan.

“As many as touched Him were made perfectly whole.” You may not be physically sick; but the greatest sickness is the sickness of the soul  – when your soul is cut off from God. At the Garden of Eden, when Adam sinned, we were cut off from God. The Bible says that the soul that sins shall die. When the sin of Adam cut us off, God sent His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, that through the death, the burial and the resurrection of Jesus Christ, we shall be reconnected to God, if we believe. That is why we can now gain mastery and victory over the power of sin and satan. That is how we can gain total victory over evil and over all the power that hell has released and unleashed against us.

How do we do it? We have to reach out by faith to touch Him and call upon His name. The Bible says that as many as call upon His name shall be saved. There is hope through Christ.
“As many as touched Him…” It is dangerous to live life without a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. The truth is that it is just by the grace of God that you are still out there without Him. Today, you are getting the word of salvation. Do not let this opportunity pass without totally surrendering your life to Him.

“As many as touched Him…” If you can reach out to Him, He will touch you back. He will give you peace and joy and rest. If you are sick in your body, He will heal you. But the most important healing is the healing of your soul. For as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons (and daughters) of God.  John 1:12

Today is your day of salvation. What I am saying to you through this column is about Christ Jesus, not about any church. Through Jesus you can receive salvation and forgiveness of sin. Blessed is the man whose sins are forgiven and in whom the Lord imputed no sin. Salvation is the greatest miracle and it is obtained only through the name of Jesus Christ.
Friends, there is hope for us. Is your marriage about to be broken by the forces of darkness? Is your business going down? Is your mind being taken by the devil? Do you sense that the devil is just ahead of you? 

You need not go to any native doctor or spiritualist. You need not burn candles or incense or kill animals to make sacrifice. Those things are a waste of time and they are lies of the devil to further compound your problems. Satan does not have the ability to do anything that is good. Even if he gives you anything, he is bound to take it back. If he gives you one, he will take it and add three more problems to you. So, you do not need to go to the devil for anything through any native doctor or spiritualist. You can know Jesus wherever you are and then be a better person. All you need to do is: confess your sins, repent and God will forgive you.

No matter how hard you have tried on your own, you still do not have the ability without Jesus. From the scripture in Matthew 14, we see that help is not far. “As many as touched Him were made perfectly whole.” If you give your life fully to Jesus, I promise you perfect wholeness  in your spirit, soul and body. Then, it begins to affect your whole life,  your business, your marriage, academics, etc. The Bible says you shall be saved with your house. It is a total package of restoration, deliverance, salvation; but basically and most importantly, salvation. It is all about the love of God that is beyond comprehension.

If you make up your mind now to accept Jesus, then say this prayer:
Lord Jesus, be merciful unto me, a sinner. I have read Your word and I come by faith to touch You. I believe in my heart that You died for me. I confess Your Lordship. Be my Lord and my Saviour. From this moment, I say yes to You and I say no to the devil. Amen

Heaven is rejoicing because of you, if you truly gave your life to Christ. Know that God will never leave you nor forsake you.

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