Stella Dimoko FIBROID.....Tell Us About Your Experience.


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Monday, November 04, 2013

FIBROID.....Tell Us About Your Experience.

We all know what fibroid is and we all know that google has all the answers but what google cannot tell us is your personal experience.

When I hear or read that someone died from having fibroid,the shock and questions come pouring in...some women are told they cannot conceive unless their fibroid is cut off,some have theirs cut off right after giving birth.....what happens to those who cannot afford the medical procedure?Is there any local herbs that shrinks fibroid?

So many women are suffering from fibroid and some do not even know,they miss the signs and take it as an everyday occurrence or stomach pain.....Do you have unusual sharp pains?you should be worried,you know!

Its not easy being a woman is it?have you had fibroid?do you have now and the doctors have told you all the reasons why it shouldn't be cut off? Some woman went abroad to check hers and was told its lying too dangerous to be touched,she went back to Nigeria sad because it was blocking conception,her Doctor told her he could do it,he did but she died from internal bleeding.

Whats your situation?do the tablets prescribed to shrink it really help or worsen the situation?

Tell us your orthodox/un-orthodox route of getting rid of it.


Google Your friend says....

In women who have symptoms, the most common symptoms of uterine fibroids include:
  • Heavy menstrual bleeding
  • Prolonged menstrual periods — seven days or more of menstrual bleeding
  • Pelvic pressure or pain
  • Frequent urination
  • Difficulty emptying your bladder
  • Constipation
  • Backache or leg pains
When to see a doctor
See your doctor if you have:
  • Pelvic pain that doesn't go away
  • Overly heavy or painful periods
  • Spotting or bleeding between periods
  • Pain consistently with intercourse
  • Enlarged uterus and abdomen
  • Difficulty emptying your bladder

Seek prompt medical care if you have severe vaginal bleeding or sharp pelvic pain that comes on suddenly.


  1. Stella,u'r d best.this is a very important topic.i await all d replies n i'l come back n comment on my own experience

    1. Had my babies this year and was told I had a small sized fibroid doctors in house please enlighten me does this mean a thing?

    2. I had fibroid, was diagonised when i relocated to nigeria. The doctors said i can never concieve ., i came back to england and my gp said i can have kids even without taking it out. I opted for having an operation, i have beaitiful 2 and half old daughter. Most times people die, its cos of an operation gone wrong. Tablets, drugs, drinks and co cant shrink it. You only kill ur organs when u take all these. Visit a gp and get the best treatment as possible. Two out of 5 black women have fibroid. It is more common within thw black and asian community

    3. Fyi , its not something to be ashamed of.

    4. I found out I had fibriod when I was 21. Then I was still in uni and I went in for my annual pap test and the doctors cld swear I was pregnant. I went for an ultra sound and it was fibroid tumors. I was told that if I want to have kids I should have them within the next 2 yrs.

      4 yrs down the line I graduated school and moved back to Nigeria. The first doctor I went to just looked at me n guessed i had the fibroid. He also mentioned its affecting my fertility and needs to be removed. I ended up removing 14 fibroid tumors.

      After the operation I can't remember when last my stomach felt so flat and I felt so light. 4 months after the operation I got pregnant.

      My bf and I were already tlking about marriage bt we were so not ready for this pregnancy but when I told my parents they were surprisingly very supportive and didn't get angry cos of the pregnancy.

      Anyway at my first ultrasound last month. The doctor said I have little fibriods growing back already. So annoying. I know I can never go through that operation again. It was the hardest time of my life and I had a few complications from the surgery.

      At the end of the day our baby is a blessing and I can't wait to give birth. We will be tying the knot after the baby is born.

      Fibroid itself does not kill. Depending on the location it can cause complications during pregnancy or affect fertility or press on important organs (mine pressed on my bladder). Just be cautious and monitor its growth. There are actually a lot of ways to get rid of it these days without the operation but the operation is best if you want to get pregnant after. I think after my second child I will take out my womb completely. Thats the only way to get rid of it permanantly. Wish every other ladies out there with fibriod good luck.

  2. Waiting 4 comments to roll in while on a date with Tony..... Stella, thanx 4 dis post. I really av a lot to learn. Oya over to u guys......

  3. Stella thanks so much for bringing out this topic. I am 41 years old, just got married and planning to have children. I have been battling with uterine fibroid for the last 5 years, at first all my thinking was just heavy period, then heavy period with unstoppable clots then bleeding that lasted up to 10 days. I did surgery here in Texas last year Sep. The bleeding still continues with the previous symptoms. Now, am getting ready for another surgery on Nov 12. This is insane. I am hoping to read from others, may be I can find alternatives... Thanks so much and God bless u.

    1. Please take cod liver oil ( 3 table spoons day 1. And I spoon subsequently) it worked for me. I hope it helps.

  4. Hi Stella, I have a condition called ENDOMETRIOSIS, incurable and much more serious than Fibroid. It is often misdiagnosed and I wish you to open a forum so that we can talk about this disease.

    1. I am a fellow sufferer. Have ovarian cysts and several operations . Trying acupuncture and Chinese medicine now . How are you coping?

    2. Have the same and the doctor even suggested cutting of d womb if i cant bear the pains during my period and another told me she was going to put me on pills that will make me have menopause for 6 months, i was only 30 then and never born, God forbid!!! both doctors were in Germany, so i called my mum, i travelled back to Nigeria and we went to a woman that massages the womb, she massaged the wombs, put some herbs in there and gave me something to add in my tea, believe me i had no more pains, no more blood clots, my period lasted only 5 days instead of the 7-9 days for 2 years until it started again, so i went to a doctor again some months ago when it started again,who confirmed i was perfectly ok.
      I remembered the woman adviced me not carry anything heavy because it pushes down my womb, makes the blood not flow freely and when the blood doesn't flow easily, it clots and causes pain. But recently i have been carrying very heavy things as i am moving to a new apartment so this might be the cause as my doctor says i am ok. I think i have to travel back soon for another massage though and complete my second treatment.
      Well to cut long story short, i was suppose to go back for the second treatment but she told me after the second treatment anything i did unprotected would lead to pregnancy but as i was going thru divorce, i saw no need to go back for second treatment.the same woman told my sister she had fibroid even before doctors told her and gave her herbal medicine to take before her operation, Thank God, my sister is ok and has a baby too
      I normally don't believe in stuff like this but this experience changed all that.

    3. Wow! Do guys have kids?

    4. Babes , those pills for menopause are just to stop your period for some time so the endometriosis can stop growing. An example is zoladex. It's because during your period, patches of endometriosis also respond to hormones produced by menstration. Hence, it "sheds " endometrial tissue outside the womb on other organs e.g bladder, bowel etc. If there's no period, this will stop. That's why it's recommended that one shd get pregnant ASAP
      The irony though is that it's extremely difficult to get pregnant with the disease! It's a vicious circle. I've been battling the disease for 10 years. Surgeries haven't helped hence acupunture

    5. Anon 4:19, i beg you in God's name. Pls give us the contact of the woman that massged your womb please. If you can't drop it here, kindly send to stella so those of us that need it can get it from her. Bless your heart

    6. Anon 5:20. Same thing my doctors told me.
      To stop my period and get pregnant as soon as possible.

    7. @ Anon 2.29. Its hard but I'm trying my best. I've had surgeries and I am currently on clinical menopause for 6 months. After that I'll have a physical assessment and try having kids. Praying hard and keeping my fingers crossed. Meanwhile, hows the Chinese Medicine working out for you?

  5. There is this chinese herbal tea that I've seen work perfectly for two women. The fibroid was completely flushed out, and they were able to conceive afterwards. One of them has two kids now. I can't remember the name right now...will comment again wen I do.

    1. What's the name?

    2. I called the woman this afternoon, she gave me d number of the person that helped her with it. 08161673922 *Elder Christopher*... She said he's an Elder with RCCG so pls you guys should be respectful when calling him, and don't call at night.

  6. Thanks Stella for raising core issues that trouble ladies and for giving us the latitude of expression. I am a doctor and a Christian (by the Grace of God). There is one question I always asked ladies who had come to me and had the diagnosis of "fibroid" made (leomyoma uteri) and that is: how many times have you aborted baby? Their answer are usually yes and many times. Then the solution question; Have you repented (mourned, humbled yourself with fasting before God) for those kids you killed? When they do, the results are usually positive. They are healed both in spirit and body. Beloved; fear God, spare the babies and spare yourselves of sorrows. Read the medical researches here;
    Abortions; post abortions researches (risks); complications-related-to-abortion/

    And the word of God; "Whoever sheds human blood, by humans shall their blood be shed; for in the image of God has God made mankind. Genesis 9:6
    If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. 9If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. 10If we claim we have not sinned, we make him out to be a liar and his word is not in us. 1 John 1:8

    1. With all due respect sir, fibroids don't result from abortions! As a matter of fact the usual saying is "Good girls get fibroids, bad girls get pregnant"! It can be taken care of surgically. If really small, can allow conception. The only real cure is hysterectomy(removal of the uterus)...but only people who have completed their family size prefer to do this. Thanks

    2. Oh pls anon 12:33, its not bcos 1 has aborted dat dey hav fibriods. I haven't had any abortion done. So b4 talkin do ur research well and don't say wat u don't know. OK

    3. I know of a virgin in her 30's who has it. Abortion obviously isn't the primary cause.

    4. I have never had abortion in my life and the doctor says I have it

    5. I am a doctor. Abortions are not the cause of fibroids, infact fibroids grow more on 'virgin' wombs.
      Please feel free to preach as much as you like but do not confuse people because you want to help them.

    6. Sorry but who gave u your MD degree, I am 28, had a surgery two years ago to remove fibroids n am a virgin. Go get a refund

    7. Oh please! I am a Dr in the US and a sold out Christian, also a mother of an infant, and I have several fibroids, mostly subserosal, outside the womb! I have never had an abortion so please do not spread this notion. As a physician you should be sharing peer reviewed journal articles and not websites. Please don't help encourage people's ignorance, talk about the different types of fibroids and how common it is among black people!

    8. This is a very silly and uneducative conclusion. I'm a 27 year old virgin and I've been battling with it for two years now. So please doctor know all, tell me when I had the abortion. Sometimes I feel like killing myself because this is becoming too much for me to bear. I've taken different herbs and I'm still taking it. I almost married the wrong man because of my fear of it. I just don't know what to do anymore. I'm tired of this life. You practice abstinence, its wahala again and my conscience will not let me have premarital sex. God please help me. This trial is becoming too much for me.

    9. Oh shut up. You are no doctor!!!!! It's annoying how people come on here saying "I'm a doctor" and then negate it with opinions that shouldn't come out of a baby's mouth. Next thing you will say breast cancer is related to abortions when in fact, these reproductive problems are sometimes more prevalent in women with no pregnancy history.
      If you want to preach, preach but leave out false and judgmental crap like you wrote above. It's because of people like you that Nigeria stalls because you fuel ignorance using religion.

    10. Chop knuckle!! U sound like my sister by the way

    11. How can you say you are a doctor and stand bold to say that Abortion is the cause of fibroid. You need help. I have been devastated learning that I have 3 fibroids in my body and I am wondering where they came from. All the symptoms listed I experience none. My tommy isn't big too but I have fibroid and I have been feeling really bad. Good girls will be having such challenges and the bad girls will be moving around freely. Life is unfair.

  7. Thanks Stella for raising core issues that trouble ladies and for giving us the latitude of expression. I am a doctor and a Christian (by the Grace of God). There is one question I always asked ladies who had come to me and had the diagnosis of "fibroid" made (leomyoma uteri) and that is: how many times have you aborted baby? Their answer are usually yes and many times. Then the solution question; Have you repented (mourned, humbled yourself with fasting before God) for those kids you killed? When they do, the results are usually positive. They are healed both in spirit and body. Beloved; fear God, spare the babies and spare yourselves of sorrows. Read the medical researches here;
    Abortions; post abortions researches (risks); complications-related-to-abortion/

    And the word of God; "Whoever sheds human blood, by humans shall their blood be shed; for in the image of God has God made mankind. Genesis 9:6
    If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. 9If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. 10If we claim we have not sinned, we make him out to be a liar and his word is not in us. 1 John 1:8
    DR. B.C

    1. You are a very fake doctor! What has fibroid got to do with abortion ? You probably failed out from medicine and ur here claiming doctor...fibroid even occurs more in women who have not conceived.olodo!

    2. Don't mind her. I initially wanted to respond but l know Stella wouldn't post it becos it wd be unprintable. . Nonsense.
      Ladies , pls ignore fraudsters that use God's name and seek help from REAL professionals!

    3. It even occurs in virgins. here's a saying "fibriod grows in idle womb"

    4. Anonymous 12:33 you may hold the certificate but you aren't a doctor even in the eyes of God,I am also a Bible believing Christian and a medical doctor by Gods grace,you just misled people both medically and spiritually and I hope you aren't whom m suspecting

  8. My aunty has fibroid but her husband has refused her from having surgery cz he believes she won't have kids afterwards. The other day, she fell in the bathroom and was found in a pool of her blood.... There's no herbal drug she hasn't taken, no church she hasn't been to....hmm, now, we don't know what to do now

    1. Sweetie my frd had her baby immediately after d surgery nd she's a proud mother of two now nd even aborted d 3rd child cos of their financial state, ignorant kills tell ur sister to do wat d doctor says cos if it becos too big it can kill her nd her beloved husband wil marry anoda wife#gbam#

    2. when she dies, her husband will marry another woman within 12 months. No be lie. A woman that truly loves his wife will explore options for her cure.

  9. i have them and i am just in my mid 20s, was diagnosed in july, meanwhile it was abdominal pains on my right side that took me to the hospital, where it was discovered that i had ovarian cyst, was about 5cm and the fibroids too. The ovarian cyst has gone but i still visit my gynae regularly. as for the fibroids, i am trying to manage them, i have down eating alot of food high in oestrogen that makes them grow. trying out holistic approach. moringa and turmeric are anti tumor spices that can help to stop the growth and shrink them until they disappear. dont think cause you are in your 20s you cant have them, some teenagers even have them. see your gynae!!!

    1. Yeah, wen I was in secondary schl, my junior about 15yrs had it...I pity d small girl shaa

    2. 7 out of 10 women have is prevalent in espically in black women, cut down on oily foods, fast foods, keep your liver and kidney clean. It could be hereditry as welll, 2 of my aunties have them. 1 recently started taking sum chinese medicine and her tummy is coming down.

    3. I had a surgery early dis year,feb 26th precisely and the fibroid measured 15cm! It was massive. God saved me. I was pregnant at d time and d doctors told me I had to take off the baby cos there was no chance it would grow,and dat it was harmful to me. It hurt cos i was alrdy attached to my 3months baby especially as I hadn't taken in for the past five years. I had constant constipation,indigestion,heavy menstrual flow,painful sex and heartburn. My tummy was distended like I was pregnant.
      Thank God the surgery was successful. Did it in benin. As I was rolled into the theatre,cos I could barely stay up,i vowed to God to keep me alive. He fulfilled his part. I fulfilled my part. My tummy is flat now. I'm so happym. Each day I thank God. God I thank you. (tears in my eyes)

    4. Its advised u concieve within teo years of having th opeation because the truth is fibroid grows back

  10. I had a very big one -8cm,was diagnosed after I lost a pregnancy in February. A friend then introduced trevor supplement to me,after taking a bottle of trevor ,all those terrible pains stopped. I have been on trevor drink since February,my period used to be 8 whole days,but changed to four days after months on trevor. I have decided to go for a scan at the end of the year and try getting pregnant again.

  11. There are root to shrink down fibroid, but it takes time and patience. I am doing so research on it, because I need to help my fellow women in nailja. Even if you cut it off, fibroid will still come back. God bless all.

  12. Thank you for this Stella. You actually have a way of connecting with people. Bless your soul

    1. without missing words women go through alot. but there was a friend of mine whos mother had fibroid issue. After surgery twice she was advice to remove her womb which she refused. years later i was told she later took a particular drug. i guess it was imported sha. ever after she feel better.

  13. I don't ve fibroid but I'm in d health profession, ve seen a lot of fibroid cases n its so alarming how gullible women can be wen it comes to ds issue. Many came to d hospital after having complicatn due to some herbs etc used to get rid of fibroid, d only solution is removal of d fibroid by surgery but if its tOo massive d entire uterus may be removed, possibility of recurrence is high even after surgery.
    So, ladies, if u re from a family with history of fibroid, pls start having kids as early as u can , if u ve fibroid already, seek medical assistance from a certified gynae, don't do Yem kem, Tianshi, etc. They cause more harms sometimes.
    May God help us. TOY

  14. Hi stella, I had mine between 2003 to 2009. Mine was without the heavy flow or stomach pain. I actually had my normal period but it grew with time. The symptoms were frequent urinating and bulging lower abdomen that u would make u think I was 8 months pregnant. But just before my wedding I had it removed by a good Dr in PH and. By gods grace I have 2 kid now.

  15. Funny enough I just left the hospital & was told I have fibroid and ovarian cyst, and I need to operate @250k, Stella where do I get that cash from, I don't even have a job, I don't know what to do, my mum is a civil servant and my boyfriend's salary is just 40k. God dey sha *sigh*

    1. Go to LASUTH IKEJA the best gynaes are there you'll be amazed how there theatres look. Used it months back and I was really impressed as in very impressed like say I dey obodo oyinbo ni o

  16. Stella, God bless you real good for this topic. It is a very touchy topic because I am involved and as I type this, tears are streaming down my face as I have reached my wits end, honestly I have.

    Stella, before I go on, I really want to appreciate you. Honestly, you won't know how your blog touches lives, but it does. You treat problems we face every day and you won't realise how God is using you. I patronise your blog every minute and I can't tell you how your blog has affected me positively.

    It all began in 2007, my menstruation bleeding became unusually heavy and painful. I graduated from using 3 sanitary pads (Always) to 10 in a day. I was worried and decided to visit a doctor. The doctor advised I go for scan and the scan revealed I had fibroids. By the way, my mum had fibroids too but it didn't affect child bearing and she removed her womb when I was in secondary school because she always had pains during her menstruation days. She had 5 kids, one died and now we are four.

    When the scan result was shown to me, I became scared, but after showing my doctor the result, he counselled me to do myectomy (removal of fibroids). In July 2007, I removed the fibroids. Prior to this, I noticed that anytime I tried having sex, it was unusually painful and no matter how hard my first boyfriend tried, he just couldn't penetrate. Instead, I was always bleeding. I didn't know what to make of this so I decided to stop trying to have sex. This was in 2005.

    When I did the surgery, I bled for like 4 weeks and I used 10 sanitary pads every single day. When I couldn't stand it anymore, I visited my doctor who gave me egg cote (don't know the spelling) and the bleeding stopped.
    My subsequent periods were very light and painless and I felt relieved and happy. However, my doctor advised me to get married asap and get pregnant immediately, but unfortunately, that hasn't happened.

    This is 2013, I am still single and my periods have become heavy again. In fact, I have graduated from using Always sanitary pad to using Lady Sept sanitary towel. I use 4/5 every day. I am confused, unhappy, miserable and I visit blogs just to get my mind off suicide.

    I am close to 40 and still have not had sex because each time I try, the man just can't penetrate and they end up leaving me. I don't want to undergo any scan because I am scared of the outcome. Myectomy isn't something I wish for my enemy. I've been a good girl my whole life. I first tried sex in 2005 when I was almost 30. I remember when I was young, an uncle of mine tried raping me but he couldn't penetrate although I felt pains, but my hymen remained intact. In fact, when I had the surgery in 2007, the doctor had a lot of difficulty in passing tube in my vagina. He had to ask me if I've ever had sex and I told him no, that it's been very painful to do so. He said the fibroids were the cause. After the surgery, my then boyfriend broke up with me and I've remained single since then. I tried having sex with other men but I was too tight and they had to let me go.

    Right now, I am single, no boyfriend, no man friend, no concubine, no married man, no one with a penis to call my own.

    I just don't know what to make of my life and I'm on the verge of breaking down completely.

    Abeg, ignore typos.

    1. God will put a smile on ur face just believe n say Amen

    2. Wow......I don't know what to say but trust me, God knows your name.....

    3. Sori sister. ...God almighty will heal you, don't wori your husband is on the way.I feel ur pain sis.

    4. How can you break down completely? You have to be strong and trust God. 40 isn't late for marriage and i mean that. Pls concentrate on building yourself, work hard, look attractive and happy. Your man will come along if it's the will of God. Marriage isn't for everybody though.
      If it doesn't work for you, consider adopting and give meaning to someone's life. Get a child to call you mummy. Nothing beats that. God bless.

    5. @Anon 1:46pm this problem might b bigger dan u but dearie its not bigger dan God, d only reason u wnt look bak to glorify God 4 all dis is if there isn't a God in heaven. God bless n heal you

    6. See God doesn't work that way. You will fornicate if given the chance. How do you expect God to do His part when you are violating His laws and not even repentant about it. Please please seek Him first.

    7. I wept for u sis. God will definitely put smile on ur face.

    8. May God heal ur heart sis

    9. Dr Ada pls don't be stupid tonight... Someone has just poured out their heart to a bunch of strangers and here U are talking nonsense!! Who made U ruler and judge??? Agbaya!!!! To the lady....may God heal and comfort u.. He makes ALL things beautiful in His time..its easy for us to say "take it easy" I know u are hurting but find comfort in the kind words of the sensible ones and wait on the Lord.. I don't know U but I love U...xx

  17. There is this saying that good girls have fibroid.which I believe.I had uterine fibroids and was told by a dr that if I didn't remove it before april of last year,it will block my womb.thank God I sought advice from another dr who said the fibroid was too small to be I took herbs and I did my scan last week and found nothing.pls seek good medical advice before u operate on ur fibroid.

    1. Pls where did u get d herbs from,cos I need it too.I'm in lagos.thanks

  18. Stella, God bless you real good for this topic. It is a very touchy topic because I am involved and as I type this, tears are streaming down my face as I have reached my wits end, honestly I have.

    Stella, before I go on, I really want to appreciate you. Honestly, you won't know how your blog touches lives, but it does. You treat problems we face every day and you won't realise how God is using you. I patronise your blog every minute and I can't tell you how your blog has affected me positively.

    It all began in 2007, my menstruation bleeding became unusually heavy and painful. I graduated from using 3 sanitary pads (Always) to 10 in a day. I was worried and decided to visit a doctor. The doctor advised I go for scan and the scan revealed I had fibroids. By the way, my mum had fibroids too but it didn't affect child bearing and she removed her womb when I was in secondary school because she always had pains during her menstruation days. She had 5 kids, one died and now we are four.

    When the scan result was shown to me, I became scared, but after showing my doctor the result, he counselled me to do myectomy (removal of fibroids). In July 2007, I removed the fibroids. Prior to this, I noticed that anytime I tried having sex, it was unusually painful and no matter how hard my first boyfriend tried, he just couldn't penetrate. Instead, I was always bleeding. I didn't know what to make of this so I decided to stop trying to have sex. This was in 2005.

    When I did the surgery, I bled for like 4 weeks and I used 10 sanitary pads every single day. When I couldn't stand it anymore, I visited my doctor who gave me egg cote (don't know the spelling) and the bleeding stopped.
    My subsequent periods were very light and painless and I felt relieved and happy. However, my doctor advised me to get married asap and get pregnant immediately, but unfortunately, that hasn't happened.

    This is 2013, I am still single and my periods have become heavy again. In fact, I have graduated from using Always sanitary pad to using Lady Sept sanitary towel. I use 4/5 every day. I am confused, unhappy, miserable and I visit blogs just to get my mind off suicide.

    I am close to 40 and still have not had sex because each time I try, the man just can't penetrate and they end up leaving me. I don't want to undergo any scan because I am scared of the outcome. Myectomy isn't something I wish for my enemy. I've been a good girl my whole life. I first tried sex in 2005 when I was almost 30. I remember when I was young, an uncle of mine tried raping me but he couldn't penetrate although I felt pains, but my hymen remained intact. In fact, when I had the surgery in 2007, the doctor had a lot of difficulty in passing tube in my vagina. He had to ask me if I've ever had sex and I told him no, that it's been very painful to do so. He said the fibroids were the cause. After the surgery, my then boyfriend broke up with me and I've remained single since then. I tried having sex with other men but I was too tight and they had to let me go.

    Right now, I am single, no boyfriend, no man friend, no concubine, no married man, no one with a penis to call my own.

    I just don't know what to make of my life and I'm on the verge of breaking down completely.

    Abeg, ignore typos.

    1. He will make all things beautiful in his time,just trust God.

    2. So you don go sit down on your computer types all the lies and heart breaking story??? I don't believe you. Story stories! Story.

    3. Anon 7:29, go back to school abeg. Types indeed!!! Your illiteracy is an embarrassment to your household. I hope this isn't Uloma?

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Wow! Never had it and I pray not to..but I know its one painful growth.
    A friend of mine had it when she was pregnant for her first child. She was in so much pains. Doctors told her she had to eat a whole lot so that the baby could grow bigger than the fibrod growth to surpress it.
    She eventually had her baby via CS. Dunno if the fibrod was removed afterwards or what became of it.

    Secondly I know it could prevent a woman from getting pregnant. Someone once said when a woman has never being pregnant till 30yrs of age, she has a higher risk of having fibrod.

  21. I never had any of this symptoms. I was pregnant and went for normal pregnancy scan wen d radiologist said she's seeing something like fibroid. My mouth went Agape as in where, how ??? I had so many questions running through my head. I was sleepless all through the night... To cut d long story short I consulted my doctor and he said it was nt a big deal.(Since it was nt life threatning) Dat 90% of women move around with fibroids..
    Fasforward months after I had my bundle of joy. Have been living very normal ever since.. Different strokes for diff. Folks. Sorry for my epistle.

  22. My own problem is not fibroid but ovarian cysts caused by endometriosis which is a different medical condition but has almost similar symptoms to fibroids. I want to suggest acupuncture and Chinese medicine which is what l've been using to alleviate the problem. It works for fibroids too.

    1. Pls can i hv d name of d chinese medicine

  23. thanks dear,whats the name of the herbs you used to shrink yours.and which company owns the trevor supplements,help a sister out please.

  24. So so touching. May God see u thru.

  25. The solution to fibroid is having faith. Pls u can get a book called "the secret". The same writer also wrote "the magic". In the magic go 2 page 197. Read the part that talked about health. Sickness is a negative force so is fibroid. Ur body was created 2 heal itself. As 4 I've done abortion ones n I've repented so I don't believe in the crap that they say abortion causes fibroid. There r women that haven't tampered with their womb through abortion that suffer 4rm fibroid. Who ever did that abortion in correlation to fibroid research need to have a rethink.

  26. Sorry, its the other series called the power. Page 197

  27. Pls and pls ladies have faith. Unwawering faith I mean. Sickness wouldn't b a problem. Even fibroid wouldn't know ur name. Another thing that attracts all this is fear.

  28. Sorry, its the other series called the power. Page 197

  29. I just had d surgery in July. The symptoms I experienced were stomach pain (especially around the area), frequent urinating ( cos the fibroid was pressing on my bladder) , heavy flow with clots and a big tummy. After the surgery, my flow is normal with no clots, tummy ache seriously reduced, tummy getting smaller. The only problem I'm facing is just wound dehiscence ie an area not closing completely after surgery. Still have a wound I'm treating but it's much better.

  30. My Dr's procedure for open myomectomy(Fibroid removal) is very special.Many pple may know this process.Its different cos you do not require blood transfusion after surgery. Open myomectomy is very bloody. Most times,drs do not take out all the tumors when the bleeding gets out of hand.To avoid this,he ties the uterus to stop blood flow and removes all tumors no matter how tiny.if you aint walking around on day 3, then na home problem be that o.He has a success rate of 100percent.Most of his patients ve kids today.if you know any Dr that uses this procedure,go for it!Do not waste precious time bleeding and taking herbs.Get it out of your womb and be free!The surgery is nothing to be afraid of.Delay is dangerous!

    1. His adress please

    2. Chirona Hospital. Adebola street,off Adeniran Ogunsanya.

    3. Does his name start from A and end in N?

    4. Nope! He's a septugerarian physician.Myomectomy is his speciality.

    5. Is he affordable?

  31. Anon 2:42 is ignorance dt kills most of ur type. Didn't u hear abortion is one of the factors that leads to fibriod n not that its the whole cause of it, keep decieving urself and others. Those suffering from it should be strong n steadfast in God, with him and adequate medical care, everything will be alright. As for the anon looking for money for surgery, soon u will get a messaih, its well.

    1. Pls do the research urself n u will find out that abortion has notin 2 do with it. Its not even 1 of the causes pls. I've asked a doctor friend n he asid its not true. I just think its 1 of those myth.

    2. you gangan are the ignorant one. Is it everything you hear that you must believe? Some quack wrote that abortion causes fibroid and you just swallowed like that. Oya hear another one - headache causes malaria.

  32. I advise ladies not to take any herbal medicine, just change ur diet, eat atleast 85% vegetables like carrot, cucumber, green beans,cabbage,peas tomatoe, onion, ginger, garlic etc everyday, and eat fruit too, dont let ur fruit be more than ur vegetable thou, let ur remaining 15% food be low or even nothing like milk, red meat, u can eat some fish or chicken but remove d skin (but if u want rapid result i ll advice u eat nothing on animal food)eat beans too, good for shrinking too, do exercise like dancing, skipping, dont let it be too extreme thou, drink a lot of water, try this and u ll c it works wonders,.for more info contact me on God ll heal u IJN..

    1. 100% correct. Fibroids are caused excess protein in the body. Also by carcinogens. So avoid meat, dairy and any non natural foods. Also run for your life from cigarettes, insecticides, house hold cleaning fumes, generator and car fumes. Your liver needs to excrete the excess estrogen your body produces so say good bye to alcohol and caffiene. Cortisol which your body produces as a response to stress is also a trigger so stop worrying. DO NOT TAKE HERBS. Go to a gyny. There are so many good specialists - The Fibroid clinic @ St Nicholas Hospital, Lister Medical in Adeniyi Jones etc. The more fertile you are the more at risk you are. God bless you my sisters.

  33. MIne all started with abdominal pain just after my period ,decided to go for a scan and was diagonised with fibroid,infact i had to do the scan twice..first they said it was ovarian cyst den after the second scan they said the ovarian cyst had disappeared dat is fibroid.
    I don't feel pain anymore,I totally forgot about the whole fibroid tingy and just pray about it most time.I just booked a fresh appointment with my GP for a fresh scan hopefully d devil will be ashamed.
    God promised us complete and perfect health and am keying into that.Godbless

  34. Pls if u kn any herbs dat can help do say it n hw to get a sis plssssssssss.stella I love u 4 dis.

  35. My elder sis had fibroids thus couldn't get pregnant. In our village, a man gave her drugs and the fibroids were broken and she passed them out within three days. Today she has 2 kids. I however went to hospital and discovered I had it to. My only problem now is that the man is no where to be found. We are still searching for him and I believe i will see him some day and take the drugs too. If I do get to locate him and take the drugs, I will drop his contact here.

    1. Pass it out don't get through the anus or vagina??

    2. Ur sister passed out fat, thats what those herbs and pills do

  36. When the womb is left for long without having a child,the cells go wild or cold according to my mum,then u will develop fibroid.its simply homones,at a paticular age we women produce more extrogen.....that affects us.

    1. Very true, thats what my fertility doctor told me.

  37. I underwent a myomectomy 9 days ago in the UK. I live in Nigeria but too many fatal stories made it impossible to have surgery done there. I had used numerous pill, herbs and diets in an attempt to shrink fibroids. After a year, the result was minimal and I decided to go for surgery. My surgeon was amazing and I was out of bed in 48hours. 11 fibroids were removed with 2 over 10cm. I bless God every day and hope to start having kids. Please do not joke with your fibroids. There are numerous support groups online that helped me through the process

  38. Anon 16, 18. Hold on, stay positive, God is not asleep. He will fight your battle and give you a million reasons to smile. It is well
    I feel like hugging you now and telling you everything will be fine.
    Remember delay in life is not denial in life.
    Godbless you

  39. Medically speaking, when any tissue in the body has undergone injury, one of its repair process is fibrosis, scaring etc. The womb is not an exception. When the womb has been exposed to "curettage" (as in D & C; dilatation and curettage) or STI's etc, the tissues will respond to repair itself and the "fibroid" is simply "fibrosis" gone awry. Any doctor who disputes this should go back and look well into his pathology on "tissue repairs". That you dispute it on this blog does not change the research findings that abortion causes fibroid. Well do know that there are other risks associated with abortions; depression, suicide, homicide and other psychological issues.

    1. abegi that's not the point. Is abortion the primary cause of fibroids. Attributing fibroids to abortion like your quack colleague did above is like saying that every headache signifies a brain tumor. Yes a tumor might induce a headache but is that the only reason why one would have a headache?

  40. Abortion Risks: A list of major physical complications related to abortion
    Printable Fact Sheets
    Psychological Complications
    Latest Research
    More articles on abortion risks

    Approximately 10% of women undergoing induced abortion suffer from immediate complications, of which one-fifth (2%) were considered major.19 However the majority of complications take time to develop and will not be apparent for days, months or even years. Major risks and complications of abortion are described, with citations to the medical literature, below.


    Death Rates in Finland During the First Year Following Abortion, Miscarriage, or Delivery Compared to an Age Adjusted Population of Women Who Had Not Had Not Been Pregnant in the Previous Year
    According to the best record based study of deaths following pregnancy and abortion, a 1997 government funded study in Finland, women who abort are approximately four times more likely to die in the following year than women who carry their pregnancies to term. In addition, women who carry to term are only half as likely to die as women who were not pregnant.16 (Click here for more details on this important study.)

  41. Those who are condemning DR. B.C. about the role of abortion and its risks, have you guys taken time to read the medical research page he cited? There are WORSE complications of abortions than just fibroids!

    1. why don't you cite a peer-reviewed journal article? The ignorance of Nigerians irks me. That's the same way people cite Wikipedia.

  42. @anonymous #41 and his ilks kindly read strait and enlighten yourself. I've just visited the page that the doctor quoted. Let's not cuss people on this forum. We are all here to learn. Please read it;


  43. There is a local/herbal solution. My girlfriend then and I were introduced to a man who is also the Baale of Oko-Oba. He is the one that gave her the herbs and other stuffs to use and 6 weeks after, her fibroid was gone. His house is not far from Oko-Oba Abattoir and you can take a bike right from the front of the Abattoir to lead you down to his house. We tried him, and his success rate is 100%. Wish you all best of luck.

  44. Doctor at anonymous #62, let's go down to the basics; pathology (open your PATHOLOGICAL BASICS OF DISEASES BY KOTRAN) Tissue injury; when a tissue is injured what are the chronic repair modalities? Did they teach you about "fibrosis", scaring etc.? What is "fibroid" (leiomyoma uteri)? Is it not aggregation of fibrous tissues from the myometrium? How quickly you forgot the typical "whorled interlacing fascicles" seen on mycroscopy . . . doctor, if you do not know these basics, then kindly revisit your basic sciences, it is normal for doctors to make references. For your information, kindly read this research and see the other risks you might expose your patients to while performing abortions;

    Kindly note in this research citation that the death toll in "normal miscarriages" are nothing to be compared to induced abortions.
    Doctor, teach your patents abstinence and contraception instead of abortion; okay? God bless you.

    DR. B.C.

    1. Dr Bullshit now I know you are the same person that originally posted that crap. I went to that page and there is no mention of fibroid. I don't know what your agenda is but the God that you so casually mentioned will judge you for your lies.

  45. @ anonymous doctor #62 How do you define "virgin womb"? A girl tells you that she is a virgin; is that? Go and tell it to the marines!

  46. My close frnd, more like a twin sis had it....afta eight years of marriage n series of miscarriage she was diagonised of fibroid.....she did d operation two yrs ago, til nw no show next yr wil be her eleventh year in marriage.....God pls rem Mary n ify

  47. Zlatana Iwebuike4 November 2013 at 18:15

    I have uterine fibroid according to my Gynae.
    She said since my bleeding is not heavy, i should
    not bother. Meanwhile she said i have to have kids ASAP.
    Age is 28.

  48. GOD IS WITH YOU!!!! Please stay strong. Don't kill yourself. Google is a good tool, research all you can on your symptoms and alternative remedies.

  49. So Doctor person, your telling me that fibroid is a result of abortion? Erm......I think not!

  50. I discoverd mine when I was 20.they were multiple with one over 13cm.guess what,I got pregnant immediately after my I have 3 kids all boys.there is nothing God cannot do if you have faith..the fibroid is still there.some shrinks when you start having babies.

  51. My cousin was operated on and her fibroid successfully removed. she has two beautiful kids now.

  52. Aunt Stella, it seems this post was actually 4 me.
    Early 2011, i went 4 scan cos i used 2 hav painful menses right 4m origin so by d time i married my mum asked me 2 quickly go 4 scan 2 knw if dat was fibroid which i did n d result was -ve. So after a yr no baby yet my hubby n i ran sum tests dat showed we hav staph which we hav taken lots of english medicine yet 2 no avail. So we opted in 4 trado-med, which we hav bin taking 4 like 2 to 3 months nw n d staph has gone. I started feeling sum sharp pain on my left handside of my tummy(even b4 d trad) so i went 4 scan (folliculomentry) d report showed dat i'm nt ovulating n dat my enemy has uterine fibroid. As it stands nw i'm confused cos i dont rilly knw whr d fibroid came 4m n y i'm no longer ovulating. Pls i need help! Talking abt abortion, i hav never had any since i was born.

  53. Aunt Stella, it seems this post was actually 4 me.
    Early 2011, i went 4 scan cos i used 2 hav painful menses right 4m origin so by d time i married my mum asked me 2 quickly go 4 scan 2 knw if dat was fibroid which i did n d result was -ve. So after a yr no baby yet my hubby n i ran sum tests dat showed we hav staph which we hav taken lots of english medicine yet 2 no avail. So we opted in 4 trado-med, which we hav bin taking 4 like 2 to 3 months nw n d staph has gone. I started feeling sum sharp pain on my left handside of my tummy(even b4 d trad) so i went 4 scan (folliculomentry) d report showed dat i'm nt ovulating n dat my enemy has uterine fibroid. As it stands nw i'm confused cos i dont rilly knw whr d fibroid came 4m n y i'm no longer ovulating. Pls i need help! Talking abt abortion, i hav never had any since i was born.

  54. Go to LUTH or Niger foundation in Enugu......I know two people that successfully had their operations there,. they are happily married now with kids.Meanwhile, people with fibroid or have had fibroids before shld stay away from soy products...soya milk, any thing that contains soy. I love you Stella.

    pls you guys shld visit my cousin's blog
    You will be happy you did.

  55. To God be the glory. My ordeal with fibroid was a nasty one. I have 2 children. I never knew about it until my first pregnancy some years back. I woke up one morning with a sharp stomach ache and I couldn't move or do anything. I was rolling on the floor for over 30 mins the it stopped. I had the same the following morning so I decided to have a pregnancy test and it came out positive. Was really happy. Not until my first scan appointment at 12 weeks, that was when they realised I have fibroid and also it has affected the growth of the baby and the baby wasn't growing well. It was so bad that I was advised to do a medical termination. Two years after I got pregnant again and it started with the stomach ache again and had to call an ambulance and was rushed to early pregnancy unit and the checked me and informed me that it's the fibroid again and the cause of the pain is due to the fibroid fighting with the pregnancy and it's called fibroid degeneration. This occur when the blood supply is no longer feeding the fibroid. I go for scan every two weeks to measure the baby growth and they've predicted that I'll bleed a lot during labour. Am always all admission, one weeks, two weeks and so on. When my labour started I was given an injection to prevent the bleeding after delivery. To God be the glory, I deliver my baby without any pain killer and didn't bleed at all. With my second baby, the fibroid didn't disturb me at all. The doctors suggested that I remove it after childbirth but they disappeared afterward.

    Sorry for any typo error

  56. I was told i had fibroid about 6years ago. I had surgery in d UK and healed fast. However, i had serious keloids when the scar healed. Unfortunately, d keloids (or additions) as it is called when it is inside the body blocked my intestine. I had to have another surgery in nigeria cos i was too sick to go back to the UK to have the additions removed. Pls, sisters, if, when ur body heals, it forms keloids, let ur gynae know before u do fibroid surgery o. Thank God i am ok now, though my tummy aint as flat as before.

    And for the person dat said abortion causes it, u are so wrong!!! I have neva had an abortion in my life. The surgeon in the UK actually used the same phrase some people used here earlier "good girls have fibroid, bad girls get pregnant'. I wish i had d liver to be a bad girl...but i love the Lord too much to even attempt it so i;m trusting Him for total healing. I'm single and was told that if there's nothing growing in d womb, it gives room for fibroid to grow.

  57. Stella thanks so much 4 bringin this topic, I feel better that am not d only one passin through dis face, I discovered I had fibroid 2 years ago, I. Was always hvin heavy menstrual flow, until when my doc told me 2 go and do scan, and was discovered I had fibroid, has God will hve it early this about plannin to do the operation, I went 2 do scan and I. Discovered I was pregnant, I hve never done abortion before , so don't let people deceive u dat fibriod iS caused by abortion, dat is a lie,in the nearest future 2 come I will still remove the entire womb, my advice to ladies is dat the only solution is 2 do surgery, herbs won't work, and wht causes it is our hormones , but mostly african women have it, but hvin it is not the end of the world, dere is life after fibroid, just hve faith in God, hve seen a lot of women goin 4 surgery and comin out alive, I will advice general hospital, they hve d best doctors. Also fibroid could be hereditary, my mom had it and removed her womb, so ladies in your early twenties. Pls marry on time and start hvin kids, and to those dat are still expecting the lord will grant u all with bundle of triplet in jesus name amen

  58. Hi @ Dr. Ada. Thanks for your input and thank God for the fact that you are a "solid Christian". I heaved a sigh of relief knowing that my abortion is not the cause of my fibroid. But sure fibroid is a tumor (a benign one). What do you have to say about this scripture where the Lord told the Israelites that the consequences of sexual perversion: idolatry is "tumors". Deuteronomy 28: 27 “The Lord will punish you with boils, like those he sent on the Egyptians. He will punish you with tumors, sores that run, and an itch that cannot be cured.

    Sure the scriptures say in Colossians 3:5 (New Testament) that sexual immorality is idolatry? My fear is that if God had said in the Bible that the consequences of sexual immorality is tumors, then fibroid tumor might just be one of such. It doesn't appear as if the doctors know it all. Who do we believe, doctors or the word of God? My bros who is a doctor once told me that whenever doctors do not know the diagnosis of a disease, they call it "idiopathic'; I googled it and it seems to be true. Folks what do you think? Doesn't it look like the doctors need to do more researches on these things especially those that know God?


    1. My Lord, see what religion has caused in Nigeria. Listen my dear you are beginning to go crazy. I don't even have any words for you. I give up.

  59. Thank u oluwa, u see, fibroid is not caused by abortion. All those fake doctors in the house get ur facts straight. The bruses the womb sustain during abortion is not the same as fibroid cells. Pls research well. N its not all women that do abortion that have bruises. Pls get ur facts straight.

  60. @ Dr. Ada, You called a government funded study in Finland a wrong citation in a forum like this? Well, you are a Dr in the USA and a "solid Christian". I am also a doctor and I don't think Finland is inferior to USA in terms of medical awareness. I am persuaded that you did not even take time to read the research referred to in the first place. If you had a fibroid and never had an abortion, did the research findings suggest that abortions are exclusively the cause of fibroids? Why not be a more balanced doctor lady and pander to the tenets of this noble profession dear "solid Christian"? For your information the definite cause of fibroids (leiomyomata) is still "unknown" ("idiopathic" well to medical science). Why don't you quote your "peer reviewed journals' for the benefit of folks in this forum? Let's say that in this age of "legalization of abortions in the USA" and the political interests involved, so many well meaning researches are not going to be sponsored or accepted by certain physicians like you. How many researches have you done on the subject; Dr. Ada? Kindly educate us. God bless you.

    Dr. B.C.

  61. A laparoscopic myomectomy is the very best method of fibroid removal. An embryologist in Port Harcourt (Save a life hospital at number 9 circular road, GRA junction, Port Harcourt) performs this perfectly. As a matter of fact, he deals in every fertility challenge possible with. Wry high success rates. Laparoscopic myomectomy is a virtually bloodless procedure ever, and you can go home the very same day, not stressful at all. Please do your research and be informed.

  62. Why do folks react "violently" on this forum whenever abortion is mentioned as a problem? Ha, hia, it seems there is a problem somewhere. I smell a rat; even nkakwu (that rat wey get long mouth). The doctor did not say that abortion is the exclusive cause of fibroid just like we know that cigarette smoking is not the exclusive cause of lung cancer; did she? I've read the webpage he referred us and I think anyone that has issues should read it. Shebi auntie Stella say make we provide our "personal experiences". The doctor provided his clinic experiences and supported it with a study done in Finland sponsored by the government there. The study made references to American journal of Gynecology. For anyone to be able to type on this forum; it means he/she has got basic education. Abeg make una carry softly. By the way, let other doctors tell us their "clinic experiences and researches they've read". All of you we dey talk like type writer, I don't wish you are in the shoes of these our dear sisters who after years of waiting and surgeries still have the problem.


    1. Liar you keep posting under different names. There is no mention of fibroids on that page

  63. Pls comment no #53 how can we contact the person who massaged u in nigeria.I need the address pls help.

  64. researchers found that compared to women who carried to term, women who aborted in the year prior to their deaths were 60 percent more likely to die of natural causes, seven times more likely to die of suicide, four times more likely to die of injuries related to accidents, and 14 times more likely to die from homicide.

    Researchers believe the higher rate of deaths related to accidents and homicide may be linked to higher rates of suicidal or risk-taking behavior.16 (Click here for details on the latest research regarding abortion associated deaths.)

    The leading causes of abortion related maternal deaths within a week of the surgery are hemorrhage, infection, embolism, anesthesia, and undiagnosed ectopic pregnancies. Legal abortion is reported as the fifth leading cause of maternal death in the United States, though in fact it is recognized that most abortion-related deaths are not officially reported as such.2 (Click here for more details on the underreporting of abortion related deaths in the U.S.)

    1. Stella, please remove all these rubbish statistics that are totally baseless. People like him can make their point without outright lies that may affect someone without the resources to do her own research.

  65. Two studies of the entire population of women in Denmark published in 2012 have shown similar results. The first found that the risk of death following abortion remains higher in each of the first ten years following the abortion. The second found that the risk of death increases with each abortion, 45% after one abortion, 114% after two abortions, and 192 percent after three or more abortions.

    For a complete review of the literature see Deaths associated with abortion compared to childbirth: a review of new and old data and the medical and legal implications (2004).

    Women with a history of one abortion face a 2.3 times higher risk of having cervical cancer, compared to women with no history of abortion. Women with two or more abortions face a 4.92 relative risk. Similar elevated risks of subsequent ovarian and liver cancer have also been linked to single and multiple abortions. These increased cancer rates for post-aborted women may be linked to the unnatural disruption of the hormonal changes which accompany pregnancy and untreated cervical damage or to increased stress and the negative impact of stress on the immune system.4

    Between 2 and 3% of all abortion patients may suffer perforation of their uterus, yet most of these injuries will remain undiagnosed and untreated unless laparoscopic visualization is performed.5 Such an examination may be useful when beginning an abortion malpractice suit. The risk of uterine perforation is increased for women who have previously given birth and for those who receive general anesthesia at the time of the abortion.(6) Uterine damage may result in complications in later pregnancies and may eventually evolve into problems which require a hysterectomy, which itself may result in a number of additional complications and injuries including osteoporosis.

    Significant cervical lacerations requiring sutures occur in at least one percent of first trimester abortions. Lesser lacerations, or micro fractures, which would normally not be treated may also result in long term reproductive damage. Latent post-abortion cervical damage may result in subsequent cervical incompetence, premature delivery, and complications of labor. The risk of cervical damage is greater for teenagers, for second trimester abortions, and when practitioners fail to use laminaria for dilation of the cervix.7

    Abortion increases the risk of placenta previa in later pregnancies (a life threatening condition for both the mother and her wanted pregnancy) by seven to fifteen fold. Abnormal development of the placenta due to uterine damage increases the risk of fetal malformation, perinatal death, and excessive bleeding during labor.8

    Women who had one, two, or more previous induced abortions are, respectively, 1.89, 2.66, or 2.03 times more likely to have a subsequent pre-term delivery, compared to women who carry to term. Prior induced abortion not only increased the risk of premature delivery, it also increased the risk of delayed delivery. Women who had one, two, or more induced abortions are, respectively, 1.89, 2.61, and 2.23 times more likely to have a post-term delivery (over 42 weeks).17 Pre-term delivery increases the risk of neonatal death and handicaps.

    Abortion is associated with cervical and uterine damage which may increase the risk of premature delivery, complications of labor and abnormal development of the placenta in later pregnancies. These reproductive complications are the leading causes of handicaps among newborns.9

    Abortion is significantly related to an increased risk of subsequent ectopic pregnancies. Ectopic pregnancies, in turn, are life threatening and may result in reduced fertility.10

    PID is a potentially life threatening disease which can lead to an increased risk of ectopic pregnancy and reduced fertility. Of patients who have a chlamydia infection at the time of the abortion, 23% will develop PID within 4 weeks. Studies have found that 20 to 27% of patients seeking abortion have a chlamydia infection. Approximately 5% of patients who are not infected by chlamydia develop PID within 4 weeks after a first trimester abortion. It is therefore reasonable to expect that abortion providers should screen for and treat such infections prior to an abortion.11

    Endometritis is a post-abortion risk for all women, but especially for teenagers, who are 2.5 times more likely than women 20-29 to acquire endometritis following abortion.12

    Approximately 10% of women undergoing elective abortion will suffer immediate complications, of which approximately one-fifth (2%) are considered life threatening. The nine most common major complications which can occur at the time of an abortion are: infection, excessive bleeding, embolism, ripping or perforation of the uterus, anesthesia complications, convulsions, hemorrhage, cervical injury, and endotoxic shock. The most common “minor” complications include: infection, bleeding, fever, second degree burns, chronic abdominal pain, vomiting, gastro-intestinal disturbances, and Rh sensitization.13

    In general, most of the studies cited above reflect risk factors for women who undergo a single abortion. These same studies show that women who have multiple abortions face a much greater risk of experiencing these complications. This point is especially noteworthy since approximately 45% of all abortions are for repeat aborters.

    In a survey of 1428 women researchers found that pregnancy loss, and particularly losses due to induced abortion, was significantly associated with an overall lower health. Multiple abortions correlated to an even lower evaluation of “present health.” While miscarriage was detrimental to health, abortion was found to have a greater correlation to poor health. These findings support previous research which reported that during the year following an abortion women visited their family doctors 80% more for all reasons and 180% more for psychosocial reasons. The authors also found that “if a partner is present and not supportive, the miscarriage rate is more than double and the abortion rate is four times greater than if he is present and supportive. If the partner is absent the abortion rate is six times greater.” (15)

    This finding is supported by a 1984 study that examined the amount of health care sought by women during a year before and a year after their induced abortions. The researchers found that on average, there was an 80 percent increase in the number of doctor visits and a 180 percent increase in doctor visits for psychosocial reasons after abortion.18

    Abortion is significantly linked to behavioral changes such as promiscuity, smoking, drug abuse, and eating disorders which all contribute to increased risks of health problems. For example, promiscuity and abortion are each linked to increased rates of PID and ectopic pregnancies. Which contributes most is unclear, but apportionment may be irrelevant if the promiscuity is itself a reaction to post- abortion trauma or loss of self esteem.

    Teenagers, who account for about 30 percent of all abortions, are also at much high risk of suffering many abortion related complications. This is true of both immediate complications, and of long-term reproductive damage.14

    See this link Psychological Complications

  68. 1. Detrimental Effects of Abortion: An Annotated Bibliography with Commentary (Third Edition) is the most complete review of medical studies relevant to abortion. It includes brief summaries of major finding drawn from medical and psychology journal articles, books, and related materials, divided into major categories of relevant injuries. An online version of the bibliography can be found at www.AbortionRisks.com2. Kaunitz, “Causes of Maternal Mortality in the United States,” Obstetrics and Gynecology, 65(5) May 1985.3. H.L. Howe, et al., “Early Abortion and Breast Cancer Risk Among Women Under Age 40,” International Journal of Epidemiology 18(2):300-304 (1989); L.I. Remennick, “Induced Abortion as A Cancer Risk Factor: A Review of Epidemiological Evidence,” Journal of Epidemiological Community Health, (1990); M.C. Pike, “Oral Contraceptive Use and Early Abortion as Risk Factors for Breast Cancer in Young Women,” British Journal of Cancer 43:72 (1981).4. M-G, Le, et al., “Oral Contraceptive Use and Breast or Cervical Cancer: Preliminary Results of a French Case- Control Study, Hormones and Sexual Factors in Human Cancer Etiology, ed. JP Wolff, et al., Excerpta Medica: New York (1984) pp.139-147; F. Parazzini, et al., “Reproductive Factors and the Risk of Invasive and Intraepithelial Cervical Neoplasia,” British Journal of Cancer, 59:805-809 (1989); H.L. Stewart, et al., “Epidemiology of Cancers of the Uterine Cervix and Corpus, Breast and Ovary in Israel and New York City,” Journal of the National Cancer Institute 37(1):1-96; I. Fujimoto, et al., “Epidemiologic Study of Carcinoma in Situ of the Cervix,” Journal of Reproductive Medicine 30(7):535 (July 1985); N. Weiss, “Events of Reproductive Life and the Incidence of Epithelial Ovarian Cancer,” Am. J. of Epidemiology, 117(2):128-139 (1983); V. Beral, et al., “Does Pregnancy Protect Against Ovarian Cancer,” The Lancet, May 20, 1978, pp. 1083-1087; C. LaVecchia, et al., “Reproductive Factors and the Risk of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Women,” International Journal of Cancer, 52:351, 1992.

    5. S. Kaali, et al., “The Frequency and Management of Uterine Perforations During First-Trimester Abortions,” Am. J. Obstetrics and Gynecology 161:406-408, August 1989; M. White, “A Case-Control Study of Uterine Perforations documented at Laparoscopy,” Am. J. Obstetrics and Gynecology 129:623 (1977).

    6. D. Grimes, et al., “Prevention of uterine perforation During Curettage Abortion,” JAMA, 251:2108-2111 (1984); D. Grimes, et al.,”Local versus General Anesthesia: Which is Safer For Performing Suction Abortions?” Am. J. of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 135:1030 (1979).

    7. K. Schulz, et al., “Measures to Prevent Cervical Injuries During Suction Curettage Abortion,” The Lancet, May 28, 1983, pp 1182-1184; W. Cates, “The Risks Associated with Teenage Abortion,” New England Journal of Medicine, 309(11):612-624; R. Castadot, “Pregnancy Termination: Techniques, Risks, and Complications and Their Management,” Fertility and Sterility, 45(1):5-16 (1986).

    8. Barrett, et al., “Induced Abortion: A Risk Factor for Placenta Previa”, American Journal of Ob&Gyn. 141:7 (1981).

    9. Hogue, Cates and Tietze, “Impact of Vacuum Aspiration Abortion on Future Childbearing: A Review”, Family Planning Perspectives (May-June 1983),vol.15, no.3.. Jacobsson B, Hagberg G, Hagberg B, Ladfors L, Niklasson A, Hagberg A. Cerebral Palsy in preterm infants: a population-based case-control study of antenatal and intrapartal risk factors. Acta Paediatrica 2002;91:946-951. Calhoun BC, Shadigian E, Rooney B. Cost consequences of induced abortion as an attributable risk for preterm birth and informed consent. J Reprod Med 2007;52:929-939.

    10. Daling,, “Ectopic Pregnancy in Relation to Previous Induced Abortion”, JAMA, 253(7):1005-1008 (Feb. 15, 1985); Levin,, “Ectopic Pregnancy and Prior Induced Abortion”, American Journal of Public Health (1982), vol.72,p253; C.S. Chung, “Induced Abortion and Ectopic Pregnancy in Subsequent Pregnancies,” American Journal of Epidemiology 115(6):879-887 (1982)

  69. I cant wait for God to come honestly, d way we human interpret things and bible , makes one wonder if u know d bible bettercdan d creator, People stop judging others, is in d bible Geez. How can u say fibroid is caused by abortion, ur licence is supposed to be ceased for that statement, my hubby is a doctor nd he said is a big fat lie. Ive done abortion in d past and God knows ive repented and I ve no fibroids. Dont mislead pple. OMG . SECONDLY for the ladybwithout bf, manfriend and all I feel ur pain, am in tears for not easy bin alone but sweetheart God is real, ve u realy searched for me cus u will find him. Try waking every midnight nd pray ur as out, sometimes just praises nd worship opens doors u cantbimagine. Takemover ur destiny everynite. Are u in abj??? Try wenesday programmes is caled destiny encounter at redeemed xtian church wuse 2 opp glo by 11 to 1. My dear only prayers. U need to pray nd stop crying. Hmmmmm wen u hear abt other ples stories then u will understand dat is not of him that willeth nor him that runneth but of GOD that showeth Mercy. Thank u Lord for my life, forgive me for all the blessings I took for granted. AMEN

  70. Linda Eze........
    I can give you a complete dossier of your life: 1. Your husbands mouth smells
    2. You didn't graduate from university
    3. You roll with Nkechi Okocha
    4. You had fibroid at 20
    5. You have 3 kids
    6. You are fair in complexion
    7. You live in Lagos
    8. You have all male kids
    9. You wear your heart on your sleeve
    10. And someone said you owe staff salaries...not sure about that part...

    Do yourself a special favour and comment as anonymous sometimes, you leave way too much personal info on the Internet this is the worldwide careful

    1. U foolish ms kn it all. U re always here telling pple 2 hide.meanwhile u wish we could kn u. If she wants u to kn her,then deal wit it.see how stupid u re crammin her life.same way u crammed all others. U wish u were them. Sad for ur depression.keep hiding.Linda eze ramains married while ur mum is busy prayin in vain for her dota who made A's in sch to progress,cos u re intelligent. sadly devil gave her dota a lagbaja veil for life. Smdh.Leave this blog and get a life.stop wishing u could tear d covering u always debunk,I am not linda eze.

    2. She should beware of the likes of you know her life history? Guess what? We recognise your writing style.always asking everyone to be anonymous like you. Ever heard of oprah and how she was abused? Did that stop her from becoming the most powerful woman in the world? Assholes like you read biographies.Are they fiction?Don't spend your life trailing blog celebs and counting their lows and highs.go for deliverance. You re possessed.

    3. Ewu! Leave human beings alone and face your life. Ogini di? It is HER info, not yours, why the pepper body? Busy bodies like you is why the world has lost peace today. Now run along all the way to Tafia junction where your fellow tafias gather. Ewu meee!

  71. @ 10:03 PM You are an idiot.e concern you??why are you taking panadol on my headache?I don't hv anything to hide..continue stalking me and remember to Write a novel with my name.guess you always look forward for my comments hahahahahahah wil continue feeding your eyes you hear.Oshisko

    1. Hi dear, i think you should be careful, this one that pple are monitoring you

  72. I am thoroughly intrigued by the outburst of folks in this forum with regard to abortion. Even those telling Stella to take down research citations. This is very interesting. People don't like to be told the truth. OK FOLKS ABORTIONS CURE FIBROIDS, CANCER, DIABETES . . . IN FACT IF YOU NO GET ANY PREGGY MAKE YOU ABORT YOUR WOMB AND ALL YOUR WAHALA GO FINISH. sHEBI UNA LIKE THIS ONE? Very good; let he who is vile continue to be vile and let he who is righteous continue to be righteous!


  73. Thank you Stella for accommodating all shades of opinion in this blog. That is what civilization is all about. For the folks who attacked the dr at no 6, my problem is that every research findings is from abroad. Why are Nigerian doctors not doing researches? If it is in the developed world where I live, the doctors in this forum will take up those experiences he had with ladies in his clinic and put it to research and get the world enlightened. Our doctors in Naija seems to be living so many centuries ago when some folks were burnt at the stake for saying that the earth is round. How is it now; isn't ignorance very costly? I've read the citations pasted on this page and guys, I will never encourage my girl friend to "slaughter in her womb again". Amanda I love you.

  74. "SOLD OUT CHRISTIAN" ol boy dis one taya me o. Hope say no be to the devil you sell out? Even Jesus and Peter never "sell out . . ." reach you biko . . . remain blessed my sister . . . hahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa . . . but on a more serious note, shebi you no de do abo for yankee . . . that one na sell out o o o . . . hahahahahhhahahahahhaahahah

  75. I discovered i had fibroid at 28yrs,which resulted to 3miscarriages.on my 4th pregancy ,it was growing as the baby was growing got to a time the side of the fibroid was bigger than the baby side.

    During the course of the pregancy ,they discovered 2 others.

    eventually at 28weeks & 3days(7months) ,i went into labour and gave birth.

    i am planning of having the fibroids operated on but when i met my consultant,and she was saying we might take part of the womb in the process.

    i decided i would rather try for another baby & go through the pain again than regreting later.

  76. Fibroid is not a gud thing, to think dat i experience all d symptoms up there. No amunt of herb cures it, instead it worsen ur situation, i am speakingfrom experience. I had d money for the. Operationn but. I did not do d operation bcos i. Dont trust nijja doctors. Luck. Came my way wen i. Traveled to the UK to sch, i was operated upon free of charge. Today i got my groove bak as all d symptoms has vanish..i return all d glory to God

  77. @anonymous #118 10:24PM; let's go to the website of the American cancer society; I am not a "baby" like you suggested. I am educated and I give informed counsel. Please do not use such obscenities from your mouth when speaking in an international fora. God bless you. Like Stella will say, Google is your friend; Here we go; .. .. DR. B.C
    Is Abortion Linked to Breast Cancer?
    Why is it hard to talk about abortion and breast cancer?
    Abortion and breast cancer are both topics that can bring out strong feelings in people. The issue of abortion is often linked to personal and political viewpoints – even without a possible disease connection. Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women (aside from skin cancer), and it’s the second leading cancer killer in women. Because it can be a deadly disease, it’s one that many women fear.

    Linking these topics creates a great deal of emotion and debate. But scientific research studies have not found a cause-and-effect relationship between abortion and breast cancer.

  78. @anonymous #115 I found this online

    Ask your doctor husband one question; What is known medically to cause fibroid? And he will tell you "it is of unknown cause". That is true. Then ask him, what are you doing to find out . . . and the answer is likely going to be "nothing". Someone mentioned his findings from his clinic data, why doesn't he take it up from there and save our daughters and sisters of sorrows?

  79. Shebi Stella said "orthodox and non-orthodox"? Oya make una fire!

  80. This is a wonderful world, why are people not attacking those who are advocating herbs for cure for fibroids? Even the doctors are not correcting those ones. Why is the attack directed on those who are asking folks to "repent of abortions as a way out?" DIDN'T STELLA DIMOKOKORUS ASK FOR "ORTHODOX AND NON ORTHODOX WAYS"? This is how people fail exams!

  81. @anonymous #117, I really empathize with you. Everything that has a beginning has got an end. God in his mercy will heal you. But please, that is not any reason to think of "killing yourself"; that is not a way out; is it? I pray that your soul will find peace; real peace. It is heartwarming that you "have done everything you know", but please be careful about herbs because they can add kidney failure to your problems. Have you fasted and prayed and asked the Lord for help. We are all sinners and even the wicked people at Nineveh did fast and pray and called upon God and he saved them. By the way please know that "abstinence, and being a virgin" are good, in fact, God commends that . . . but please know that to inherit eternal life is a different ballgame entirely. Only faith in the savior Jesus can guarantee that. May the Lord heal you dear.

  82. @anonymous No.118 10:24PM
    Research on abortion and breast cancer
    Research study problems

    Many studies have looked at a possible link between abortions and an increased risk of breast cancer. But because of the nature of the topic, these studies have been hard to do. This may help explain why study findings vary.

    Before 1973, induced abortions were illegal in much of the United States. So when researchers asked a woman about past pregnancies, she may not have felt safe saying that she had an illegal abortion. Even though abortion is now legal, it is still a very personal, private matter that many women do not like to talk about.

    Studies have also shown that healthy women are less likely to report that they have had induced abortions. In contrast, women with breast cancer are more likely to accurately report their reproductive histories. This may be because they are searching their memories for anything that may be linked to the cancer.

    The likelihood that women who have breast cancer will give a more complete account of their abortions than women who do not have breast cancer is an example of recall bias. Recall bias like this can sometimes cause studies to find links that may not exist.

  83. Hi ladies, please use this information. I hope this will help. He's an elderly man, so don't call at odd hours.

    Pax Hospital,
    7A Molade Okoya, by Vulcanizer B/s Adeniyi Jones, Ikeja. NB:1st visit #4000, #1000 subsequently.
    080 5294 0885
    Next Consultation with Fr. Adodo is 7/11/13

    Use cor liver. Oil and vit a to stp the flow. And take it daily.
    God bless you all.

    Thank u Stella for this platform

  84. just had fibriod surgery abt six months ago, in a Teaching hospital in Luth and everything went fine, i give God d glory, My period use to be so heavy b4 d surgery, 6 to 8days and i always feel weak wit severe headaches, buh after d surgery m fine nw, buh my problem is av been avin regular period until last 2months, d period hadly come, i had serious pain in my lower abdomen during my last flow nd the period only lasted for 2days, i use only two menstral pads, d blood did nt flow at all, i ws only seeing black thick stains on my pants after d period stopped... Plus the Dr said i av high Thyriod hormones or something, am really worried nd i need good gyneacologist in Lagos who is very experienced.. Pls help a sister...

    1. Do a pregnancy test darling. ...... implantation bleeding might be a bit dodgy. ..... All d best dear!

  85. just had fibriod surgery abt six months ago, in a Teaching hospital in Lagos and everything went fine, i give God d glory, My period use to be so heavy b4 d surgery, 6 to 8days and i always feel weak wit severe headaches, buh after d surgery m fine nw, buh my problem is av been avin regular period until last 2months, d period hadly come, i had serious pain in my lower abdomen during my last flow nd the period only lasted for 2days, i use only two menstrual pads, d blood did nt flow at all, i ws only seeing black thick stains on my pants after d period stopped... Plus the Dr said i av high Thyriod hormones or something, am really worried nd i need good gyneacologist in Lagos who is very experienced.. Pls help a sister...

  86. Pls note, dear herb users, cos it worked for u doesnt mean it ll work on others, b4 i had my Surgery i ws using herbs but it makes d fibriod grew bigger n caused d heavy flow...

    1. What the herbs do is make u pass out fat, which makes u think its going and ur tummy is getting flatter. I had a student doctot take pictures of the fibroid that was brought out of me surgically. It like a big chunk of fuku( tissue) when u get to a certain age and the reproductive organs are not in use. It starts to work for it self. One needs to look into thier eating habbit and etc. Fibroid does grow back and it us advisable to have a baby within two years of taking it out

  87. Drs in the house, what drugs can one use to cure Oligomenorrhea? Pls help a sis abeg

  88. Yes, that research has got nothing to do with "fibroid" but the ill effects of abortions. I am happy that my colleagues read them and saw what they subject our sisters to when they do abortions; did you know that before? After reading it, will you continue to abort babies? And the boyfriends that tell ladies that you love them but once she gets pregnant you want her to abort, did you see what she is being subjected to? And you ladies that submit to abortions, did you see the things you wish yourself; do you really love yourself?

    I mentioned the questions I asked my patients and what I tell them to do which helped them because Stella asked us to submit both "orthodox and non-orthodox" means of approach to the issue in question. That does not mean that I did not do every other thing required of me as a doctor; all the investigations and recommendation of myomectomy etc. Medically, it is not proven that abortions cause fibroids (mainly because of the emotion attached to the reality of such proofs). And to the doctors, when you're taking medical histories, don't you ask for "family and social history" even sexual histories. So such questions I asked isn't out of place in medicine. And my advice to those who are Christians (but had had abortions) aren't out of place either.

    But let me mention that the "attack from the doctors" and others came because I mentioned "repentance, fasting and praying". Why didn't they condemn "herbs" as advocated by others (even though medically they know that it can cause kidney failure). They are all busy asking for the phone numbers of those that supply the herbs.

    Thanks Stella for being very mature in your blog and postings. I am very happy that folks have read the things abortions can cause to our ladies. And for all that cursed me; God bless you all.

    And especially to Dr. Ada, be sure that you do not join all the "sold out Christians" in the USA to abort babies in the name of being a Physician. Remember that your obligation is to Christ first.

    God bless all the folks that cursed me.

    DR. B.C

    1. Know know, e don do. U still appear ignorant,please stop

  89. Yes, that research has got nothing to do with "fibroid" but the ill effects of abortions. I am happy that my colleagues read them and saw what they subject our sisters to when they do abortions; did you know that before? After reading it, will you continue to abort babies? And the boyfriends that tell ladies that you love them but once she gets pregnant you want her to abort, did you see what she is being subjected to? And you ladies that submit to abortions, did you see the things you wish yourself; do you really love yourself?

    I mentioned the questions I asked my patients and what I tell them to do which helped them because Stella asked us to submit both "orthodox and non-orthodox" means of approach to the issue in question. That does not mean that I did not do every other thing required of me as a doctor; all the investigations and recommendation of myomectomy etc. Medically, it is not proven that abortions cause fibroids (mainly because of the emotion attached to the reality of such proofs). And to the doctors, when you're taking medical histories, don't you ask for "family and social history" even sexual histories. So such questions I asked isn't out of place in medicine. And my advice to those who are Christians (but had had abortions) aren't out of place either.

    But let me mention that the "attack from the doctors" and others came because I mentioned "repentance, fasting and praying". Why didn't they condemn "herbs" as advocated by others (even though medically they know that it can cause kidney failure). They are all busy asking for the phone numbers of those that supply the herbs.

    Thanks Stella for being very mature in your blog and postings. I am very happy that folks have read the things abortions can cause to our ladies. And for all that cursed me; God bless you all.

    And especially to Dr. Ada, be sure that you do not join all the "sold out Christians" in the USA to abort babies in the name of being a Physician. Remember that your obligation is to Christ first.

    God bless all the folks that cursed me.

    DR. B.C

  90. Hi All,it was after i got pregnant that i discovered i had fibroid (outside of my uterus).it was during the 8weeks scan,when i was told there might be complications.
    Such as red degeneration,which happened when i was 6months,on a sunday morning.It was truly painful and i had 2change hospitals cos i got a shabby treatment at the 1st hospital where i had my antenatal. The doctor on duty asked me why i forgot my drugs in my haste to get to d hospital(Imagine!) and ontop of that,he never even bothered to check if the baby was alright....I was given a drug at the other hospital which took the pain away.I thank God that everything went smoothly and i delivered a baby through caesarian operation. I will say that there's nothing God cannot do. It's also good to ensure to have an experienced doctor./good hospital

  91. Hi doctors in the house please also deal with poly cystic ovarian syndrome I've had high prolactine level in d last 1 year n seen 4 dfft gynaecologists n all v advised me to start having kids early I'm 28 no boyfriend or man friend I'm seriously contemplating having a child out of wedlock

  92. 3 years ago i was having really bad pelvic pains and had to go to a clinic to check it out. after all the tests and scans carried out on me, the doctor informed i had fibroid growths and referred me to a gynecologist. The gynecologist and i extensively discussed the options i had. Because of the size and location of the tumors, my options were
    1, do absolutely nothing...just watch and observe.
    2,take lupron injections to shrink the fibroids (advisable to be used when one wants to undergo surgery and needs to shrink the fibroids just before the operation). If after shrinking the womb still lies fallow, the fibroid would grow even bigger than the original size
    3, surgery to take out the fibroids (laparotomy or laproscopy). If after shrinking the womb still lies fallow, the fibroid would grow even bigger than the original size
    4, surgery to take out the womb (an option for women past child bearing years)

    Now, i have multiple tumors of which the largest was 5cm. i have really heavy bleeding and period lasting 10days. but i was 26, my boyfriend and i were not ready to get married and i wasnt ready to have kids yet so i took the first option of waiting and observing.. i go for scans at least twice a year to monitor the growth, take iron capsules to replenish my blood cells ( i became anemic due to the heavy bleeding) and made life style changes (eating healthy, drinking lots of water and exercises). My mother and 2 older sisters both have fibroids. My elder sister even found out about them when she was pregnant with her second child.

    Fast forward 3years after, Now my boyfriend and i are ready to have kids. i intend to go for surgery soon to take out the fibroids and make room for the foetus. I would do the laparatomy because i have multiple fibroids and the surgeon needs to see them all and take them out.
    My mom is against the idea of surgery because she hates surgery and insists i get pregnant and see what happens. But she isnt a doctor and even though her intentions are understandable, her solution is wrong.

    All im saying in essence is, each woman is different. What works for one person might not work for the next. pls dont follow the crowd. If you have unusual heavy bleeding, or are sure you have fibroids, go talk to your gynecologist. It is only a benign tumor, it is not cancerous. It wouldnt kill you, only ignorance(the kind the so called Dr BC and colleagues displayed on here) would kill you..

  93. Stella this is a very good topic that affects so many women. I have had mine since 2011, but because it wasn't disturbing me my doctor advice that I live it as removing it will mean me getting pregnant immediately and unfortunately I am yet to meet the right guy. Right now it has grown a bit bigger and the same doctor advice that I remove it. I am a bit scared of some herbs in order not to damage the organs in my body. I have thought of surgery lately, but a bit scared right now after reading some post surgery comments. I am really confused.

  94. Yes, both anon 3:18 and 11:24pm are so right! Also Probiotics are good bacteria that should always be taken as supplement to suppress the efficiency of bad bacteria in the body system. However, in addition to what should be AVOIDED, foods or snacks that contains Monosodium Glutamate (MSG), which is also referred to as FOOD ENHANCER or FLAVOUR (and sometimes written as E621). It can be found in for e.g stock cubes such as Knorr cubes, Maggi cubes (though Maggi now has a NON-MSG version), Ajinomoto (mainly MSG), canned and processed foods, noodles' sauces/soup mixes etc. Read food labels and avoid this acidic ingredient (MSG) which is extremely dangerous to the body system.

    Also to be avoided by females/ladies are products that contain PARABENS (such as methylparabens, propylparabens and butyl parabens) which usually boost or mimic female hormone called Estrogen. They are fondly used as PRESERVATIVES in most products such as, Hair Relaxers/ Shampoos, hair Conditioners, some Roll-ons, some body spray, soaps, foundations, cosmetics in general, body and hair creams/lotions, etc. Read products' labels before purchasing them and avoid PARABENS products. Also, Soya beans (or Soy products) should be avoided as they are high in Estrogen (hormones) which result in suppressing Progesterone (hormones) and thereby causing hormonal imbalance in women. Lastly, ladies should avoid anything SWEET from chocolate to ice-cream, cakes, sodas (such as Fanta, coke etc) or drinks such as La Case... etc, if you can't do without taking them, dilute extensively with water just to give it taste or rather take lemon juice without or little sugar. Also, you can always include a slice of lemon in your water for taste. May the Good Lord heal ALL those trusting HIM for healing and may HE perfect every healing in Jesus' name, amen!

  95. Nice post Stella well done. Though i don't have fibroid and i won't have by Gods grace, but my mum has. What i have heard is when you get to you menopause it shrinks because there is no blood feeding the fibroid again. Please can the Dr.'s in the house confirm this please. Thank you.

  96. Pls tell us the woman that massaged your womb? I ve endometriosis too & the pains is something i cannot even describe. God punish satan forever! pls respond & help a sister

  97. how can an embryologist perform surgeries? are u advertising a fertility clinic pls make it clear,yes laparoscopy is done in ivf centers ,by gynaecologists pls.

  98. was diagnosed of fibroid when i had a miscarriage, had myomectomy few days later and i got pregnant 3 months after the surgery. i delivered my baby last year thou thru cs, im living a normal life now and my period is back to normal. pls the only way out is to get and experienced doctor because incompetent ones will only complicate the matter.

  99. FX Stella publishes my comment. I was diagnosed with 2 fibroids a few years ago. I had surgery to remove them, and they haven't resurfaced. I think a healthy way of eating, among other things, is required to prevent fibroids, as most of our foods here are pro-fibroids, endo, and PCOS. We have a 30 day diet challenge going on at feel free to join us!

  100. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading all ur comments and the first thing that African women need to know is dt once dey start to. Have deir monthly period, they need to stop taking drugs dat have folic acid and vitamin E. Because those r drugs dat pregnant women should use to aid the growth of deir babies in the womb when they are pregnant. So when a woman who has started having her monthly period but I not yet ready for babies takes Dese drugs, d information she is passing to d body and reproductive organs is dat she wants something to grow. So if not a baby, what else? Fibroid!!!!!!!! For all those who say dey ve fibroid and it keeps growing bak after surgery, let dem check d composition of d drugs dey r taking, let dem start to take viscum album otherwise known as mistle toe guava. Mistle toe tea guava taken over a period of 6 months to a year not only shrinks fibroid but totally prevents a re growth. I could give a million stories about dis special African drug hut for those who are really interested to know more can call on 08099831318

    1. Stella well done,but some comments were made here abou what has worked for them but never mentioned their names

  101. Stella thanks very much for this topic, because Uterine fibroids are very prevalent in Nigeria now and there is a latest herbal supplement C24/7 from Natures way that has over 22,000 phyto nutrients including 12mushrooms that is Anti-cancer and anti-tumor. It is clinically tested and you dont need to go for operations any more with C24/7.

  102. please everyone that has had a successful surgery nd have had kids after, why don't you leave the name of the hospital and the doctors name for those of us that need this healing too.

  103. I am bold enough among many others to state that there is now a potent cure to this sickness but many are unaware of it. I discovered that I was infected with the virus 3 months ago, after a medical check-up. My doctor told me and I was shocked, confused and felt like my world has crumbled. I was dying slowly due to the announcement of my medical practitioner but he assured me that I could leave a normal life if I took my medications (as there was no medically known cure to Herpes). I went from churches to churches but soon found that my case needed urgent attention as I was growing lean due to fear of dying anytime soon. In a bid to look for a lasting solution to my predicament, I sought for solutions from the herbal world. I went online and searched for every powerful trado-medical practitioner that I could severe, cos I heard that the African Herbs had a cure to the Herpes syndrome. It was after a little time searching the web that I came across one Dr Itua(A powerful African Herbal Doctor), who offered to help me at a monetary fee. I had to comply as this was my final bus-stop to receiving a perfect healing. My last resolve was to take my life by myself, should this plan fail. At last it worked out well. He gave me some steps to follow and I meticulously carried out all his instructions. Last month, to be precise, I went back to the hospital to conduct another test and to my amazement, the results showed that negative,, You can free yourself of this Herpes virus by consulting this great African Herbal Doctor via this e-mail: or call and whatsapp him on +2348149277967 He will help you and his herb medication is sure. he has the cure on all disease .

  104. An amazing testimony on on how i conceive, also cure from fibroid, i wonder why people still don't believe that roots and herbs are very essential and fruitful in different aspect, especially when you can't conceive and bear children. I am a living witness because I tried all I could to be pregnant but all to no avail, on this faithful day, i decided to check the net for updates on healthy living and i came across testimonies of lot of women who Ahiga has helped with his native herbs to conceive. i decided to put a try because this has been my greatest problem in life so I emailed Ahiga, and he told me what to do which i did, after which he sent me some roots and herbs syrup and gave me step by step guild lines on how and when to have sex with my man. I missed my menstrual flow within a short period of taking it, and the doctor confirmed that I am pregnant. I am very glad to tell the world that I just put to bed a bouncing baby boy last week. Contact Ahiga for your own testimony on: (

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    writing is fastidious, thats why i have read it entirely

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