Good day everyone,
please I would really appreciate your advice. I got married in 2010,I was 23 at the time. At the time he appeared very sweet and kind, everything changed afterwards, he became very violent and abusive both physical and verbally. He locks mi at home ,didn't want any of my friends coming to visit mi and even stopped my siblings from coming close. One time we went to the mall together and a guy commented on how pretty his wife looked,that day I got the beating of my life(thats how bad it was) I never cheated on him or ever gave him reasons to doubt me. After beating me he will spend ridiculous amounts buying me gifts I don't need. One time after beating me at night , he literally broke my hand that night and not minding my tears he forced himself on me.
In the morning he swore that he didn't touch mi (He was not drunk when he hit me the night before). Attending my call to the bar was by God's grace , he basically refused said I didn't need my Law degree(that I wouldn't work anyways). If not for the fact that he feared what my father may do to him, he already planned to lock mi indoors so I can't travel for my call to the bar.
I realised after we got married that his warehouses and business was all a front. All that I thought he was doing was a lie. I wasn't comfortable not knowing the source of his wealth and he beat mi for even daring to probe. I didn't marry this guy for money, had more than enough in my fathers house. I couldn't even tell my parents didn't want the I told you so speech cos my father was not in support of my getting married then,he wanted mi to finish from Law school and work on my career first. I got pregnant almost immediately (same year),I was so happy. I was under the illusion that a baby will make it all good, but it made no difference. I was constantly in the hospital, almost lost the baby several times.
I was reduced to nothing,eventually I packed up and left after staying a week on admission and the Doctor told mi if I keep at it like this I won't survive the pregnancy. After I left he kept threatening me and still does till now. I have reported to the police severally all in vain. He calls me constantly calling me names, stalks me all over the internet,he has sworn to make my life a living hell.
Am 26 now, and my son is 2, He does nothing for my baby's upkeep,I do it all alone but that's not my worry,I have being getting on just fine. He just won't leave me alone,he just keeps threatening to kill me. He said he will bath me with acid,then I'll have no choice but to come back to him, am beginning to take his threats seriously and am scared. I can't bring up an action in court cos our divorce petition is still on(that's cos he is just trying to frustrate it but am not bothered there cos there is so little he can pull off there) my worry is the threats.
Any guy who comes close he immediately starts threatening the guy. Though I still have my reservations about men but I have met some really good men whom he just started haunting for showing interest in me. Its so unbearable,I left him to be free of him but he still haunts me.
Am really sorry for the epistle , I kept it as brief as I could. Tanks for your advice in advance. Please am at the verge of loosing my mind, I don't think I can psychologically handle any curses please I beg. Give your candid advice please. Tank you and God bless.
*Lady you didnt state what country you are need to lodge a proper complaint with the proper probably need to change city....this is scary,dont take his threat married a very sick man...God be with you oh.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteNothing left to say. Only bloglord comments is jst enough.
DeleteMadam u already know what to do. It seems u don't want to see ur son grow up or better still u want him to become exactly like his father. U better leave that place, record one fight with him when he clearly States that he will kill u, taken it to Lagos state public defenders office or office of the deputy governor. Them no born ur animal husband well yo threaten u. If u need help, reply this my post make we hook up. The man Na bastard and we go treat in fuck up
DeleteShe's obviously in nigeria for the authorities not to take things seriously.
ReplyDeleteLady, I am not going to say u married early cz I know someone your age who married same year as u and she is so happy but I'll say u married someone you don't know.
Now, stop being scared and stand up to him. If he calls you to treathen you, give it back to him in a strong voice. If he says he will bath you with acid, tell him you are happily waiting for the day he will try it cz he will have his penis on the floor. Tell him things he wouldn't believe you can utter.
You said he was scared of what your father would do to him, so I'm assuming your dad is a strong man, tell your parents, cry to your dad, 4get d "I told u so" speech, family is your best resort and you are a lawyer, I hope u r practicing, get a ruthless vulture as your divorce lawyer.
As for men, leave them now till your divorce is over. Guard your son diligently and pray ceaselessly.........
I hope everything works out for your good. me, u no well
DeleteUnapologetically, I will describe your husband in one word - beast!
ReplyDeleteYou are a lawyer, are you not? Those threats are enough evidences against him as to threat to life. File a formal complaint against him. Pack your bags, carry your son and runnnnnnnn! Go to your parents, tell them what is going on, no need trying to save face. This is your life which in case you have forgotten, has no spare. Seek help! Get seperated from him before your divorce proceedings pulls thru as you have stated.
I need not say more than I have, before my sweerie comes on here to say my comment is long and boring.
Just make haste while the sun is still shinning. Get away from that man!
Married and Lonely AF
DeleteLol@ pk your bag carry or son and runnnnn well datx d best tin to do
DeleteToo shocked to comment.
ReplyDeleteSingle and seriously scared of marriage
DeleteWhat exactly is your job? Cld dis be as a result of ASUU strike? Pls go learn a trade cos am sure ur very young. No sane matured human would do dis@Na Me
DeleteDear poster,
ReplyDeleteAm sorry to say this ur husband is 'a beast of no gender' and u sef, ur SME SME 2mush.
So after ur husband beat u finish, u allow him mount u like camel, and u can't grab his balls n teach him d lesson of his life.
A man u left still dey haunt u, don't u av sisters or ppl dat can give d man the beatin of his life, break his fingers, or hit him below d belt.
How long u wan take dey run frm dis man kwa. U av to involve ur ppl, n dey av to also spik to dis man's family, giving dem stern warning, dat d gy shld stay clear off u, since e isn't even useful in anytin.And u also need to stop givin d man d impressn dat u are so scared of him.
I sincerely hope u resolve dis. Kpele!
Unknown but an undergraduate
DeleteLol! How u tk no?
Na me, ur case de hopeless o!
Am with pick shell ad Bloglord on ds... Totally!!!!!
Delete'Me' com close, n get a hug from ur super star! #Hugs.
DeleteI no u love me dats y u stalk me on every post. #BlowsKisses as I dance-away
Everything about u pink shell irritates me! Gosh!!! After ur encounter with this "me" person on a post on Sallah, She just acted normal by commenting on ur comment yet ur arrogant complex self still came bk 2 insult her as usual. I pity ur likes. Grow up and stop cyber bulling. It defines u. Shows U r not 4m a good background... I know u ll curse ur self now under Anon!!! Oya...
DeleteEven a monkey wants 2 be noticed. Its ur turn pick shell! Shine now jor while it past. But dnt turn urself in2 a Nuisance. I feel how bored and lonely u are. Cos if u r not lonely, u won't cum bk 2 ur comment so many times 2 check who stalks u and who doesn't.So I won't judge least 4 now. More over I Dnt even see anything wrong with me's comment anyway. I said u r obviously in misery I think.Try getting a bit busy. Or u go 4 a walk. or u read ur books.
DeleteBends, to scratch n caress d heads of my dogs ( na me, me , ada and AOL)
DeleteTells sef 'dem dogs, dey cld do anytin for attenion, mehn look at all d trouble dey took, by writing all dis epistle'
Scratches ada's head some mo, and ask,' pussy ada' wia is my 4th 'bingo' kareem!
Turns to AOL 'I wld revel in dis undeserved attention dat u avnt seized to offer me'
#Bows and walk-away. Tank u darls( I can't lie I enjoy d attentn dis ppl gives me #CoversFace)
STELLA I don turn star on top your blog, it doesn't take anytin to bcom a star in naija.
@pink shell you get time sha... Smh!! See what ASUU is turning our young children to? E no go better for ASUU
DeleteAnony 8;49, I love to indulge ppl. Trut is ASUU isn't hlping matters. #Smiles
DeleteMy dear, do not take his threats lightly,u need 2 tell every1 u know, and like stella said, change city, report 2 d police, take d matter. 2 court, d man is crazy! Run and don't look back. Change ur line. And if d police doesn't respond, go gangster on him! If u have brothers now is d time for dem 2 act, they should arrange some guys 2 teach him a lesson!! Any man dat beats a woman is a freaking bastard and deserves no mercy!!
ReplyDeleteAm sori dear,ma only prayer to u z dt God wil see u thru cos t has been quoted in d bible dt God doesn't give us d burden dtz above our carrying-capacity...On d other hand,this supoz to serve as a big lesson to our young girls,try to finish ur education b4 forcin ursef to any man.this is a big mistakes girls normally do,they lyk showin off wen dey r in school thinkin dt marriage z a competition,no,tz not.God's time z d best,jst wait fr His time.Dnt look cheap later in life by marryin a low lifer cos of his money.Work on ur future 1st cos men wil adore,cherish and respect u if u v sth on brain(or handwrk)...stop hyperventilating afta mekin d mistake of ur life cos tz one of d laws of cause and effect bt al d same God watches us...GOD WIL SEE U THROUGH,AMEN*
ReplyDeleteMarriage, Marriage Marriage. Only God will help women. Your a lawyer, you know your right and all still this man is abusing u, then imagine what soo many naive and unexposed women go though in the name of marriage.
ReplyDeleteDear poster, at 26 ur still very young and u have your whole life ahead of u. Pls find a way to get a record of any of his threats, attach it as documentary evidence and them lodge a formal report at the police station stating in that report that if anything where to happen to you he should he held responsible.
Make sure he gets a copy of that report, that should deter him for now. Moving to a new town won't solve this problem because he will simply find out where u are and continue to torture you. So sorry dear, not all men are beasts, soon the good Lord will give u a good man.
Mhhh,pls show τ̣̣ђё text messages and emails he sent to u to thw authorities as evidence.if it were in europe he would be arrested and not to come near u again.I guess u are in best advice is for u to relocate to another state or country.change ur phone numbers,email addresses and close ur facebook account.only ur immediate family should know about ur new details.and then u can move on.τ̣̣ђё man is obviously sick and a psycho,dnt under estimate sick people!God be with u
ReplyDeleteWow !!!!!!
ReplyDeleteNext time he calls, make sure u record it all.. If ur in Lagos, make a formal complain to the Lagos state govt.. Your father is rich, he must know people in d police force, this is the time to use ur father's influence and deal with this man before he deals with you... Also, never forget to always pray. May God help u
I find it very hard to believe u ar educated not to talk of been a lawyer no insult. I think u no d legal implication of What he is doing to U. Must u wait until u ar dead. Assume u can take it all an Think abt ur kid. Do d legal tings by getting restraint order so dat he does not move near U. Bt if na me I go do d street tings. Even if he just hear my name d guy go pick race. Na tout and thugs I go send to beat d living hell out of him. After dat I will try my possible best to disgrace him on social networks and among is relative and friend, cos if na Naija u dey d police is almost no help, dey will wait until u ar dead b4 dey do someting. Zee say keep praying.
ReplyDeleteGo back to your parents house for the mean time. Ofcourse it can only happen in Nigeria. The crazy hubby would have been sent to jail in the US.
ReplyDeleteAs single as Julit *tongue out*
Delete@ Na Me. U are mentally challenged. Go to Yaba left. I will pay ur bills. Get well soon. Asuu strike don turn u to kolomental.
Delete@ Na Me. U are mentally challenged. Go to Yaba left. I will pay ur bills. Get well soon. Asuu strike don turn u to kolomental.
DeleteDear Poster, firstly I want to give u kudos for filing a divorce cos I knw lot of ppl in ur shoes will wanna keep praying till dey die all in d name of marriage, secondly, I wld advice u disappear entirely from his domain, go to a diff city nd leave no traces , pls don't ever think of going bak to him cos he will disfigure u in order to enable u not to leave him again, relocate nd keep ur head straight u wil find love again. Stay strong.
ReplyDeleteChange ur location,move out of d country,even if its a nearby country go there my sister.
ReplyDeleteAm so happy you left before he killed you. The man is very very sick and you should not take his threats for granted. Am not saying you should live in fear but you should watch your every move. Tell your parents, friends, police and even in laws so every one in aware. Then please move to another city, change your phone nos and keep a very low profile. God will not allow this devil to succeed.
ReplyDeleteThe man is very sick and deluded. Your suggestion is very good and if she is in Nigeria, she should align with NGOs that treat such abusive relationship. There is one recently open in Lagos. Take action and be seek God assistance. Click here for Secrets to writing a Winning YouWin business plan and investors
ReplyDeletedivorce him and dnt go anywhere around him..if possible,relocate to another state coz he's now a beast....dnt no y good people change
ReplyDeleteUr husband is a beast why do I hav d feeling that ds man may kill u soon,did u hear d incedent that happened in anambra d man that bath wife wit acid and force it to her throath she is no more to tell her storey I don't want urs to be like that plss plsss and plsss again learn frm pples experience and stop every communication wit that beast of a man b4 is too late if it takes u relocating do it and let ur family knw all u hav been thru pls. Don't mind my typos am just mad at what pple are going thru.
ReplyDeleteYou children of these days! Do you want to die like chicken in the hands of this useless man and no one in your family will be the wiser?
ReplyDeleteThe fool is taking advantage of the secrecy you are sorrounding the whole matter in. Open up to your parents. Your father especially. This is a legal matter. I'm surprised you are a lawyer. Don't die in vain please. Get a lawyer to get all manner of legal restraints from this mad guy. Change your number and address. You can disappear without him being able to trace you.
Lady, any man that is abusive and threatens you, intends to carry out that threat. If he says he will bathe u in acid, I fear for you. The authorities in nigeria cannot help u, I know for a fact. And the only time they can lock him up is AFTER he has caused u harm. I would suggest leaving the country for a while. Because the man you've described is no joke. I watch a lot of the crime channel and have seen many cases of exactly what you've just described this man is not to be taken lightly. Goodluck
ReplyDeleteNa wa oo. If I say, don't marry too early, they will say I'm beefing. Please marrying early can be so stupid a decision atimes.
ReplyDeleteWhat are your parents doing about all these now? cos I'm sure they must have known whats up since divorce talk is already on.
At this particular juncture, all aboki with em kettle
Idiaaaaat!am sure u are an old hag!!23 is too young??mumu..agadi nwanyi claiming taata..
DeleteCnt u make ur point without showin ur crass ignorance??
When craze meet craze, craze go bow.Maybe it's cos u always cry and fidget anytime his madness surfaces.Stand up to him and threaten him too.Apart from the police, u shld 've boys at ur beck and call to give him the beating of his life seasonally.Is he mad? Una be twins? Marriage ain't by force bikonu.You can't depend on the NPF(if u re in Nigeria)..u sef find out where they sell acid,u can start with car battery acid#dnt forget to pray to win this battle#
ReplyDeleteU got me at dnt forget to pray to win this
DeleteThis sounds exactly like a case of one of my cousins(in law).A lawyer too.The family had to go and get the lady out of their apartment which she paid for before the wedding.Please my dear,pack your things and leave before he kills you (GOD FORBID) and finds someone else(and he will find,trust ladies).Use the wisdom of GOD and at least for now try trial separation and followed by counseling.FORGET the sex for now and concentrate on your self and your son,.GOD will uphold you
ReplyDeleteAnonymousOctober 17, 2013 at 11:21 AM, did you read this story?
DeleteShe left already!
And what sex are you on about?
pls travel out of the country and enjoy ur life. Even neighbouring countries will be fine
ReplyDeleteDomestic Violence again? Na only una dem dey see? U knw a guy is violent and u let urself be lured onto marriage cos of money or looks or sumfin. And now ur crying wolf. Smh
ReplyDeleteDon't tell me he changed the signs of a violent man are always there. U just chose to ignore it and now we no go hear word. File for divorce mbok.
Stella next story!
May God have mercy on u. May u nver fall victim.
DeleteDefinitely bored. Get a job ASAP
ReplyDeleteMarried and have been in the game for long
ReplyDeleteSingle and scared of marriage
ReplyDeleteSingle and naive
ReplyDeleteInbetween - kinda scared tho
ReplyDeleteO ti ya wayray oh. how did u get access to the internet? Go and watch Ben 10. Didirin(imbecile).
DeleteThis may be d work of d devil, like u said he was good at the beggining but later changed. U v to move away from him as for now n constantly pray toward the situation dear, u don't knw wethr d nxt one will be worse than dis cos all dt glitters is not gold. Dts y befr I marry I will pray seriously even if it means going from church to the other cos tnz I c dis day is so scary. As for d anon dt blamed it on early marriage, dear u r so wrong cos it can happen to anybody, my friend dt married dis year at the age of 30 is passing tru hell now as d husby abuse her a lot, even treating to burn her n her school certificates wt fire upon she is pregnant, nearly stoned her to death d other day. Dt has really thought we d remaining single friends a lesson that gud marriage is not all about marrying early or late rather its about marring the right person, that's y befr u marry u shd pray seriously concerning it cos prevention is better than cure.
ReplyDeletefor you moving out and filling a divorce that means your parents might be involved, if your Igbo then your father should take wine and dowry back to his parents to nullify the marriage traditional then you wait for court cos court case no be here,and you should have been going to the welfare by now they would have come to testify against him in court,and my last advice to you is to relocate tell just your parents and leave others in the dark tell dem not to disclose your way about cos your ex informant might be your household enemy.
ReplyDeletefor you moving out and filling a divorce that means your parents might be involved, if your Igbo then your father should take wine and dowry back to his parents to nullify the marriage traditional then you wait for court cos court case no be here,and you should have been going to the welfare by now they would have come to testify against him in court,and my last advice to you is to relocate tell just your parents and leave others in the dark tell dem not to disclose your way about cos your ex informant might be your household enemy.
ReplyDeleteDear lady,
ReplyDeleteI don't know what to say. I am stupefied. That is a very sick man, really really sick and violent. If you are in Nigeria, then I suggest you get in touch with any of these NGOs that deal with abused women and children and if not, still do same in whatever country you are in. Above all, PRAY. You need police protection though, so fight for it.
May God help you.
These are steps you can take:
ReplyDelete1. You have to get yourself to a safe place first and don't let him suspect you are leaving.
2. Tell someone about what is going on. ABUSE THRIVES IN SILENCE!!! Since he fears your dad, report to your dad.
3. Report to the nearest police station
4. Take pictures of your wounds and keep every evidence of abuse from text messages to emails and anything you can use to prove his abusive tendencies.
5. We will like to know your location so that we can refer you to the best place you can get support. There are shelters that you can go to. There are NGOs that have support services for domestic violence victims. Help is available.
You can call Project Alert on Violence against Women on 08180091072 or send an email to
Lord! Did you just call yourself a lawyer with all these bullets?? My dear go and start a trade! Ur certificate is a waste.
ReplyDeleteLol. Ur clearly an idiot. What has being a lawyer got to do with an abusive husband. For a 23 year old to hv d liver to walk out of an abusive marriage she deserves a hug. How is it her fault that the man is stalking her,did u not read that she went to the police but to no avail. Na wa 4 people sha
DeleteThey have said it all, pls act fast, dis is serious o! And pls while you are at it, he myt come up with apology, pls don't accept him back or even go close 2 him let alone listening 2 whatever he wants 2 say, he myt strike at any time, be wise and run 4 ur dear life, a beast will always remain a beast!
ReplyDeleteIs this how you plan to be a man? commenting on every post? You better get you ass off of blogs and get a real life.
ReplyDeleteRespect yourself enough to walk away from ANYTHING that no longer Serves you, Grows you or Makes you HAPPY. shikena
ReplyDeleteWalk away my dear.
This institution called marriage, hmmmm... Women,, we need to really get it right from the beginning.
ReplyDeleteThis institution called marriage, hmmmm... Women,, we need to really get it right from the beginning.
ReplyDeleteI have never commented here before but i am forced to contribute. Madam,you are just a toy and an entertainment for this bully. If someone wants to kill you at least you shouldnt make it easy for him. And stop the secrecy, cry to your dad he can never throw you away. By now you should have at least 5 people calling him daily to curse him out. Someone wanna bake you with Acid and you are still being civil? I don't have your contact,some of my boys in the SSS would have taught him secret lessons of his life without any trace or record . You need to make him feel the heat,i don't want to read your story on page 5 of punch newspaper o. May God protect you.
ReplyDeleteMake una help me can I download sdk blog on bb tour???????
ReplyDeleteRelocate to another country if u can,lodge complaints to every police station u can.write a memo to blogs stating ur name and telling the whole world if anything happens to u or ur son,they should arrest ur ex,my dear,don't just talk sing,every single person u meet tell them about ur ex oooo,talk talk and talk,as pastor chris will say "don't stop talking it". Doesn't he have parents or family??? Go and pack them to police station to produce their son,go to churches,go to asalatu,report ur husband's case to the world oooo,I may sound crazy but my dear,if u value ur life no be under anonymous u go dey send ur the time u tell the world about the kind of man he is,one day u will tell a strong witch or wizard that will handle his case free of charge.I'm born again so if anyone cusses me out,just remember I'm rubber and ure glue whatever u say goes bk to u,aunt stella post my comment pls.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteShut up jare!
DeleteInfact, if u're beside me, I'l give u a dirty slap!
ReplyDeleteAah, u'r a trained lawyer and a man is doing this to you? No wonder, academians say nigerian graduates are unemployable, do u think I'l have a law firm and employ u? Obviously no!
Now, u see, u have to stand up for yourself coz am sure u'r not comfortable anymore, infact stand up now and go to ur father, narrate everytin to him, cry like say 2morow no dey, if u r going tru all dis at this stage of ur life, wen will u enjoy dat life u'v been working for!
Try as much as possible to get a recorfing phone, make sure u record all calls from 2day, so it will b an evidence against him.
U knw wat to do, I believe u should be in d better place to advise us and not the other way!
And ladies, pls always try as much as possible to find out d kind of guy u'r going out with, b4 marriage try to test ur man by making him little upset and see what he'l do!
If he beats or teaten to beat u, den knw dat koboko is waiting for u at ur home wen u'r married!
Na my own $20billion b dis
why not relocate to another city or country ?
ReplyDeleteFind a good phone and record some of his threats and go to the authorities wit it. And tell your parents to talk to his parents too.
ReplyDeleteMrs A
See, I am hugging you from here. Now that all that is done...listen. Lady, be sharp and stop acting like a fish out of water. Your life and that of your child could be at stake. Tell everyone you know, so your Dad will say I told you that worse than acid bath? Abi you are listening to the people that are saying just pray for him he will calm down. Yes, God can touch anyone but right now, the good Lord has saved you from an animal. Tell your Dad, strong cousins, razz cousins, all. Let them know and watch out for you. Record all phone conversations with him, save every text and email. I detect a slight hint of maybe apprehension. My sister, ain't nothing wrong with being a Ms. A happy Ms. is better than a dead Mrs, you hear me!
ReplyDeleteNow ladies, biko. You see why we dey shout say make una get handwork? These men can be demons. See someone telling a lawyer that her father has spent millions on for training that she will not work. That is how they will cage you in and be spending their money on rubbish while throwing you peanuts. It is sad that some marriages are this way, so instead of you to sit there and say my own will not be like that...get out there and be about something. Ladies, be assertive. I told someone the other day that no one is my Lord but God and it almost caused fight. We, Naija women walk around saying our men are our lords and see how our lords treat us. Your Lord would never ever hurt you. So ladies, get a backbone about yourself. No one said be aggressive but you have to let these men know that you are not some idiot that can be toyed with. Some of their heads touch and they feel they can use their yeye power to dominate their wives.
It is well o, it is well!
cool your temper, it is never that serious
ReplyDeleteChai but nne u r a lwayer nah, so u should know how to gather evidence and nail this sucker! Tape his threatenig phone calls.... Save the texts/emails.... Collect collect collect! Then present ur case. I doubt he'll go scot free with all these threats esp seeing as naija is now sitting up regarding domestic violence and states r even beginning to outlaw it. Talk to ur seniors at work and get their input. DO NOT TAKE THIS THREAT LIGHTLY PLS!!!
ReplyDeleteSTUPID WOMAN!!!!! The money and gifts dey sweet you! Die there if you like!
ReplyDeleteDear Poster, listen gud. There's nothing like family. Despite fuckups, bullshits and whatnots, your family will stand by you anytime, anyday. Your story is similar to a friend's. For ppl saying pray n shit, yeah I'm all for praying bt God who said we shld pray for our enemies didn't gv us prayer point. Urs shld be 'I'm gon get dat idiot's arse, so help me God.' Someone threatens me like dat, imma 4get shame and run to momma n pops. Whch person face u wan disfigure? Emene (Me in Izon)? Never! And I'm sure u r a stunner. Arrange some strong men to tan his hide, or worse. Maybe him head go correct. Som ppl just nid to be taught a lesson.
ReplyDeleteYou would need enough pieces of evidence to prove that he threatens you especially in a country like Nigeria where many members of the police force batter their wives, so they wont take you time when you are having an argument, ensure that the recorder in your phone is on, but let him not know..lead him on so that his voice would be caught on tape while threatening you. do it more than once and any judge you present it to in court would quickly give you a divorce..before that, ensure that he signs an undertaking that whatever happens to you, (acid bath, stabbing etc) he would be held responsible..but you have to get his voice on tape first...that was how we handled a mad man who tried to assassinate my uncle..when he was forced to sign an undertaking not to harm my uncle by the court and police, he knew that he couldn't get him physically, so he went backfired cos the man died of stroke and my uncle is still alive and kicking..
ReplyDeleteSorry about these problems you are facing at a very young age.However,you sound like somebody who passed through school(a lawyer for that) and didnt take anything out of it.When you a trained lawyer,spelled losing as "loosing" makes me wonder the kind of education you received or maybe you just have the proclivity not to pay attention to details which is highly demanded from a lawyer.I am damn sure you didnt pay attention to the guys manners when you were courting or you would have noticed the traits.No man becomes a beast overnight.
ReplyDeleteyou are a Fool....A big one
DeleteShe is in a tight corner,,,she is typing in duress,,and u are talking trash...
I hope ds will not befall you someday
He/she Goat
Go to your father. I'm tempted to insult you now but I would just calm down.
ReplyDeleteAre you mad? Are you really a lawyer? Are you stupid? Or just dumb and slow?
Walahi if you were close to me now I would give you a resounding double slap to reset that thing you call a brain. What advice are you expecting exactly? You going through all this and you think it is best to keep family out?
Like I said I will not insult you o, just go to your dad first of all, at least he would be able to reason for you. Ode!
na wa ooo
ReplyDeletePerson marry,,na wahala
Person no marry,,na wahala
GOD have mercy
Pls,,blog visitor,,,shine ur eyes.....ds man is ''demented''....he is very sick..i must tell you......
Dont go back to him,,,dont let him kill u
Lord be with you.
Please, let your family and his family know all that is going on. Can't believe that there monsters out there still beating their wives.
ReplyDeletemy dear, may god see you through this battle, violence should not be taken/treated lightly at all, pls report this to the highest authority who can take actions immediately, sorry to say that you married a beast, do not go any close to him else he'll loose his cool and kill you and then your son suffers, make sure you get the right person to push ur divorce procedures and let ur parents go formally to his family and tell them the marriage is over. save your own life dear. for now stay off the men until you sort things out.
ReplyDelete@na me. you well so. act mature abeg
ReplyDeleteDear poster, u said u didn't marry him 4 money, and dat u are from a rich home, but we know how it goes in naija the rich only marry d rich, so spare us dat ok. As 4 d anon dat said she marry too early dats a lie it can happen to any one dat rush into marriage 4 any reason. But open up to ur parents wats going on their shud be somthing they could do.
ReplyDeleteU need to leave the country before he makes do his threat, leaveeee, run as fast as your legs can carry u and do not leave any traces behind. Don't tell friends where ur going and stay away from social networks. As it is, d life of whomever ur staying with is at risk too. When u eventually leave, pray that ur immediate family will be fine bcos he can do and undo with them.
ReplyDeleteAnon 74 u r not normal. Not all rich marry the rich and the poor also fall in love with the rich. What does that have to do with it anyway???
ReplyDeleteU ar d abnormal here, I gave my opinion and am entitled to it. Since it has nothing to do wif it why did she include it, and by d way where is ur contribution to d issue on ground
DeleteSweetim I know this guy has dealt with ur self esteem that's why u seem so helpless and scared. All I will say is find a way to relocate. Forget the divorce and all. Just run. He will kill you. Please. Don't be a statistic. He will kill you.
ReplyDeleteEvery woman want to marry a man by force by fire,,
ReplyDeleteme I no wan marry again ooooo,,
friendship only is good for me,,
3 ladies at a moment wanted nd are waiting to marry one man,,
nawaaaa ,I no wan marry na by force??????????????
Hian! I was tempted to not respond but i just have to. Poster may God grant you the grace to be strong so you can break free from this beast and come out stronger. God's protection over you and yours luv.x
ReplyDeleteGod will help you. It is not normal
ReplyDeleteHere is the easiest way to write YouWiN Business Plan
Run as far as ur legs can take u!