Stella Dimoko NIGERIA AT 53: Is It Uhuru Or Goodluck?



Saturday, September 28, 2013

NIGERIA AT 53: Is It Uhuru Or Goodluck?

Nigeria will be 53 year since independence from colonial rule on the 1st Oct 2013. Can we say its Uhuru yet? No it isn’t, really it is Goodluck! Uhuru is a Swahili word for freedom and Independence. How many Nigerians can beat their chest to say, we are truly free after 53 years and how many Nigerian can say we have Goodluck? Freedom from poverty and wants, freedom from bad leadership and abuse of national resources, freedom from diseases and social vices, freedom from electoral malpractices and violence. However, we have Goodluck, not only as president of Nigeria at this time, but goodluck that God has been gracious we are still one entity as a nation, Nigeria at 53, goodluck that we are not fighting civil war, goodluck that our oil is still flowing and in demand in the International community, goodluck that Nigeria citizens are patient, long suffering and hopeful that one day goodluck will turn to Uhuru, real freedom and feeling of total independence from inept political leadership corrupt and unaccountable government. 

Freedom from greed and senseless acquisition of obscene material wealth at the expense of ordinary citizens, freedom from exploitation and abuse in the hands of people who are tasked with managing our resources and national wealth for the good of all, freedom from terrorism and plague of poverty.

The Kenyans have Uhuru as President now, Nigeria has Goodluck. They are both leaders of nations. But are they leading well? The judgement is left to Nigerian and Kenyans. The focus of my write up today is not about Kenyans, but Nigeria, my country with abundance of goodluck, but with President Goodluck in position of leadership. Why are we still having the same old problem we had 10-20 years ago? 20 years ago I was in the University of Ibadan, we had ASUU strike for months, and then it was military era. 
Then later we had Independence from Military rule and we shouted Uhuru! We are in democracy, we are free! Lo and behold, 20 year later, the University students are still at home as a result of ASUU strike..yes! Same ASUU, same Nigerian Government, but a democratic one! Are we then moving forward or in a state of Static motion, all movement but no momentum? The government of Nigeria has still not got it right with funding and management of education system. Our education system has been outsourced to Ghana and other countries with significant capital flight, depletion of core skills, knowledge and expertise. Medical doctors, Nurses are still leaving the country in droves to hone their skills and settle in other countries. Nigeria intellectual class now stream to peddle their trade in countries like Ghana, South Africa, USA.

Twenty years ago, we talked about brain drain. It is the same problem happening today. The fundamental reason for the phenomenon remains unchanged, ASUU strike, Poor remunerations, disdain for contractual agreement and poor facilities to do proper jobs. We have Goodluck, but we have no Uhuru! Twenty years ago, we have poor electricity supply, proliferation of generators, crime etc. Now we have Goodluck, we still have same problem, although we hear of talks of unbundling and uncoupling of NEPA, but the same problem still bedevilled majority of Nigerian, bribery, Nepotism, grand scale corruption, corrupt enrichment by public officials etc. Even worse vices have emerged from the stables, kidnapping, ransom demands, terrorism, Boko Haram, militant and amnesty rackets, yahoo yahoo etc. Yet, Nigeria is 53! Can we really celebrate? We can roll out drums as a matter of necessity and social exigencies but, Nigerians are not free and Nigerians are still suffering, its only that Nigerians are long suffering and resilient people, Nigerians have faith and hope, but to have Uhuru, we need more than goodluck! We need strong and effective leadership across the board i.e. executive, judiciary and legislative leadership, local and state, corporate and religion, spiritual and tempora

The Government and its acolytes may have reasons to celebrate, why would they not? They will, because for them, they have Goodluck and Uhuru! Twenty years ago, they had no shoes, but now they have private jets, private yatch, mansions in and out of the country, fat bank accounts, shares, stocks and investments in blue chip companies around the world, children are schooling at private institutions abroad and at home, their children have gainful employments in companies owned by them or in which they have large investment interests, they have all the securities around them to shield them from kidnappers and they have escort to clear the roads for them when they use the same road where ordinary citizens languish in traffic stampede and chaos, they don’t have to stay on queue at fuel stations to have fuel because they have tanker storage of diesel and petrol in their compound.

Unequal society at 53 years of Independence. The economic situation is no far different from what it was 20 years ago for majority of Nigerians. Students are still roaming the street due to University closure; graduates are still roaming the streets for lack of gainful employment, the same issue that faced graduates 20 years ago is still the same today in most families. Young men and women, even older ones are resorting to sharp practices, drug peddling to make ends meet. Now we have mobile phone system that works well, 20 years ago we did not have that facility but still the human development index for Nigeria according to the World Bank is still low. As Nigeria celebrates 53 years of independence, we ought to reflect on this. We don’t have Uhuru, but we have Goodluck. 

Can we live on goodluck and expect things to change for the better? We need more than goodluck to get uhuru, we need public oriented purposeful policy for accelerated development. Genuine implementation of budgets and meaningful legislation and policy to drive growth and positive ideals in our society. Accountable government and conscience driven use of public funds for public good. Our leaders should realise that things cannot go on like this as a nation and the accumulated private wealth cannot bring total joy, peace and harmony in the society.

We have a government, but what exactly do they aspire to for the nation? We can celebrate Independence Day, but are we really as a nation independent of worries that bedevil our nation? ASUU is still on strike, SSANU are threatening strike, electricity and power supply remains a mirage, Unemployment rate remain in double digit. Happy Independence Day. Long live Nigeria

Dr Ajileye is the Publicity and Media Coordinator for Champions for Nigeria (CFN)
*Dr Ajileye is also a blog visitor 


  1. I dey laff.Stello,how many Nigerians u want 2 read dis long write-up??Berra put a post about d***k and p***y if u really dey serious about receiving comments 4 ur blog 2day

    1. You are part of the problem with Nigeria.

    2. 11:43 am. Thank u. Tell the anon that it is people like them that'll sign their lives away because they have been made mentally redundant due to no fault of anyone else but themselves.

      Nigerians hate to read. Why?? Issues that have to do with ur future and that of ur yet to be born offspring, u shove it aside because u are too damn lazy to read and assimilate. It is people like u that like to re echo other's opinions and grievances, without building up ur own personal observations on matters arising in ur environment. Passive individuals u all are.

      And ur types are always the quickest to make noise in public and to castigate what they have no fore knowledge of. Just as u where the first to comment on this thread without first reading the article. Shame on u!!

  2. I fear at first.

    I thought Stella wrote this epistle so I hurriedly scrolled down.
    Where Stella for get this kind time?

    As for the subject matter, I'm tired of analysing Nigeria's problem. Since relocating to another country where everything works, I've seen that Nigeria's case is almost hopeless.

    I'm always amazed about how the leaders here care for the citizens. Disagreement/fights/arguments amongst leaders/politicians are always centered around policies affecting the citizenry. Elected officials are not struggling to increase allowances for themselves or embezzle funds. The handicapped, children, jobless, sick, old people are adequately provided for. Infrastructures are all in place, working in the right order.

    Yet a lot of working countries don't have oil or such resources. But they manage well. How difficult is it for Nigeria's successive leaders to use the people's commonwealth to provide the most basic needs. I tire abeg.

    If you have not left Naija and actually lived as a citizen of a working Country, you run the risk of getting used to the all round failure here.

    1. Anon 11:39. I couldn't agree less with ur very articulate submission. Just like u, am also tired of analyzing the issues facing Nigeria. I wouldn't even shrug much on the basic fundamentals and the socio-economic/financial melt down that we suffer. I am more for our lives and safety, which BH is depriving us. And to think that by now, 2years later our govt do not have a resolution for the serial massacre facing us, even as the Nation sinks into a state of anarchy, is very alarming.
      I swear that if the present administration is able to tackle the BH menace, I personally will not care whether GEJ stays in power for another 10years. But at this rate, while they are all struggling to win the next general elections, I wonder who they want to preside over if BH succeeds in killing everyone.
      Misplaced priority on the part of President Jonathan.

      It is only when lives are safe that we can then deliberate meaningfully over the impoverishment that's facing the citizenry by the govt. For me that should be topmost on the agenda. Not any campaign or trying to gloss over words. Very empty and discouraging.

  3. Good write-up.

    The solution to this lies mainly in the elections. Apart from June 12 1993 elections, no other election has been free and fair like that of April 16 2011 election. Nigerians voted their choice (and their genuine mistake), Goodluck Jonathan. He was voted, in most part, out of sentiments: He's a Southerner and bears Igbo Names(Ebele, Azikiwe), hence he had 98% of Igbo votes. Now that we've seen his true nature and "efficiency", including politically terrorizing state governors like Amaechi Rotimi, does he deserve a re-election? Being sentimental in your answer will leave us in more GOODLUCK, but being sincere in your answer will surely guarantee you UHURU. 2015 is less than 2 years away. Are you ready for GOODLUCK, or UHURU? The choice is yours. God Bless The Federal Republic of Nigeria.

    1. Hmmm, i heard differently though, that the last election was seriously rigged. That cpc actually won, even in abuja. With the way things are going i have lost hope in this country. If you are not from the niger delta you cannot get contracts/ work in certain places. Yesterday at work, some men came to see gm in my office, companies now doing/getting buisness with militants! Graduates without work yet senators n house of reps members want increment in their salaries! Wtf are dey doing sef? I think we need to go the Rawlings way, cause these older generation wont allow change to come.

    2. Hmmmm. All I know is that when the zoning arrangement fracas is discontinued then Nigeria will find peace. Until then we deceive ourselves, even though the power that be will not openly admit it. The problem that is facing Nigeria today under the guise of BH is relative to the disgruntled Northerners who think that they have been unduly removed from the presidency. Of cos as a result of Y'aradua's untimely demise. They believe that they should have been handed the mantle of leadership to continue from where he stopped. That's all. Hence the unending sheds of innocent blood.

      That GEJ is aware of the brains behind BH is an open secret. Yet, he is unable to call them out or to put a stop to it quietly. Since all negotiations have failed, he has decided to carry on as tho nothing is wrong. BH is out to destroy Jonathan's regime, not what many are assuming, that the terrorists are Islamic extremists who just want to impose sharia on us.

      That is what the present administration is posing to us, but those who should know, understand d exact thing BH is after.

      The scary part is that they have promised to make Nigeria ungovernable for Jonathan. So my question now is thus, come 2015, should Jonathan be reelected, what will happen? And come 2015 again, should another person be voted in as President, say he is not a Northerner, what will happen? These are the key factors I worry about. These people have promised to shed blood come 2015, I know God is able to keep His own. But in a situation whereby they decide to go Nation wide to continue their massacre in mass, and away from the North alone, every Nigerian will be affected. What if they choose to hurt the heart of the Nation? Lagos? This is my concern and its worrisome. God help us

  4. Hahahahsha funny ennuf u right.if na tohtoh n prick matter , comment for don full dey troway lol

  5. @11.22 Sharrap ur mouth if u don't have anytin serious to say at d level we are in nigeria ur concern is dick and pussy shameless person wit ur yeye bad mouth allow true nigrians to read. Stupid person cos ur thro frm d university so its nt ur concern ko shege banza park for one side daniska

  6. Nice writeup dear.. Bless

    1. If its tohtoh matter, you will give indepth analysis, won't you?

  7. Nigeria oh Nigeria!
    I'm tired of talking/discussing about this country.

    In the wake of the Westgate mall attack, I watched Kenyan President, Uhuru Kenyatta give his nationwide speech on the matter. He was so eloquent, sharp, confident and straight to the point.

    I kept thinking, can Mr Jonathan ever deliver such captivating speech? I'm sorry but watching him talk is such a bore!

  8. Who is Uhuru? So he is the one that wants to contest against Jonathan in 2015. Ehen...... LoL!
    Pls before all you sabi sabi try to lecture me, I know what Uhuru means.

  9. its uhuru kenyatta for me...winks

  10. Nigeria will be great one day. Bt dat day is still very very far away. Its nt a curse, its just a bitter truth. We nigerians kip decievin ourselves, we hide from d truth. Datz our no 1 problem in dis country. We hate d people who are ready to tell us d truth and luv d ones who lie to us. Datz y many people voted 4 jonathan and nt pdp. Nw see d badluck we are gettin in return.

  11. God bless d guy dat sent u dis write up.we r indeed sick nd tired of all dis injustices,bad govt wth no direction.indeed its so heartbreaking dat we as a country r facing nd experiencing all of dis,a country whr d rich r getting richer by d second nd d poor r getting poorer in less than a can niaja be uhuru even d goodluck is farfetched.beloved citizens of niaja now is d time to wake up! Time to fight for our rights! Time to say nd shout out loud enough is enough!!! For how long will we continue to suffer in penury for how.
    I regret am a nigerian cos am not even sure dis is a country worth being on d map of d world.whr is niaja heading to I ask? Our youths graduates roaming d streets in search of jobs,females selling of thr prides just to get employed,is dat hope for our country is dat a future.
    Enough is enough stand! Arise!!! Awake niaja citizens pls

    Dis is a serious issue nd not of dick nd pussy let those dat think nd knw enough is enough of our bad govt comment

  12. Great piece! Amazing writing skills!

    The government sure has Uhuru but the people do not and as such can not rejoice. One of the pictures on the laugh line post is the 1986 deadline given to the then NEPA to resolve the backout issues in the country. Today, we still graple with the same issues while billions are quoted to hv been spent to fix them.

    Need I say more? The 5th paragraph is my best.


  13. Its time for action, stop all this long epistles. we should march and take over the street. until this politicians reduce their bogus take home. MAKE POLITICS LESS LUCRATIVE and this good for nothing leaders will find their way.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Albert Einstein defined INSANITY as doing the same thing over and and over again and expecting a different result.

    Same people, same godfathers, same friends, same kids, same wives, same families in power directly or indirectly.

    Viktor E. Frankl said that "an abnormal reaction to an abnormal situation is normal behavior".

    Nigerians are now immuned to corruption, poverty and bad living.

    170, 123, 740 citizens of Nigeria can bring
    Bring a change to this madness. Yes we can!

  16. Ok na. Has any of u travelled thru the East West road dis rainy season?. I'm stuck in traffic here in PH for the past one hour. Problem is:terrible potholes and long convoy of Dangote trailers. I laffed crazily at the first comment ppl come dey look me.
    But truth be told,prick matter beta pass dis matter oooo cos Goodluck no dey perform lailai. Abeg,ask us which size of prick we prefer na.

  17. How can we progress as a nation when our politicians do nothing but chase anything in skirts. Politicians in foreign countries fight to give their citizens better living while ours fight to look more money to use and host girls/women in exotic spots/hotels. Very sad! *MJ*

  18. You all know what's funny? The goodlucks,Obj's,IBB's,Uduaghans,Abatis etc read all these our comments and laugh heartily at us saying 'Na today yansh dey back'? Until there is a Nigerian that can go to Aso rock and set himself on fire(Egypt), then all we will do is keep ranting on blogs and talking. Its easy to talk init? To sit in the 'comfort' of your homes and type. You think you have made your impact by writing on Stellas blog? We are all deceiving ourselves. I rem fuel subsidy wahala, NLC came out for like 2 days I guess and then when their hands were greased, they went home, the average nigerians who joined the protest also went home and that's how the matter ended. We love to wait for thesame corrupt individuals to come forward to bloody fool us by calling us out to fight and then when they go home,we all run back to our houses with our tails in between our legs. I keep saying this,and I am not ashamed,I don't care what anyone thinks of me...if I ever get the opportunity to run out Nigeria and live as a 'second class' citizen in another country where I am assured of basic neccessities,I will take it and get out cos each time I think of Nigeria,all I see is Hopeless!!! The corruption we see has already started growing in the hearts of the little one. So who is going to change Nigeria? LOL... Abeg make I rest my matter for here before I too talk con talk rubbish. Ya'll have a beautiful day...

  19. Hmmmm. All I know is that when the zoning arrangement fracas is discontinued then Nigeria will find peace. Until then we deceive ourselves, even though the power that be will not openly admit it. The problem that is facing Nigeria today under the guise of BH is relative to the disgruntled Northerners who think that they have been unduly removed from the presidency. Of cos as a result of Y'aradua's untimely demise. They believe that they should have been handed the mantle of leadership to continue from where he stopped. That's all. Hence the unending sheds of innocent blood.

    That GEJ is aware of the brains behind BH is an open secret. Yet, he is unable to call them out or to put a stop to it quietly. Since all negotiations have failed, he has decided to carry on as tho nothing is wrong. BH is out to destroy Jonathan's regime, not what many are assuming, that the terrorists are Islamic extremists who just want to impose sharia on us.

    That is what the present administration is posing to us, but those who should know, understand d exact thing BH is after.

    The scary part is that they have promised to make Nigeria ungovernable for Jonathan. So my question now is thus, come 2015, should Jonathan be reelected, what will happen? And come 2015 again, should another person be voted in as President, say he is not a Northerner, what will happen? These are the key factors I worry about. These people have promised to shed blood come 2015, I know God is able to keep His own. But in a situation whereby they decide to go Nation wide to continue their massacre in mass, and away from the North alone, every Nigerian will be affected. What if they choose to hurt the heart of the Nation? Lagos? This is my concern and its worrisome. God help us


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