Stella Dimoko Femi Fani Kayode Your Retraction To Bianca Ojukwu Get As E Be Oh.......


Friday, September 06, 2013

Femi Fani Kayode Your Retraction To Bianca Ojukwu Get As E Be Oh.......

Minister of Controversy Femi Fani Kayode displayed Kiss and tell tendencies when he dropped that he had briefly dated Bianca Ojukwu,Nigerias beautiful ambassador to Spain .

It must have embarrassed Bianca to the point that she asked for a retraction or ..........

Femi replied her again and still claimed they know each other after she asked for a retraction through her lawyers........

After probably listening to advice from his elders,Femi has issued what seems like a professor's thesis submitted for appraisal at the end of a one year sabbatical .....his essay was a retraction?an apology?what is it exactly did he end up saying?If Bianca says they do not know and he is still insisting that they know each other isnt it the same thing he is still saying?

Femi's  statement via his lawyers say

''As our client said earlier through his press secretary some of the words he used to describe his friendship with Ambassador Ojukwu in his article titled 'A Word For Those Who Call Me A Tribalist” were indiscreet. He hereby withdraws those words
"They were good friends at the time and they had a few mutual friends who are still alive today. The bizarre, absurd and inexplicable assertion that they were not friends and that Ambassador Ojukwu has never met our client is patently false. Though he has not seen her for over 25 years he spoke to her on the phone when her husband passed on last year"

If he didnt date her,why did he say that he did?If he dated her why is he not standing by his words?At least at the end of the day,we will still say''oh he shouldnt have said it but he is sticking by his words''

The big question now is that both Bianca and Femi are lawyers so they both know how it is to play with words and edge out of a tight spot......Femi has ended up using the learned mans language to say the same thing he said....its like saying ''I didnt say that i didnt say so''

The big question now is.will Bianca acceot Femis thesis or will she go for a below the belt?

If you were Bianca,what would you do?

*The day a man loses his liver is the day he offically becomes a woman...welcome to the world of a woman will be handed a new set of liver to help your tough talk!


  1. Make dm continue washing dr dirty linen in public, make I hear word abeg

    1. Abi o, instead of dem to let the mata rest. Bianca does not know Femi indeed. Perhaps she thinks she's talking to her baby in the womb.

  2. The difference is 'intimate relationship' and 'good friends at the time'
    FFK go sabi do ITK for school

  3. The difference is 'intimate relationship' and 'good friends at the time'
    FFK go sabi do ITK for school

  4. The difference is 'intimate relationship' and 'good friends at the time'
    FFK go sabi do ITK for school

  5. He dated her joor,if not ,he's still insisting on what he earlier said,he also said some mutual frends r still alive,my dear stella femi dated her,ok is Bianca trying to tell us Ojukwu broke the egg...Femi wrote that essay with a free mind...I tire for dis matter self....Stella where in germany are u cos I am in berlin and I need you to cover my upcoming show...Email pls

    1. Anon 1:32Am, Walahi, na you be were alaso. Wo, Femi fuck Bianca, lick her toto wella, she sef ride Femi ,give am BJ wella
      Abeg you all should go and eat excreta. Ode oshi

  6. if i were Bianca i will not accept this, this is not an apology.

  7. Obviously an encumberance to the society. He is clearly a jack ass…socially-insecure and attention-seeking scallywag... Whose got mouth diarrhoea..

  8. FFK says he knew her and had a relationship with her in the early to mid 80's, Bianca was a kid then, is that where he's claiming he had a long and intimate relationship with her from? Tueh FFK tueh.

    After making all that noise, I thought he'd be bringing out photos of them chilling on a couch or hugging at a party, instead he retracts like the flaccid penis he is. Bianca should still deal with him and sue for damages, just because,

  9. Femi's mouth is as wide as his vagina!!!!

    Stella stop giving him air time! Gosh I physically can't stand him. Yuck!
    Who in their right mind will date a Big mouth creature like him!!!!
    Femi clap for yourself, you're officially a pussy,
    One hope's your children grow up to be nothing like you.
    Shame to have you as ones dad!

  10. Cowardice at its peak! Femi, u are what we the Americans call 'sisi'..u know what that means? Like Stella said, u wear the iro and Bianca the trouser. Now, who's the boss sucker?

    Well maybe the people whom u are fooling didn't got to school. I resumed Cambridge long after yourself and Bianca. And the laws and terms haven't changed a great deal. Perhaps pastor B of COZA will find a lawyer in you, and u a client in him... to help release his robust statements too. WTF is this release about? You have repeated the same thing, only thru the damn back door sucker. Give it up already will ya?

    Am surprised that u even responded within the 7days ultimatum u were issued. After all he trying to play tough u did. Ahahah look who's scared! Keep making a fool of urself while we laugh. Mumu oshi! Uncircumcised Phillistine u are! Dim wit

  11. He is a confuse fellow. A talkative..a chicken type of ye..oni ra nu!

  12. Yet again,this issue would be over-flogged. Abeg we should just allow sleeping dogs lie because its obvious this particular angle of the FFK debacle has caused serious damage to both parties. Madam Stella,abeg no start wetin you go fit to finish

  13. This femi is sick, well I don't blame him. If only his useless father had used a condom.

  14. Bianca sef! you ought to have known the so called Femi by now. you will only end up messing yourself up.

    if you (Bianca) claims you have never met with Femi before and he is saying he has..... hmnnnnnn!!! hennnn!!!

    make una allow trouble sleep jeje oh! cos as this matter be, trouble de sleep nyanga de go wake am.

    I was having a time off when this marra started, make I no chook mouth.

    I de roof!

  15. Femi onikobokobo, agbalagba....

  16. Abeg just shut up and stop hating. E be laik say u wan gbench the man sef. kor ikorodu ni

  17. A man that fetched an ant infested fire wood invited lizard to a feast.
    A child that dance surugege never know that surugede is a dance of the spirit.

  18. I know both of them and they used to date.

    Bianca should stop this nonsense.

  19. The man is so shameless. After all his noise and empty vibrations. He ends up in the anus of a woman within seven days. Anyway am not surprised its typical of them. Noise makers.

  20. Anon 9.52,stella knows when to stop! Let her do her job as a reporter.I noticed her efforts in Encomium.Young reporters weren't we all? She found herself in the tabloid.I did in broadcasting!I had my producer put a call to her for an interview. Her voice(then) was too soft to match her pen power!I joined her crowd nonetheless. Am still in her fraternity! Here we re again;women with no apologies! We owe you sh*t! Signed: you know who signs anyway!

    1. I always knew u worked in the media, more like into entertainment news

  21. @stella
    i dont really understand why this issue is paining you so much o,and i mean this in a genuinely puzzled way.

    there is something called "decorum" even if he did have sex with her in every way possible ,the fact that mutual friends have spoken to both of them,it behoves him as a gentleman and adult to cover her modesty and embarrassment by side stepping that issue.a lot has been said and a lot of Nigerians are looking up to the woman,considering her as a moral compass.FFK knows and acknowledges that he mis talks most times and he allowed his mouth to outrun his brain but now he has corrected himself and doing the right thing.

    are you really saying he should have released all the sordid details of what her p***y looks and feels like any birth marks to prove a point to you?

    when you released your epistle analysing FFK's media release,and supporting the 7 days court case against him,i remember my reply saying that a public court case will only hurt her and not FFK.seems i have been proven right.
    people close to them have probably shown her why its a bad idea for her more than ffk so she ll thread the path of reconciliation.and i can bet you 100% the issue will fizzle away.

    BTW the 7 days have elapsed no court case

    1. Decorum u say! I've never doubted the fun FFK's stupid talk gave u. If mutual friends hv spoken to them. Y did FFK wait until a threat from Bianca to make a more honourable reply, better than the first. I still believe that FFK goofed big time when he mentioned any form of intimacy, even if true, wt a public figure in trying to debate a hard topic as tribalism. He wasn't discussing on channel E for christ sake!

  22. btw i though she publicly declared that she has never met ffk before? seems she has also blatantly lied about that an ambassador and political leader

    1. Luca, am beginning to query the credibility of ur analytical mind, as u speak from both sides of ur mouth most times. Esp on this Bianca's case. Am sure have read various submissions from u that has since changed on this thread.

      What exactly are u on about? U were the same person on this blog and Ladun's blog that said the other ladies supposedly admitted to FFK's claim of them, when in fact it is untrue! Now u say the case will hurt Bianca in court if they have to prove she dated Femi? So why did Femi speak within the 7days ultimatum presented him if he isn't lying? If Femi is telling the truth, I tell u that he will NEVER care to honor Bianca's threat for retract. The Femi I know, would by now have proved he is not lying!

      Pls who called for a libel suit? If Bianca who is so afraid that she 'lied' ur own terms luca, were to be afraid of the revelations thereafter of her escapade with Femi, why pursue a suit? Wouldn't she have kept mum like the others?

      And if u think Femi's supposed retract (which by the way is no diff from his first rejoinder) is to keep shame away from Bianca, then I must say you are on a long thing, cos it isn't the case here.

      Femi LIED! If u know this man you'll understand the extent at which he'll go to make a baseless and untrue situations become real in his mind, plus he'll force everyone around to believe them. 3cases like this with him I have witnessed. I just cannot mention names for the sake of the innocent ladies!

      Bianca doesn't know Femi one on one. And like I posted somewhere yesterday, he prolly came across her in England, and she did not know who he was. He was like any other Nigerian she met in passing in England, if at all. But Femi being the fool that he is, always assumes that every Nigerian should know who he is. Self acclaimed celeb that he paints of himself and family name. He believes that there's no nigerian who doesn't know him or have heard the name Fani Kayode (by virtue of his father). It is on this strength that he socializes.

      And it is on this strength that he tells whoever cares to listen, that every lady on the street and even on the internet wants to sleep with him. He lies like a motherfucker that he is. Don't be too quick to condemn Bianca, and I wish she would follow suit this litigation to prove herself and to let the Nigerian pple know that Femi Fani Kayode is a pathological liar! Ask oBJ, he'll clear ur doubts!

  23. Bianca is a pathetic Liar..... Lette d mata rest abeg.... @Signed wide eyed... Pls be my frd.....

  24. Bianca is a pathetic Liar..... Lette d mata rest abeg.... @Signed wide eyed... Pls be my frd.....

  25. I can tell u for a FACT that the silly old goat and Bianca NEVER dated neither did they have anything of the sort he tried so lamely to communicate to the public.

    NO mutual friends intervened.
    Ask him what friends?
    Femi? He would be showing the world those mutual friends were it to be true.

    ALL part of ffks strategy to make some gullible members of the public believe his BS.
    He was after something,which I can't say here for now.
    And it all back-fired woefully.

    Knowing the silly man,IF he had even a scrap of evidence,he would release it,at worst anonymously to buttress his points.
    He's done worst things for lesser situations.

    THIS is his third WORST nightmare,for the world to see him as someone without credibility.

    You obviously don't have ANY idea who we are talking about here.

    The only thing I will say further is that the mind bending trips are "realer" than we all think.
    To him,its all fun and games,and he has a named personality within himself for all this atrocities he gets up to.
    And I can assure you that he is tha "mutual friends" he speaks

    Like the coward that he truly is,he had to withdraw,everybody knows were Bianca to sue him,he doesn't have a faded kobo to pay in damages.

    *ps**femi,bianca can NEVER be your cash cow. Look for someone else.

  26. @lucabracee; when u experience what its like,if ever,for a well known deranged individual to slander your name for his personal gain,then you can begin to understand why stella is so "pained".

    Left to me,Bianca shouldn't accept this trash from him.

    Even his twitter,he is still trying to "prove point" and acting like "it happened but I'm only trying to save her face" when in actual fact,he's trying to really save his messed up reputation!

    The amazing thing is how smart this dunce thinks he is.
    Yet he is so transparent.

    **femi,I've munched all your twits on this matter in case you delete as usual** JUST in case Biancas team needs more evidence to back up what they have on u.
    I will gladly carry out my civic duty like a responsible citizen of the FRN.

    1. Thank uuuu.. My sentiments exactly. Why do I think this is my girl tangerine..lolZ

    2. Thank uuuu.. My sentiments exactly. Why do I think this is my girl tangerine..lolZ

    3. OMG. I posted earlier without noticing u actually are Tangerine. I just read ur comment and knew it had to be u. LolZ

  27. Tangerineeereeeee! Welcome back.Hope to hear more from you jare.You obviously have some hard core facts on that Yaba left Patient.

    I just pray that guy will not start biting people on the street one of these days,cos,that guy don kolo ooh.

    If i were Bianca sha,I will ignore the deranged Clown.

    Cheers Tangy and keep the Fire burning.

    Stella,how is your fine boy ooooo? I just dey check him foot since dat day oooo.We must be in-laws by force by fire.My fear is just that if any issue arises hen,you will finish me for family meeting with this your bad mouth.....
    *strolls around the house looking for Alomo Bitters to drink and Bitter Kola to chew*

  28. @lucabracee FEMI you need to get off Stella's blog already!!!!!' Disgusting creature! We all know how you post anonymously on blogs, ain't fooling no one.

    1. I have been saying it that femi has a blog name, as he's a regular on this blog! FACt!!!

  29. The point is clear that he knows her and they probably dated,he only rephrased his words to seem milder!
    Bianca should just let this man be else he will say more,cos he's not ready to be proven wrong!

  30. Dem don use style go beg Femi just to save Bianca's face. Obviously, Femi knew and knows Bianca, dated and fucked her. Shebi its past tense? Which one is all the hullabaloo inside na? Oh, okay, it's bad for the memory of the late warlord of igbo land that na Femi use remain e marry? Dem dey see like dat sometimes na. Abeg, Bianca should just go and rest and stop embarrassing herself.

  31. @anon 26
    i guess you did not read ffk's press release a day or two after the fake expose about his family then.
    before mrs ojukwu even made any comment,ffk' publicly released a comment apologising to her and all the other ladies for mentioning their names and clarified himself

    1. I said '...a more honourable reply, better than the first one' FFK posted the apology and deleted it hours later cos of the fictious Shama maliga. If FFK wasn't scared, he shldnt hv offered this other apology, whether on persuasion from friends or otherwise. He's a very empty vessel

  32. @tangerine
    i totally agree with you that ffk is to blame,i agree he has a record with different women and i also think he does not think or behave like someone who attended ivy league universities.
    i can bet you any product of cambridge university would be ashamed to associate with him,he doesn't think before he talks,he is immature,insultive,arrogant and i have told him all this making him block me and unfollow me on twitter.
    however i believe him 100% on this issue
    the woman said she has nevr met ffk before now we know its a big fat lie.
    she said she has given ffk 7 days to totally retract his statement and offer an apology ffk didn't retract it but repeated same thing where is her court case?

  33. @queen bee
    precisely.anyone reading in between the lines of their exchanges without any biased mind will recognise and acknowledge the truth.

  34. i beg can you stop giving this foolish man audience! am personally sick and tired of his basket mouth that can never stop leaking!!!! Gosh am pucking, get me a bucket! ffk- freaking fucking kolomental


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