Stella Dimoko Igbo Trader Samuel Okafor Sends Femi Fani-Kayode A Memo.


Sunday, August 18, 2013

Igbo Trader Samuel Okafor Sends Femi Fani-Kayode A Memo.


Samuel Okaforspecially asks that Blogvisitors who come here read this and let him know what they think.
He responds to Femi Fani Kayode's Controversial 'Tribal' memo.

Femi Fani-Kayode; I am - for your information - an Ibo trader who trades intellectual knowledge; I attended the famous Dennis Memorial Grammar School and then studied History at the University of Nigeria Nsukka – first Class ooh. I then did a Ph.D in Nsukka on scholarship; you can check me out you half-baked intellectual. Introduction done, let us now examine the facts since Femi insists we do so. I will, point by point, address the most reckless amongst the tangle of reckless comments spewed by Femi, a character who with each punch of his keypad stresses his severely unwell conditions of logorrhoea, delusions of enlightenment, history and sociology - amongst others, that is.

Femi Lies About the Yorubas Being Nigeria’s Earliest Graduates:
From his myopic bubble Femi Fani Kayode claims the Yoruba were the first to acquire western education; the first ever known record of a literate Nigerian in the English Language is the narrative of an Ibo slave who regained his freedom and documented his life history as a slave from the time he was 11 years old in present day Ibo land till the time when he gained his freedom in the middle of the 18 th century. He later married an English woman and had 3 children. He died in 1795.

Femi, a basic Google-research will do you good here; check out the name, EQUAINO-OLAUDAH GUSTAVUS-VASSA. Further Femi claims that the Yoruba were the first lawyers and doctors in Nigeria. This is again a big falsehood. The first Nigeria doctor was an Efik man Silas G dove who obtained a medical degree from France and returned to practice medicine in 1840 in Calabar. This fact can also be verified from historical medical records in Paris.

I would also ask that you google the name BLYDEN - Edward Wilmot BLYDEN - an educated son of free Ibo slaves who by the mid 19th century had acquired sound theological education. He was born in Saint Thomas in 1832. He is one of the founding missionaries that established the arch bishop vining church in Ikeja. Before the next time you succumb toyour long-running battle with logorrhoea, Femi please do some research.
What about the third president of a free Liberia – President J.J Royle again a man of Ibo descent. Please take some time to do some research so that we can discuss constructively. It is wrong to peddle lies to your people. It is academic fraud to knowingly misrepresent facts just to score cheap points with people who do not have the discipline to do research and accept anything you pour out simply because they say you are well educated. To again quote the great noble prize winner in economics Joseph Stiglitz; Femi fits into the category of third rate students from first rate universities with an inflated sense of self-importance. Let’s go on!
Who was the first Nigerian Professor of Mathematics – an Ibo man- professor Chike Obi – the man who solved fermats last theorem. He was followed by another Ibo man who professor James Ezeilo professor of diff entail calculus and the founder of the Ezeilo constant. Please do some research on this great Ibo man. He later became the Vice Chancellor of the University of Nigeria Nsukka and one of the founders of the Nigerian Mathmatical Center. Who was Nigeria;s first professor of Histroy – professor Kenneth Dike who published the first account of trade in Nigeria in pre-colonial times. He was also the first African Vice Chacellor of the university of Ibadan. Who was the first professor of Micro- biology – professor Eni Njoku he was also the first african Vice Chancellor of the University of Lagos. Anatomy and physiology- professor Chike Edozin is an Asaba man and current Obi of Asaba. Who was the first professor of Anatomy at the university college Ibadan. Who was the first Professor of Physics- professor Okoye who became a professor of physics at the Massachusetts Institute of technology in 1960. He was followed by the likes of Professor Alexander Anumalu who has been nominated for the noble prize for physics three times for his research in intermediate quantum physics. He was also a founding member of the Nigerian Mathematical Center Nuclear physics and Chemistry- again another Ibo man – Professor Frank Ndili who’s gained a PHD in his early 20s at Cambridge Univesity in Nuclear physics and Chemistry in the early 60s. This young Asaba man had mad a first class in physics and Mathematics at the then University college Ibadan in the early 50s. First professor of statistics – professor Adichie who’s research on non-parametric statistics led to new areas in statistical research. What about the first Nigerian professor of Medicine – Professor Codilynye he was appointed a professor of Medicine at the University of London in 1952. He later became the Vice Chancellor of the university of Nigeria Nsukka after the war. What about Astronomy – again another Ibo man was the first professor of Astrnomy- please, look up professor Ntukoju he was the first to earn a double Ph.D in Astrnomy and Mathematics.

Let’s go to the social sciences- demography and statistical research into population studies- again another Ibo man – professor Okonjo who set up the first Center for Population Research in Ibadan in the early ‘60s. A double Ph.D in Mathematics and Economics. Philosophy – professor G D Okafor who became a professor of philosophy at the Amherst college USA in 1953. Economics – Dr Pius Okigbo who became a visiting scholar and professor of Economics at the University of London in 1954. He is also the first Nigerian Ph.D in economics. Theology and theological research – professor Njoku who became the first Nigerian to earn a Ph.D in theology from Queens University Belfast in Ireland. He was appointed a professor of theology at the University college Zambia in 1952.
I am still conducting research in areas such as geography where it seems a Yoruba man professor Mabaoguje was the first professor. I also am conducting research into who was the first Nigerian professor of English, Theatre Arts, Languages, Business and Education, Law and Engineering, Computer Technology etc., Nigerians need to be told the truth and not let the lies that Femi Fani Kayode has been selling to some ignorant Yoruba who feel that to be the first to see the white man and interact with him means that you are way ahead of other groups. The Ibo as The great Achebe said had within a span of 40 years bridged the gap and even surpassed the Yoruba in education by the 60s. Many a Yoruba people perpetually indulge in self-deceit: that they were the first to go to school; to be exposed to western education; that they are the first to go to school, that they are academically ahead of other Nigerian cultures of peoples. Another ignorant lie.

As far back as 1495 the Benin empire maintained a diplomatic presence in Portugal. This strategic relationship did not just stop at a mere mission but extended to areas such as education. Scores of young benin men were sent out to Portugal to study and lots of them came back with advanced degrees in medicine law Portuguese language to name a few.
Indeed some went with their Yoruba and Ibo slaves who served the sons of the Benin nobility while they studied in Portugal. These are facts that can be verified by the logs kept by ship owners in Portugal from 1494 to 1830. It is kept at the Portuguese museum of geographic history in Lisbon.

Why then would several Yoruba people peddle all these false hoods to show that they are ahead educational in Nigeria?  The true facts from the Federal Office of Statistics on education tell otherwise, showing that 3 Ibo states for the past 12 years have constantly had the largest number of graduates in the country producing more graduates than Ondo Osun Ekiti and Oyo State. These eastern states are Imo, Anambra and Abia. Yet he calls Ibos traders. Indeed, the Igbos dominate because excellence dominates mediocrity – truth.
Let me enlighten this falsehood’s mouthpiece even further: before the civil war Ibos controlled and dominated all institutions in the formal sector in Nigeria from the Universities to the police to the military to politics
The first Black Vice Chancellor of the University of Ibadan was an Ibo man
The first Vice Chancellor of the University of Lagos was an Ibo man
The first Nigerian rector of the then Yaba college of technology was also an Ibo man
The police was run by an Ibo IG
The military was a professional institution was also run by elite-ilk Ibos.
Facts can never be hidden. To be first does not mean you would win the race; let us open up all our institutions and may the best man win. Let us not depend on hand outs or privileges but on heard work. Let us compete and give the best positions to our brightest be it Ibo Yourba or Fulani and then we shall see who is the most successful Nigerian.
I find it difficult not to respond to some of these long held lies that are constantly being peddled by Yorubas. One is that the Yoruba have the largest number of professors in the country. I would again ask that we stick to facts and statistical records. The Nigerian Universities Commission has a record of the State with the largest number of professors on their records and as at 2010 that state is Imo State followed by Ondo state and then Anambra State the next state is Ekiti and then Delta before Kwara State. I am sure you Yorubas are surprised. When you sit in the South-West do not think others are sleeping but I wish to address another historical fact and that is who we’re the first Nigerians to receive western education it is important that these issues be examined in their historical context and evidence through research be presented for all to examine.
I have continued my research for as the great sociologist and father of modern sociology – Emile Durkheim put it. The definition of a situation is real in its consequence – what this simply means is that one must never allow a perceived falsehood to become ones reality and by extension individuals who accept a defined position act as though the situation is real and apply themselves in that narrowly defined paspective.
Why is this important to state it is because for long the Yoruba have peddled lies it has almost become accepted as the truth by other Nigerians but it is important that we lay down the facts for others to examine and come to their own conclusion for facts are facts. Let’s go back to education historically western education resulted as a product of indigenous ethnic groups interacting with the whites through trade. The dominant groups sold slaves ivory gold and a host of other products to their European counterparts in exchange for finished goods- wine tobacco mirrors e.t.c.,.
The Beni who were the dominant Military force from the 15th to the 19th century raided and sold other ethnicities to the European. Top on the list of those they sold were the Yoruba Ibo and Igala. Various other ethnicities suffered as a result of the beni Military expansion. And the Benin Kingdom stretched from present day Benin up to what is now geographically referred to as Republic of Togo. Indeed the influence of the Benin empire extended to the banks of the river Niger to present day Onistha. There are huge Yoruba settlements in the Anioma part of Delta state who fled Yoruba land as a result of these attacks and constant raids. Yes there are Yoruba people who are currently living with Ibos in the Ibo speaking part of delta and they are full citizens of the place no one refers to them as strangers and there is no talk about the Ibos being the host community like we hear from the governor of Lagos State but let me return to research. Slaves were moved from the hinterland to the coast and many were sold through Eko to the New World. These slave were the first to encounter the Europeans and by extension their way of life- this included education in a western sense. The Beni king had taken pains to establish a diplomatic presence in Portugal and the relation ship developed into areas that extended beyond trade in the late 15th century and lasted well into the early 19th century. Scores of young beni youth were sent to Portugal and studied there. Coming back with advanced degrees in various disciplines. The next set of people to receive western education were the slaves themselves. Some of them managed to buy their freedom and develop themselves further
For the Ibo it does not matter who your father is the question is who are you? Who was Obasanjo’s father was he the most educated Nigerian? I am sure the answer is no. Yet this Great Nigeria led this Nation two times as a military head of state and as a civilian president. What about GEJ who was his own father? Was he the first Nigerian to go to London? The answer is no. In fact he had no shoes yet he is fully in charge. So it does not matter if your father was the first Lawyer or first Doctor in Nigeria but rather what matters is what an individual does with the talents the almighty has given to him. Let us open up Nigeria for competition. That is the solution to our problems. Those who want privileges keep reminding us that their fathers were the first to go to school in London. Every generation produces its own leaders and champions. Like Dangote who is the biggest employer of labour in Nigeria today and the richest man in Africa. Was his father the first to go to study in London? Yet he is the master of people whose parents gave them the best. My brothers the answer to the Nigerian problem is that we should establish a merit driven society. I get am before no be property.
Politics with the great Nnamdi Azikiwe of Africa also had an Ibo coloration
Indeed the action group developed as a result of Ibo domination of politics in Nigeria with Awolowo selling tribalism to his people as the only way to check the Ibos who he felt had taken his birthright by sweeping the elections into the western house of assembly. It was only after putting Fear into the average Yoruba man at the time did they cross carpet. These are facts. Awolowo started tribalism in Nigeria that is why he never ruled our country. Hate can never stand. All the Ibos ask for is fairness and competition. Open up all the jobs positions and academic spaces in our institutions and let us compete and we would see who comes out on top

Nigeria anyway has no choice. To remain relevant in the world,it must adopt best practice and become a merit driven society . When this occurs the Ibo would again dominate for in the words of the greatest African writer of all time the man who has sold the most books and the only African whose books have been translated into more languages than any – professor Chinua Achebe -  “the Ibo is a creature built for competition held down neither by religion no tradition”. My Yoruba brothers stop crying the game has only just started. Thank God GEJ would do another four years. It would only help to crate a level playing field for all Nigerians. To those who claim they were first at everything I have one simple thing to say. Again, I get am before no be property. Game on.

Femi to answer your question who owns Lagos, the question can be answered in a number of ways
Constitutionally Lagos is owned collectively by all Nigerians. What we know as modern Lagos started when the British annexed Lagos as a colony. Till today most of the titles for landed property in places like Ikoyi Victoria Island Yaba Ebutte-Metta, Lagos Island, etc., take their root from the Queens registry. The said titles were recorded in her Majesty’s registry evidencing the parcels of land allocated. These titles after independence were passed on the Federal Government and held until the recent sale to private individuals under the Obasanjo administration. Now the owners of the Land are private individuals from various ethnicities. Further communities in Lagos have also sold extensive land to new owners who come from other parts of Nigeria. When you sell a property and receive adequate monetary compensation for the property do you still own the property? Femi, answer me. The Ibos have worked hard and bought their properties from constituted authority and thus like every Nigerian have a right to lay claim to Lagos for they own a part of it. Femi what is all this talk about Ibos owning Lagos? Why are the Yoruba not concerned about the Ibos owning Ibadan Ife or Akure? Why is there so much emphasis now on the Yoruba owning Lagos? Is it because Lagos has all the attractions that other major cities in the South West do not have? Femi, the truth is that modern Lagos as we know it today is a product of the collective efforts of all Nigerians - Ibos inclusive.
The Third Mainland Bridge, Eko bridge , Tincan Port, Apapa Port , NItel building , Carter Bridge, all the fly overs that you see; Federal Palace Hotel, Ikoyi hotel, just to name a few was not built with Cocoa money but mainly from oil money. I would refer you to the 1 2 3 4 development plans of the Federal Government and see what allocation Lagos got directly from the federal government for development. It is wrong for the Yourba to now start claiming Lagos and asking other nationals to go home. Let me ask you further how many states in the South West produce the resource which we all depend on? My dear Femi only one - Ondo - yet all the States from the south west continue to derive benefits from the Federal Government and there is nothing wrong with that. For we are a federation. And all the federating states have certain rights as well as obligations to its citizens. Femi, Nigeria fought a bitter civil war to ensure we are one nation and so nobody would ever divide us again neither you nor Orji Uzo Kalu. If we all start saying our Lagos, our oil, our Abuja our gas, collectively, we would all be losers.

Historically the rights of who own Lagos are clear Lagos was a Benin town with a Benin Oba who paid tribute to the Oba of Benin indeed his chiefs were the descendants of noble Benin families. The Benin empire ran Lagos for over 400 years before the colonial powers took over.
Yes the dominant people in Lagos were Yoruba but they formed not the rulers of the town but the subjects of the Oba just like we find in the United Kingdom today where people are subjects of the queen of England and not citizens. I would explain citizenship rights to you later.
So who owns Lagos? All of us! Take Abuja for example – who owns Abuja? The land was bare land owned by the Gwari people and in a span of 30 some years federal resources turned bare land into a paradise on earth. So who owns Abuja? Can the Gwari who are the original owners say to the Yoruba there – go back home? My answer is simple no they cannot. That city was developed by our collective efforts and resources indeed if anything the Gwari should be grateful to the Almighty for bringing them such lucky federal development. The South East continues along with the south-south to produce the resources that drive our economy. Imo,  Abia, Anmabra are oil producing states. The reserves of oil in Anambra State are now proven to be more than that of Rivers. The Ibo speaking part of Delta also has huge deposits of gas and we thank the Almighty for blessing this land called Nigeria. Who owns these resources?  All Nigerians. So when you lay claim to Lagos as “our town”, I say to you my dear you are myopic. We all own this land with its resources. Fashola has only built on a good foundation – federal effort. He must learn to correct his mistakes and not be misled by Fani Kayode whose family has been in the hate business for decades. His father was directly responsible with Akintola for operation Waite that led to the destruction of the first republic and later a civil war.
We must not allow his son to sell hate to us as Nigerians. When the trouble starts Femi would run to London where I am sure he holds dual nationality. Where do we have to run to? We must focus our efforts to ensure that we build a collective future for our children. We must collectively defeat these hate mongers.

I have had liaisons with Yoruba people; several are disciplined, visionary, focused and determined; these belong to an unusual ilk to which Femi can never belong – as several as his shots at elitism are, we can still see the mud on the skin of him. He belongs to that mediocre ilk, that unscrupulous bunch who have sold all their land and borrowed money from the Ibo trader to go to London to work as a toilet cleaners. These ilk have taken advances from their places of work and bought tickets on credit to be like the jones who are visiting London where their children are cleaners and house boys in London in order to pay their school fees. Most of their sons now return as homosexuals and crack heads from London. And the Ibo man laughs. Their women slip out at night to be serviced by Ibo traders who understand the game . The Yoruba husband is never there at home to satisfy madam. He is in London Paris New York. He comes home only to find his Lola or is it Nike heavy with child and he is happy. They are both happy or pretend to be happy. For the Yoruba life style is to pretend even when you know the truth. And an Ibo child is born. Who is the fool? The Oxford trained Yoruba lawyer or the UNN trained Alaba trader who has been having fun with Nike or Lola? You see, the present day Yoruba man is the Wise Man Who died in the Foolish Mans backyard. The Ibo man has him figured. His land is not his land he has sold it. His home is not his home for he is never there. His wife sleeps around for lack of warmth and ends up as a mistress of the Ibo trader, Emeka. And the worst part is his child is not even his. He has Ibo blood deep in his vain and would inherit all his property. Who now is the fool? That is the true position of most Yoruba homes today. It is happening today in Ikoyi VI ikeja etc. Many a Yoruba man is the wise man who died in the foolish man’s backpack yard.

Femi, return all the money you stole from the Ministry of Aviation and stop hiding behind your own personal agenda. For someone who cares so much about his country he would not have stolen 29 billion Naira meant for the development and rehabilitation of our airports. We are not surprised at your behaviour you come from a long line of thieves; Your real grandfather was shot dead in a court house in Lagos for duping a returnee slave descendant . Igbos say if a child does not know what killed his father, what killed his father will kill him. Like your grand pappi, the historic thievery of your ancestry and the arm of the law – this time in the authority of the EFCC have come for your blood. De ja vu.

Let me significantly have the Nigerian people know this too: that the name Fani Kayode comes from your maternal side and the Kayode part is a borrowed name from a friend. That you father dropped his real name out of shame. That was the only way he could practice law in Lagos. Femi tell us who your fathers father is? Stop hiding behind all Yorubas; who is your fathers father you bastard? A slave is always the one to shout the most for fear of being identified as a slave. The Yoruba nation would never trust your family, you drug-addicted son a dead thief. Your paternal grandfather was killed for stealing. Your father worked for the Ibos all his life heading the NCNC for most of his political career and the great Obafemi Awolowo never trusted your father Remi.

Even in 1979 again your father worked against the great Awolowo and joined the NPN Nigeria and the Yoruba nation would never forget these facts. Again, you see your own political life? De ja vu. Which party did you just cross-carpet to? I think the drugs you are taking are affecting you. Better face your EFCC cases – and squarely too - and stop trying to gain favour with the Yoruba nation. You can never correct certain known facts try as heard as you want. Again the Yourba are not a race but an ethnic group- Cambridge fool.
Yes we may be traders now but we have bought up all your land. Look at Lagos; the you-called “host community” sells their land and then starts crying “Igbo domination!” after using the money for owanbeh.  Wise man way die for foolish man backyard- that is the average Yoruba.

Half of your women slip out and sleep with our Ibo traders and present the children as the first sons of prominent Yoruba families. Then you say the Yoruba are the first to go to school and the owners of Lagos: again history calls you to its books: Eko is a Benin word for camp; Idumota is a Benin word; Udumagbo is a Benin word; Eti OSA is a Benin word; the oba of Lagos was a vessel of the Oba of Benin crowned by the Olotu. What history did you study in Cambridge you crack head? The Yoruba were the slaves of the Benin empire sold to faraway places like Brazil. You grandson of a thief; say more and we would tell you a few truths. Thief.

*ouch!........Samuel Okafor you are a trader?this your writeup deserves an ovation oh.....abeg you don marry?in case any singly lady blog visitor falls for you after reading your writeup..ohon ohon!


  1. *yawning* story story!!! See let him and Fani-Kayode go on national TV for a live debate.. I am tired of this matter.

    1. Why are other tribes in Nigeria so scared of the Igboman? Why has hatred for the igbo become currency in this country? After carefully reading Prof. Chinua Achebes "There was a country" and trying to answer the questions he asked, I believe we have a long way to go in achieveing the so called "One Nigeria". Signed: That Igbo trader called Chukwuemeka.

    2. *yawns* abeg the story too long! Okafor wetin differ you from Femi? With this your write up both of you are tribalistic morons! Just as Jimcaddy suggested see Femi for live debate! Jobless old fools!

    3. My friend, the underlying truth is that Lagos is a state allocated the Yorubas how ever u want to view it. Fashola deported them to ibo land, why is it a problem? Una house dey burn una for body? Its not like he dumped dem in sudan, he dumped them in Anambra. Even the ibos hate themselves was it Abia state gov that sacked all non abia indegenes from the civil service or so. The ibos are like the devil, invite them to eat with u & they'll take away ur food instead. U don't show niceness to an ibo person, u will live to regret it coz were it 2 be the oda way round, they will only be nice to u for the chunk they will get in return. That's a typical ibo person, no brotherly love, it is nothing goes for nothing.

  2. LOOOOL is this what Nigeria has turned to? in the year 2013 AFRICAN MEN educated for that matter are debating on what tribe saw white people first or first graduate how will that affect the price of garri in the market for goodness sakes??

    .i could not even read past the first paragraph before i gave up.
    this just shows that the residue of colonial mentality and a severely low self esteem is still disturbing us.

    fani kayode ,orji kalu and several of their supporters have made some outlandish and ignorant,divisive comments we have laughter angered and all sorts but i beg its getting tiring already time to move on and i am totally tired of the rubbish issue .

    1. After reading through I realize 95% of the people commenting are ibo's so what do you expect, it is natural to hype your tribe, every1 is a tribalist either you like it or not, but the truth is we all know the truth about our tribe, the yoruba's can't be the dirtiest not when we still have the hausa's, every tribe has its fault, but hay how those that move us forward, I don't expect any support for the other tribe when it is only the ibo's that are commenting, what do you expect them to say? That ibo's are bad? And stella is ibo am sure.

  3. Long thing.didn't evn bother readin to d end. Frm d few lines I read,e is actually in line. The interesting narrative of Olaudah Equiano or Gustavus Vassa,The African is a novel that tells of Slavery. FMH!

  4. Nigerians. If u ever hope to develop put these nonsense discussions to rest. It matters not. Unite and move your country forward. Appreciate yr tribal differences and educate urselves. Its sickening in this day and age to see such debates and amongst young nigerians. Pls. Im sad and disgusted to see the amt of time nigerians spend discussing tribes. Such ignorant statements. Wake up and develop ur county as one. This is why we will always be behind europe.

    1. Mr Femi-Fani Kayode & Mr. Samuel Okafor,these social-tribal fisticuffs should just End. Its not getting funnier. From my observation the lots of igbos and the lots of Yorubas who are triballistic are either Uneducated or so Cultural. But seeing/having these two Educated persons displaying such Malarky, Words fail me to express how bitter i am as a Nigerian.

      FFK & Okafor should quit starting what they cannot End. FFK is a nuisance, he doesn't deserve the slightest attention. That's the reason I always skip posts about him whenever he is in the news. Mr. Samuel Okafor replying FFK was cool, Until you went deeper excavating and Narrating his father and grandfathers death- watever. A strong Memory was evoked. Mr. Samuel you wrote from the venom of your pen, you want it obvious that FFK should suffer the ignominy of Defeat and the Igbos punching the air in Triumph. You both should be Prudent and put an End to this madness already. Even a proverb say and I quote "Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him" Mr. Samuel, I'm an Igbo but personally I think your response wasn't necessary.

      Mr. Femi-Fani Kayode, If you are right, then there is no need to get angry and if you are wrong, then you don't have any right to get angry over Mr. Okafor's Memo.

      On the other hand, the appropriate authorities should address these two and put them in order. Let's have a One Nigeria.

      Somadina is Officially Bitter.

  5. This are very longer, couldn't read everything. Truth be tell, Most Igbo folks preferred to traded than obtain education. All tribes are important, we needing each other. Stop all these tribalism. In the humans body, all the parts are important include the Anus. We should be thought of development our country. With all the educational levels attained, those peoples somehow fail to impactment positive changes in Nigeria. Instead of fight ourselves, let us fight corruption and development our countries.

    Singing... I aren't here to impress, I'm here to impact.

    Btw, my Byday is Aug 28th. Lamborghini are welcoming as a byday gift.


    1. Preferred to traded ? , we needing each other ? , thought or taught ? , humans body ...... I'm sure u are a yoruba geh !!!!! Hehe lwkmd

    2. lolz...lambroghini are urs already *faints*

  6. See wasted brain..niaja shame on u...see very intelligent man ending up as a trader...anyways i suppory fully his writeup

    1. Heeeeeeeey,wetin u mean by wasted brain?

    2. See her unlettered you are: he said he trades intellect and not necessarily spare parts. thank me later

  7. He has time. FFK isn't worth a nice and lengthy reply.

  8. kai see grammer. Fani kayode pls get your dictionary. btw, am the first to comment. Stella dont sacrifice my comment to amadioha

  9. I am also A trader; I trade laughter 4 foolishness...hehehehehe. Mr yoruba man have yu seen how foolish yu are? We are not racists, we lovE eveRyperson like our brothers,I knw so many yoruba peeps also hu take ibos like their own, stop tryin to bring enemity were it doesn't exist! Cos when casala go burst, yu'll play hide nd seek. Yu are claiming lagos, d lagos my fathers, forefathrs, uncles and A host of other hardworkin ibos participated in various ways to develop! Lagos dat was built wit d rich resource of the niger delta, lagos dat won't have bin A mega city it Is today if not populated of various ethnic groups wit various trades and skills, lagos d Glorified trade center champoined by ibos...yu call us traders and call yorubas scholars, have yu seen how history has disgraced yu?! Of cos yu though nigeria is so myopic, nobody would go lookin deep into history to find facts or our history is lost, right? Bigfool! I lov everyOne yoruba, hausa(xcept dose peeps), efik, ibo alike, I will neva b a racist, yu can't turn me into one even wit all ur hate! I'm proud to b A trader and d daughter of traders! I'm proud to b ibo!

    1. #Gbam I'm with u sister

    2. I think you dont understand you people are calling for war, drums of war that you ll never get through it without getting burnt, think ooo.

  10. Who is this idiot?
    Both you and FFK are bloody bastards.
    And if a civil war springs up from from this exchange of gibberish history that those that had them written down don't even know, then your families will get killed first Insha Allah.
    Bloody fools.
    Ogun kill 2 of una.

    1. Internet Hi5 for this your comment Tolu

    2. See dis house fly forming incredible hulk ! Abeg sharrap , it is ur father dat is an idiot

    3. U sound like someone from d gutters of oshodi

    4. Asheeeee!!!!!!!

    5. this abusive words are not sure necessary . pls stop all the cursing and swearing.

    6. Insha allah and Ogun in d same state? Haha, Iyawo toluwalase,rora o

    7. Must u spill out dat word..#idiot#...see yo face like my dry butt...I guess dose write up ate deep down into ur vain..ugly bitch

    8. Amen!bloody irritants!wats all this gibberish?how does this affect poor kids staying at home kos of ASUU..if we all unite and this passionate to fight our corrupt leaders,wont we be somewia?the fool is here quoting names of pple who got degrees first.who gives a fuck?im yoruba and my first serious relatnship was wth an ibo.5 solid years!!!. Tho im married now and to a yoruba man.These pple r just taking us for rides.u know if person don chop belleful na to dey yarn okpata.awon olosi akosi bero.oloun lo ma ba ti yin je.una wan split naija abi.God pass una!

    9. U r a u supported FFk's write up.animal like u

    10. I strongly agree with you and I am Ibo. They are both equally stupid. They could have made their point without talking each other's tribe down but they are not civilized enough to do so.

  11. That Edo Princess18 August 2013 at 23:29

    And some people still ask why Igbo's are so hated. Some of them have lands in Abuja, why don't they claim Abuja too? Abi una dey fear hausa? I just saw several groups of igbos in cotonu, having meetings. Their meetings are never good. Always looking for trouble. Na wah! Tueh!!!

    1. Don't tell me ffk has used ur brain for sacrifice !!! Mumu did u read it all ? Better do ur mouth d favour of letting d shit pass through ur ass & not ur mouth

    2. Your mates are going to good countries, and you are going to cotonu,idoit

    3. Lol, no be small matter. My neighbours are ibos, so every sundays they converge and have their usual sunday meetings. Oh dear! U wouldn't even be able to sleep or nap cuz their noise and disagreement is just outta this world. Another scenario is when they are on the bus in london especially, u would always know that u have entered same bus with an ibo man, except just few lot that are polished and calm.#justanobservation#

    4. Edo princess of ashowo i bet with my last dollar u hate ibos because they refuse to patronise ur ashowo work' do join ur sister in Europe sucking end ur ashowo for cotonu without entering Europe.shame

    5. That Edo Princess19 August 2013 at 14:51

      @anon 7:37 of course I'm in cotonu, which is faaaaaar better than that hell hole u live in. When last did phcn give u light? I'm a student of NAU houdegbe, far better than most of u rotting away in ur gutter houses because of strike. And Yes! Igbos are a bunch of retarded trouble makers. You lot never visit a place and act normal. You must always try to cause trouble and dominate. You people don't even try out integration to see how well it will work. Ozwor people!
      @Anon 12:17 are your parents siblings??? You can't even spell "ashawo" cos you are too busy practising the business. Take it or leave it, you igbos are a bunch of societal nuisance. That's why God is punishing you all by taking the little land you have left with erosion. Why can't you claim Abuja, whether hausa won't slaughter you okpos like chickens once again.

  12. ”It has become a recent habit by a number of our young Igbo brethren to refer to Lagos as a ‘no-man’s land. The great Zik, Mbadiwe, Mbonu Ojike, Ajuluchukwu, Opara etc would never have made such statements as they knew better. It is not only unfair but in extremely bad taste apart from the fact that it is historically false. How can you call a land that has had over 400 years of traditional rulership and cultural definition as a no man’s land? It shows contempt for the indigenes, ingratitude of hospitality and a betrayal of ones host. The late Herbert Macauley( a Yoruba Lagosian) on his dying bed endorsed Zik as successor leader of the NCNC because of his nationalism, intellectual sagacity and it was endorsed by a group of Yoruba elders and not by any Igbo population who in any case were infinitesimal at the time. Chinua Achebe records in his book, and we can roughly confirm that there were not more than a few thousand Igbos in Lagos before the civil war. So after having been received, accommodated by their host, the Yorubas, since the 1940s, a generation that is ignorant of history and careless of historical relationship refer to Lagos as no mans land, this attitude is the cause of the perennial Jos crisis amongst others. When the military stopped the teaching of history in schools in the 1980s, we knew that by allowing them, we courted confusion, but it was deliberate. Up till1968 , Mushin, Apapa, Ikeja, were all part of the Western Region.

    The English treaty was with the Oba of Eko Ile,(Lagos). Lagos traditional families all are Yoruba and the founder of Eko was Ogunfunminire who migrated from Ife before the 16th century. Lagos traditional Obaship was confirmed on behalf of the Oduduwa dynasty. If we consider it unfair to call Igbo property ‘abandoned property’ after the civil war, why should they refer to another mans backyard as no man’s land. Lagos had been the commercial nerve centre of West Africa before Nigeria was created and this was attributable to the welcoming attitude of coastal Yorubas, which was first betrayed by the Portuguese who introduced slave trade, the Kiriji war and the 100-year Yoruba civil war of 1769-1869 also saw a huge population from the other Yoruba Hinterland moving to Lagos to procure salt, guns, seek out their freed slave brethren etc and these led to the growth of Lagos.

    Since independence and after the civil war, other Nigerians have made Lagos a home for themselves , but none have been so unkind as to call Lagos a no man’s land. Igbos who say this and claim credit for the development of Lagos should remember that the first Industrial Estate in Nigeria was built by Awolowo in Ikeja as Premier of the West and the Western house on Broad street has significant historical importance. I would urge my Igbo brethren not to make true the words of Sardauna when he described the Igbos as having a tendency to come in as visitors and seek to claim ownership to the exclusion of indigenes. If Onitsha or Abakaliki is not no man’s land, why should Lagos be. Imagine how our Niger Delta brethren will feel if we refer to their space on God’s earth as no man’s Land?”
    Mr Igbo trader, silence is the best answer for a ....

    1. So what are u saying ? Lagos is a place for all , yoruba , igbo , hausa , fulani , calabar & all others so shut ur mouth & pray that God delivers u yoruba people from d likes of FFK & pray that he blesses yoruba land with beautiful & well rounded women with natural oyibo skin & not d by fire by force yellow like Toyin lawani & ur yoruba movie stars dat would be fighting over how to be adressed @ a wedding !!! Byeeeee

    2. *yawns.......dozing, falls down on the floor and starts snoring*

    3. I wish there was a *like* button for this

  13. go back to the east we do not want you people in our land anymore plsssssssssssss i am in full support of biafra so that you people can leave our land

    1. U wil die first..fool

    2. ODE!!! Na your mama wey dey sell agoin beans and bread for under bridge be owner of land? Ur papa wey no get work and u wey be kobo kobo mugu follow dey claim land..."Our land indeed!" I know for sure that you or anyone in your family can never afford to buy a plot of land in Ikoyi not to speak of banana island. I know you are tired of your face me I slap you home and your eye is fixed on that nice house owned by an Igboman in your area. Two bit fool. Just go help your life and leave sleeping dogs. Signed: Igbo trader called Chukwuemeka.

    3. ODE!!! Na your mama wey dey sell agoin beans and bread for under bridge be owner of land? Ur papa wey no get work and u wey be kobo kobo mugu follow dey claim land..."Our land indeed!" I know for sure that you or anyone in your family can never afford to buy a plot of land in Ikoyi not to speak of banana island. I know you are tired of your face me I slap you home and your eye is fixed on that nice house owned by an Igboman in your area. Two bit fool. Just go help your life and leave sleeping dogs. Signed: Igbo trader called Chukwuemeka.

    4. These historical facts are educative. I am a yoruba man but i enjoy the ibos because they make me think fast when i am transacting with them.

  14. Hmmm water don pass garri!!

  15. This guy with FFK are both sick. Is this what Nigeria need? WIth this breed of people, the country is sailing towards doom and very soon.

  16. #happy
    I can sleep peacefully now
    Truer words were never said
    Ndi Igbo kwenu!!!
    I love me my tribe
    Stella dear, biko post this

  17. This one sef no get time for iranu

  18. I know fit shout, fani fani fani how times did I call u see what u hav done to urself u deserve every insult ur getting shekena.

  19. Wow....this piece was really captivating!!! I know say many yoruba ppl go dey weep after reading this!! Yorubas talk tooo much,that is why they always enter trouble!lol...I couldn't put my phone down al all!!! This just makes me feel more proud to be igbo!! The part that made me LOL was "after spending their land money to do owambe!!! Yoruba make una no dey too claim!!! I've always wondered about the number of professors issue,becos I know for a fact that igbo profs are more than the yorubas,even in yoruba universities,and yorubas will be opening that their owambe mouth to claim its ekiti!!!imo state,abia and anambra students keep topping the common entrance,waec,jamb and other exam charts each year and u ppl will be claiming!! Nna biko jisie ike,u have made us proud!! More ink to ur pen,jooor!! Btw,I am proudly igbo jare precisely aro from arondizuogu in imo state!!!

    1. Bless u bro !! Igbo all d way

    2. People like u make me sick.weep for what?that ur grandfather went to sch b4 mine.i feel sorry for this a matter of whos more superior?if u say yoruba pple too talk what abt ur pples arrogance.u feel u r wiser than every tribe.this is why im doing all my best to relocate.naija sucks mehn and the pple even suck more.example is u,daft irritant.

    3. Dumb fool like u, u think anybody would cry over this rubbish that ur fellow ibo man wrote? Oponu aiyerada. Oh! The ibos don't do parties too? And they don't run their mouths or are they not boastful too? U are just an idiot, and I won't waste my time on a retard like u. Oloriburuku. *and stella post this cuz u might wanna do otherwise, *rme

  20. Yoruba people will say 'o tana wa oro'. Chei! But Femi fani-kayode can run his mouth sha! He has found his match........hehrhehe. Nice well researched write-up

    1. Which write up..Trust FFK,dude has reply for everything,if no be say everybody dey tell am to stop

  21. Was a nice piece until he descended to name calling and abuse. I believe his points may be lost in the street fight. Like I was taught in school, always start and end with your best points. The stupidity can find a place in the middle.

    1. Who are you? Am crushing your comment big time!#winks# read you later in some other post. La Blanche',Keep calm.Am still yours...Well, for now.Signed:wide eyed!

    2. Yea I agree with u, he was very sentimental and very personal. He should go and sort out his 'beef' with ffk and enough of this nonsense already!

  22. Brilliant! Marvelous!! Pure genius.You sir, have warmed the cockles of my heart this cold night.
    Here's a glass of champagne for you.

    1. The truth is we don't need to go down history lane to know who the ibos are. They still are like that today. Always want to dominate. Offer them ur palm & they'll take ur hand. They should go back & make their land better than Lagos na. Ooooops they aint got no land but erosion. A non ibo can neva be given the chance to thrive in ibo land, they will not allow it.go & make Onistha a better biz city na. All this long grammer doesn't change the fact that Lagos is a yoruba land & not a no mans land.

  23. Am an igbo girl o I think dis guy shouldn't have responded or written a note what so ever to femi.femi is not someone that deserves anybody's attention.we shuld all learn to live as one otherwise we won't move forward in this country.peace.Amy

  24. the truth of the matter is I cant count how many houses i have lived in Lagos and none belong to an Igbo man or woman, I will not dispute the fact that some houses are owned by the Igbos in Lagos but where are the houses? Ajegunle, boundary, Mile 2
    oh please spare us all this hullabaloos
    ALL the monies you use in buying this big man title where are they from? from using people as rituals, kidnappings and all, who does not know that an average igbo man can use his money as sacrifice just to flaunt that wealth
    the money u are using to sleep wt lola and sade where did u get t from? definitely not from ur okrika clothes but from d kidnapping and rituals armed robbery you do, oh i forgot armed robbery doesnt pay any more you people have graduated to kidnapping even your own mothers
    I dont have any business with FFK or whatever his name is but when you insult my tribe u have stepped on the tail of a scorpion
    rubbish, otokoto nonsense

    1. Ode...I live in lagos and my hubby owns our house...popsie owns his own house in lagos too.
      Try visiting areas like lekki u know....mtscheww
      * team ndi Igbo *

    2. & ur yoruba ashi's would be looking for igbo men !!! Chai yourbas just disgust me !!! U guys are d dirtiest tribe in Nigeria !! Your men & women are lazy & dey stink ! Oh lord so dark and dirty no wonder ur women are always bleaching ! Come 2 d united states & see how we igbos re running things here & not like u london toilet cleaners & prostitutes , just look @ dat yoruba boy that killed some1 in london & d oda dat raped a primary school girl ! U guys disgust me with ur fetish nature & silly pride , natural resources u guys don't have so tf re u wild pigs saying ? U guys are always quick 2 make noise !!!! See ya spokes person !!!! A theif , a liar , a drunk , a drug addict , a womaniser & a loud mouth !!!!! Haha I laugh in spanish !!!!!!

    3. ride on my sister.

    4. u dont have an idea of what ur saying. do a proper research.

    5. Lol, nice one my dear! He took it rather personal with the name calling and stuff! He should go sort out his issues with ffk and leave the yorubas outta this nonsense. Who the hell does this ibo trader even think he is? He think he knows proper history just because he studied history . olodo like him, no be only first class. Oloshi

    6. Eyya...why are you so angry...laffin @ u
      How come no one is even proud of the benin ppl when they where the 1st
      You yoruba ppl are so engolfed with hating the igbos that you can't even acknowledge the benin ppl

  25. the venom this man is spewing will not make him find admirer o stella
    i beg me now want this kain man o, if anything happen n the marriage, definitely he will uproot history to insult u and ur family join
    i'm outta here

  26. Waoo! Samuel okafor u deserve a hug for this ur beautiful piece.welldone I hope ffk is hiding in shame. Anu nwuru anwu!

  27. I see he was careful not to say Abuja is owned collectively. Hehehehehehe Nwokem are u afraid? Biko u should stop looking for trouble where there is none. I never finish my schooling for UI. Pls don't come and make we d innocent igbos here suffer for your spoilt tap mouth. Talking about Delta igbo's *those ones don't even want to identify with biafra* and Oil, Naija Delta people don't want to join us either. The oil isn't ours. I know we are not as hospitable in our place, but bikonu, d rest of Nigeria should understand that we have limited land. This argument should stop.

    1. The fear of boko haram is the beginning of wisdom for him and his ilks, lol. And they would ask him whether ibo land extends to abuja area.lmao.

  28. Stella,am in love with this guy. do you have his contact? note: if he is not wealthy pls forget it.,grammar wont buy me original Gucci product

  29. Stella,am in love with this guy. do you have his contact? note: if he is not wealthy pls forget it.,grammar wont buy me original Gucci product

  30. Yayyyy!!! *bbdancinsmiley* FFK needs to hear more..arrogant fool! I also checked out some of d tins dis guy said wen FFK strted his rants nd dey were correct..d ibos were ahead in education...FFK beta reply him oo! Olodo oshi! *chewin my bitterkola nd waitin*

  31. Abeg make una go,Nigerians are too tribalistic.especially the igbos

  32. WOW is all I can say!!! #standingovation!

    FFK has been well and truly crushed, demolished, pulverised!!

    Fanatastic history lessen right here! You learn everyday, mehhhn!

    Wish all this tribalistic nonsense would stop! We are one, why is that fact so hard for folks to deal with? SMH!!!

  33. Read this piece in the morning, laughed so hard my husby was just staring @ me. This is what happens when someone talks too much.#lobatan#

  34. I'm igbo and samuel Okafor has made me proud...
    The mugu called femi-fani-kayode has just been replied and blasted..

  35. you are simply so right, I just researched all the names on this piece and you are right. welldone

  36. Wow!a real eye opener,now we know all about ffk,u no go come pose for us again after ur messy and dysfunctional background,ffk,so ur granpa na thief wey die shamelessly?woow!nothing tops that.peeps in d limelight should tk a cue and know when to shut it or even ur deepest secrets will be uprooted.

  37. In summary, with all your analysis, you have ended up a trader, but Femi holds a better occupation/positon not matter how much you insult him. Mr Igbo man, have you eaten today????????////

    1. Stinkingly rich Igbo trader .....
      Anonymous ....chop shit ok?

  38. Chai...Na this man fit Femi.FFK,loud mouthed man. Sterra love, when u start to dey attend jerry curls pastor church?ohon ohon...lmao

  39. For once,I have to comment o.Samuel Okafor,I just dey clap for you and dey laugh at the same time.See write up from CORRECT brain.Kai!In fact,I wan be trader like you o.I don bookmark this page and I go even print hard copy for my children's children to read,in case some people wan start dey argue about Binis and Yorubas.I just dey laugh.OGA SAMUEL,THANK YOU O,GOD GO BLESS YOU FOR USING YOUR BRAIN,MADAM STELLA,GOD GO BLESS YOU TOO O FOR GIVING ME THIS TO READ TONIGHT AND FEMI FANI KAYODE(OR WHATEVER YOUR REAL NAME IS),NA DEVIL GO PUNISH YOU,YOUR GUTTER MOUTH AND YOUR DULL BRAIN.OLOSHI AND TRAITOR GRANCHILD

  40. Absolute crap. This guy is high on some serious weed.

  41. the Blow feels like that of Samuel Okafor but the voice seem like dat of the ukaegbu/bianca connection ....the writer knows that dickhead Femi like the back of his/her hands...serves him was the same Femi that told us some time ago that orgasm is a form of worshiping God..that was when i discovered that he was on Codeine or Crystal meth.....sorry to my Yoruba brothers and sisters for the collateral damage..when a child embarrases his people in this manner, its probably cos of drugs..All the same, i suggest every Yoruba man should get a comprehensive DNA test cos i am beginning to suspect that Femi may also be the son of his fathers IGALA love

    1. Hehehe...,me, I am also suspecting that FFK may be a product of * an arse bursting marriage.*

  42. the Blow feels like that of Samuel Okafor but the voice seem like dat of the ukaegbu/bianca connection ....the writer knows that dickhead Femi like the back of his/her hands...serves him was the same Femi that told us some time ago that orgasm is a form of worshiping God..that was when i discovered that he was on Codeine or Crystal meth.....sorry to my Yoruba brothers and sisters for the collateral damage..when a child embarrases his people in this manner, its probably cos of drugs..All the same, i suggest every Yoruba man should get a comprehensive DNA test cos i am beginning to suspect that Femi may also be the son of his fathers IGALA love

    1. I thought so too this person knows femi like anything eLse I suspoect the Bianca connection

  43. wow vert insightful. aunty stella u have spoken well cos if his single i am interested ooh. the guy go school well lol

  44. N Three gbosas, gbosa, gbosa gbooooooo! Ffk over to you oya respond

  45. Thk u sir 4 dis history hav always wishd 4 a reply 2 ffk he thks we ibos do nt knw our history.i hail sir,up ibos up nigeria

  46. Omo, see thesis. I no fit read abeg. Femi, whatever you have done to piss-off the Ibos, abeg no do am again. E don do.

    PS - Abeg, Sisi Stella, please stop featuring this insane FFK on your blog again. It's clear this guy is not alright in the head and I am tired of seeing the old fool embarrass himself.

  47. Sweet JESUS!!! yoruba but I love this man with every pint of my blood. Call me a bastard if u like, but this right here got me goose pimps. I love factual intellects like this man. Very concise narrative that I have learned a lot from. Femi Fani Kayode u see your life? U see what too much pussy and drugs can do to a Cambridge fool? Ahahah ohohoh!!

    This is what u get from over priding ur non existent ego. We have told u that there's no way u'll serve in any public capacity again...the first one u were assigned was a big mistake. Lately u have been in the news for all the wrong reasons...not to mention that u'll be going to jail soon for the loots.

    Everything that can go wrong with u is happening. Who sent u on the rubbish errand to write ur foolish rejoinder against the Ibos to insult them? I swear am on the side of the ibos all the freaking way. U deserve the historic lash this man has given u. So ur granpa sef been thief before? Shame on u...go and bury ur head in shame. Ur being jobless has paid off. The whole of Nigeria resents you. OBJ is laughing his head off in Ota, so is Orji Kalu. Uv been whipped beyond remedy. Bloody lying faggot. Ole.. thief... barawo bansa!

    1. #Gbam u have spoken like a wise man / woman

    2. me too, .fk didnt to white all those rubbish in the first place. Nigeria should be moving forward not backwards.

  48. Wow.
    Couldn't stop reading.
    Mr okafo u too much oo.
    FFK, pls read dis oo.

  49. Samuel Okafor! I am totally smitten by your write up its very educating. Nice one, you and I should get together(I can make u very happy in so many ways) *winks* {cute anambra girl}

  50. Pls come and marry me I am still single! What a brain!!! Oh my! IGBO KWENU!!!!!!!!!!!! Ofcourse we are and wld alwayz be d best!!! Femi ngwa osiso! Go and hide ur stupid face in shame, generational curse of thiefry is upon u. Anuohia!!!! Ewu Gambia like u.

    1. U mean ewu yoruba or ewu igbo

  51. Fact talks, bullshit flees. I just love digging up statistics. Wonderful write up.

  52. So much hatred being peddled, its really very ugly to behold. FFK and the People responding to him (like the pseudo-intellectual author of this piece) are just writing irresponsible, impassioned pieces and fanning the embers of tribal hatred.
    Let's hope this animosity does not transcend beyond social media into real life and lead to needless carnage. A word they say is enough for the wise.

  53. akuko nyanga eze!!smtcheeeeeew.......yinkus

  54. Femi who is ur father!!!! Stupid coke head.

  55. Wow! Wow! Wow! I have really learned a lot from this writeup. Éeeh? so that Femi was dishing out fake history for us? Like I didn't know before (rme).

    On a more serious note, let's drop the hate my fellow Nigerians and concentrate on making this country a better place for us and the generation unborn. Our Revernd father reminded us in Mass this Sunday that we should Love one another no matter the tribe, colour,age or background. If only we can unite and love ourselves as a nation...if only... Thank you Mr Samuel Okafor for this writeup. I'm so overwhelmed. God please save Nigeria from this hatred. #one love

  56. Well said brother. You are a true Nigerian. Hope his supporters(femi) will understand your point. Lagos was developed by Federal Government of Nigeria, with the oil money not by the yorubas. Lagos belongs to all Nigerian that is just the bitter truth. It is only in a country like Nigeria that any one will say the kind of things Femi said and still walk the streets a free man. Dont get me wrong I am a full fledge yoruba woman. I am resident in sweden and nobody is alllowed to say the kind of things Femi said about any people, religion and race publicly without facing the consequences.

  57. this guy don hit femi were im go hurt am...hahahahahahahahaha! i dey laugh!

    1. He hit Femi for Stella's blog? Y not go to Femi's facebook account. mstcheww..

  58. Man this is too much and straight to the point. Carry go oga!

  59. Great Benin Kingdom!!!!

  60. waw oooo,Samuel Okafor, u're too much ,i can't stop reading. I wish to meet u one one.This is brain.

    1. This is brain for brainless people like you

  61. who be this,na you go cry u and your fellow idiots called ibo...........ungrateful pple........abeg pack go your village

    1. what has the yorubas done for the ibo. I am a mix of the 2 tribes with a full yoruba name, but prefer the ibo. cant count the hating from my yoruba friends. my ibo friends always have my back. i.dont think u have been to the east cos if u have u wont utter this ingrate story.

  62. @37,fool, even if he's a trader, its much better to be an honest trader than a thief like ffk. And how can someone like that be hungry.

  63. Just look at all you Yorubas and Igbos on this post abusing yourselves. FFK has succeeded now abi? Rich men constantly inciting the poor against one another. The poor fight themselves while the rich loot happily and get richer. You people should stay here and be abusing yourselves inu? FFK is somewhere laughing off his mental head.

    1. FFK rich man? Eheheh. Na poverty be that one username o

  64. If you believe this crap written with so many dubious facts then you will believe that adam actually ate apple fruit.Stella you blew it big time as you have openly take sides and my respect for you has diminished.How on earth can say this mumbo jumbo by this writer is work of a genius.
    Imagine a first class graduate spelt vassal as vessel,that is not a typo but typical of half baked graduates.I found it so laughable when this man stated that eti osa(bank of the lagoon in yoruba) is a benin word,what further proof of ignorance.There is Fagge in onitsha ,did the hausas ruled over there too?.
    This man claims he has doctorate degree in history,yet did not know that the first black african with autobiography is Ukawsaw Gronniosaw a.k.a Albert James of kanuri descent published in 1772.I can take him to his tomb in Kidderminster,Uk where he lived and was buried.
    It is needless to join the fray of newspaper/cyber tribal warfare, but I must state that this Dr Samuel Okafor is gutter to the core in his wild assertions.His claim to intellectualism is very brittle if not outrightly dubious.

    1. Taa shatap ur shithole there, bloody Zuwo.
      Greatest Lion abeg dish out more..meanwhile triple gbosaas for u.
      Great Lions and Lionesses, Great and Industrious Ndi Igbo....time to proudly stand behind our own.

    2. Gbam!....Gbammer!!...Gbammest!!!

    3. "Did the Hausas RULED over there too?" Hmmmmmm

    4. Oga corrector, I thought it's called Fegge. Then again dubious fact? Is that not contradictory? To through your very short comment, you can see at least 3 mistakes, if it can happen, then you can overlook errors in someone else's long essay.

    5. Yea stella has always been biased and she makes it obvious,which is not good for a blogger. I also noticed when the writter said eti osa is a benin word, he must be very high on some very cheap stuff hahaha. He is obviously a product of all these half baked history lecturers at some of our universities , and they end up churning half baked history students out into the market. So this okafor man thinks he knows history wella? I pity his ibo trader ass. First class my lovely shiny ass!!

  65. In as much as FFK is a man who does not hold much appeal,that tale about his grandad is a total fabrication.The author of this write up is being mischievous as that story relates to another family entirely.

  66. I learned more of history here today than i did in all years in school.

    All the same, we should all sheath our 'swords' and remember we are NIGERIANS. Biko.

    A house divided amongst itself can never stand. E jo!

  67. I haven't commented since this tribal issue started. But I love the articulate rejoinder from this man. Am not Ibo, but yoruba. And I most declare that I am utterly ashamed of that man, Fani Kayode. This is proof that education cannot only liberate you of ignorance, but it can also be the vice/tool to a man's downfall when he thinks that he knows too much. Femi Fani Kayode irritates me even from a distance.

    I live in ABJ. The irony of the mumbo jumbo is that everyone who has made public contributions to this tribal issues since it all started, are actually living better lives than this Femi guy. Everyone except Fani Kayode, is writing from the comfort of their abode, and with a job to return to the following day. While Femi on the other hand is living from hand to mouth, in a near case of abject poverty. This man is at his wits end, no money, no wife, no life. That is why his writeups connote bitterness and aggression. He's trying to pretend that all is well, but its not well with him. And rather than humble himself, he keeps coming out to talk gibberish. He hasn't paid his rent, he has no money for his kids school fees, his children don't even respect him. They abuse him all the time. And moreover their mother's are the ones who have always catered for their children. But here he is, making a public showoff of himself,and exhibiting his nuisance values.

    And the same Femi will come on public forums to debate morales? A man who cannot/doesn't hold a home wants to hold/rule Nigeria? Didn't they say that charity begins at home? He even had the guts to abuse Yerima when he himself is a cradle snatcher and a serial rapist? Oh Allah is by far too patient.

    I read that lady, Yinka Theisens revelation about this man. And I couldn't help but shudder as I read thru their chats that she exposed, though he wrote under a guise and the woman knew that it was him. If u know Femi Fani Kayode well you'll agree he wrote the chats truly. Basically this man's brain is always mischievously intune with sexual things 24/7. But the FOOL fakes on facebook like he's serious minded. This man will soon commit suicide I tell you. He's been exposed beyond repair. He constantly harasses women on social media with series of names. He's a stalker and a liar. He owes huge debts to a lot of people. Ask him for your monies and he'll blackmail you.

    Now I know where his badluck comes from. If it is true that his atrocious ways started from his grand folks, then Nigerians need not pay any more attention to this man after now. He keeps reminding us that he's a bastard. I couldn't believe my eyes when I read thru beautiful Regina Askia's response to Fani has come to a point where even nursery school kids will start to address this man as a foolish ass hole in public. I blame OBJ for allowing him to enjoy abit of relevance and power. Otherwise he'll not think that he's superior to those who work hard for their monies unlike his thieving self. EFCC beckons Fani Kayode. The dye is cast

  68. What am I hearing? #Listens intently# oh! I know that sound.*Echos of the drumbeats of Biafia*!A Very well written researched piece.The writer obviously knows how to put up an iron clad argument.Expectedly,Contrary opinions will join this debate with enough proof to drown his.At the end of the day,Does a mad man like Femi need this thesis?He's head is lost in la la land.Drugs do shit to the human brain!Femi is a failed politician looking for relevance from his kinsmen.He won't be getting any! Signed:wide eyed!

  69. Waoh menh this was long and narrative.
    Nice one by the way

  70. Dr Okafor Samuel is the bomb! He has exposed how uneducated Femi Fani-Kayode the grandson of a thief is, he showed him class! So concise,cogent and verifiable are his facts! Some Yorubas just go to school for formality! Femi's prostitute wives and children has been exposed too! Unbridled he goat with hot pants as wives and nymphomaniac as daughters! What a life!!

  71. Dr Okafor Samuel is the bomb! He has exposed how uneducated Femi Fani-Kayode the grandson of a thief is, he showed him class! So concise,cogent and verifiable are his facts! Some Yorubas just go to school for formality! Femi's prostitute wives and children has been exposed too! Unbridled he goat with hot pants as wives and nymphomaniac as daughters! What a life!!

  72. and we are so proud to have you as our daughter. you are blessed "ada di mma"

    1. Nna dalu rinne....
      O ga Dili Igbo mma....

  73. and we are so proud to have you as our daughter. you are blessed "ada di mma"

  74. the yoruba in you is at work. be wise, take my advise, loose your yoruba furry and emptyness and take the side of wisdom, the side of igbos. read through again and learn who you are.... big yoruba fool... owanbe idiot.

  75. Thank you Mr Samuel Okafor for sharing this painful facts to our yoruba brothers and sisters. In earnest, femi is a fool who deserves this enlightenment. i was so surprised to see several yorubas celebrate the foolish and unresourceful essay their loose brother femi fool wrote about the igbos. i have one word for them, the party is still on so dance on.... i am sure this fact will help them have a sneak look into their lives and help them realize that AN IGBO MAN WILL ALWAYS BE AHEAD OF A YORUBA MAN NO MATTER WHAT.... IGBO KWENU,, IYA,, IGBO KWENU ,,IYA... IGBO KWEZUO NU.... NDI IGBO KA AYI BU.. YA GA ZIE OO..

    1. Chi mere ndi Igbo Eze....
      O ga Dili Igbo mma
      * proud Ada di Ora mma*

  76. Stella pls link me up with dis guy. Am sooooo Single and I need a man lyk dis. Am a yoruba gal. OMG, his words captivated my heart and I think am in love. Butterflies in my belly. He said d BITTER TRUTH.

  77. This Samuel Okafor is no better than FFK and too typically a tribalist too. Inciting people & fanning the embers of hatred will do nobody no good. As if we don't have enough problems in Nigeria already. Seeing nothing wrong in his brothers' claim that "Lagos is a no man's land" is quite unfortunate too. How come Lagos is validly a South West state? You Ibos need to check the attitude you put up any where you are, less pride & words like "do you know who I am?" Will endear people more to you, stop being too quick to cry marginalisation and exhibiting all victim-like tendebcies. We are already entwined and inter-tribally married. Let's teach the young ones to love everybody they come in contact with, teach them to be humble & respectful no matter what and they'll be easily accepted where ever they go.
    I am not happy with FFK's write up and I will never hail such a divisive piece, so also the man Samuel Okafor goofed by generalising the Yorubas negatively. I have friends from varied tribes in Nigeria, you become my friend based on your personality, not your tribe. I'll never rejoice at a hate write-up against the Ibos because of my Ibo friends who I love so much & some mentors I have from that region.
    Pls let's rather develop winsome & humble attitudes that'll make us easily accepted any where we go.
    Love to all. Signed, *lover of peace*

  78. Don't kill urself anon 2:12am
    Truth is bitter
    Biko swallow d bitter truth
    Deal with it

  79. All of you supporting FFK's outbursts and this Samuel Okafor are on you own, you are RACISTS! Gbagaun! Seeing your tribe as better than the other person's makes you one. Na you choose the race you go from come? Stop all this nonsense and let's move on. Small time now, una go say Chinese/Indians are enslaving you & Whites no love una when u yourself no love your fellow Nigerians. Stupid fellows, hate filled mumus. Go hate all d Governors looting your state treasuries & fight them jare. I tiire for base thinking people, always ready to fight.

  80. @anon 2:12 AM...b4 u corect his spelinz u bera proofread nxtym b4 postin...rubbish.


  81. Both tribes childrens r fadad mostly by oda pple, is a wel knwn fact cos dey r 2 loose sexually.

  82. Mr Okafor, you are a true son of Igbo land. Our people have a saying that, when a diety is misbehaving you him the wood it was made of.

  83. Tribalism is the bane of the black race. The lack of unity caused slavery, caused colonaliasation and has caused underdevelopment. Tribalism is the black man's burden. Tribalism is the black man's curse. If nigerians never get over tribalism, i dont see how we can do well as a country. We are jinxed.
    The good nigerian

  84. So Anon #69 because of a few misspellings and omitted references this is man's write up is invalid? Hiss! You are really a piece of shit. It's empty vessels like you that gloat over possessing little knowlegde and find any excuse to "demonstrate". If you feel sound enough please send Stella a full write up challenging the facts that this man has raised so that we can applaud your intellect. Don't use the small box for commentaries to "flex your non-existing muscle"

  85. See this mumu. Na now u gather your facts finish? When the battle was on, you were busy with history books Nd Google. Abeg, I'm not even deceived that you know anything. Trade whatever knowledge you have on educating your people on the ills of money rituals, kidnapping, cheating, etc. The igbo's are just too troublesome. Lagos belongs to the yorubas,they've been so accommodating that you people want to claim rights. How can you describe Lagos as no man's land? If it was somewhere in the east that had so many non indigenous people,una for Don use dem for rituals in pursuance of your insatiable quest for money. Please go and sit somewhere in the east with your long senseless ill timed thesis.

  86. Good writeup, true fact established tru a scientific n systemic means/knowledge. The essence of a good research.

    "A set of logically interrelated ideas. Dat explain a specific set of phenomena"

  87. Good writup! True facts established tru a scientific n systemic means/knowledge, the essence of a credible research.
    "A group of logically interrelated ideas that explain a specific set of phenomena"

  88. Dr samuel okafor you are liar, all ur history naa fake. am no yoruba, am delta a proud deltan from the itkesiri clan. Commentators on blogs who comment without making findings and lashing out abusive words, he has given sweet foolish talk& you guys have taking it to be d true, haven't you guys noticed that the names he mentioned in the begining of his write up isn't ibo? ffk grandfather&father might be thief&robber respectively me no care ojukwu naa thief too my Dad told me that wat most ibo dnt know abt ojukwu is that he got his wealth from foods,money etc sent by d federal govt den lead by d Gowon's administration to d ibo during biafra war my Dad is still alive&retired as an Assistant inspector general of police he was one of d policemen who led patrol vans to supply those item, he was also 1 of does who led d committee who detected ojukwu evil act of conversion b4 d federal govt stopped d supplies& ibo pple tot d fed govt wanted them dead without knowing their biafra lord was trading on their innocence. my dad was close to late professor chinua Achebe wen he released his book recently talking abt d biafran war I remembered my dad called him&asked him why did he omit d part that ojukwu converted provisions meant for his pple during d war he laughed it off my Dad was angry that it didn't speak well of him as an elderly man in d nation who pple believe his words to have done so but his reply were u dnt sell your pple yansh out. See let stop being tribalist in nigeria everybody has fault, lagos is for the yorubas. Yorubas are the most hospitable tribe in nigeria and that you sleep with yoruba man's wives is no news, in my day at d university ibo ladies are d worst of runs girl most of them are married traditionally&still come to school and follow Alhaji's who dough money out to them & take them out for weekend so my brother it is everywhere na all of us get fault&bad ways. As ibo trader dey nack yoruba rich man wife naa hin d rich yoruba man dey nack poor ibo trader wife shikena, I have a lot of ibo&yoruba friends my dear i know the difference yorubas are far better&more reliable

  89. Stella, I lost all respect for you when I read this post you put up. I don't remember you putting up FFK's first article that started this whole thing. So, we can see the side you are on and its disappointing. FFK and the people replying him are jobless. Is this how to develop Nigeria? I served in Imo state and it was one year of pure tribalistic HELL. Do I hate all Igbos because of that?! No. We should not have to apologise for being a member of a particular tribe. We didn't have a hand in our procreation. There are horrible Yorubas, Igbos and Hausas and very wonderful ones so what the heck is the noise about?

  90. Athink FFshit think say him fit speak english...hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaah God don catch am... Effing attention seaking morone! In ur face!!

  91. Mr correcter anonymous 2:12am! You see your self now? You wan correct person but forget to check ur own self first... Its not "did the hausas ruled over there too?" But did the hausas rule over there too? It is not "This man claims he has doctorate degree in history,yet did not know"... It is This man claims he has a doctorate degree in history,yet does not know"

  92. Akuko mich ejiagha!there's no 'fagge' in onitsha,there's 'fegge'.the guy is a genus!!!am nt tribalistic,I can marry yoruba or any tribe.but the truth is FFK has so insulted the igbos!!he went to cambridge??he's a joke mehn!!
    Mr man,if u doubt him,make google ur best friend..their might be typos,but am glad you understood every bit of what he said..
    Ps:unlike FFK,he's nt trying to impress anyone mostly women.he's merely trying to put that singular man from a bloodline of thieves to shame..
    Yoruba,igbo,hausa,we are one!!!!our concern should be how to eliminate the likes of ffk and other thieves

  93. Yes mr 'I too know'you call him "mumbo jumbo?he has typos?even great writers like soyinka,chinua gives people to proof read their book,edits it b4 its been printed your dumb mind didn't tell you he's a genus??you can do this can you??he's better than you and you know it..
    "His claim to intellectual is dubios??he said anyone can check him out..see what happens wen our so called rich men send their children abroad??they dnt even know our history..stupid ffk studied cambridge history and not nigeria history..he has to start from 'his101'because I know this names aforementioned are new to him...

  94. Mr samuel okafor u ave killed me ooooo!!!!na u fit ewu gambia kayode..
    Aunty stella am interested ooo..jus that I jus av a dip in law no intellect compared to him

  95. So it has come 2 dis?hostility and trade of words over tribal and ethnic assertion?dis is highly embarassing both 4rm FFK and dis man also wo did dis wryt is highly demeaning dat we av overluked and are overlukin d most important tins 2 squabble in a most petty and disgusting manner over who oyibo pple trained 1st and wo bcame a professor 1st and wich tribe is d most intelligent.....of wat importance is dat if Nigeria is stil steep deep in corruption and all vices alike?we r faced wit serious national issues and dese so called men who call demselves intellectuals av decided 2 trade words ova such trivial and petty issues...and we say Nigeria is nt moving 4ward,hw can and hw wil Nigeria muv 4ward wen we av all lost sight of wats directly infront of us,Nigeria wil remain as it is,in a state of perpetual ignorance,want,poverty,corruption and all dat,as long as we are lyk dis,Nigeria cannot muv 4ward! Dis show of shame from 2 seeming educated men is d height of ignorance,u both av no respect 4 dis country,u both av tribalistic racism....dis is utterly embarassing to me cos mayb it is not 2 evryoda pesin but it is 2 me....and we say ONE NIGERIA?wit all dese?we all knw dere is no Nigeria,there is d soutn,east,west,north and all dat but dere is no one nigeria.we all nid 2 rise 4rm d shackles of tribalism 2 muv dis country 4ward!

  96. Waafi no dey carry last19 August 2013 at 09:37

    @Anon 2:12 who ever you are, you will LIVE LONG!!! Stella I dey vex for u bad bad. U be real mumu. U dey dey support these useless igbos. When war wan start now, you go see dem dey try occupy naija delta cos of our oil so that dem go fit dey control our money. U be real orue ikokokosa... Wetin dey worry u sef? Abi u don forget wetin igbos do us during the war? U dey mad!!! Anyway sha, dem know better......okpo oji people. Na wetin make calabar people kill dem plenty that time especially for ogoni when dem dey wan lord over them. Igbo people are not to be trusted. Their wahala too much, and dem dey always feel say na dem beta pass. Stella take ur time o. With ur calabash head.

  97. Too long abeg...tbh I live in a very big estate where 85% of the houses belongs to Yorubas,10% to Edos and only 5% to Igbos. But all of this is unnecessary,lets settle this issue before bokoharam decides to take advantage of it and bomb us all/before another civil war starts. I'm not ready to die ooo

    1. Dat estate must be * Marokko Estate* then...
      We the Ndi Igbos live better...try Lekki phase I and 2....shioorrrr.

  98. you guy are just being silly,u're making a big fool out of yourselves. trading insults here and there especially the igbos who are jobless. please u guyz should look for something else to do instead of just being stupid. as for Samuel okafor,where is anambra nd imo state do u say is producing oil more than that of rivers state. stop feeding your people lies,get your facts straight, is it at your shop at alaba that u heard igbo states are producing oil?? moron

  99. i must really be a proud ibo man to have read all this... all these unnecessary fact stating needs to stop.....

  100. Lepa Shandy laugh at your stupidity. Childish idiot.

  101. @mbagnor zino, I expctd notin less with ur useless observation. Whr in d article did he say we produce oil? Or do u yorubas now produce oil? Thnk u so much Dr Samuel Okafor for this reply. FFK must reply o and disprove all that was written about him cos if @ dis point he claims he's not goin 2 join issues with anybody ova d matter, then I take it he has conceded to d genuineness of dis article. To d anon above who wrote go back 2 ur village... I expctd notin less frm yorubas wen confronted wit facts. I pray n wish dis brilliant write up is published and wud receive d same attention FFK's article did on blogs such as Ladun, Laila and Linda cos we Ibos deserve and av a ryt of reply.

  102. lwkmd @ wise man wey die for foolishman backyard...

  103. Ade Adebanjo Esq19 August 2013 at 10:21

    The truth has to be told. Thumbs up to this writer.

  104. Ade Adebanjo Esq19 August 2013 at 10:21

    The truth has to be told. Thumbs up to this writer.

  105. ghen ghen let the tribal wars begin ... anybody that call fashola a tribalist is himself the tribal bigot... what is wrong in given a homeless man money to go and meet his family, he did it for osun and kano states indigines before the anabarians. The fact as at now is that the ACN which has a yoruba coloration merged with other parties to form the APC, how then can you call fashola a tribalist. an ibo ben akabueze was a commissioner in lagos

  106. I've said it before and I'll say it again no matter how intelligent or educated a man is,if he lacks the word of God its only a matter of time before his stupidity begins to show.If u support ffk or this Okafor man,I think the joke is on You,this man just called the average yoruba woman promiscous and the average yoruba man foolish,what's there to laud if u don't think ure tribalistic??? What's there to support in this write-up or in the stupid and disgusting stuff ffk wrote?these men need Jesus,if u support either of them,u need Jesus.

  107. i'm sending this link to FFK. Nice one Mr writer. he needs to tell us happened to his real grand father

  108. Any one fanning the ember of discrimination based on tribal sentiments is doing this country no good. Worst still, is to cause such atrocious write up to be published. This is why we take a step forward and fall a mile backward..........I am from the minority and thank goodness for that, atleast we are not pulled into unnecessary, tasking, jobless fights

  109. What's the relevance of this "waste of time" write up? Make life simple for yourself by learning from the jews: after all their historical feats from Moses to Joshua to David to Solomon...even to Jesus Christ, wetin come happen? All this your history should be kept on your bookshelf for your viewing pleasure and leave us NIGERIANS alone. I'm not an advocate of tribal issues 'cos all men blossom because of HIS ESSENCE. Take your tribalistic write up and shove it wherever you want, but not within our borders. Jobless #Trader#

  110. Samuel Okafor God bless you my brother..

  111. Welldone dear writer! this is an educative and awesome writeup. thank you

  112. Why can't y'all just claim Abuja naaa? why are you so afraid? shey Abuja was developed with collective funds? Oya go and claim if you cannot, then you are a spurn of siblings.

  113. I laugh in Ibo language! I hardly comment on issues like cos of the sensitivity. If you have no elders in your family to give you stories of the civil war, i have and the stories are quite nightmarish. That said, i really love the way this writer took FFK to the cleaners. That guy is indeed high on drugs. I totally agree that the progress Lagos has made is a collective effort of the diverse ethnic groups who have lived here overtime, especially the Ibos. Secondly, Lagos being the FCT for years, was funded by Federal resources just the way Abuja is today. Ago Palace way was nothing but a swampy area until the late 90s when the ibos bought the lands and developed the place to be what it is today down to Festac Extension and so applies to many areas in Lagos. If the Ibo people leave this state, Lagos will then know where its greater revenue comes from. The average Ibo man is industrious, it does not matter where you chase us to, we grow and dominate, na God give us. From Aspamda, to Alaba Suru, to Vesper to Ladipo to Yaba, to Super in Abule Egba to Balogun and Idumota, we grow where ever we are planted. An average Yoruba man is lazy and loud mouthed. The credit of enterprise in the Yoruba land extensively goes to their womenfolk, who are industrious and enterprising. Abegi, make we leave matter for Mathias. When all is said and done, we know who be who. One Nigeria jor.

    1. Leave craze people....Without the Igbos ,Lagos will return to the pre-colonial era.
      Every fucking Nigerian knows that fact...
      Strong and industrious tribe...
      *ARINZE MBULU ONYE IGBO* In my next life,may I return as a proud anambra Chikito .

  114. Serves FFK right cos if he is educated as he claims,he should know dat....he who lives in glass houses should not throw stones.A very good research i must say....

  115. Blackman,has unity & love eluded thee!It's either we stop this 'my dick is bigger than yours' or we all get consumed in it's ragging fire.
    While other nations are developing their God's given reources,we are here laying claims to nothing.Googles' budget was $100b ,and Nigeria's was $34b.Is it not enough to tell us that ordinary google has more resource that our Naija?Yet we are here tearing ourselves apart over nothing.Absolute nothing.Useless pride,ego and hate could bring us down to our knees.Blackman think!

  116. So with all the rantings you have posted up there, you still one someone to spell it out to you that you reek of racism?
    Take a back seat little rat, when you ancestors are talking you keep your gob well shut!

  117. Bladabladablabdabdalaofdbdrurshcfdsdsfhfdjsdjdsda

    This is exactly how your rants reads,just in case you dont know,ignorant waste of space. Typical ibos, give them a a chance and they will be plotting to oust you.

    I believe that the many combined efforts of your fore fathers can easily be re-enacted by your many able-bodied men, who have refused to acknowledge and accept their boundaries. I would advice you to call your regular town meeting and bring up this suggestion, you all should go back to your states, villages and what have you, develop it and make it the model lagos has become.

    Nowe that shouldnt be so hard a task? If it has happened before it should be so easy to achieve again.


    Now you should ensure you tell this to every ibo man or woman you see, because sooner or later, you will realise that the same teeth that a dog uses to play with its pups, is the same it will use to bite the dog to pieces if it ever over steps it boundaries( yoruba proverb).

    Its not so hard to see that the ibos are typical trouble seekers, how many times have they been caught in the hues of troubles in jos or the boko haram scourge in the north generally. Do they not have established lives there? Why then do they have to flee? They should be able to stand their grounds, look these terror mongers in the face and say 'we will not move an inch, we have contributed to the growth of this land''

    Ibo people, its time you sit down and think properly, Niger Deltans refuse to associate with you, people from the middle belt would not even offer you as much as a little chance, Hausas do not even regard you as anything and the only tribe which have been accomodating enough of your stinking ways of life you decide you want to take over what is rightly theirs and even go as far as reminding them about history. I laugh in spanish.

    Ibos will always remain what they are , a relegated ethinic group. Deal with it.

  119. Also remember to look for the article which truthfully documents the origins of the ibos, it would be great for your children to also know that a monkey molested the mother of ibos on her way to the farm and thats how you whole lot came about. It kind of explains the whole animalistic tendecies you all exhibit.

  120. Alaba boy, Chukwuemeka, dont get it twisted, no one is scared of you smelly lot. On the contrary, everyone has tolerated you enough but like we yorubas would say'' there is no how you would place a pauper on the bed that he wouldnt roll to the floor, its only typical and second to nature because such pauper is not used to it. Just the same way that we have all come to realise that no matter the level of love, tolerance and acceptance we offer to the ibos they will never stop exhibiting the animalistic tendencies and bahaviours they display everywhere they go.

    I hope that clears the air. Now back to your shop Alaba boy.

  121. Yoruba's like ffk call Yoruba a race,OK oooo.but let's stop this tribal sentiments, its doing us no for the person that said his father is an assistant IG of police and he takes food to the war zone thought is the army that does that or the red cross or red crescent,nawa for that
    your lie and your father also saw ojukwu selling those stuffs to who?FYI ojukwu's money was his fathers,who was amongst the first millionaire, and the niger delta guy abusing Stella nawa for you.don't know why you guys don't think beyond oil.this oil might dry up one day and I shall know what happens next.please my fellow country people let's emulate the united state of american,they are conglomerations of different race but they are still a strong nation.we can still do same in this great country and the time is now. God bless Nigeria.

  122. Poor you, is this all your deluded mind can come up with?

    Let me remind you, the care home that was bursted in US was it not your ibo brother who had been robbing the US goverment? How about in London, Sham Marriage, 99.9 of the time ibo? Your ladies in london would romance a monkey just for the promise of a residence permit, credit card fraud, Ibos run the game, oh yes, I see them cleaning up my litter in the train on my way to the office,I dont hesitate to leave as much biscuit wrapper and coffee cups in the train, an ibo slave will clean up after my yoruba royalty (tongue out) Ritualists in Nigeria, ibos runs the game. Should I go on darling?

    I bet you would weep if I should start citing well known examples,who knows some of your monkey sisters or brothers might just be in the game. By the way, you really should tell your sisters to stop running after yoruba guys, they need to start marrying their fellow ibo men and leave our men for us. Yeye thing like you.

  123. Ahmadu Bello was right about the Ibo bastards

  124. there is notting like beefing here.@Ade Adebanjo i agree completely with u "the truth has to be told".gbam!

  125. Why dont igbos try and leave Lagos. I mean, they are in the east and nothing has come of the east. If they feel they are the heart of Lagos, they should leave now. They have been told to go and experiment in the East. But MBA, shamelessly writing letters and story about why they need to be in Lagos. LMAO. As for prostitution, we all know Igbo's dominate that nationally and also in strip clubs. Edo's do their internationall. Igbo's FFK has told you the history of Lagos you are still shamelessly writing stories. Please gather shame and ask your leaders to do something for you so that you will not be meeting insults and death wherever you go. Benin people met Awori's in Lagos and used their military might to take over for a short while, how does that translate to them being the original owners? They left after Lagosians took back their land. This was only achievable because the rest of the Yoruba kingdom was at war. Samuel Ajayi crowther narrated your language for you and wrote the igbo you all speak now. when you people were still walking naked not too long ago. Stella i know you are biased against Yoruba's maybe your mum is ibo. However, we will not let ibo's rubbish our name and our land. That is a fact. Proud lagosian here. Indegene of Lagos taking it very personally.

  126. Lagos was what it was before you people learnt to cover your nakedness and were walking naked in deep forests. Why do you think colonialists decided to settle in Lagos? Because it was the most organised and established trading center. Even Ibadan then was a very big city state. Read your history before you come and talk like a bush person that you are. Go through historical pictures and see that not too long ago your people were not wearing clothes. Yoruba's were. So how can you come and say you are anything in Lagos?

  127. Yet we say our problem as a nation is corruption. Some of your parents were tribalists and I'd have expected with exposure this generation would be better. But this generation is more tribalistic than the older generation. Our main problem is tribalism. If war breaks out today in Lagos, Yorubas will kill all their Igbo landlords and neighbours. yinkus will even kill her own husband. Very sad.

  128. I just Google the name EQUAINO-OLAUDAH GUSTAVUS-VASSA and from the Wikipedia listing, the man's origin is in great contention. I am neither Yoruba nor Ibo, but the truth is that as a businessman, I'll rather do business with a Yoruba man than an Ibo man. C'est finnes

  129. One nigeria indeed.this country will break up one day,that's a iota of unity.btw,so fani na 3rd generational thief.hector your Achilles is here.


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