Stella Dimoko Househelps...Are They Domestic Angels Or Demons In Disguise?


Friday, August 02, 2013

Househelps...Are They Domestic Angels Or Demons In Disguise?


We have heard of cases of how house helps come in and things start to go wrong...some help 'oga madam' and some help 'oga sah' emotionally.
Some maltreat the kids they are paid to look after,some spit in the food before serving,some use pee to boil rice and cook soups....

Some show so much love to the household that they become a part of it and unless you are told ''thats the househelp'' you will not even guess.

Lets share experiences..have you had a house help that came in and everything started going wrong?did you catch them with Madam or oga?caught them maltreating the kids or stealing household items?

What justifies one abusing a househelp to the point of death?

*Abeg ignore any typos.LOL


  1. God, my girl is God sent! May God bless her abundantly!

    1. I decided to put this here so that; I hope everyone gets to read it. SHAME on you all. SHAME. And Shame on you Stella also. I thot u lived in one of the western countries;sadly ur thinking is still as defective as all ur commenters.

      I read in shock how so called christains speak about modern day slavery and I am absolutely gutted. Not one single person, not one thought it wrong that they were hiring someone who is underaged to work for them. Even those who employed older persons I can bet, work them as slaves and pay them pittance. When I say most Nigerians are going to hell they say I am being harsh in speech. My goodness. What sort of creatures live in that country???? You put someone in ur house to work as a slave for u and u think she won't deal with u and ur kids???? Come on. They wash ur clothes, iron, cook ur food, bathe ur kids for pittance and u expect then not to feel resentful ? A lot of u re wicked to them. U treat then very different from ur own child. Why o why are u people allowed to employ someone less than 16yrs to work as a maid??? Una no dey fear God? Where are the child protection services in that country???? My good Jesus.

      I can't believe what I am reading here. The worst and saddest part is that u guys don't even see what u re doing as evil. U turn another human being, a child to a slave. And these fools have the temerity to shout childnotbride.

      I weep for Nigeria. I weep for Nigerians.
      Stella I need u to redress this issue please. I need u to make this comment a post please.

      What a shame. If u need a domestic servant pls get one that is at least over 18yrs old and pay her well for God's sake. One character mentioned 60,000 for one yr. that translates to 5k a month and u expect her not to steal u blind. Another mentioned their maid use to have sex while they were away. For heavens sake being a maid does not make them less human. Give them their days off to do their own thing, what is ur biz???????

      Nigeria needs serious reorientation. Majority of u are EVIL. Chai.

    2. Thank you for this. Every maid my family employs under 18 MUST go to school. If she's still with us by the time she finishes high school she can decide what next. Even while she's in school working for us she is paid. We currently pay our maid 26k per month. She. Also gets clothing and phone credit allowance.
      I have noticed that the really wicked employers are female and come from poor backgrounds. Perhaps having domestic help makes them feel entitled. I really can't deal. My ex sister in law who lives in Abj is a good example. She beats her 11yr old maid with broom handles and pestles. And over the lamest things. Really sad. Nigerians treat domestic help like sub humans. Poverty mentality rearing its ugly head.

    3. As in eh! I thot I was d only one dt saw dt 60k per year and she was dere lamenting that d girl was stealing from her...y she no go steal? Mschewww!

    4. See madam first anon.....just shut up... u feel u are holier dan d rest cos u r a stay home mom, or u r not even married not to talk of having kids.. diz helps are usually happy to leave dia parents to come to town, not saying it's d best but they stand a chance of a better life with most employers. 5k per month may be low for u but it's a big deal to some ppl.. btw wats naijaa minimum wage, is it not less dan 5k? Pllllssss just don't insult anyone here or say ppl wld go to hell cos na only u go go hell.. ITK like u....smmhhh

    5. Actually the minimum wage is about 17,500 - cant remember exactly so anon 12.08, you have no point. 5k is way too low.

    6. Anonymous 9:18,may God bless you. You said it all.

      Can you imagine someone out there making a counter argument that 5k is a lot money? And that house helps are more than happy" to be living in town? Whoever is ever happy of being in slavey and servitude?

      We live in the 16th century in Nigeria. And the annoying thing is that people carry their heads around like they are enlightened and civilised - nay they are rather savages!

  2. Nothing justifies abusing a house help to the point of death. Just send them away when you suspect them.

    I call them "necessary evil!"

    My Mum uses an agency and they go through hospital checks and get references for them. Once they start working, my Mum ensures she knows who their guardians are for future reference.

    1. Hmmm.. I have a house boy ooh... May God keep touching his heart.. I got a boy just cos I knew at dat time dat my first child wld be a boy.. He came a month b4 I put to bed.. He was just 13, he has bn in my home for two yrs now and am abt to have my 2nd baby by His grace... I am a Muslim but he is a xtain, I allow him to church every Sunday, he also attends sch, I kept him in a public sch wen he came but d day I visited d sch I changed my mind and decided to enroll him in a private sch, his first result he brought home was soo adjusted by! he changed all his F's which where almost all his scores to P..haa!.. I got soo mad and beat him up. I decided to get a private lesson teacher for him to improve his academics and to avoid him repeating a class... private schools are very expensive oh, abt 50k per term, plus private lesson teacher abt 10k per month..... now the boy case I no just understand, he loves cartoons more dan life.. He wakes up in night to put on tv, den wakes up late n starts frowning hus face . . see me see wahala oh.
      Am quite heavy so am not active so he takes advantage of dat fact, woo I just taya.. well am watching him still, if after dis child I don't feel his cheerful nature back I am sending him bk, he is 15 I don't want him to turn 18 n very big dat I can't control oh.. am just 28. May God help us oh.. He stole just once but after serious warning he didn't try it again.

    2. Necessary evil? Shame on you.

    3. My dear u better pray to God to give u d best help wether male or female..there are cases of houseboys abusing the boy kids in their care and housegirls abusing the girl children and vice its not a matter of gender.

  3. We had helps when we were young. One got pregnant for a tailordown the road, another was a thief. Tried 2 more and just decided to stop when my youngest sibling was in primary 5.

    Till now, none of us hired helps.

    Some people get it good though.

    My family just believes in the 'if the wahala is more than the gain, then you dont need it'

  4. Mine was ok when she first came but ryt now am not impressed atall!!! I decided to go through my baby's clothes yesterday and I was shocked to find out that she mixed dirty clothes with clean clothes to reduce the quantity of clothes she would,mind you she doesn't wash with her hands o! She uses the machine.also she soaked my husband,s deep cream colored shirt in bleach n I had to ban her from washing clothes. She would wake up and go put on the television , I had to ban her too.she does things like she doesn't use her brain anymore, she wasnt like this when she firstcame , she just started these things n i discovered she has gotten very very comfortable. So I stopped gisting wit her, mind u she's 36 and even older than my husband and I so I took her as a sister but she's now begining to feel too free and started misbehaving , so I av decided to lay her off by the end of this august!

    1. Hmmm you have to be very careful that age range is risky next time get a teenager or an older person who will work 9 to 5pm its better that way

    2. Na wa o!na landlady u hire o!signed:wide eyed!

    3. Y are the wicked type. I sense it

    4. Nigeria ladies sha! I pirry you. 36 year old live in help? I comment my reserve.

    5. Na real landlady o abi una don dey share bed? #runsway

    6. I was pregnant last year when my husband decided to hire a help for me in the house since he's always busy at work, we hired a guy who claim to be 22 year old even though he looks older. What I firstly noticed is the way he consume food, he can finish a pot of rice but I decided to obliged him since he told me that he worked in the farm in the village where he came from. One day after he has left with his food to his house infront of the house my husband decided to go out to change our electricity line since the one we're using is fluctuating only to realised that someone is smoking Indian hemp (igbo) in our compound which turns out to be Michael our househelp I couldn't believe my eyes and I also thank God that saved me from this devil even in pregnancy that he didn't run mad one day and decided to harm me and my unborn child then. For now even with one kid I know how I'm managing my house without any househelp or nanny

  5. Mine is a blessing O!!!!!!!!!!! Promised myself to make somebody out of her life

  6. I finally have an angel after living with so many crazy ones. I have had one who stole, one who tried to seduce my husband and one who loved anything in trousers but overall I think most people treat them like lesser beings and that's why we get the reaction we do from them. If we treat them with some love they will give us the best though I know there are some that are just sick and evil. May God help and protect us

  7. Some re bad some re good!some re witches some re prostitutes!if you get a bad one,fire her!A good one,pls treat her right!if you ve a prostitute,let her bounce from day one!Bye!Signed:wide eyed!

    1. Your description decribes all humans from presidents to labourers. Treat everyone the same way. We are all Gods creatures. Its life's opportunities and our parents decisions that determine certain things.

    2. Your description decribes all humans from presidents to labourers. Treat everyone the same way. We are all Gods creatures. Its life's opportunities and our parents decisions that determine certain things.

  8. wharhebee dear,please why are you still waiting till end of August?
    ASAP please, she's older than you and your hubby that alone should tell you that you ought to be careful in your interaction with her cos like it or not situations will arise that will warrant her to start comparing her life with yours and you just have to be careful!!
    Please o my sister, thread softly and try to part amicably with her as well, God be with you.

    Still in the spirit of this general discussion,(contributing to the general conversation now)I always say to people if you think you absolutely need a domestic servant, try to simplify the chores at home, washing machine for clothes, freezer for 'massive' food storage, vacuum cleaner for general house cleaning etc. Then here is where the trick comes in, get this domestic servant to come in the evenings or weekends to do the things you need them to do. It could be on a weekly basis or forthnightly whichever is convinient for you. If anyone thinks your house is unkempt, please give then broom make them sweep, or give them cloth make them wash! please just do your bit and try to maintain the general appearance of the home and get hubby to help abeg, dont saddle yourself with everything.

    For people with kids,I think its safer to get a good nursery for your child rather than living him/her at the mercy of the house help alone at home especially babies that cannot talk yet.

    I dont know but I just feel there are some fool proof ways to get around avoiding a live in domestic help, I might be wrong though but its always better to be safe than sorry.

    Its good to have help around the house but there is so much going on in the world right now that one just has to be very careful.

    1. My dear u are a star,u said it alll. Gbamest!!!!!!!!!!! Im doin exactly wat uv said currently wit simplifying the chores and taking baby to a nursery and im happyyy. Thanks dear!!!!

    2. Tolotolo this is d best advice ever. Just got myself a guy who comes in once a wk to iron everyone's laundry, (me I wld do d laundry)anoda once a mth for d garden. now am look for a lady or woman who wld help out wit other household chores even if she comes in twice a wk. I dnt need a live in help,I no fit shout!!!

    3. U ppl in naija r just very lazy. Come to abroad nah,who dash u u do everything urself. I work,I school,I take care of my hubby n kid. Its abt planning n time management. My hubby is wonderful,he works too and helps wt house chores. We planned our schedule such dt my son has either of us to stay home wt him after school. Stop being lazy yall.

    4. Very funny! So who told you that people don't have house helps abroad?? Please educate yourself? If you live in London, you only need to be familiar with places like abbey wood, Peckham, camberwell etc. Abi is it women who take their kids to nannies who are not registered and pay them peanuts like 7-10 pounds a day way below the amount registered nurseries and nannies charge. Then you hear them say "ah its so cheap o,i can never tale my child to those nurseries to waste money". But when the shit hits the fan they start ranting. You see women who don't work but still take their kids to these cheap nannies because they want to rest. Abeg if I begin story I no go comot here. What I know is this is a common practice everywhere irrespective of London, the modus operandi might be different but it still abounds everywhere.

  9. I heard one Abuja house girl knew she had HIV and kept using the children's toothbrushes to brush her teeth. Another one kept dripping her blood in their food. Afraiding tingz

    1. This is very true a they are my family friends . The kids have hiv now.

  10. necessary evils i think..some are good and most are bad..we need to be prayerful

  11. House helps : We had one dt was so rude to us kids dt she almost bcame d boss/house manager.I kinda noticed she was up to no good bt nobody really knew what she was up to for a LONG time.We had lil ones living wit us(dt was why she was hired).So I gt bck frm college 1day around 5pm,she wasn't home & my mum was on night shift.I used d time 2 question d lil ones where d maid was,they said they didn't know.I knew the agreemnt with her boss(where she learns hairdressing) was 5pm.So I made diner fr every n waited.I waited till 7pm n walked 2 d shop where ws learning hairdressing.2 my surprise,they had closed up,so I went 2 d boss's house 2 ask fr her,d boss said she left at the usual 5pm.Well,she got home at 9pm.Shocked to see me,I broke the ice and I was like "Oh u guys must hv been busy today at work" she said "Yes,we did million braids".I called her out on her BS n told her I knew what she ws upto(I didn't really know).D lil ones had told me earlier dt d maid was always goin to call centres 2 make calls.So I used a lil 2 figure out what she was upto.I knew she was an illetrate,so I said "cellphones records conversations,I've been 2 d call centres n listend 2 all your calls,so go ahead & confess now bfr I tell my mum" She began 2 cry n confessed dt she had lots of BFrnds n she brings them 2 my mum's room when the kids had gone 2 school n mum to work. I was so suprised wit all she said,so I made her give me her book with phone numbers.I reported to mumsy who almost didn't belive the wild story.My mum dialed the numbers 2 call the men and warn them to stay off her property,Only fr the number to come up on her phone as "Ahmed furniture","Mr so so neighbor" n d 3 other unindetified men.That was d final straw bfr she was sent back 2 her village.Ofcourse we did a deep cleaning of mumsy's room. N trew out the bed n all the bedspread.

  12. I had to fire the househelp my wife hired after just 2 weeks. She was too good to be true. A little over 20, she cooked well, cleaned well, and was always cheerful. my 3 yr old son liked her and I always had a boner each time I saw her. Omo, I had to fire her before she will lead me into temptation.

    1. Lol, better man. Most others would not fire her but "FIRE' her some correct rounds.

    2. Lmfaooo @ correct rounds....stella ur blog wee not kee me o

  13. Hmmm I can't begin to narrate ordeals with maids.. Not my personal experience alone, but of friend's and people around me. But personally, overall we've had very fantastic girls work for us. Matter of fact they always stay for years and become like family members in a way. Only recently we didn't get so lucky. Even as I speak the last maid we had is in kiri kiri

    The very first day I hired her, 24hrs after she was caught in my room. I had locked my door and traveled out of town, leaving her at home with my siblings. So while everyone was at work, she entered into d rooms that weren't locked, she saw a key in one of those rooms and decided to try the use of it on the doors that were locked. She struck luck when the key matched my room door key hole. Few minutes or so after she had been in my room, looking thru to see what n what she could lay hands on, my sister, for some reason decided to go to the house early that afternoon.

    It was when she (my sis)saw that my room door was a bit ajar, knowing I wasn't in town and that I locked my room, she went to the door to see who was inside. My sis pushed to enter and this girl stood behind the door, pushing back. Then my sis said who's behind that door, when she couldn't hide again she let it open. And the story she gave was that b4 I left the house I instructed that she cleaned the entire house. My God. Did I ask u to clean my room? Did I give u the key? Anyway she ended up at the police station that night. The irony of the matter is that 24hrs after non of her relatives went to bail her. Upon getting back home I was forced to go bail her at the station. And my intention was to send her away the following day.

    But when we got home my spirit ministered to me to speak with her. Which I did extensively. I told her the danger in what she did, and how she was lucky that I know God, that else, she would have been dealt with beyond recognition. Moreso, I told her.. that shey u can see, nobody wants to associate with a thief, why didn't ur family members come to bail you? She seemed sober and for some reasons, I let her stay on to work in my household. She stayed for a year plus after the incident.

    As with all other maids, last Christmas she said she would be going back to Benue where she comes from, to spend Christmas and possibly stay back to learn a trade. I wished her well, gave a lot to take back home. Monies more than her salary for the year...even though in the course of her work a lot of monies would get missing without traces...but we overlooked it. She left my house extremely happy and fulfilled. Come January, another work year for maids, I had contacted my agency to send me another girl. But end of January this same girl called to say she would like to return to my house again. Oh, gladly I welcomed her back. I mean, it was a relief, moreso for someone who knows the pros and cons of the house already. So she resumed again this year.......(continued)

  14. Hmmm I can't begin to narrate ordeals with maids.. Not my personal experience alone, but of friend's and people around me. But personally, overall we've had very fantastic girls work for us. Matter of fact they always stay for years and become like family members in a way. Only recently we didn't get so lucky. Even as I speak the last maid we had is in kiri kiri

    The very first day I hired her, 24hrs after she was caught in my room. I had locked my door and traveled out of town, leaving her at home with my siblings. So while everyone was at work, she entered into d rooms that weren't locked, she saw a key in one of those rooms and decided to try the use of it on the doors that were locked. She struck luck when the key matched my room door key hole. Few minutes or so after she had been in my room, looking thru to see what n what she could lay hands on, my sister, for some reason decided to go to the house early that afternoon.

    It was when she (my sis)saw that my room door was a bit ajar, knowing I wasn't in town and that I locked my room, she went to the door to see who was inside. My sis pushed to enter and this girl stood behind the door, pushing back. Then my sis said who's behind that door, when she couldn't hide again she let it open. And the story she gave was that b4 I left the house I instructed that she cleaned the entire house. My God. Did I ask u to clean my room? Did I give u the key? Anyway she ended up at the police station that night. The irony of the matter is that 24hrs after non of her relatives went to bail her. Upon getting back home I was forced to go bail her at the station. And my intention was to send her away the following day.

    But when we got home my spirit ministered to me to speak with her. Which I did extensively. I told her the danger in what she did, and how she was lucky that I know God, that else, she would have been dealt with beyond recognition. Moreso, I told her.. that shey u can see, nobody wants to associate with a thief, why didn't ur family members come to bail you? She seemed sober and for some reasons, I let her stay on to work in my household. She stayed for a year plus after the incident.

    As with all other maids, last Christmas she said she would be going back to Benue where she comes from, to spend Christmas and possibly stay back to learn a trade. I wished her well, gave a lot to take back home. Monies more than her salary for the year...even though in the course of her work a lot of monies would get missing without traces...but we overlooked it. She left my house extremely happy and fulfilled. Come January, another work year for maids, I had contacted my agency to send me another girl. But end of January this same girl called to say she would like to return to my house again. Oh, gladly I welcomed her back. I mean, it was a relief, moreso for someone who knows the pros and cons of the house already. So she resumed again this year....(Continues)

  15. (Continued)

    Upon resuming I asked what trade she would like to engage in...she's about 23yrs old. And she said she wanted to be a hair dresser apprentice. Gladly I enrolled her with one of the girls who fix my hair on Victoria Island. So the agreement was for her to go learn the job mon-fri, between 9-4 when everyone else was at work. I then paid a deposit of 80,000naira to the Salon for her to learn. My money o, not her salary! She was happy..and everything was going on fine.

    Until months ago, when one day I was dressed to attend a friend's wedding, I opened my safe where I keep my gold jewelries, and realized that 80% of my gold jewelry had been taken. She had neatly unwrapped them from their pouches, so that no one would notice that they had been taken. I almost ran mad. She was even asking me to look well, that maybe I kept them and couldn't remember. Long story short, this girl had been helping herself with our treasures daily. She would enter into my room with a key that I didn't even know could open my door. Take whatever she wanted, she was sending my driver to deposit money in her account every other day. Monies she stole from my bag everyday, monies from other people in the house as well. From 6,000 to 3,000 etc. At the time of arrest she had about 300k in her account. Here's a girl who's salary isn't paid monthly but yearly o, and who's yearly salary is about 60,000Naira.

    She confessed to taking all the monies and a few other things in the house. But up till now she has refused to reveal where my jewelries are. Just before her arrest she came to tell me that she wanted to go back to Benue. And my first reaction was how can? Its just mid year and what will u be doing in Benue? What about your hair dressing thing? Not knowing she had gathered my stuffs to go and retire to in her village.

    So what I think is that some of these maids do not deserve to be treated as one's child. Yes I do not in anyway condone that a maid should be inhumanly enslaved in a wicked manner. But still, most of them are evil. Not all deserve kindness. Many of these maids have left their masters desolate because they opened up and showed them kindness. Some will sleep with your husband, maltreat your kids, connive with outsiders to rob you. Some will even jazz you, manipulate you..etc. In fact my friend said that if u hire maids from a particular tribe (I do not wish to mention the tribe) that u have to also find someone who'll codedly sleep with them every other day becos they cannot live without sex. That if u don't have a husband or son they can shag, or a gateman or any man around, that they'll quit the job weeks after. She said she has one at home, and she and hubby arranged for a male reg visitor to service her when they aren't home, codedly tho..loll!

    There's never been a time that I do not seek God's guidance before hiring a household staff, even a driver. But we can't be too safe and careful these days. I think mine has been minimal to just losing treasures becos I sought God before hand, so it would have been worse if I hired based on face value alone. We just need to pray. No matter how good one can be at detecting bad staff, they will always beat you to it with lies and pretense. So only God can help one!

    1. Shame on you!

      Hiring.a maid and paying 60k per year and you expect her nit to to steal. Slave mistress, do you think she is an angel or an effigy without feelings, needs and sentiments.

    2. I tire o..I pay my housegirl who is like 21 annual salary of 240k..on top of that she eats my food,and uses my soaps so madam ur 60k isn't much..

    3. ... What is wrong with both of you? It is not in the amount of money they earn but the state of their hearts. if that girl was paid 1mill monthly she would still rob her mistress blind. We just have to be careful when we employ these hands cos truth be told, they are necessary at times. Treat them with dignity, they are human and would not be in such situations if they had a better life.


    4. Ashley, I can only ask God to bless ur common sense. Someone is explaining her plight and u are here judging, so u would av preferred that she lied she gvs her millions? Did u not read where she said she paid 80k for her to learn a job? Who does that these days? D girl returned to her house aftr levn that says a lot o. Its common sense. Maids can be very mean no matter hw nice u treat dem

    5. Anon 6:40am. Shame on ur head for not activating ur discretion. This is y I hate reading blogs. I only come to Stella's becos serious topics with a bit of matured audience frequent here. But u just read somebody's narration without using ur sense b4 cussing her. Am sure she summarized the story from what she's said, it could be more than this. Maybe she gives her other benefits u don't know.

      @Ashley I agree with u. Shows u have common sense!

      #my name is my name#

  16. Househelps are indeed necessary evils. We've had good ones and the extremely bad ones too, we've had a help that lived with us for so many years and she is still very much in touch with the family till date even after leaving and we've also had d ones that are possessed lol... But in the last few years, we've had them so bad and recently we decided to stop househelps. Instead we got an older woman that comes Mondays to saturdays 7am to 6pm, which I'm more convinient with,at least now I shout less n talk less.Though she isn't perfect but she is serving d purpose which she was employed for. Shikenna!!!

  17. house girls GOD help me, I pray I don't need one

    share your US visa experiences here

  18. Househelps are indeed necessary evils. We've had good ones and the extremely bad ones too, we've had a help that lived with us for so many years and she is still very much in touch with the family till date even after leaving and we've also had d ones that are possessed lol... But in the last few years, we've had them so bad and recently we decided to stop househelps. Instead we got an older woman that comes Mondays to saturdays 7am to 6pm, which I'm more convinient with,at least now I shout less n talk less.Though she isn't perfect but she is serving d purpose which she was employed for. Shikenna!!!

  19. Househelps are indeed necessary evils. We've had good ones and the extremely bad ones too, we've had a help that lived with us for so many years and she is still very much in touch with the family till date even after leaving and we've also had d ones that are possessed lol... But in the last few years, we've had them so bad and recently we decided to stop househelps. Instead we got an older woman that comes Mondays to saturdays 7am to 6pm, which I'm more convinient with,at least now I shout less n talk less.Though she isn't perfect but she is serving d purpose which she was employed for. Shikenna!!!

  20. A frd once told me her house help used d sponge used for washing plates to wash dustbin n toilet. The day she found out she almost lost her mind. Sm househelp tho

    1. Did your friend train her properly?

    2. That serves her right, slave mistress!!!

    3. Anon6:42am. Haba u are WICKED! How can u say good for her? Am sure u are either a house girl yourself or u were once one. Ur heart is so wicked gosh!!

      #my name is my name#

  21. I sent my house girl (19yrs) to buy kerosene for stove, she bought fuel instead and she didn't tell me. As God may have it, I didn't use it that night again. It was the next day when she was to cook her lunch that she used it. Its better imagined what the fuel did to her, thank God for my good neighbours. As for me no more house help.

    1. Oloriburuku ni e. so you are kinda happy that she got in danger while trying to serve you.

      Ani were ni gbogbo eyin Nigerian women using house helps. You treat them like slaves!

    2. Stove????

      Stone age tinz

  22. A coin has 2 sides, so there are always 2 sides to a story. If a maid is bad, quietly send her away without drama or harming her. If she is good, take her close to your heart.

    I don't have a maid, but i grew up with one, she was like an aunty to me, but left when Ghanaians were asked to leave the country. She got married and sent pictures of her children to us. And we didn't have another again.Mum loved her so much.

    My parents got another when we have all married off. She was hardworking, but spiritually unclean. Thrice i had a revelation about her and told my parents who said, they too also see snakes in their dreams ever since she came. Took her to MFM, where she was found to have serpentine spirit but she confessed to have done no harm because my parents were good to her. After the deliverance, she was sent back to Togo, after staying with them for 6months.

    Well, you win some, and you lose some. Just make best out of any situation.

  23. @ Fuck-nizer, you are ALWAYS having a boner or wanking over photos, yet you are married with a son. Are you a house husband or something that you have so much time for blogs? Freak! @ Sterra, if you no post my comment ehn................

  24. I remember one my Mom took when we were children. She had gotten fed up of the young girls wahala, one used to make faces at my youngest brother to scare him and leave him unattended while she gifted with the houseboy, gateman or cook. One day a family friend told my mom to just stop by the house while she was supposed to be at work to see what her housegirl was doing, well my mom did, went in through the rarely used front door and there was my baby brother left alone in the bedroom. My mom picked him up took him with her and left. When she got to work she sent the driver to go home and tell the housegirl to bring Bobo as we used to call him to the office with her. That was how that one sha left.

    I digress, we had one we called mama tuehtueh, this woman had a nasty cough when she came to stay with us, she would cough and spit on those 90s terrazzo floor for crying out loud. The sound the mucous made was so disgusting we started calling her tuehtueh. It got so bad we had to tell our mom and she too left. In retrospect she could have had TB sef, who knows, it is only GOD that protects children sha.

  25. I remember when I was a little girl, one of mum househelp used Omo to wash Okra(okro) and the soup was messed up. She sent another of our house help to buy bus ticket for her(mum) to lagos against tomorrow, she went and boarded the bus herself(ask me who she know for lagos), it was the special grace of God she was found. Another left us in the house and flee when the gas was over floating. Thank God am alive today. Another was giving my little brother well-water till she was caught(we all drink boiled tap water) And finally, another used garlic and ginger to cook bitter leaf soup cos mum ask for the food to be spicy and sweet. Mind u mum was a banker, we had more than 8 maids growing up.

    1. Just hate it when people write history and put "mind you". It's so commanding, harsh, and rude.

    2. Mum was a banker, so? Mum had six of us and was busier than a banker, she never hired a maid.

  26. Some are good while some can be extremely wicked, we had one wen my sis n I were very little, she was so wicked dt she inserts her fingers daily in our anus for fun or wotever n always treatened us not to mention it to our parent even to the point wen she spoils sometn at home she forced us to claim d blame in order for us to be punished upon d fact dt my parent were so friendly n homely to her, wt time dey sent her home due to her stubborness but d last straw dt broke d carmels back was wen dy brt anoda one, she was so mean dt she even pressed a hot fork on my sis tummy for disobeyn her n even tried to seduce my dad but tnk God he is d strict type, it evn got to a point dt she commanded us to call her mum wenevr my mum left cos she wsnt livn wt us den due to d nature of her job. thr was notn we didn't do for her, we attended same skul, wore d same clothes etc but tnk God bfr d age of 7, my dad sent her home n we nvr had maid again till now I v grown up. If not dt my parent told me dt we lived wt a gud maid wen dey newly settled whc livd wt us till wen dey gv birth to me but left cos she got married, I wdnt v believed thr existed a gud maid due to d ordeal I went tru thr hands.

    1. You don't write well at all.

    2. ... Get his/her details Nd begin to tutor them... Let's see if it would make you richer.

      Ashley. tuto

    3. Ashley gold digger

  27. We had the good ones and the bad ones but more of the bad ones. There was one we hired, within a period of 3 months she snatched a man from his wife. The man abandoned his wife and two kids, relocated with the new girl to only God knows and later sold his house. The girl said she was returning back home, few days later the wife came crying at our door saying our househelp had eloped with her husband.

    Another help a very young girl of 15, before bringing her we were asked to pay her 2months salaray before bringing her which we did. The girl as never been at home alone since her arrival. For the first time on a saturday she was left alone on the 3rd week, before we knew it she broke into my locked wardrobe stole a huge some money(in hundreds of thousand) and traveled all the way to ogun state to drop the stolen money in her mothers house. This girl came back and started acting a movie, saying 3 men came to the house to rob. She left the door opened without locking and came back at night. This is a girl that claims she hasn't been to lagos and she doesn't go out. After serious torture she confessed that she took the money, the next day we followed her home we found the money in their house.

  28. I cnt handle househelps cos I'm too soft, so I dnt need them. If its a must dat I will get, I will just get an elderly person dat comes like 3tyms in a week, frm 9-6.

    1. Which one be you're too soft? Are they wild animals? Smh at u

  29. Nawa oo..I tire oo 4 some househelp.some na ogbanje,some na thief,some dey sleep wiv oga,some dey touch children toto etc pple shuld b careful oo

  30. I made up my mind to always treat house help as my child irrespective of whether they are good or bad. Think of it Stella is anyone perfect? My house help is now learning hair dressing, because she wants to be an hair dresser. I want to make sure that after she leaves my place she will no longer be a house help but be an independent lady. I even pay salary even when I travel for some months and she has to stay with her family. Is she a good girl? "a million question" not even once has the mum or any family member called to appreciate what I am doing for her. My own guiding principle in life is make sure you leave people better than you met them.

    1. God bless you

    2. Well what can I say, you seem to be treating her well.

      But the whole idea of househelp live-in is wrong. It's just slavery and servitude - pure and simple!

    3. So anon 6:55, if someone wants to work as your help,no accomodation and all.. What should one do? Not give them d job? Make una dey think before una dey talk biko... How old are u again?

  31. House help threw my aunt's baby from up balcony to the floor downstairs.. (A baby who was born after 8 years of childlessness) What was her reason? The baby was crying too much. Yes! The baby died...and she carefully tucked the baby in her cot as if the baby was sleeping.

    My aunt got back from work(a banker), asked of the baby, the house help said she was sleeping, aunt decided to take the advantage to get some rest n cook...while at cooking, neighbour knocked...asked about the baby as she somehow saw what happened earlier.

    Aunt rushed to the baby....stone dead. Where the fuck is the help? Eating and watching TV. On asking, she laughed hysterically and told my aunt "na this small rat make you dey cry? You suppose dey happy say I never fit do the main thing way carry me come"

    A very bitter experience indeed!

    1. Jeez! This just sent chills down my spine
      .... is dis really a true story? People are really wicked o!

    2. Jesus. So Sad. My heart bleeds for ur Aunty.

    3. Hmmm I don't bliv dis..... I will kill her stab her.. WTF. am pissed ryt now.

  32. I had a maid who I sent to learn computer instead of her staying @ home while the kids are in school. The course was for 6 months. She told me she wants to leave the week she collected her certificate. The last one was something else. My MIL paid an unscheduled visit and caught her on the street with my children's chocolates in a black nylon and wen asked where she was going to, she said she wanted to return the bottle of coke I sent her the former day leaving my one and a half baby @ home alone. They are all the same. Evil minded.

  33. I had a maid sometome ago that likes boys no be small. I was walking on the road one day with my baby and a woman called me and asked if am the mother of the girl am carrying. I replied in the affirmative and she said she has been praying to see the mother of my baby. She now showed ne a kiosk where they rent movies, dat that is where my maid comes to everyday with my baby to meet with her boyfriend. That there was even a time they were doing their love wantintin and mistakenly pushed my baby down and she was so angry that she had to call my maid and warned her but rather than feeling remorseful, she told the womn to mind her biz. I was so furious but trust her, when I got home, she denied everything. They are all necessary evils.

  34. @anonymous #28, I dont wank because I have a very sexually active wife. If I wank, how will I deliver in the bedroom? I work 2 days at the Mercantile Exchange and 3 days from home so you can call me a HOUSEBAND. hehehe! my son is 7. It happened when I lived in Nigeria, 4 years ago. Does that answer ur question. Now make your own contribution to the topic!!!!

  35. My mum has 2 househelps every year till I was 20 years old. When I got married and took in, I resolved to get a teenager whom I can handle as I am small in stautre and no girl bigger than me would respect or listen to me. 'Over sabi like me' I decided to ask my mother-in-law to help us get one and specifcied the age (less than 18) because of my size. She agreed. Few days after I delivered we requested for the picture of the maid to be, this girl looked 27 yet claimed 18! I vehemently said no and my husband also rejected her. Mil got upset and said she is trying to help, this that, that's my biz, blah blah! I could go search for my preferred maid if I wish. She insisted and brought the girl along with her for 'omugo' . Immediately the girl came, she was already entering the maiguard's room, feeling comfy in the living room and charging her fone whilst receiving different calls. She even went to meet my mum in the guest room to collect a pen as her bobo sent her recharge card, imagine! I ignored her since she is mil's maid and not mine.

    Days later, she was with the maiguard and I said somethign to her, she was laughing, so I said to her, what's funny? Why are you laughing, she replied me ' make I dey cry? I said shuo, na my madam be this, thank goodness, I didn't accept her from the word go! Later, mil will tell her to call my hubby, she will knock on our room door ' den dey call you o' imagine! She was already entering the maiguard's room within their short stay here. I can only imagine what she had up her sleeves. Eventually she left with mil and of course she never forgave me for rejecting the maid, I knew better than to accept a madam who won't listen to me and will spend her time reporting live what's going on in my home.. No way!

    1. Don't ever get helps from your MIL!. Mine got one for my mum. I don't know if it was a level thing as my MIL didn't see anything wrong with the maid. The woman didn't know how to use a cooker or taps. She had her own room and bathroom but never flushed the toilet. She had to go. MIL took it as a personal insult even though she was informed beforehand.

  36. One housemaid waz calcultn ha salary 4 me, bathing soap money 300naira. I shouted, me sef no use 300soap see me see tif gehs

    1. N300 soap? You need to upgrade your life my dear.

  37. This happened to my neighbors. Young working class couple, they had a 2year old daughter and hired this fairly matured lady to mind their baby during the day. So one day the husband was stuck in traffic doing office runs in Ikeja, somewhere along a busy road. And who did he see in traffic? His daughter was tied to the back of an unknown lady who was begging for alms. He quickly parked his car afar off and rushed back to where the woman was standing with a bowl of money. As if to say he was dreaming, he jacked the woman by her buba and said this is my daughter.
    ........Before anyone could say JaCK, trust Lagos pple, they had assembled by the number, crowded on the scene, and this man burst out crying. He was weeping uncontrollably. It was the pple there that asked the woman who she was, cos she isn't the nanny they employed at home. She confessed that for 3months that had been their pattern, she would pay the nanny a token everyday to take the child to beg on the streets for atleast 4hrs everyday, and would return her b4 her parents got home. It was like a movie to me, I still cannot fathom their audacity. Very cruel things pple do for money.
    .......I said thank God they didn't kidnap that child outright. And you see, these things have spiritual undertone to unsuspecting victims. Do you know what sorts of pple would have given alms to this woman for the sake of that child? Do u even know what sorts of demonic spiritual transfer they would have invoked on some of the money? In future now, if such a child starts to have some spiritual problems, her folks will never know where it emanated from. That's why I don't blame some men who insist their wives must be full time housewives to take care of the kids!

    #my name is my name#

  38. Housemaids..No way! I didnt grow with one, im a nursing mother now and it hasnt been easy but i thank God.

  39. @ anon 5:56 or so, u claim u paid ur maid 60k yearly and u dey fear God? God sef dey fear u. Is ur own monthly salaty not more than 60k? 5k monthly? That's chicken feed. Y wnt she steal? This is jst an example of wickedness! U were evn bold enuff to type that?? Jesus wept!!

    1. Anon 11:37pm......You are just an idiot. First of all, if 'wickedness' u put it..was the order of service with that girl, she wouldn't have returned to the same house after bidding farewell.
      .....And second of all, since u are a sanctimonious nuisance, do u know what her employment package with me, or the agency that brought her to me was? And are u pretty sure that I was not partly or wholly financially responsible for her other welfare apart from her duties with me? And ur perforated skull didn't stop to think that if I could afford to pay 80k naira for her apprenticeship for just a quarter of the year, that perhaps paying more than 60k, or even 100k annually to her shouldn't be a problem?
      .......But NO, u had to pass a rubbish comment to portray ur bogus 'saintful' heart. Even saying I was bold to type? It is idiots like u that come on social medias to LIE to be noticed! Why wouldn't she steal ko? Ok, no matter how many years u live a wretch, or even a billionaire in any currency in this world, whatever u have sweat to accrue in ur miserable life will be stolen away from u till u die! .......That's my prayer for u for typing that fucking gibberish Idiot! .........So u want me to start citing all the favors have done for her to convince u that I wasn't 'wicked' to my maid ko? U must be MAD! Ass wipe! Devil sneezed on ur head

    2. .... LMAO.
      if you were the one that wrote the original story then I give you kudos for this awesome reply. This should serve as an example for fellow retards of this 11.37 who don't process stories well in their shallow brains before the urge to write gibberish supersedes.

      Nice one...


    3. The 2 of you are possessed. Just look at the vitriol you anon 7:16 spewed here! You even brought satan into it. And follow follow Ashley the devil's advocate. Terrible, terrible, terrible!

    4. The 2 of you are possessed. Just look at the vitriol you anon 7:16 spewed here! You even brought satan into it. And follow follow Ashley the devil's advocate. Terrible, terrible, terrible!

    5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  40. Growing up we had nannies. And my mum was and is still kind to her househelps. One actually got married while living with us. My parents sponspored her wedding. And she has five kids now. 3 in the univeristy and 2 in secondary school. Another househelp we had was also nice, very nice, but she is late now. How sad. I have a nanny looking after my kids and I can tell u am so happy, she is so good and she is only 19yrs. When I shop for her u may think she going back to school and my friends keep asking why I buy trousers, shorts etc for her. U see, I see her as my daughter too. For the fact. She is living with me and I pay her 20k a month does not make her less. Am happy and I will say God bless my nanny. If u treat them well be rest assured ur kids are in safe hands.

  41. we have had upwards of 5 or more housemaids at any given time,at least right from when i was very young until i left naija,and over the years apart from one or two incidents of theft every single one of them have gone on to other pursuits or gotten married and moved on or returned back to the village.
    the only notable case of theft amongst them were from a beninoise boy john who stole some money and ran away to buy okada and all sorts and another guy from lagos both of which were taken on due to desperation.

    to a large extent this is because right from the get go,we only procure domestic help from our own village so their parents and families are known to us,they in turn hand them over not as a servant going to work but as a junior sister or brother going to an extended family's house,we eat the same food from the same pot and the same plates even their rooms are in the main house and they are not allowed to dress shabbily like you see many dad makes sure that any one of them that wants to study is enrolled in school 2 of the female one have passed out of polytechnic hnd last year and even rejected an option to travel to the UK and work as an au pair/domestic 4yrs ago due to her studies…the girl that rejected the uk opportunity is today married to a guy she met through working there whose parents are like middle class a total departure from the girl's own.

    most people cataloguing horrible experiences here will never admit to how they treat domestic help.if you treat them like servants maltreating and ordering them about obviously they will look for an outlet for their burning hatred and resentment of you,if they can't get you they will deal with your children or food..

    the woman that was my nanny several years ago,is grown up married with children some my age.Till tomorrow anytime i still go to Nigeria and happen to visit home town i must go see her and give her stuffs as if she was my biological mum…and in all the years she never maltreated me or any of us one single time

    1. Gbam. Please tell the 5k a month slave misstress and Ashley the whip.

    2. Anon 6:01pm u are still gallivanting this thread with ur myopic insight looking for validation right? No matter what you say you are DUMB. Bet you were following boys up and down when ur mates were busy studying English comprehension, hence the display of ur shallow mindedness! Gbam indeed on your head! Miserable twat!

  42. 1 Timothy 5:18For Scripture says, "Do not muzzle an ox while it is treading out the grain," and "The worker deserves his wages."

  43. 1 Timothy 5:18For Scripture says, "Do not muzzle an ox while it is treading out the grain," and "The worker deserves his wages."

  44. @Anon 45, @9.18pm
    May God bless you for seeing alots of an evils in some Nigerians heart,inhumanity,how can some Nigerians be so wicked in humankinds,no one knows tomorrow,so if u must have one becos of ur job,please treat one good,age at 17yrs down should be treated as ur own child and 18years plus should be paying good and guided well,even your own kids are they perfect in natures?and God bless those who tried to put them into school nd learning a job,from swiss

  45. while growi.g up we had many househelps at diff times. we had one that stayed 5yrs n my parenrs practically sponsored her wedding with all my mums friend in attendance. some were bad. have had abt 5 houselps. first one was lkke ten i returned her. the next one was abt 16. enrolled her i. a tailoring place,she was ok at her job but will go for tailoring classes when she likes despite d fact that i paid for the classes apart from her salary. they came tp take her under d pretence her mum died and took away my money i paid in advance and lost that whoch i paid for her tailoring classes. i have not had luck with stole my money my fone,my daughters fone and locked my whole family i.side d house and ran away. up till now have not bn able to colle t d 100k i paid on her cps she spent less than 3weeks. d one i have now looks like she is gd. she has spent 2 montjs but she understands only french. we have to comunicate with her with hands. i pray she doesnt grow wings

  46. we had one maid who would hide some of my brothers dirty clothes when they where handed over to her to wash so as to have a feww clothes to wash everyweek. u c she would hid two dirty clothes every saturday in her bag until my brother began to run short of clothes... lol funny he noticed his clothes wher getting fewer n fewer n cudnt understand. this same maid would go to club in a backless top n mini skirt at night without my parents noticing she would leave the back door open every saturday wear her mini thinz n go to club. the second was a thief + liked boys the third i rest her case thief+lie+wicked etc thank goodness my mum wasnt home much but school getn masters.
    fouth would leave house at 6am for school after school attend extra class then return home at 5 n 6pm neither i nor my brother attened extra classes. every househelp we had went to same school as we her kids n even better schools than us. mum had to do all the work still. so she said well i had enough no more househelps!
    the first is now a teacher n a botique owner. the second was returnd to the village. the third works in a bank now. the forth is in Senior high school year 3 now the girls senior prefect she stays with us when shes on vac n another in uni completing next year. they all r very grateful to my mum for one thing takn interest in their education n makn them work as hard as we her own kids in schl n i know my mum feels fulfiled knowing her labour was not in vain!

  47. We had one who got preggers for my dad's driver, who was also my dad's relative. Immediately she announced her belle, driver brings wife from village and puts her belle too. Lol. Everyday fight and quarrel. Two women deliver similar looking kids with 3 months age difference. All of them staying in the bq. Separate rooms, one bathroom one kitchen. Hmmmml! House always on fire. Dad couldn't chase driver away cs he was his relative. We ddnt allow mum chase house help away cos she was such a fantastic person to us kids. She was wonderful. Extremely caring. So house was hot until daddy got broke ad couldn't pay extra bills anymore. Everybody face front! Hehehe. We then had peace. However drivers wife's kid wasnt as fine as houseHelp's

  48. There was one who was a witch. D moment we employed her, put her in school and all. Yellow like me u will think we are sisters. She almost killed my mum. My mother had uncontrolled haemorrhage for days. She also came with a team of cats that surrounded our house at night for their meetings oh! It took the revelation of a pastor we hadn't seen for five yrs. just called my parents that he had to see them urgently. Viola! Pastor describes all d visions God has shown him about us and even secrets we were hiding about strange occurrences in our house. Long story short, he advices us to send her back. With everything we had given her. And even add more gifts. We did. Later that night, cats came around. They called out, no response. They left and have never returned.

  49. Mums bleeding stopped. No more cats. No more pains or worms crawling out of daddy's back (scary yea). Legion of rats in the house, that had refused to die amidst rat poison, ceased. My baby cousin stopped crying as if she was being terrified at night. Phew!

  50. Anon August 3, 2013 at 1:14 AM can't be as bad as look and listen.

  51. This is the most hilarious tale. He he he

  52. Our housemaids were pretty good in the 80s and 90s (mostly from Togo). Something terrible started happening in the 2000 and the girls have gotten worse and worse. One was a proper nympho and my mum caught her with abortion pills. She had been sleeping with all the drivers and security guards in the neighborhood. Another one used to cry during prayers and claimed that our prayers were hurting her. Another one ran away with the hausa security guard. I have sort of lost track of them now and my mum has started calling each new one the same name "Mary" so they all blurr together now.

  53. Hnnn! Blessing and promise. Promise came from Mr bassey. He said promise was a member of their church and promise said Mr. Bassey was an elder in their church. Mr. Bassey was caught sleeping with my neighbours 14 year old maid who later tested positive for hiv. Only for me to hear that promise feeds her guy when I go to work with my food and he comes in to my house to chill.

    Then blessing came. Jesus!!!!! My gold started to fly. I will beat and torture she no go confess. I was moving house and decided to stay in a hotel but noticed my shoe was missing. I asked madam, she say she no see say in short she no dey work again because if something miss I dey always ask am. I told her no problem, just make sure my gold wey Don lost don return if not you are not going anywhere. I went to finally move my stuff, I see ble for junction with 2 bags. My hold all carry on luggage and another bag. As soon as she saw my car, oso abiola. She ran for her dear life but my driver caught up with her and I took her and the bag home. Neighbours come and see.......all my skimpy stuff, open back, short dresses, jewellery, even the shoe wey lost. too many things to mention abeg hand dey pain me. Now I'm alone and saving the money dianyi. They are bad.

  54. @sefiana
    I hope you and your family will ask GOD for forgiveness in your mind you truly believe all that you have written
    If the girl was your sister will you call her a witch and ascribe all your mum and dads health challenge to her?
    Since you say she was yellow like you how come they didn't group the two if you together as witches?
    It's always funny that only the weak poor vulnerable are always labelled witches and always housemaids I am yet to see anyone label their children witches and u expect them to behave while working for you.
    These same wicked and unfeeling behavious of ours we Africans have carried it abroad thank GOD white ppl are not like us and have punished and jailed a number of NIGS
    Pls don't try this in the western world or else you will be an unwilling guest of her majesty or American penitentiary

    1. U don't get it do you? Smh

    2. Luca u are so off point. If u aren't sure of something please dont pass any biased judgments ok? If u haven't experienced stuffs like these u may not understand, so rather than trivialize the issues or castigate the victims, just read and stroll by. This isn't a case that u can conveniently pass judgments because u hear one side of the story.
      .....I will never condone pple who mistreat a maid, but having experienced the ugly side of things too, its hard to judge even if the people here are exaggerating or lying.

      ...I have an aunt who's very very wicked to her staff in general. Be it her maids, drivers or security guards. At some point she had no gate-man, maid and a driver. Infact they all resigned at the same they planned it........ She was so stranded. She doesn't keep a staff for more than a month. Once they collect their first salary they vamooze. She lives like a lone ranger in Dolphin estate. She's my blood, and I can say it to her face that she's WiCKED!
      .....But there was one she was very nice too, after everyone rebuked her to take it ez on her staff, in the end the maid cleared her house.
      ...Nonetheless majority of these maids are on a mission to steal or do something evil. One just must pray.

      #my name is my name#

  55. Me i go speak 4 pigin English, my mama born us 7 in no, na when she born our Ada her sis come stay with her, after d 2nd girl,my mama sis come marry, na so my mama come use her hand without house help train us o, even my younger broder think say na my elder sis be her mama when he dey small b/cos na she 2 dey carry & take kie of am, no be say my mama no fit do am. Na so all of us take grow Õoooº°˚ ˚°Âº , God do am my elder sis marry,she come born,na so one agency bring one girl come 4 her, she go be lik 23/24yrs,my sis come decide 2 carry her go church make man of God pray 4 her, come do her general test, next day result show say she get belle,she ask her,she even confirm am, na him my sis say she go go back,,, how she go come her house with pregnancy...e na see human being as dem dey coba person, na him my sis take her hand dey take kie of her children o, sometime we d younger ones go go her house der help her... Abeg anytime u carry any house help make sure u carry am go church make man of God pray 4 am, & make sure u do her all d necessary test,Hiv, pregnancy & general test e dey important...

  56. I dnt v a house maid..dt name is devilish. D girl living wt me is 12 yrs. She washes plate n takes care of d children shikina. My 2 kids lvs her lyk craze.she doesnt steal n takes corrections easily,esp wen corrected wt lv n not harshly. She sometyms misbehave buh its normal wt kids so i ova look her atyms

  57. My maid was so nice. My kids loved her and so did I. She had a medical problem. I took her to d hospital spent over 150k to get her well. She was very good until I discovered all het gud behavior was becos she had an ulterior motive. I just want to say I found out she was offering her self to my hubby and even though he hadnt slept with her he had already started fondling her breasts and they were hoping for opportunity to consumate the rlship. I beat her black n blue till dhe confessed d whole thing saying d only time they have is when she opebs gate for my husband at nite.he fondles with her bum and breast. I sent her away with a prayer. Het sickness has come back full force and I heard shes bedridden. As for my husbanf he has begged n wept and apologised we've even gone for counselling I cant bring myself to love him again.

    1. OMG! That is what I cannot condone, the man of the house stooping so low to mess with a maid or even his secretary. It deploys the madame's authority in the house instantaneously. They'll begin to rub shoulders with u. However I appeal to u to forgive him completely. Here's why, just imagine, if he cheats on u with a lady outside, I bet you'll be hurt but you'll get over it. So treat this as such. Try to build back the trust, in time you'll love him again.

      #my name is my name#

  58. I live abroad, to the anonymous who said she & her husband manages their time and schedule to always be around their child forget to say that working in nigeria is different.

    Nigeria coporate hours are 8a.m-5pm sometimes 7pm if there is a lot to be done in the office.And no overtime is paid like abroad. Nigeria is not structured like abroad where there are different shifts because 8hours/day is the recommended coporate hour, after that it is overtime, so a couple can find jobs that one of them can work at night another at day, and there are 2-4days off depending on the type of job. Accessibility is faster abroad than Nigeria where you can stay in a hold-up for hours, but abroad, within minutes you are at your place of destination. SO NO BASIS FOR COMPARISM.

    More-over, there are MAMA'S who run illegal day-care in their homes and collect lesser than the legalized day-care centers. Nigerians use them alot.

    It works out fine between you and your husband, does not mean women who seek for help in Nigeria are lazy. By the way, you are talking of just a child you are looking after, by then you have more, you would understand.

    1. Thank you for this input...soo spot on. Besides everything works dia, ie light water etc... getting home by 9pm putting on gen to use d washing machine, who will iron? weekends are mainly for rest or shopping to stock the house or cook. Phwweeew! May God help n bless our hustle in dis xttry oh, we too are slaving ourselves to our bosses

  59. Exactly, stove?

  60. @ blog lord. For real???????

  61. I have a 10mnths old baby at home wit me, I had to resign from ma job cos of stress,I went into bizness as adviced by ma hubby. Its only me takin care of ma baby wen oga goes to work. Av been thinking of getting a maid but stories av heard aabt dem scare me a lot. I go just dy manage maself. Ma neighbour call dem necessary evil

  62. This is what poverty is causing in people's lives. And its not in Nigeria alone, cos I remember back in the days most of our maids came from Togo, Cotonou or Ghana.

    And sometimes little girls who can hardly tell their left from their right are sent out by their parents (esp from cotonou) to become maids. Usually they know those kids can't be useful to their madames yet, but they convince u to train them to suit whatever use u need of them. Like investment.

    I have had 2 girls like that, l got an 8yr old the last time. So people condemning the anonymous about the low annual fee, u never know what the situation is. The one they brought to me, the woman told me to pay only 4,000naira for the girl when I said she was too young, cos na me go dey wash her pant cook for am nah...but bcos she knows she's too young to work well she kept begging me,she reduced the price.
    She can only carry my handbag o. But what they do is they try to collect 2-3years in advance..even 5years sometimes

    Its a coy...when the people who bring them to Nigeria are desperate for money, they give them away for little or nothing. And 2years after they'll start to ask for increment or tell u they want to take them back to their country. Knowing fully well that by then u'll be attached to them. After uv finished training them o, and uv gotten comfy with them, they start to seek more money. That's the ploy they use.

  63. Uhmm, The one my eyes saw almost broke my marriage,Thank God for wisdom. That's how my husband was fucking the first maid I had she was 24. I caught him red handed in the early hours of the morning in the pretense of going to put on the Gen, I just woke up noticing that it took him longer than usual to get the Gen on, Mumu me woke up to go see how i could help him with the generator only to find him not there, instantly my mind told me to go check d girls room, they weren't there but in the guest room fucking on the floor, I was so mad didn't believe my eyes. Well, drove the girl out since then I have a small girl to help around d house now once this one clocks 14 I will send her back and get a smaller one again. I treat them very well like family. None of them is perfect, they lie, steal you just have to tolerate and make them understand such behaviors would not be condoned. As for my husband it took awhile to forgive him totally, He was very sorry for doing cheating but I still have that image in my mind sometimes.

  64. Hi, I work in a communication company I want to share my testimony to the world, my name is maria , i am from united kingdom in before north Ireland, I was a stripper in a club I got effected with HIV due to the nature of my job, In April 15 2013 i was tested positive to HIV, Believe it or not this is a true life experience. This is not design to convince you but its just a personal health experience . I never taught doctor akugbe could ever get my HIV-AIDS cured with his healing spell, i have tried almost everything but I couldn't find any solution on my disease, despite all these happening to me, i always spend a lot to buy a HIV drugs from hospital and taking some several medications but no relieve, until one day i was just browsing on the internet when i came across a great post of !Michelle! who truly said that she was been diagnose with HIV and was healed that very week through the help of this great powerful healing spell doctor ,I wonder why he is called the great papa akugbe, i never knew it was all because of the great and perfect work that he has been doing that is causing all this. so I quickly contacted him, and he ask me some few questions and so i did all the things he asked me to do, He never collected any money from me until I was finally cured, only to see that at the very day which he said i will be healed, all the strength that has left me before rush back and i becomes very strong and healthy, this disease almost kills my life all because of me, so i went to hospital to give the final test to the disease and the doctor said i am HIV negative, i am very amazed and happy about the healing doctor akugbe gave to me from the ancient part of Africa, you can email him now for your own healing too on his email: thank you doctor for healing me you contact him for your on help

  65. I am always thought about this, regards for putting up.


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