This pic has been around for a while and i brought it up to ask those blog visitors who go to church every sunday if this is applicable to them or anyone they know.
Not every Pastor drives a posh car abeg!.
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SDK oooooo. You and church matter shaa. Be kiafu oo. Anyway, my church no get this kin setting so #passingby. Over to those who don't wear shoes to church....
ReplyDeleteNot applicable to all churches
DeleteLearn How To Make Legitimate Money Online Here
Buhahahahahaha Stella abeg free me this nyt oooo
ReplyDeleteNot only pastors,Almost every1 in a position of authority in nigeria has that habit of exploiting those under him
ReplyDeleteI'm a catholic,so this is false in our parishes. We buy the cars our Rev Frs use. My parish priest drives a Prado Jeep. I'm proud to say we all contributed towards that.
ReplyDeleteAnd when the priest is transfered he leaves the car for the his successor... That's how it works in my parish!
DeleteI want to be a pastor when I grow up
ReplyDeleteStella I "rove" u!! U r always so modest in ur comment. U seem a really nice person with a good heart. Take care darlin. Alright?
DeleteAnd she keeps commending herself under an alias..ALL the time. Hmmmm! Madame Asemota
DeleteAnd she keeps commending herself under an alias..ALL the time. Hmmmm! Madame Asemota
DeleteStella sweetheart,u know d truth...It aint no myth.Sometyms I wonder @ people's dumbness.For crying out loud why build a school for d masses and d students pay ridiculous amounts of money to pay school fees?What is d point of d school when verified members of d church still pays d same heavy amount?why private jets?luxury cars?mansions?estates?wen a church member can't even afford one solid meal in a day?Stella d list goes on and on and on,its an unbelievable world.This is a topic that is very very vast...
ReplyDeleteWhere in d world did u get d idea that tose private schools were built for the masses?mm na wa o
DeleteIf not for d masses, who did they built it for?
Deletelol word!!!!
ReplyDeleteIn abuja yes!
ReplyDeleteNot all pastors drive posh cars,My former Pastor is sum1 dat all other pastors shuld emulate, despite been one of the top shot in PHCN,he spent almost all his moni on church members and d needy,d man is just 2 much.. Pastor Kajewole, I will always respect u sir.
ReplyDeleteNot all pastors drive posh cars,My former Pastor is sum1 dat all other pastors shuld emulate, despite been one of the top shot in PHCN,he spent almost all his moni on church members and d needy,d man is just 2 much.. Pastor Kajewole, I will always respect u sir.
ReplyDeleteNo be lie o! But me I no fit bi like dis o! My bently first bfor anybody's
ReplyDeleteD bible says seek d kingdom of God nd every other thinG shall be added...he also said we shall lend money 2 nations there4, d bible is nt against children of God makinG tons of money, jst dt most members run after material thinGs b4 God while d true pastors seekd d Gods kingdom 1st
ReplyDeleteStella, as much as I shy away from topics like this, cos its an intricate one. But it won't go without saying...
ReplyDeleteMy personal observation about pastor/ congregation wahala, vis-a-vis "prosperity"...in Nigeria especially, is such that when a pastor is 'rich' or somewhat overly comfortable, Nigerians tend to raise a brow. Now, they tend to fully disregard whether the pastor has always been rich before his pastoral calling..or whether he climbed the success ladder by virtue of his pastoral assignments. Success which may not have been achieved because he diverted church funds. And I think its shallow mindedness at its peak...when you castigate a man of God because he lives well. Nigerians tend to align 'poverty' with Christ and humility. That's is wrong, and its the genesis of our collective problems in Nigeria.
When a pastor is rich, drives nice cars, lives in a mansion, with kids schooling abroad, what's wrong with that? A bank manager or any hard working man can afford the same luxury. Does it then mean that they also stole monies to afford all these from their respective places of work? If anything, pastors are more open to earning gifts from pple. People bless them with all sorts a lot. God should not be synonymous with poverty. A pastor is expected to be humble and modest, yes. Not extravagant at the expense of his followers, I agree. But nothing stops any man/woman of God from enjoying the riches herein.
For instance, my pastor is a lawyer by profession.(Won't mention his name) He's been a known figure in the society even before he started mounting the pulpit. His wife is a very beautiful woman who exhibits a high sense of fashion attributes. Yes they are both pastors, and they are both lawyers..the live well. Yet, people still shrug at them. They view them as 'flashy' because of these facts. Why? I just don't get it. The church money has never been reported missing, matter of fact, my pastor has no business with church funds. People who appreciate him sow in his life, and he gives out a lot too. When they give him, he takes it, appreciates it, and blesses the giver. These are the blessings which God has attached to their office, and HE made it available to the chosen. So they should be allowed the liberty to enjoy it.
Now I do not speak for those who loot church funds to live extravagantly. And I align with the school of thoughts of those who believe that Nigerians are too over dramatic when it comes to church matters. So many biased assertions. Each church or pastor should be scrutinized independent of others,by their merits and demerits. I don't think it is fair to generalize church loots under one umbrella.
For ex, that Prophet Ajanaku has been succeeded by 'oros' doesn't mean that every pastor is into fetish stuffs. That Pastor Biodun of Coza indulged in extramarital sex doesn't mean that other pastors do same. (If it is true)
Finally, I think that first, we must get rid of the bias about passing every pastor as a potential fraud. Such things will hinder our personal salvation if we dwell on this for too long. Go to church, pray, and leave the rest to God. If a pastor likes, he can use my monthly tithe to pay any prostitute on Allen after service has been rendered him, na him and God get palavar, not me. That's all.
I wanna giv u a biggggg HUG right now!
DeleteYou said it all!
That's all!!! Welldone.....
DeleteNo one said living a comfortable life is wrong but living an extravagant one is just wrong(considering their positions as men of God).why would u even compare a pastor to a banker or watever.They are called to do God's Work,They are suppose to be an example to their members. Even if u were a 'zillionaire' b4 u became a pastor,rather dan buy a private jet fund an orphanage. Its certainly not all nd we don't knw for sure which ones(we are not God) but these men(most of dem) are exploiting their members,chikenah. Basically,people should learn to stop jumping around looking for miracles(Kneel down and pray to ur father in heaven) or worshiping their pastors,yes he is a man of God but still a MAN at the end of the day not GOD.
DeleteNo one said living a comfortable life is wrong but living an extravagant one is just wrong(considering their positions as men of God).why would u even compare a pastor to a banker or watever.They are called to do God's Work,They are suppose to be an example to their members. Even if u were a 'zillionaire' b4 u became a pastor,rather dan buy a private jet fund an orphanage. Its certainly not all nd we don't knw for sure which ones(we are not God) but these men(most of dem) are exploiting their members,chikenah. Basically,people should learn to stop jumping around looking for miracles(Kneel down and pray to ur father in heaven) or worshiping their pastors,yes he is a man of God but still a MAN at the end of the day not GOD.
DeleteI know your pastoooooooorrrrrr!!!!
DeleteHis first name & last name start with an I
Same for his wife too.
Oma read the writer's note again and u'll see that he/she is not in support of being an extravagant Pastor as u think.
DeleteAnon writer chop knuckle. U cudnt av sait it any berra
Lol.. Not all church memebers are paupers ohhh! Not 100% of all the time .. Joor
ReplyDeleteit's an assumption...
that is niger for u
ReplyDeleteIt's for real o Stella!
ReplyDeleteThat's the level of brainwashing that goes on in the church dese days,some of these MOGs make the pple see every reason to empty their pockets for the church and live by faith!hahaha faith without works?dammmit!...and btw their churches are dead demon filled zones that won't let d money gain blessings but more suffering and poverty.
And so d story goes on and on
Well, I truely think naija govt too should start making arrests on some of these pentecostal shrine houses called churches.
Lol.sdk na so e dey happen
ReplyDeleteThe flip flop tho! I'm gonna puke.
ReplyDeleteMy dad is a pastor. But I practically did runs to survive in school. Why? No money. He will snd me 3k a month. How I paid my house rents, fed, bought books and clothes while in school, na me and God Sabi. So when I see men of God living well, I wonder. Cos in my fathers church it's different. Members will be changing cars and we will be dedicating, yet he will be managing an old car. Nt even money take care of us well in naija Uni, but members be sending their kids abroad. I don't know how these men if God do it and get blessed and their families enjoy. Well, God knows.
ReplyDeleteTHank GOD I am not alone.As a pastor's daughter,my dad really took care of us in school with limited resources,it was so hard growing up ;I look at most pastors today n wondered what they are doing right/wrong.Nobody wanted to be a pastor some 30 years ago but now everyone claims GOD calls them bcos of material gain n position n power.It is well
DeleteI know some pastors that live like your father.They are seeking first the kingdom of God with the clear understanding that "other things shall be added unto you" must not necessarily be material things.only few know that spiritual gains cannot be quantified. Most pastors are out to inherit the earth without possessing the requisite meekness. Some GO's are more revered than the host of heaven! "How dare you talk to *Papa* without kneeling down?" Mind you,*Papa* is in his late 30s or early 40s! Am I the only one who remembers that jesus washed the feet of his disciples? "Papa and mama need new suvs!They can't be driving these for a whole year!" Meanwhile the member saying this, walked to church! Have they forgotten that the early Apostles that started christianity, were described as "Christ~like" because they projected the simplistic Lifestyle of the messiah?Everyone shared in what was brought to the circle and a percentage of tithes collected(mostly food),was specifically given to widows and the needy! When the doctrine of "my God is not a poor God" and the scriptural saying that "He was made poor that you might be rich" became pentecostal mantras,Kingdom assignment became a thriving business.Tax free too. E don tay wey this kain tin start!Its never gonna stop!Take that to a swiss bank! Signed:wide eyed! Profs,excuse my mistakes.
Deletena so o, new generation pastors r nt smiling. y u no put pic of private jet too?
ReplyDeleteTrouble maker hahahahah :p
ReplyDeleteHey Stella, it's very difficult to comment when it comes to church matters, but whoever it is that donates to a church should have it in mind that they are donating the money to God and God's work. Even if the pastor uses it to bath in diamond water, turn a blind eye. At the end of the day, God is not going to leave the kingdom of heaven to come spend our donations. Who and what is our money to God Almighty? Zilch! So, you might donate money and walk around with no Silipati while the pastor and his wife drive the flashiest Cars etc, just know that your reward for putting your life savings in the tithe bowl on Sunday might not be instant or from your church but from God whenever HE chooses to do so. God never fails, so turn a blind eye to those 'living large' Pastors etc, Let God be the judge.
ReplyDeleteShout out to I_am_bookie@buksshallreign.
Read my tweets on @DSmartNigerian and follow if you like. Also check out Kelvin Okafor art.@kelvinokaforart. You might want a Pencil potrait. A he is very good. You hear Stella. Mwah.
My dear, make donations to the less priviledged, go to the orphanages and help the orphans,help the babies in the motherless babies homes. The list goes on and on.Even the bible supports this, Yes give ur tithes to the church whatever is done with it isn't ur problem but people need to understand this giving to the church thing. Its particularly stated in the bible that we should give one tenth of our profit to the church and watch him shower blessing on us. Jesus said also that as u do to each of my brothers so u have done unto mi. So now dot the lines plz. Wen u walk pass the beggar on the street and rush to go and put thousands in the church's offering basket are u not a learner. Well ooooo as for me I pay my tithes,I help the less priviledge and 'if' I have something extra I could add to watever else going on in d church. I always say its 'All man for himself'.
DeleteMy dear, make donations to the less priviledged, go to the orphanages and help the orphans,help the babies in the motherless babies homes. The list goes on and on.Even the bible supports this, Yes give ur tithes to the church whatever is done with it isn't ur problem but people need to understand this giving to the church thing. Its particularly stated in the bible that we should give one tenth of our profit to the church and watch him shower blessing on us. Jesus said also that as u do to each of my brothers so u have done unto mi. So now dot the lines plz. Wen u walk pass the beggar on the street and rush to go and put thousands in the church's offering basket are u not a learner. Well ooooo as for me I pay my tithes,I help the less priviledge and 'if' I have something extra I could add to watever else going on in d church. I always say its 'All man for himself'.
DeleteAny pastor that's not driving a posh car is not because he doesn't want to. Maybe he just started or he's not started doing miracles yet
ReplyDeleteI know a lot of former classmates who have become pastors strictly for the money. Nigerian pastors are in it for the cash. They don't care about their congregation.
How many Churches have welfare packages? How many church goers can send their kids to the expensive Church Universities? Yet they are brainwashed to bring their widow's mite to church weekly.
Serious FACT!
ReplyDeleteStella, mention the pastor biko!
Mention the Pastor of a big church who's not driving a posh car
Nope.That is not true.
ReplyDeleteAs for me, i have a nice car, better off than my pastor's car and belief me i dress good to the glory of God.
Are u a learner
DeleteIt's a lie joor. If the congregation is that poor, there's no way all they are able to give will add up to give the pastor a life of affluence.
ReplyDeleteIt's just a mischievous picture only in the figment of imagination of the creator of this picture.
Richie Rich says so
D level of ur money gives u d taste of d luxury u av which is not a sin and som pple dnt like it flashy + not all church members can't afford a car, any1 is allowed to b contented with wat e or she has....Do u xpect d rich to buy car 4 those dat can't afford 1,,, dey worked 4 their money please
ReplyDeleteFACT! But how sad. Sad because these church worshippers pay their tithes and offerings even in very tight and difficult financial situations. Sometimes, they give all that they have only for these pastors to be chauffeured pass them when they are trecking home.
ReplyDeletePoverty in our churches but we see how pastors are living large! It pains me. How many beds we wan sleep on? Cars we wan drive? Food can we eat? Wen be say one man/woman or a few group of people go dey control millions in d mist of others wen no fit afford 2 square meals a day!
Jehovah is watching us.
Like u said nt every pastor bt most dem care most abt dere pocket and stomach dan preachn d truth.God dey!MAMA TEE
ReplyDeleteChurches especially in Nigeria has lost its vision. A church is a charity organization, hence why they don't pay tax in most countries abroad. I still don't understand y d so called private institution ask for ridiculous amount for school fees. In spite of all they av, they will still raise funds for charity. Sometimes I don't understand the purpose of all these churches. I often question the true meaning of religion, but who I'm I to ask?
ReplyDeleteanon9.42 "the meaning of religion??"Religion has no meaning because it is the product of man's ignorance-Mightysparrow
DeleteAny Christian that has really studied the bible will know we have been blessed, and should live well. If u think that as a christian u should live a wretched life, then u don't know your worth. As a man thinketh, so is he. If you think good life, good life u will live- No matter who you are- be you the pastor or church member. Those who criticise pastors don't HAVE because they spend their time criticising instead of dreaming big.
ReplyDeleteMy Pastor and his wife don't have cars. They use public transport. Well, in a society where transportation works well, I guess it's okay for them.
ReplyDeleteCan't really do without our gas guzzlers. With 3 kids we need ample space.
Isn't it ridiculous to fink that every member of a church wears slippers to church or that all of em are poor...
ReplyDeleteLet's say for once we believe that a pastor lives on d offerings of these poor members.. How much do u fink d church will realise in d offering baskets from these poor members who can't afford a shoe. Ppl nid to be realistic and fair in their thinking and propositions... Granted there are some pastors out there that do shii for money, but that's not the general situation... Even imams sef live affluent lives...
People just find it so easy and enjoyable to always disrespect christianity one way or the other... Weldone o mrs stella d instigator. We know the truth, yet we pretend we don't and d truth we've convinced ourselves is d truth are jes unfounded lies from the pit of hell
The white missionaries built churches and schools to draw us closer to the faith.Oyibo
ReplyDeleteAUSTIN UCHE........i deleted a comment you made on this post saying that i have posted another irrelevant topic,i deleted it becos i didnt want you discouraging others to comment..now i see you have come back commenting.it isnt irrelevant anymore?the reason i am replying you is just to advice u to have patience when you see a post and wait for others to comment first and then you flow along.one mans ,meat is anothers poison remember?
ReplyDeletethank you for visiting this blog and pls ty not to discourage others with comments.i am new at this and try to look for interactive posts,its not always about gossip you know...ok?
for those people who think i shouldnt be replying blog visitors,you are wrong,this blog is different and if replyn shows i am not mature as someone suggested,its a pity but i will reply where i have to una hear?i am sorry im being stubborn about this but thats why this blog is different.
Enjoy the posts sweeties!
Stella and that's why I keep coming back. Your blog really is different and mature. I love the comments, topics and the interactive nature here. You are doing a great job. Thanks for appreciating your readers and keep it up.
DeleteLove the way how you wheeze in to comment on occasion. Good on yah.
Stella meant no disrespect... That topic is still irrelevant bcos it has been so overflogged and its like ur bringing back something that is not necessary... Bcos its still d same reactions and counter reactions we will see... I only commented again bcos I didn't see ma ist comment and bcos of other people's comment... Didn't even know u deleted it.. This blog was created for ppl to share their thoughts and I shared mine.. I didn't in any way discourage ppl to air their views also... Cheers
DeleteHmm..so your pastor is Idowu Iluyomade of City of David. You need to zip your lips.
ReplyDeleteSince this Franca sent you her jack Bauer and mission impossible concoted fiction script you seem to have had some issue with Men of GOD
ReplyDeleteWhile I will not defend the excesses of our NIG MOG don't forget for every oyedepo,there is a TB Joshua and several ok MOG who are doing a great job but are not being publicised I don't see anyone praising Tunde Bakare for all he is doing
When I visited this blog, I fell in love instantly.
ReplyDeleteSdk is a people person, funny, humble and interactive.
I am a fan and I dey fight street war and e war naked.
Stella my namesake nor mind them.
The truth about this is that if we dont discuss it some will not learn. some comments here have changed my perspective about some pastors living in affluence. if u dont like the topic waka pass or give a constructive reason abeg. now we know some MOG work for their money and not all MoOG are corrupt. let others learn since u know everything mr Austin Uche abeg. we share views n enjoy some write ups here . peace
ReplyDeleteAnon 12:54pm. Where in d person's story did u read that? ???? What are u on about?? Abeg bounce jor. We know ur type. So even if its so nko? Zip up for what? Mumu!
ReplyDeleteAnon 2:10. Seconded. Don't mind them, pure sadists they all are. Always negative. That is why Nigerians are retrogressing. They are mentally lazy and do not like to chanllenge their numb skulls. Passive individuals.
ReplyDelete@Rough Diamond. Who did they "BUILT" it for ke? Hmmmm na wa o
ReplyDelete@Rough Diamond. Who did they "BUILT" it for ke? Hmmmm na wa o
ReplyDelete@Rough Diamond. Who did they "BUILT" it for ke? Hmmmm na wa o
ReplyDeleteseconded #52
ReplyDeleteBy their fruits ye shall know them!
My God i soooo love you right now. People should keep fooling themselves and talking trash about Pastors while the people that have understood the benefit of sowing to the "anointed and the anointing' keeps flourishing.
ReplyDeleteIsn't City of David the one they call City of Babylon?
ReplyDeleteas for me I go prefer ZAKAT and SADAKAT. foundation,I see wat dey use d the money for,not d people wey don already bellefull. but d needy
ReplyDeleteAustin Uche, carry your long mango head comot before I over flog it, mumu he goat.
ReplyDeleteCity of Babylon ko, City of judah ni. Abeg what's COD gotta do with this matter?
ReplyDelete@anon12:54pm. Why u mentioning the man's name, u think u know who d anon is talking about? Oversabi! U just wana stir up controversy! It is pple like u that go to churches to find faults and seduce pastors. And don't tell me u are a male, cos I know u aint. Duh!
@anon 69
ReplyDeletei was waiting for a moslem to seize the opportunity and i wasn't disappointed.so you are saying islamic clerics are so honest and above board abi?
they dont demand or collect money from rich and well to do moslems?
if you dont have anything sensible to say abeg mechonu.you want to use style and cause religious conflict abi
My dad is a pastor and just ok. My husband is a pastor and his doing well. If u seek first Gods kindom and its expansion all other things will be added unto u. Pple say what they dont know. We were not always as rich as we are now but all d givings and sacrifices we made for d sake of d gospel got us here. Ecen when all our colleagues were buying cars we were uaing our money to help d poor,d needy,sponsering d gospel paying for our church building etc. We used to buy fairly used cloth whilw my mates were travelling out. When pple were sleeping we were at alnites praying for others. GOD is not mocked what you sow u reap. If u sow help u will reap help. Pastors dat do what they shld do will have.
ReplyDeleteI can say boldly that my husbands offering and mine is more than 50 pples offwring put togethwr in oue church and a dime doent come to us we both work andearn our salaries. Not all pastors are corrupt and also what u belive in works for u. If u believe ur God wants u to prosper u will. If to another pastor God isjust to be ok for him he will and if u fhink poverty is ok as a child of God so be it
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