Stella Dimoko Meet 'Mama Dolphin'--The Lady Who Fixes 'TOHTOH'


Thursday, July 11, 2013

Meet 'Mama Dolphin'--The Lady Who Fixes 'TOHTOH'




There is supposedly a lady who can fix pussy's to become as sweet as Sugar or honey or both sugar and honey mixed together!....All you need to do is eat a whole chicken without cracking the bones and the rest is history.

This is the second time i am hearing of this chicken it seems to have become fashion.

If you read this and you have tested Mama Dolphin,please tell us your story.

'' The venerable Mama Dolphin is so called because her office or her house or is it her prayer headquarters is said to be in Dolphin Estate on the Island is said to be the in thing right now.

According to the gist flying around, we hear she's probably the saviour of the singles and the married women alike right now. What does she do, you all might want to know? Her's is love enchantment of the maddest kind, the queue we hear at her abode in Dolphin Estate is unbelievable, once you see mama then all is well with you and your dilemma or case. How does she go about it?

We hear she would prepare you a whole cockerel or Chicken well done to be eaten. But eating it comes with a proviso: It must  be eaten by you alone whole not to be shared at all and then also you must make sure that the bones are all intact, it must not be cracked at all. After this is done whatsoever the lady does, the husband would not raise an eyelid. Even if a trailer passes through it would okay by the husband. That's not all, if the lady (wife, girlfriend or mistress) asks for the whole universe the man would provide it, no matter what.

It doesn't just end there, the other part is the enchanted waist bead that mama gives her clients, old, young, single or married. Once a man 'checks out' or encounters the Bermuda triangle of the waist bead wearer, except God helps the man, then he is forever hooked. He becomes a puppet in her hand, totally subservient to all her whims & caprices. ''

*Na wah oooooooooooooh... DO THESE THINGS WORK?
*And the scales fall of the man's eyes?*


  1. Even.if it works it does not last. Its a desperate woman.who resorts to such

    1. Aunty stella, hope she's paying 4 d advert?

    2. I am a northerner and this is true. The chicken is mixed with traditional herbs like dried leaves from known trees(don't know the eng names). It has being there for years and known to be very good for even cures some vjj smell and infections. Its eaten along with sweets, fruits like watermelon or pineapple so that it enhances and sweetens the lady's Vjj.its a harmless non juju stuff and has been there even b4 our parents were born. I don't know if Mama dolphin mixes her own with weird juju stuff coz I can't speak for her, but ours just makes u sweeter And not to own ur husband coz that sounds like serious juju. Lol. Brides in the north eat it alongside a lot of things and it is nt juju.

    3. If you landed here from the 2020 post
      ,gather here let's take a selfie....

    4. I am here o

    5. I am here o

  2. Shei! Aunty Stell. This sounds like a nollywood movie of some kind. Poor men. Lord have mercy.
    At least its chicken, not the concoction I see in movies. This pic you have looks delish. If thats all they have to do, not bad to get a mumu. Sometimes I think men deserve what they get especially the ones that have wives at home and still go looking for trouble, but for those that seriously think they have good women...... God help you.

  3. na wa o,sis one pass me but can I have the address sha cos this my man no dey hear word

  4. This cannot be true........for where, ow on earth is one supposed to consume a whole chicken without cracking the bones......I neva see buh dey wait sha.


  5. @ella's secret
    dont justify yourself,if you want to do it go right ahead as long as you know when the repercussion comes you will carry it on your head.there is absolutely no justification for it

  6. Hmmm..JAZZ tinz..buh mek una no vex o..are men rily worth all dis troubles?well i hope.dat tin no be VULTURE


  7. Finally makes sense!I mean I saw a small advertorial on "eat a whole chicken and don't break bone to keep your lover"in a soft sell!I pondered about the meaning and shrugged it off to editing mistake!A beg where d chicken dey?I fit wack turkey sef!After I finish am, I go go look for Dangote straight from Dolphin; with toothpick still in my mouth!By the time I nack am Akpoko He go make me vice chair of his conglomerate!No dulling!See love jazz made easy!Signed:wide eyed!

    1. ​​​​​​​​​​=))º°˚˚˚°ºLmaoº°˚˚˚°º‎​°º‎​=))

  8. A chicken can be consumed without the bones Brreaking. Abeg who know Mama Dolphin? What Mama Dolphin does is nothing new. It everywhere in Abuja and the north. Yes u sit on incense and, lick some special sweets, yogurts and the sweetness goes into your oussy and the man is krazy about ur toto, even if u worwor die. Na d person toto go sweet pass. Anyway I am willing to try mama Dolphin, anyone with her address or digits should please share.....

    1. Die hard runs babe!! Na u knw where e dey 4 Abuja n north, now u want address 4 dolphin. Una dey try sha. If 2mrw u no fit born pikin now, u no go gree ur neighbors sleep wit mid9t prayers. Wasted generation!!!

    2. Lmao Anon 2:18 that was funny... No mind the desperado

  9. Aunty Stella, some men actually deserved this especially the married ones. When they have a wife that stick and pray for them during difficult times but tends to neglect them when the million comes. Then before you know it, one small girl will be fighting with you over your husband. And before you know it the woman that suppose to be enjoying the fruit of her labour will now be thrown out of the house. Suffer go come continue again. As a married woman, if you have any means of trapping him to yourself alone, please do because so many vampires are out there to overthrow you except God interveins. A word for the wise is enough!

  10. well, i have been to her place and her treatments works like magic.
    I ate the whole chicken and it has a very awkward taste..
    I went there because my husband used to womanize a lot and i needed to straighten his head...before he brings in hiv n kill me n my children.
    It works.... right now my husband not only stays at home, he sees me like an angel... He cant do anything without informing me and my own decision is final.
    I am nt misusing this because i still give him the husband power,
    I recommend mama dolphin. She is good

    1. Wetin she take boil the chicken? I wan try am but I too fear ooo.

    2. Abeg give her contact. This man don finish me for here. Help a sister

    3. Karma is a Bitch may Thunder strike you down for what you did to your husband what is wrong with ladies in Nigeria for God's sake be wise why did you do this to your husband

    4. I hope you have a son abi? Another woman will do worse to him..

    5. @ AnonymousJuly 11, 2013 at 8:32 PM

      U are unbelievable and she u have a conscience!

      How will u feel if someone does this to your son?!

      I wonder how u feel good anyway because this his "love killi me,I die" that he's doing for u is not real!
      Hope u also know that whatever it is u used will clear and he will hate u and or cheat more than he ever did.

      I hope u are ready and well equipped to battle the demons u ate thru mama dolphin's chicken.

      People are just unbelievable,I'm speechless!!!

    6. Every single guy I've had sex wiv is still after me. I've bin told my pussy is sweeta dan honey. I've had a wife of a now married x ask for tips cos her hubby calls my name when in bed wiv her. Can't imagine going 2 a mama put 2 eat some wierd chicken. Can't believe a woman wld expose herself 2 something so ungodly just 2 keep a man.

    7. Na waoh!! God punish devil. sister shebi if ur husband die now, u wil b d first to open ur gutters to scream. Mmadu amaghi nke o na- aria bikonu. Men r in serious trouble...

  11. It is true,i grew up in the north,they sell the ingredients,you will buy and cook the chicken at home,they also sell other stuffs like sweets and soaps which makes the man coming back for more,its not new they sell it in their markets,its even in Lagos here in ......

  12. I pity desperate ladies every idiot knows all this YIMU tins have implications,person go just sleep find herself for midnight meeting.

  13. Stella I was born n raised in d north(sokoto) it is 100 percent true most girls have 2 eat it wen de r abt 2 get married, I remember my elder sis' friend once ate d stuff as she was 2 visit her hubby who was in Abuja on transfer after d visit she came 2 my sis n complained biterly dt 4 d 3 weeks she spent dia her hubby cld do nada cos her punani was jst 2 tgt 2 be penetrated n she cld'nt xplain 2 her hubby wot caused it, no b new thing 4 north o.

  14. Stella I was born n raised in d north(sokoto) it is 100 percent true most girls have 2 eat it wen de r abt 2 get married, I remember my elder sis' friend once ate d stuff as she was 2 visit her hubby who was in Abuja on transfer after d visit she came 2 my sis n complained biterly dt 4 d 3 weeks she spent dia her hubby cld do nada cos her punani was jst 2 tgt 2 be penetrated n she cld'nt xplain 2 her hubby wot caused it, no b new thing 4 north o.

  15. Krested na true,de do it wella in d north xpecially in sokoto n Adamawa, after eating d whole flesh alone u dispose d bones either in a pit latrine or river( a place where dogs can't reach dem.

    1. Biko wht if dog come eat am? Watin go come happen?

    2. Perhaps na dog go come dey chase the babe?

  16. Krested na true,de do it wella in d north xpecially in sokoto n Adamawa, after eating d whole flesh alone u dispose d bones either in a pit latrine or river( a place where dogs can't reach dem.

  17. I heard of this woman years back I think they said she's hausa sef.

  18. Oh my lawd another african mumbo jumbo shit. Talk about using psychology on people, dumb ass ladies instead of praying to God they are looking for short cuts. LOSERS HOW PATHETIC!!!!!

    1. Same way an atheist will classify you! Bloody cretin!

  19. Holy Ghost fire will destroy and consume all women doing love charm.


  20. I sweardown its d truth!!! Wen I was abt getting, som1(my friends mum) prescribed d chicken menene 2 us... Bor 10k God I didn't do it cos even witout doin it, wen my hubby dey eat him tin ehn, U̶̲̥̅̊na go tink say dem pour honey, sugar, jollof n fried egg inside of me**covers face** its bn 12yrs n stil d same feelings!!! Plz, al ds doesn't last cos he would eventually hate U̶̲̥̅̊ jes d same way he loved U̶̲̥̅̊ wen d chicken is contaminated.ßγέ...

  21. Make una drop d address

  22. Now I have heard, read, seen EVERYTHING!! Mama Dolphin here I come!

  23. Chai men are in serious trouble ohh! #RuggedJazzTinzz

  24. Nothing lasts forever. That's all.

  25. Anonymous 8; 32pm pls I beg u in God's name, where's her addy?

    1. Haaaa! Na so your tohtoh wide? Omagaan! U never hear of kiegels?

    2. Haaaa! Na so your tohtoh wide? Omagaan! U never hear of kiegels?

    3. Kegals don't work!once u wet kegal go pass thro the window!since u can't afford Dr 90210 run to Dolphin!Those wey dey condemn am dey here 24\7 hoping someone will drop d address!I don get am shaparly shaparly but u ve to beg for it!#Tongue out versus Rolls eyes#Signed:wide eyed!

    4. Help us na. My toto mouth don open like bucket ooo. I use tightening soap but after 2 round,my vj go open mouth. And I hv to go to the bathroom to wash again wit d soap for round 3 n 4.

    5. Why 3 n 4 rounds na?
      Na race?

  26. Shey na dat 1,una don hear. Ȋ̝̊̅̄ get 1 place,whey b say,if ur pussy wide,dem go configure am bk 4 U̶̲̥̅̊ as Virgin. Juju D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ oº°˚˚˚°º. #Dodorima

    1. This fool, OT no gum u at all. Na on top blog u dey do dodo? Better comport urself or rabbis go touch u!

  27. Permit me to ask Stella dis question. Does mama dolpin has a husband presently? What do u think d devil will take from u when he gives u a cap, he's take ur head in return. Ladies pls be careful or u might just start giving birth to imbeciles with ur sugar honey punnany.

  28. powers from the marine world,powers from the the seas in full display. marine spirits!

    "mama dolphin"

    Remember the devil gives you a cap but your head is gone!

    I pity desperate women who falls for this.

  29. Biko what if more than one woman do am for one guy alone? Na who d guy go love? Hehehehehe

    1. You suppose will election just for this question abeg.

    2. You suppose will election just for this question abeg.

    3. Person wey in own jazz strong pass

    4. @anon8.30am,nah dts nt d ansa... its simple.. if a man's wife and his gf does dis 'jazz' at d same time, he can't possibly sleep wit both of dem at a time.... so d first person wins d race.... let's assume he sleeps wt d wife 1st, he starts playing by her rules nd has completely fallen for d charm.... he may never want to see dt his girlfrnd again so he'll never get to taste her ***** dt way d girl stays wit ha charm till she finds anoda prey... in other words... Once a man is charmed very oda woman appears to me a 'man' to him cz he wunt b attracted to anyone else...dts d essence of d charm remember!!!! So na 1st kom ,1st serve... imagine if deris a man dt his wife and two of his gfs r in dis blog and reading dis and dey all want to du dis jazzz.... lol.... abeg post my comment ooo

    5. I made some typos..*every other woman appears to be a man* *his wife and two of his gfs are on dis blog*

  30. Remember ladies what goes around comes around. Anything that is that easy never lasts, it is all in your head. It is so sad when women in nigeria have to either use juju or some kind of black magic ( concoction) to trap a man. Also ladies God sees all, so in the future when you can't have a baby or something else happens to you, remember mama dolphin ok!!!!

    1. Lmao....tell them pls. I'm shocked

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. It wont last even if it works, stop deceiving yourselves women, It is only God that gives freely , the devil dose not give you anything.

  33. Hope Annie didn't use this on 2 face

    1. Oh annie did too!she ate an ostrich along with its eggs!after she had a baby, she ate 2 buffalos; and I don't mean buffalo wings as in chicken wings o!The whole nine yards!oh my!The price we pay for love!Don't forget,the first man Adam ate an apple!So daughters of Eve re gearing up to eat higher living things!Signed:Wide eyed!

    2. U are a big fool! Oponu! Retard!

    3. Wide eyed howfar nah,ow fa d address tins,al dis ppl wen dey catch witch nd dey do holy holy I kno say una wnt am,if una like make una no follow me go,if after dis choping chicken tinz una men near me!DATS ALL,wide eyed nd ma ppl wen no dey pretend abeg mk una arrange 4 me.wink

  34. Turn to God and be saved y'all,the potency of these things wear out before u get a chance to actually hold a man down and they always have repercussions,only the gift of Jehovah makes u rich without sorrow.

  35. Chai, some men are in trouble. All things come to an end, only God's blessings are permanent..

  36. Omo, holy marys make una leave story, abeg make una drop ads. Na survival of the fittest in lagos now. Leave the gospel for pastor!

    1. My sister no mind dem!dem dey here dey preach meanwhile them use rope tie who marry them!when d jazz don fade dem enter mfm begin pray what they joined together to become Real!Pls if u holy women can't see the sarcasm in most pro mama dolphin comments then ur husbands must be bored to tears!That's y they go out to find laughter in the first place!Too rigid to know that we re all on the same side making a huge joke of this!Can't stand people who u need to tell "its a joke" constantly!To live with una go be black and white devoid of colors!Use Church cover blandness!smh!yes its me again!Signed:wide eyed!

    2. Thanks u jare, no mind them. If they drop Addy now na dem go reach there first. Bloody hypocrites!!

    3. Wide eyed read the comments well. Its just you and 2 others joking. Most women here are very serious.

  37. LMFAO na man wey him hand no clean, juju dey catch, abi u never hear wen pple say person head strong? no go do d one wey u go chop 10 chicken @ once ooo

  38. thats a good one

  39. Hahahahahaha. Stella i swear your blog is on a different level of cray! Only you can write stories like this and get away with it. I'm enjoying it though, keep 'em coming.


  40. May God punish all of you that have gone to the so called "mama dolphin" and all those asking for her addy. Useless ppl. I wonder what the world has turned into. And Stella you posted this rubbish here for peeps to see, don't you know you're aiding the devil? I'm sick and tired of Nigerians abeg.

    1. Then keep shut instead of cursing and swearing.

    2. Dolls big fool
      Shut the luck up ewu Gambia

  41. Stella! C as u just help carry dis woman ministry go permanent site. U don do free advert 4 am, now traffic 4 her place go pass d one 4 volks n iyana iba. My prayers 4 al d ladies who wil visit mama dolphin after now, may ur punani smell like Ogiri okpei after eating dat charm, so dat men would not even near it not to talk of touching!!!

    1. Lmao....@ ogiri okpei...

    2. Gbam!!!!!!!

    3. Rodfwl @ @ ogiri okpei u harsh o

  42. Loooool

    Let me tell you guys what actually happens! Hahah its nothing jujuish, the word is just used to draw peoples attention

    When you eat chicken your vagina fluids become extremely high in quantity lol

    I remember eating eating a lot of chicken and becoming super moist!!!! I'm talking even while weeing the thick substance was just dripping off ..

    And we all know how mehn love super moist pushies lol

    However, I know nothing about it becoming tight sha but as for being juicy!! Yess that will happen

    1. U don't knw anything is dat d reason why u shlndt eat d born too? pls be wise.

  43. Lazy frustrated women will go look for mama dolphin crook or die, pitiful! Nigeria women can scheme anytin to hook a man imagine inhaling smook into ur punani to hook a man? No be jazz o na simple psychology mama dolphin and cele people dey play on the lazy desperate frustrated women, my advice is dat you go get a job to ave a stable life so you can appreciate ur already miserable frustrated life..... Men respect and stay longer with an added value not beauty bcus it fades......

    1. May God punish you for mentioning Cele, that's how you bring the wrath of God upon urslf wit ur careless talk.

  44. Mama Dolphin ke? I thought your beauty plus British and America ascent can secure you a very loaded man, lol!!! If sex secure u a man the man will get tired bcus plenty girls full road with natural juice, talking from man perspective, we love varieties!! A man will stay longer when after the good sex you ave something good in ur dry head, Nigeria men are all spoilt women no dey gri us rest.... Stop wasting ur little runs change on juju try improve ur skills instead of looking for pay master and wasting ur already wasted life

    1. BUSYBODY CORRECTER12 July 2013 at 10:40

      Line 2 : ACCENT not ASCENT

    2. BUSYBODY CORRECTER12 July 2013 at 10:42

      Line 4 : SECURES not SECURE

    3. BUSYBODY CORRECTER12 July 2013 at 11:10

      Line 6 : A MAN's perspective not MAN perspective

    4. Atleast u understand d english, all join lol

  45. anon @2:40 I guess you are one of those pathetic losers, who tried to use some stupid shit to trap a man.Wow lady get a life!!! By the way your reply doesn't make sense to my comment. What does an atheist and labeling have to do with what i commented on. Please use your reading skills. Yikes!!!

  46. The devil gives 1 n takes 10. Ladies beware. A word -dey say- is enuf 4 T̅ђє̲̣̥ wise. Those who av ears, let dem hear. Nufin 4rm T̅ђє̲̣̥ devil is permanent

  47. Stella u r d best blogger! Love ur style!

  48. Na wa. We need to Fear God. The comments here bad pass the Blog post.

  49. Maybe I should get my girlfriend a Turkey and pray for rain. Utter nonsense! All this ritualistic BS can corrupt a society in the worst way.

  50. @anonymous5.08 lol!!! You're damm correct... Majority of Nigeria women don't like to work but want to live big life that's why they'll patronise mama dolphin, women without work no income driving range rover at whose expense? They'll do runs till dey die, even wen they eventually get married dey can't remain faithful bcus they ave to maintain the by force wanna be big girl.... My friend from secondary school did not get a job and went to open a church pretends to be a shepherd dat see vision oh boy come and see women I mean very pretty babes patronise him like God and he even sleeps with some of them for free, the poor guy has enriched his bank account at the expense of this miracle hunting desperate lazy women

    1. Wonders shall never end!! Hmmmm plz Which church is dat? Let's know plzzzZ! U can jst give me a clue.

  51. I just love this chick, whoever you are.

  52. Hi Linda, does the Chicken also works on Guys or do we have to eat a Dog instead. Pls help me verify, there is one very rich lady i want to hook.

    Thanks for your help.


    1. BUSYBODY CORRECTER12 July 2013 at 10:34

      * Does the chicken also WORK on guys.* not * Does the chicken also WORKS on guys..*

    2. Linda ke!! Na stella jor.

    3. LINDA??????? Nt surprised, you don't even know who's blog it is. Lazy Nkita

  53. Please my dear brothers and sisters let us have the love of God in us.

  54. & if u crack d bone mistakly, i'm sure der'll b consequences...........Devil can neva give yu nd not take triple fold* God abeg o#Sugarous Sugar

  55. this shit never lasts na, if @all it gets yu in2 more shit. wen will pple learn.

  56. A magic "always" comes with a price............the devil gives u bean cake and collect honey from wise desperate ladies and gentlemen!!!

  57. Once heard this story from a friend, his grandmother told him the story, she said there was a woman who went to a native doctor for charm, so her husband would love her more. The native doc told her to go and bring lions milk, she was shock were will she get it but because she wants her husband, she went home and strategies.

    Fried plenty meat, knowing fully well a nursing lioness is very violent (under statement) lol. She went to the forest search for nursing lion started throwing the meat one by one to the lioness, it went on for days till she became friend with the lion and was able to get close to her got the milk.

    She took the milk back to the native doc, guess the charm the doc gave her, words of advice if you can get a lioness milk you can get anything from your husband at least he is not as hungry, violent like a nursing lioness, even if he is, just the way u strategies and get the lioness milk, strategies and make him love u not charm because it will fail when u need it most. Short cut has never paid and it will never pay in future.

    1. BUSYBODY CORRECTER12 July 2013 at 12:39

      Line 6: SHOCKED not SHOCK
      Line 7 : WHERE not WERE

    2. BUSYBODY CORRECTER12 July 2013 at 12:41


      Line 4: SEARCHED not SEARCH
      Line 6 : FRIENDS not FRIEND

    3. Very true.I'm a mother of three and I married my husband at the age of 17,I've 3boys from our union and not like our marriage is devoid of problems but I'm submissive to a fault and my friends think I fear him(nothing wrong with that too)as long as we're both happy and my honey pot is still as sweet as it was when we first got married.lesson:fear God,worship with all your heart and respect your man and your marriage relationship shall be the envy of all.

    4. BUSYBODY CORRECTER12 July 2013 at 13:02


      Line 7: STRATEGIZED and GOT not STRATEGIES and GET.
      Line 8 : STRATEGIZE

  58. BBC, welcome.

    Where have you been since?

    One love.

    1. BUSYBODY CORRECTER12 July 2013 at 12:04

      Thanks darling. Been in and out of the hospital. Remember me in your prayers.
      ONE LOVE.

    2. BBC darling, I tried to assist u but I just couldn't deal. Please get well soon. The Lord is your strength! #hugsss

    3. BUSYBODY CORRECTER12 July 2013 at 17:38

      Lol! Amen.
      ONE LOVE!

  59. Nothing goes for nothing ladies.

  60. Pls who has he no

  61. Stella permit me to say that your blog doesn't bring glory to God. What kind of ungodly advert is this? Whether you like it or not, you have brought loads of customers to this evil woman called Mama Dolphin. Don't worry, one of the customers raised from yourr blog will use the charm on your husband. After una go kon dey shout "husband snatcher". It's high time you all understood that nothing is given by the devil for free. Every good and perfect gift comes from above. If you like don't post my comment

    1. IRENE BERRNARDS12 July 2013 at 18:07

      Taa!! Where dem go see her hubby snatch? Except na e-snatching.

    2. Come shut that trap u call a mouth there before we use blow drop ur four front teeth. Nonsense! Ungodly my foot

    3. Irene I don piss for my pant now

  62. You took the words out of my mouth. How much did she pay you aunty Sterra.

  63. Stella it's....And the scales fall *off* the man's eyes?

  64. BaRAWO NII e

    After copying all the data from Stella's blog you still have the effontery to be telling us to visit your blog like say na money you dey share there.

    Come,take your time ooooo, make I no chook you e-pencil for eye.

  65. all this talk too much.abeg wey the address so dat d people wey want am go fit go get am.abi make person go dolphin estate go dey shout say wey mama dolphin wey dey tight loose things?

  66. after eaten d chicken, u wont realize u've gotten urself into an unknown covenant(muiltiple bondage)when u start having terrible nightmare u start going from one deliverance minister to another! devil dont giv free food.

  67. INLOVEWITHABLOGGER12 July 2013 at 14:13

    Yeeeeeepa!!!!!! Naija men don enter gbege o! Bleach ya skin and turn oyinbo by Fifi and now complimented by Mama Dolphin, this na die o!!!! MEN ARE IN TROUBLE! But I know say if you be the type wey dey wear condom, juju no go catch you. Sterra of life!! I dey gbadun ya blog 3much jare!

  68. Lol!!@ Ogiri okpei you really got me rolling on the floor. I got a good laugh of life time today.

  69. Mehn Stella I am disappointed in you! I know it might be funny to you but do u know u just advertised d devil and mama whatever doing this. Trust me some innocent people will start thinking twice about it since they said its not Juju! My question is if its not JUJU then what is it???? Y do u not have to eat the bones? Y can't we just buy a random chicken and eat?? Lord Jesus pls save ur children from this Mama Dodo

    1. Sharap! Make Una drop the ads oh! I know say they don drop am, na this Stella girl no post am. Lol

  70. Gosh nigerians are so daft. Upon all the jazz, you people are struggling to eat and struggling to maintain your position lest you fall into poverty. How about focusing on choosing the right men for the right reasons???

  71. Yes o. Anty Stella correct am naa. It is AND THE SCALES FALL "OFF" THE MAN'S EYES

    1. Ds is @ d lady am guessin who said pple lack a sense of humour, u come across as bein' mightly naïve, if u av a lil glimpse into wat ur fellow women have and r goin tru in marriage u would knw dat a huge amount of ladies would be intrested in ds "get rich quick scheme" . So it is only appropriate dat d iSsue not b treated with levity, hence all d comments to discourage ladies from buyin into a silly tray.
      Also, to d lady who supposedly gotten er husband to sit still, I am not here to judge u but quickly ask God for forgivness and take ur mind away from any "chicken jazz" it can't keep ur home forever.

  72. IRENE BERRNARDS12 July 2013 at 18:14

    Nuff talk abeg. In this case,there are two things involved,
    1. Those that want d addy say YEAH....
    2. Those that do not want the addy say NAAAAY....
    Yeah .........102
    I no sure but I fit escort my friend go b4 I domy own.......300
    I be strong religious person so I no wan make my church person see me,so tell mama dolphin to giive me take-away.......105,000

    1. Buhahahaha. I love this blog! Me self want take away!

    2. I swear !

  73. I know someone that jazzed my uncle his second wifey and one day as he was about to eat breakfast , he started acting funny asking his wife whose she was and where she came from , what was he mission , next thing he started chasing her all over the house , they have a very large compound on glover road then , with his orderly standing @ attention all his security details wondering what was up , oga and madam running round the compound , she finally managed to head for the gate as it opened , that was the end of the lady . It was very obvious that the Jazz , wore off
    So please patronize madam dolphin and barbeach , it will never last . As for my husband it's me praying in season and out of season , Holy Ghost fire dey scatter them ------ trust me I no dey dull where ehim dey . ( mama somtee )

  74. Hahaha gullible fools!!! Obviously they'll tell you not to crack the bone so you think its some juju ting

    Hahahah oh noo wake up fools!!

  75. Can't juz stop laffn,jus hearing ds for d frst tym in my chicken dey reconstruct OBO..una don kill me for here ooo.PJ

  76. Na so. Men una don jam today

  77. @IRENE BERRNARDS, LMAO!!!!,You completely cracked me up with your vote count. Your sense of humor is unbeatable, walahi!!

  78. LWTMB.............i hear a lot of babes have bombarded dolphin looking for mama dolphin.
    today the babes were going almost from house to house.hahahhahahahah
    some have added me on bb begging for her contact to hook their men....i just did a story,i am not doing advert for her ooooooooooooooo.

    her name is not mama dolphin,it was coined so because she lives in doplhin.hahhahahahhahahahahha.

    I cant believe anyone wants to chop a full chicken and have sugar coated tohtoh.
    hahahhahahhahahahahhaha this is too funny

    mama dolphin oooooooooooooooooooo

    her number is 080.....................


    *chewing bitterleaf oooooooooooooooo*

    1. Stella complete dat nos if u no want make gbege bust for here now now

  79. Blog Lord; mama Dolphin means she lives in Dolphin Estate. Where do you live? Benin?

  80. Stella, you don't mean it?

    I'm going to instruct the estate security men to start arresting wandering ladies who cannot state the address they are headed to. I live in Dolphin when I'm in Naija and don't even know there's any such woman there.

    Na wa o. Runz girls will never change. Dem swear for una? You people cant work hard at something dignifying? Lazy bitches.

    If Mama Dolphin has any business sense, she should run adverts on blogs and soft sell magazines, increase her consultancy fees to cash in on the mugu runz girls and desperado wives

    1. U think its only runs girls that need it, married women also need it oh.

  81. Old women doing runs, one black Honda CRV jeep came to the estate with 2 other women inside asking for mama dolphin, lol!!! Now I understand what dey looking for.... Old women prostitute

  82. your honesty!

  83. There is no. MaMa Dolphin in Dolphin , is either u r lookn 4 Cele church or CnS church I live in Dolphin Estate nd I knw wat am saying .ladies wit diff exotic cars hv bombarded our estate lookn for mama Dolphin .if any1 wants authentic pussy sweetner travel to Dubai nd d rest is history no b talk A,S,T n G sorry o want to help ladies like @least we hv sumthing to show for it (Dubai is d way foward forgt mama Dolphin dat does not Exist. Gud. Morning ladies

    1. Please where in Dubai? I go to Dubai often. Please help before these Unilag girls will finish my husband.

    2. Email me and will give you the details.

    3. OK dear. Thanks. I will email you by mid week or weekend.

    4. I know both the dubai. Abuja and mama dolphin ish. I dont dull if you need help email me @

  84. Re u Estate chiarman? Wat is ur own na ur mouth dey. Wan go take chop d chicken ? I will arrest u beta arrest urself first 100 percent sure u were d 1 dat brought d range yesterday nite looking 4 mama Dolphin mnd my mother advice u to go pray lie now b4 I put ur plate numba up here .

  85. The sad thing about this is that the juju will wear off one day and there's man will develop instant hatred for the lady.
    Kegel exercise if done properly and routinely is enough to tighten the vagina. Infact it will turn you to a virgin.

    1. B4 d tin go wear off I go don get my RR,boutique n block of flats. If the tin wear off,we go go meet anoda man.

    2. He go better for you, may yr dreams but fulfilled like toyin lawani's own before she dropped aremo.

    3. Una no get kill person oh, I don miss first service for church naa

  86. Mama Somtee and her stories*eyes rolling* You never know where her loyalty lies. I have told you, you are wasting your time. That your husband don born outside! All your amebo don drive am commot. The rest nah wash. Iya Somtee ode.

  87. Won't even justify that with an answer

  88. Its because of negative people like you that blogs commenters leave comments as anonymous.

  89. May God help's so sad what women can result to in the name of keeping their home. However, I enjoy this...couldn't stop laughing.....mama dolphin indeed!

  90. Buhahahahahahaha....i don laff die

  91. You now wonder why there is domestic violence. When the scales falls of the man's eye and he starts beating the woman because he hates her, they will be crying domestic violence. All this charm to make a man your mugu is also domestic violence too!

  92. At the joker that said majority of Nigerian women dont want to work and are waiting for men, please get your facts right.

    Do not judge 80% of honest women working hard, looking after the homes and in so many cases actually footing the bills by the 20% random ones who cant be bothered.

    And to all those harassing Stella, if people are so gullible to go and look for mama dolphin, existing or not, because of a blog post, its their state of mind you need to question.

  93. Whr is mama dolphin pls? This shi works

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