Stella Dimoko ''Please I Need Advise FAST,Wedding Approaching''-------BlogVisitor



Monday, June 03, 2013

''Please I Need Advise FAST,Wedding Approaching''-------BlogVisitor

      HELP,WHAT DO I DO???

'I've been in this relationship for about a year now and its getting to the marital stage.

 My issue is that ever since the relationship started its been one issue after another. I always feel he's not being open with me And I think resent happening is beginning to confirm that. 

It took a while For him to start taking responsibility which I had to ensure before I proceed cause I don't want a marriage where I will be running after a man to do his job. 

A few months into the relationship he started pushing that we get married but I refused cause I felt it was too early For that(don't know much about him yet). 

Now that the whole wedding preparation is in full gear another side of him is showing. The bone of contention here is that I want a court wedding and he saying he won't do it. 

Fine, what are his reasons? What he told me is That he does not want to do it because he's only human and That if he impregnate someone else, That means the child won't a have right to his property or That the other woman will not be given anything as well as his parents.

 In fact I was shocked and dumbfounded by his reason as I don't think he ever puts me into consideration. My family is richer than his so which property am I coming after? I've never disturbed him financially like I know most girls do. 
I'm so confused right as I don't know if he loves me or is sincere with me. Do I continue with dis relationship? Does he care about me? Will my agreeing not to have a court wedding put my future at stake as it seems I won't be a priority even as his wife?

 Please people, those That want to insult me can do so but after your insult please give a tangible advice. Please its very urgent. 
Wedding day approaching and i need to make a decision fast.
 E jo, I don't want τo make a mistake because I don't have much experience relationship wise''. 


  1. There is nothing wrong with asking for advice when you are in doubt. May God give you the mind to do the right thing. I can't advice you but will keep you in my prayers

  2. Replies
    1. Please get out of this relationship ASAP! It will only get worse. Such people don't change and unless you want to be in a sad relationship all your married life please my sister call it off. A man who loves you can't dare utter those words he did and he would move heaven and earth to ensure the legality of your marriage.
      Pray for a good man and God will grant you your wish. Don't let the pressure of getting married land you into a bitter marriage with a selfish man. You come first and all the rest should live by your decision.

  3. impregnant someone else?babe you need to have a heart to heart talk before you take that walk....if i may ask,why are you marrying this man?are you under any ressure of some sort?

    if hes telling you before the wedding that he will cheat on you and make babies and he eventually does later,isnt he gonna tell you'' i already told u so''?
    it looks bad from the begining already and it may just not get better.....i dunno what to say but follow your heart,if you wanna do this by all means do it,if not walk away before you become a statistic!

    1. BUSYBODY CORRECTER4 June 2013 at 07:46


    2. Babe for christ sake! U don't need a prophet to tell u dat this guy will definitely cheat on you after wedding. He won't feel sorry cos he's told u b4.
      I'm sure u read through the DV series and can tell u don't want to end up dat way. Pls don't see fire and entire oooooo! Always look b4 u leap, and pls work away! Marriage is not a do or die affair. If ur foundation be bent like this what will u do after wedding?

    3. Busy body corrector is this the right time for ur corrections . pls advise her in an episode let's see if you speak or write English . back to you my dear am not gonna tell you to leave your guy but he sees himself impregnating a girl out if wedlock .ordinarily he is flirting around .I beg he takes you to court or dumb is sorry praying for you

  4. Are you sure that he does not have babies already somewhere that you don't know about. My dear his words are suspicious and it needs your careful thinking before you take any decisions but my dear sister open your eyes and be very very careful. go to God in prayer and he will see you through.

    1. Pls while praying,I wanna ask, hope his name is not solomon?That name and women!!!

  5. Find out his. Antecedents he may have been married before with kids,it happened to a friend of mine,and if he is still married eg in court to another woman,he probably doesn't want the bigamy drama

  6. There's a clause. He's the only AA I've ever dated. I'm AS

    1. so what???!??????????
      There r stil so many AA
      dear so pls wait on God.
      Dt guy is not telling u al
      u need t knw.
      He has a woman n a baby
      or he is planning t cheat.
      Marry him n expect d greatest
      shocker of ur lyf.

  7. Don't make dat mistake o. Don't say I didn't tell u

  8. My dear, I am a man and I am married. Marriage is not boys and girls, its obvious your guy is not ready for marriage. A failed relationship far better than a failed marriage.

    1. I second this. A failed relationship is far far far better than a failed marriage.
      If he is not being responsible during the dating stage, hewill most likely fail at it in marriage.

      The dating stage is when a guy goes all out to get you. Trip you and all. Once you are married, he hhas u, u have no where to go, so he relaxes.

      Pls girl. Marriage is not a one day affair. It's a life long thing. I'll advise you postpone the wedding indefinitely for now. See if things work out. If they don't, pls move on. There are lots of AA guyz around.

      And above all, pray. God is still on the throne and he defn wants the best for us all. Don't settle for less.

  9. The first thing even before prayer is look at tings frm this angle..... Are you happy in the relationship- if u are not then you are in a wrong place, so also you should know that if you are not happy with yourself, u cannot make another person happy. 2. i am a laywer and i wil tel you strictly dat any marriage not conducted in a court s null and void ab initio, it does not hold; if u do traditional and recieve church blessing, dat marriage wen it breaks up, u av notin to help you bring a case in court because the first ting here is the law does not recognise it. 3. This man i can categoriically tell you that he wants your money and he has a woman wif a child out there, jus want to have access to ur life property.....Lastly... pray to God to send you anoda bone of your bone and flesh of ur flesh, dat wil not give u flimsy excuses as to why he does not want d proper marriage, den a hart to go tru d break up period...... A word s enof for d wise, a broken relationship is better than a broken marriage.

    1. @Caramel - abeg which part of family law is that one? that traditional marriage is null and void abt initio. that is so misleading and utterly wrong. marriage according to native laws and custom (what we call traditional marriage) is a very valid form of marriage recognized by law.
      the only problem is that the marriage will be governed by the customary law of the place that u contracted it. in essence, the marriage is potentially polygamous (whIch Is to say, the man can valIdly marry another), succession is governed by the custom and the woman has minimal protection

      hence the need for 'court marriage'...thIs turns a potentially polygamous marriage to a monogamous one so the woman can confidently avail herself of all remedies available in law.

    2. I come fear ooo. I'm a lawyer too and I studied family law as one of my electives. Customary marriage is recognised by law but the rights and benefits are limited unlike the rights and benefits of a statutory marriaLge. Likeexpert rightly said customary marriage will be governed by the native laws of the place it was conducted and all the "annoying" traditions will be inclusive. However, with statutory marriages, the courts permit only one man to one wife and in the case of divorce, settlement and maintanencae can be obained by the parties.Well, just had to chip this in cos the "traditional marriage is void ab initio" fear me!

  10. Swthrt those re danger signs, my advice is "end it now" bur if u must continue, u shud be prepared 4 wateva happens.

  11. First of all; why do you want a court wedding?? Do u have something in mind like: the marriage could head for divorce? I doubt if u are totally honest yourself. But incase u are, have a curch and traditional wedding. A wedding in the presence of God is still the best and classic. Dont go to where cases are Seriously also, u need to look into this man's character. He is already giving u a hint he may cheat. If ur gut feeling tells u he will, back out! A broken engagement is easier than a broken marriage.

    1. GSS,
      GOD recognises marriage oath whether it is said at court/church wedding.

      I know 2 pastors who did court wedding. Are you saying GOD won't recognise their marriage?

      Let's not be myopic here. In future, what proof will she give to show she's married when dealing with embassies or international organisations?

    2. Anonymous commenter you are very naive. It is people like you who land others into trouble by giving bad counsel. Let me educate you since you apparently never went past basic schooling:
      We live in the age of the rule of law and to ensure that a marriage is legal, it has to be entered in the marriage registry of the country. You can wed traditionally or in church thereafter if you wish. Ergo, get married in court dear anonymous.

    3. very bad advice.pls try and educate yourself. God recognises marital vows wherever you take them. even if , you do only traditional marriage, in God's eye, you are married!!! It Is for our protection and documentation that we take it further. Ours, not God's. Is there any record of early Christians doing marriages in churches? the Jews had and still have their traditional ways of marrying.

      ...pls do not condemn what you do not know. Do you know that the certificate given to u from your church is most likely from the court? most churches are licensed to conduct the ceremony and your marriage will be as valid as if u did it in court...

      but if your church just prints it's own certificates without license from the law, what you are doing is a mere Church blessing and holds no force of law andaffords the woman no protection . pls investigate and lets all learn about this. it causes big problem for the woman (especially) later.

  12. For him to tell you before hand that he's not doing the court shit cos he's gonna cheat on you, honey take a walk. Some Nigerian guys are so full of shit trust me, been there. They smell how desperate most of our girls are and throw trash our way. For crying out loud he's a dick-head! He's laid out his reasons so bare, so if you decide to stay/continue with your plans anyway just know what's coming your way. One love.

  13. For him to tell you before hand that he's not doing the court shit cos he's gonna cheat on you, honey take a walk. Some Nigerian guys are so full of shit trust me, been there. They smell how desperate most of our girls are and throw trash our way. For crying out loud he's a dick-head! He's laid out his reasons so bare, so if you decide to stay/continue with your plans anyway just know what's coming your way. One love.

  14. My dear, the reason why ppl in dis generation av frowned at d old style of getting married (where ur parents just choose a man dey think is good for u n pick a date which myt actually b d first time u meeting d guy) is to have enough time to knw n understand d man/woman in question. Now I left my former bf yrs ago bcos of issues like dis. I call it diff in background/upbringn n I think this is bcomin more serious an issue n gurls av to see it as such.
    Now my bf comes frm a background where divorce is nt totally wrong n is an option when things r nt working out, though he claims to believe otherwise, I come from a background where no one in history has ever mentioned that word so d onus lies on u to take ur time before marriage and consider ur options ( no pressures whatsoever n my extended family is quite good at givn support). Two, he comes frm a background where men were kings n d women have to do der best to satisfy him else dey shouldnt blame a man if he cheats or takes a second wife, cos its der own fault. I come frm a background where my dad literarily worships my mum n we all grew up learning to put her first n doing things that are most convenient for mum(in a background of utmost respect for my dad frm mum). So many such clash of ideas, values, norms n beliefs.
    While it is totally wrong to judge a man based on d circumstances in his wider family or attitude of his parents ( dad has about 3 wives n many girlfriends, mum has two husbands, initially wt his dad n den anoda man for abt 10 yrs n now back again wt his dad), a man needs to prove to u in words n action that having grown up in dis kind of environment he does not have d same value system/ has grown to b a diff man.
    Believe u me, it takes time to get to dt neutral point where u would have known d guy enough n u both would approximately be on d same page. This is quite importnt cos it influences what u should expect frm him in d marriage n vice versa. But then, u def av to get to dt point before u wlk down d aisle.
    To cut d long story short, u either have to postpone diz wedding/ suspend wedding plans for now for u guys to sort out ur issues or u walk away. If u try to sort it out in d heat of the weddin preps u end up wt a guy who promises to comply just to get u in n blive me he wont change an inch. He might even agree to d court wedding but that would nt mean he wont cheat or Marry anoda woman.
    Would av loved to discuss aw I ws able to deal wt dt in my new relationship bt no space....and d most important thing is for u to know u cant continue wt d present situation. ..wish u al d best. ...God bless u

  15. One thing about marital choices is peace of mind. For a man to shove infidelity on your face now means he has or will have plans of cheating you in future. Who talks such trash about if I impregnate another girl *smh*
    My fellow woman, if you don't have peace in your heart, I advice you ask for a pause and shift in date to trash out things prayerfully and verbally with him. Better a broken engagement than a peppersoup marriage, am speaking from a married woman's experience.
    I didn't have court wedding but our agreed reason was not "am only human and if I impregnate another woman...blah blah blah = Trash". Set your priorities right o

  16. Darling, not even a heart to heart talk can help u with someone like this, he was already pushing for u to get married few months into the relationship, not that it's wrong but sometimes guys who want to settle down with a girl just say it like 'I want you to be the mother of kids' or blah blah blah, not push to get you all suspicious . My take on this is that he probably has an agenda, if you are already doubting him and it's just a year into your relationship which is leading to marriage then my dear he isn't the one, cause it's going to be a long road during your marriage. He has shown a part of him that he can't hide so my dear, just think about it. My advice is to take a walk from the relationship.

  17. He probably alredi has a secret wife, child or baby mama....pls gurls lets learn, its nt compulsory u marry now...we r the reasons lots of guys r getting away wt d trash dey do to us. U might actually be 'snatchn' someones husband by marrying him....and bsides marriage is nt d ultimate thing...if u wanna do it get it right or get messed up for life. Even if d wound heals d scars r always der....u cannt un-marry a man or un-born an illegitimate child or erase d fact that u av probably come into a marriage wt children frm previous relationships...d world is der counting for u...dont wait till u get to ur fourth 'husband' to realise it....some celebs aint having it rosy at d d best

  18. I don't think u need voodoo to know u gotta walk away. He's insecurity is already showing right before d wedding. One of d major signs of weakness that will later culminate into either emotional abuse/ domestic abuse. Pls go back to stellas previous posts on DV( read and learn)

  19. Sweedy, u guys need to talk well. I won't tell u to walk away, buh u need to know ur place in his life, y wud he give u dat silly excuse, does he plan to impregnate someone else after ure married to him?? He should respect ur decision on having a court wedding.

  20. my advice to you is DUMP HIM!He is not sincere with you and the marriage wont work. Have been married to my wife for 29years so i believe am qualified to advise on marital matters. please avoid a life-time heartsche. Ajibola

    1. This is a man talking!!!
      Well done sir! 29yrs aint beans.

    2. Egbon AJIII! Tuale Sir. I see you clearly.

    3. Wow,29yrs and still counting...u sure do qualify †̥ speak on marital issues.Congrats Sir..As for the lady askin for advice,DUMP HIM ASAP...the 'relationship' reeks of insincerity already and trust me,this won't go away with marriage.


  22. Babygirl drop his ass asap, with the shit that comes out his mouth his ass must be jealous. Mtchewwwwww you deserve better and you know it. Court wedding is extremly important o. That nigga is hiding something from you or is planning some wicked ish from you. Omo by their fruits you shall know them o

    How many ears do you have?
    What do you use it for?

  23. Marriage wahala.... Biko the man is not been honest, maybe he already has kids somewhere... Just saying thoug

    1. BUSYBODY CORRECTER4 June 2013 at 15:03

      Line 2: * BEING not *BEEN*

  24. #14 on point at least postpone if not cancel wedding for now,, that guy has plans ....Titi

  25. Please, caramel above, I am a lawyer and would tell you, you r wrong. If a marriage is conducted in church, by a church that's qualified to do same (I. e registered, has license , its as good as a court wedding. In fact, you r not allowed to have two certificates of marriage, unless one of them do not know of the other. If its just church blessings that one is going for, then, the court marriage may be done. But if a church has certification to wed/ license to conduct marriages, its same cert they give in that church that they give at d court and either one is valid in court and holds same value. What usually happens is that most churches r not certified to conduct legal marriages so all they do is church blessings with d whole train and party. So it really depends on the church. I do not know yet, why people bother with the two.
    That said, dear lady, from your write up, the guy doesn't seem committed to you. Find out what his fears are. If you can't live with him, let him go. Another will come at God's own time

    1. Anonymous4.36am what u said is true am also a Lawyer and churches with license to wed are catholic churches,Anglican churches,Methodist,lutherians etc getting married in these churches is as good as getting married in Court they give u the same certificate these churched give notices prior to the marriage in the form of banns just like in court marriages

  26. Don't let your AS status be a clause.
    Better to have a broken relationship than marriage.
    God would bring another man your way.
    Walk away now, there are RED flags flying already.

  27. Madam the writing is clearly written on the wall you just don't want to read.

    This man is married (already has the real wife in view) and is just using you for a purpose. God has shown you from the beginning that this relationship is not for you, please listen.

  28. My dear lady, first question is this, is he polygamy oriented? What's his background? Is he very educated, so much that he's being methodical? That could be the reason to premeditate having kids outside of you. If the answer is NO...then you have a peculiar issue at hand. I'll like to first address anon#11. There's nothing wrong in seeking a legal union at all. Matter of fact its the best way to guide both to respect their marriage outside of God's 'premises'. Not everything must be operated with a spiritual undertone. It is their hearts and efforts to build a successful marriage that should be paramount, thereafter they can invite God to perfect it altogether. However, I would first seek God to validate the man b4 any relationship at all..marriage or not.

    Let's view this from a western world perspective for a minute. Say for instance they decide to have a joined bank account as a couple, or take out a loan, mortgage, or even life insurance... These are services that'll require a legal signatory or the next of kin. So tell me, with the aforementioned scenarios, how will being blessed in the church validate u as a spouse? Where will they get a legal tender to operate them? These laws are put in place by God anyway, so due process must be followed to enjoy all d benefits herein. So back to you my lady, quite apart from the legal jargons that may bind or unbind you, like many have asked, is he genuine? Has he been married and hurt before? hence he's overly careful? I think that apart from desiring your "riches", he prolly is wishing that if tomorrow he wants out, then he can do so without the duress of going thru divorce proceedings that may take time to come thru. If this was me, I would show him out thru the fire exit. Means...gerrooouuuttt!!!

  29. hmnnn...I see deceit somewhere.

    First of all, I never even had a court wedding just trad and church wedding; but I must say that his reasons for not wanting a court wedding is crappy as well as suspicious.

    Does he have kids hidden somewhere, that you are not aware of?

    Does he have intentions of screwing around after being married to you?

    what properties is he referring to when prior to a later stage in the relationship, you'v been the one catering.

    Does he have intentions of stealing from you to offer another woman?

    sweetheart, I think you still do not know this guy well...yea we all do not know our spouses 100percent before we get married, some people do when the are already in. it works for some, others run for their lives.

    I sincerely am quite uncomfortable with the leg he is tossing the ball with already.

    Now, do you really love this guy? cos from the way you sound, you seem to have lots of doubts about him.

    Are you considering this marriage out of pressure from your folks?

    sweetie, seek the truth within you, and you will find answers. but if you ask me, this is NOT your Mr Right!

  30. Babe, its very izy for me to ask u to leave this guy, I can tell u that my rltnshp too az issues!

    My advice is dat u leave him, d man az no respect or regad for u, tellin u to ur face wat if e pregnate som1 outsyd,wu say's dat to an abt-2-b-bride.MARRIAGE is a serious ish!

    Dia ar still many AA men, probably u givin d man d impressn e is d oly man willing to marry an AS! U SEEM TO B DESPERATE!avnt u bin followin dis blog, plz b kiaful abt wateva dcisions u mk oo!

    1. Pls write in English. Reading ur comment is painful to the eyes

    2. Aunty, u were not forced to read it!
      I kinda understand ur frustration, dey say evryman az his or her own battles!
      Wat I don't get is y ur frustration is directed at me!
      Btw its too early to b bitter, u cld av avoided dis comment!
      Try and mk d rest of ur day beta, takia wit #Smiles

    3. Abeg write in English jare. It's not by force to make it can keep it short and simple. Just write well.

  31. hmn, pls just flee while you can. The guy has been upfront with you; you are the one not facing reality. so what if he is the only AA that you have dated? who says you have to tie yourself to someone who will probably make you miserable for the rest of your life.

  32. Oh geh drop dt guy oh,anothr will cm at God`s appointed tym,fink he is married smwhr,or hin no sincere y shld he b tlln u incase he impregnates sm1,dts hurtful na,2ndly thrs nothn God cannt do,I v a Friend who is As N she married A man who is As, thr kids r fyn,nt ss(thy v 2 boys)

  33. Sapele Babe in Lagos4 June 2013 at 08:15

    My dear, are you an illetrate? Or are you getting married to an illetrate? Are you so desperate? Must you marry this man who's already thinking this way and giving you such pre conditions before marriage?
    Most Churches that conduct marriages actually have licenses to do so. Don't you see people signing the marriage register in churches? Don't you see them hand over the mariage certificate to them? Where do you think that comes from? The altar? Haba Sis,its from the marriage registry.
    Who told your husband that if he does court marriage with you and he impregnates someone else,the child would not have access to his properties? Well, the Legitimacy rule in Nigeria states that No Child shall be discriminated upon due to circumstances of his birth. So,if he impregnates anyone,the child is given birth to,he acknowledges paternity, even if he marries you in court,the child is entitled.
    My advice to you,however,is not to marry this man. AA genotype is not so scarce my dear,you will get another one. How can you contract a marriage which is already looking like hell from the beginning? Hmmmmmmm

    1. Thanks for this answer it emphasizes what I was saying above, (4.36am). People keep saying church marriages r not legal. How? If they have d license???
      I think more of d morons r on Ladun's blog, responding to same

    2. @Sapele babe..u r right tthough no entirely so. some churches just print their own certificates. not from the registry. and the parties never get to find out until when somethin is wrong and they r in court. not every church is licensed. all churches can be if they want to but the truth is that no all are.

      if your church is, then there's no need for a separate 'court wedding' but if not, (and if you investigate, ask questions, fill forms the requIred forms,you would know) you might still need to do church wedding ( in some churches, you will not be recognised as husband and wife if the church did not 'join' you, will not take communion, become elder or some other position) so you see them do the registry and then the church wedding.

      but babe, you didn't have to be insulting.

  34. Any man that shy away from his Responsibility obviously is Irresponsible, ur Man is also full of Deceit..I bet γφυ can tolerate this forever, it gets worse daily...nd When γφυ try challenging Him it gets to DV (once γφυ're married)
    ..So ma'm if I were γφυ, I'll Off my shoes, Fold my Trousers and RUN! RUN!! RUN!!!
    I pray God's will be Done in ur situation!

    1. BUSYBODY CORRECTER4 June 2013 at 11:22

      *SHIES away* not *SHY away*

  35. @ sapele babe, you that is not an 'illetrate', you can like to spell it as 'illiterate'. To the matter at hand, my guess is that he already has a family outside that he needs to protect, and if he doesnt yet, he has ur permission to have one

    1. Sapele Babe in Lagos4 June 2013 at 11:21

      Na u sabi. I'm dealing with issues here and not guesses. I'm trying to be as objective as I can,if the only thing that hit u in my comment is the "illetrate*,once again,na u sabi.
      When the domestic violence begins,you will be the first to call for the man's head. What if the man agrees to a court wedding? What if a court wedding would actually guarantee her exclusive possession to the man's properties? Would she now go ahead to marry him inspite of his bad behaviour? Marriage and wedding are two different things entirely.
      I took time to explain to her the usual belief about court or no court wedding et al. In matters like this,we have to come out str8 and not beat about the bush.
      He isn't the only man around,she can get someone else and someone right. Some people are enjoying their marriages,she can choose to be one by starting right!

  36. This is my first time of commenting on this blog..Please cancel this wedding! It won't work! The signs are there already so thank God for that.

    1. Us there a prize for first time commenters?

  37. Just move on. the red flags are glaring.

  38. sweet@ run for your life . am talking from experience. you can't change him dat is who he is and how he thinks so drop is ass fast fast. ibi

  39. This man sees you are desperate n he is manipulating you. With all these doubts, my take is you cancel the wedding,what is the rush? You don't even know him? Are u so desperate that you want to gamble with your life? Wedding is a days ceremony,marriage is lifetime , why not get to study this person ? Investigate him, he could be married, maybe his wife is yet to bear him kids! She may be abroad or maybe he plans to be a polygamist.Trust me there is something not right , use your head, forget love,sentiments.The choice is yours at the end of the day, all the signs are there.Most importantly, pray to God.

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. Dearie, i am AS too and i tell you finding an AA aint much of a big deal. Dnt use because of AA to be blinded abt reality. Open ur eyes gal!

  42. This man will NEVER be faithful to you and would shunt his responsibilities. with all the deseases and viruses out there please start running without looking back. it is not how far but how well. patience should be it for you. you should be grateful to God that he opened his mouth that way

  43. Since you found one then trust God that there are other AA men out there. This guy would only hurt you. Telling you boldily that he might cheat on you means he doesn't care about you. Please run my dear

  44. I wan laff, ur man na comedian? Haba naw, anyways, diz guy wants a situation whereby if he is tired of the marriage he'll just kick you out with ease and bring in another woman... Naw my question for u is this " are u okay with polygamy???... Even if you're okay wit it sef there is a new trend in polygamous homes in naija whereby, the man would marry d first, when he is tired he kicks her out, den bring in 2nd iyawo nd if he's tired again he'll kick her out nd go for his 3rd iyawo. My point is even if you're cool with polygamy he might follow diz trend... BABE U DESERVE BETA

    1. All these your "Whereby Whereby" sef. New trend in polygamous homes? I bet you are a product of multiple polygamy. Hian! Whereby whereby, lol.

  45. If I were to be you, I will take a walk because it seems as if he doesn't have genuine love for you. I suspect he has someone he cares about dearly but marrying you either for societal pressure or something else. But definitely not love. You have the final decision to make.

  46. run for ur life babe...u sound desperate and dats y he can boldly give such an excuse..ruunnnnnn!!!! that has got children n probably wife somewere,secondly he is going to be beating the hell out of u if u go ahead n marry him...i dont know y u r so desperate but what ever it is trust me it will be better for u stay single than marry that scumbag.

  47. Excuse me oh! The Marriage cert issued by d court, where is it from? Isn't it frn the Court? Also what do u think couples sign the Marriage register along with withness right after being joined is for? I'm confused here! The only difference btw court n church wedding is d 1st one takes 20mins while d other takes 6hrs! @ d end of d day u arrive @ d same stop!
    Stop kidding urself babes! Ur boyfriend is already married wit @ least 8kids!
    Wake up n smell d coffee!

  48. court marriage does not preclude him from accepting responsibility for a pregnancy...neither does It preclude his child from inheriting after that was a lame ass excuse

    fact is, your man is a now while you can. It mIght hurt now but you will thank your God for it in future..

  49. I'm Kendra by name,Am from the United State of America am here to testify in the good name of this great man called Dr Adams for the great thing and happiness he brought back to my life after my lover left me for 2years..David never loved me all he wanted from me was just sex and nothing more,He was just taking advantage of me and when he got tired of me he broke up with me i really loved David more than my self because at first he made me feel love and how important i was in his life not knowing all he just wanted from me was just sex,When David broke up with me i was just in a deep pain i cried for months and got tired of this life But i got encourage from friends and giving me hope that everything would be okay i stopped going to work just wanted to be alone i cried out my life but nothing happened,i tried all my possible best to get back David but it never worked out fine,Then after then i just decided to go visit a friend at her place I met my friend listen to the radio because she was also having similar problem with me then i asked her why is she so focused on the radio she said she is waiting for a program called (How i got my ex back)Then i told her to tell me more about the program which she did and i also had interest in the program shortly as we were discussing the program came up,Then jennifer and i focused on the program There was 3 ladies who they said they should give testimonies on how they got back there lover the first lady said she got her lover through the help of this great man call Dr Adams,When we had that name we where so happy and the other 2 ladies said same thing it was so interesting instantly before the program came to an end i and jennifer contacted Dr Adams and shared our problem with him he just told us that we need to be calm that it's one after the other that one lady just contacted him for help that he has to finish with the lady first before he attends to me because it was me kendra that called him first So Dr Adams told me not to worry that he assures me that my lover would be back to my arms within 24hours,I was so happy to hear that really my lover david came back to my arms and showed me love and made me had access to everything he owns in this life am so grateful and same with jennifer she is back with her lover with the help of Dr Adams,Please Dr Adams is a man to trust and believe on you can contact him on dradamsjohnsoncentre12@gmail .com or cell number +2348176363653


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