Dear Dr Abati,
I trust that this letter meets you and yours well. Let me start by commiserating with you on the recent transition of your beloved mother.
May the good Lord rest her soul and comfort you and everyone that she left behind.
I should also show some empathy on your apparent frustration at the refusal of a lot of Nigerians, especially the opposition parties to see the good work that you say your boss, President Goodluck Jonathan is doing for Nigeria. That is life my brother.
A couple of years ago, you were on the other side and nothing any spokesman said could convince you that the Obasanjo administration had anything good going on. Not even the fact that your friend and colleague, Olusegun Adeniyi occupied the same position you now hold, saved the Yar’Adua from the venom of your pen. And as is expected in a democratic environment like ours, you were allowed your say at every turn. I cannot remember any occasion in which anyone poured invectives on you or queried your right to free expression and for that, you became the hero of many Nigerians who saw your good self and the pen you employ as selflessly righteous on their behalf.
I am sure that management of the The Guardian newspapers, where you were Editorial Board Chairman remember the special attention that your columns drew to the Friday and Sunday editions of the medium. I bet that you savoured the attention which your “forthrightness” at that time must have drawn to you. This is why I cannot understand your seeming growing intolerance for the other view.
Of all the statements that you have issued in response to views expressed by ordinary Nigerians and opposition political parties, I find your democracy day statement most objectionable and unprofessional.
As a public relations manager in the public service of your country, you owe the Nigerian people, from whose sweat you and your boss currently derive your means of livelihood, any explanation which they desire at any time. And it does not matter if you have to say it a million times before they understand exactly what you are saying. You are in that office to serve them and serve them you must. Besides that, having to repeat a point over and over is actually one of the tricks to effective communication, the more you say it, the more believable it becomes. That is as trite as for you not to get angry over having to explain again.
Although we are all still learning the democratic ropes, I submit that you and others who work for the country’s first man owe us exemplary leadership in the promotion of free speech and the right to dissent even in the face of unreasonableness.
Assuming without conceding that Mr Fasakin went too far to malign the personality of the President and the character of the Presidency, I think you should have granted him the right to communicate with his President by addressing the issues that he raised in a professional manner, to the extent that he may even begin to feel sorry for speaking about the President in that light. In any case, Nigerians really have reasons to hesitate before taking your words for it.
Were you not the same person who, told us that the Manitoba Hydro power contradict had been cancelled only for your principal to tell us not too long after that the contract just needed some regularisation? Did you not also tell us that there were “back channel” discussions with Boko Haram last year, something the President would eventually deny? What about your attempt to convince us that the First Lady was not ill? These are examples of occasions in which you have been caught feeding us with half truths and half hearted denials.
I am sure that there are issues that you cannot readily disclose to the public for security reasons, but there are some very smart ways of not revealing when the time is not ripe. Journalists would not hold it against you, for instance, if you told them that you did not have information at that time but to offer half truths or make mediocre attempts to cover up mistakes always end up fuelling the rising tide of distrust between the people and those that they elected.
Moreover, treating members of the opposition or ordinary Nigerians who do not share your views about Mr President like a dangerous mob by raining invectives on them can only be counterproductive.
It would not only diminish you as the medium through which the President communicates with Nigerians; but is bound to very likely produce more haters for your principal.
If I were in your shoes, Dr Abati, I would tender my unreserved apologies to Mr Fasakin for those unkind words that you spoke in anger. Imagine how Mr Fasakin’s children would feel when they read a statement describing their father with reckless words like “brainless” and ” Ignoramus” How would your children feel if someone said those to you?
And if you ever find yourself in this situation again, dear sir, I suggest that you treat such statements, no matter what mischievous intents you sense, with the professionalism that they deserve. You must learn to accept mistakes when they happen, acknowledge concerns on either side, even encourage opponents to bring suggestions forward and focus on winning more supporters for Mr. President than antagonists.
As a communications person, the respect with which you treat friends and enemies alike will, to a large extent determine how effective your message is.
I pray that the God that you trust in will see you through.
‘Niran Adedokun
*yawns!..,niran, d same right dat u av to speak freely n voice ur opinion is d same right abati has to speak freely and defend or lemme put it dis way - to do his job well. U talkn bout half truths. It is peeps like u who castigate tiwa for denying tbillz n den stil doin d same ol shit wen dey got engaged.talkin bout if u were in his shoes, dude, ur feet gat no size n no shoes.its obvious dis gaddem write up is indirectly a rant cos of abati's reply to fasakin.dude, I dnt knw abati from adam's tiny apple, but I'm tired of readin all dese half baked so called professionals who do long ass write ups n end up not bin objective. Stella sori I had to do dis long reply. Ppl shld pray for dese leaders n d country.if its not tribal shit its d oda shit..Niran take d last seat behind d last seat. Thanks for ur understandin
ReplyDeleteI usually dont comment on blogs bt ur comment is soooooooo ignorant i had to make an exception! He is talking about the government being open to people like u n i and u r talking about tiwa and tbillz do they even corolate???? Our government lie to us daily about things that should be our right to know and u casgate the guy for pointing it out and trying to steer up a change? U see the problem is people like u that dont know u r being cheated daily u dnt knw ur rights u dnt knw wat u deserve from ur govt instead u lash out at someone tryn to make this a better country! Its a shame! I dnt knw this guy from adams tiny apple too bt i know he makes sense and u shud appreciate him cuz it takes jst one person willing to speak up and act to make a difference!
DeleteWalahi u be mumu! Ode oshi! Akindanidani!
Deletesomeday soon Reuben Abati will be out of Aso Rock. lets see what he will say then. I dont think he remembers the saying that a good name is better than all the riches and $ in Aso rock
ReplyDeleteI think Mr Reuben Abati is now confused no thanks to 'the national cake' and has bin talking from 2sides of his mouth.let's c wat will become of him after he leaves Aso Rock.What money can do...Smh
ReplyDelete@busty: park well! Ur comment is doing the exact opposite of what says.
ReplyDeleteTo even think that this is the same Reuben I applauded during the last general elections makes me shudder. Matter of fact I didn't know who he was until the series of televised debates on Channels tv when they would review the elections. I found him to be exceptionally intelligent with his choice of words, he displayed near perfection with his analytical political submissions on matters arising in Nigeria. I soon followed him progressively until his "love affair" with the "man with no shoes". And boom... Abatti started to compromise, he started to spew utter garbage out of his gutter mouth. I cannot begin to recount his many blunders in public as far as representing GEJ to a point of foolishness. This man is now synonymous to the sets of pple allowing Nigeria to swiftly sink into a state of Anarchy.. with his nonsensical media propaganda. If he's not cussing Dele Momodu and his wife, he's busy cussing Femi Fani-Kayode..etc! He refers to them as "yesterday's men". And the top on my list will remain a part of his rejoinder for GEJ a while back.. "Mr President is a good man and he means well for Nigeria. I have had dinner with this man and am in the best position to tell you how he works tirelessly for our sake. Infact, come 2015..should GEJ refuse to run for office again, I guarantee that the Nigerian people will beg him to return. Once I was having dinner with the president, I was amazed to see him eating cassava and palm oil"...bla bla bla...
ReplyDeleteOh please, how does eating cassava convince us that truly he's 'working hard"? Why is Reuben trying to force us into believing that GEJ is 'humble" at home? Who cares??? Is he on Big brother show? House mate things perhaps? Abegy!!! Why impose the intangible upon us? We need tangible disparity from our collective sufferings, it is only then that we can applaud this man. Its our prerogative. And besides, he's not doing us a favor, he, on his own accord without duress, signed to an oath of allegiance to 'SERVE' Nigeria. So leave us to applaud him in due time..if at all. Abeg Reuben carry your black face away jor. You nauseate me!
Lmaooooo @love affair. I was born in d 9tys nd I shudder to see things like this. We easily forget and it is not good at all. If someone takes the pain to complile all d major front page naira scams since 1990, d amount will be staggering. Poverty is a sin. I think we have to erradicate it first .
DeleteI also respected Ruben until he became Jonathans mouth piece. He can't be critical of his boss obviously but he could just say no comment if he has not been fully briefed or if he can't divulge information to the public because of security concerns. Also eating cassava and oil is not a strong indication of good policies, who knows he ran on "the boy with no shoes" before his second term may center on cassava bread, he might just win on that.
DeleteToo much National cake afashichana ya uburu.
ReplyDeleteMr. Busty go rest abeg. from the way you write, its easy to interpret your person. To tell u the truth, you lack what it takes to make a comment on this topic. Wait for the Tonto Dike and the likes topics please. Thats where you likes trend.
ReplyDeleteA time was when Dr. Abati spoke and the youths of this country were enthused to think and act right but it's such a shame that he has degenerated to this level. These communications experts should be careful how they pitch tents with corrupt public officers. You take years to build a reputable career only to rubbish it with few years of largesse? Steve Nwosu was the only reason i read New Age as a newspaper until he joined Ohakim's government and became rascally. Let's be wise, our fathers were more interested in building legacies via honesty and uprightness. Ranti omo eni ti iwo nse!
ReplyDeleteToo long..*Yawns*
ReplyDeleteBusty, you have got a chicken brain. Please just flip over to the next post if you cannot comprehend what is being discussed her. Idiat!
ReplyDeleteStella with all.due respect you do not have the moral.standing to write this open letter. Have you seen the way you insult people in your memos and the way you attack those who you feel have wronged you? See how you abused the anon yday in ur memo. U r a case of do as i say and not do.as i do. U need to take a page from ur own advice and follow it. Im.sorry to say but this letter is a joke coming from u as ur ego doesnt allow u to speak maturely when.faced with attack. Im ur fan but pls keep quiet on this one
ReplyDeleteAre u retarded? I suggest u scroll up and read it again before u start spewing rubbish here. Stella did not write the letter. Mumu number 1
DeleteOde oshi..r u blind or didn't u read thru 2 know stella didn't write it..
DeleteOya sorry now. I was hungry when i read it. Stella forgive me oh. Im prostrating. My fellow readers forgive me. I didnt eat my indomi by then
DeleteSeems to me the poster is Fashakin's son who a therapist has told an apology from Abati will help with his crisis.
ReplyDeleteIt's seems to some people, freedom of expression is only a forte for the opposition. Jonathan and his clique must always watch what they say. Abegi!!!!!!!
well said
ReplyDeletenna, did u read it to d bottom?whr u c say na stella write am? dis is ow ppl fail exams
ReplyDeleteclean ur mouth. its mrs busty....u sayin wait for tonto and d likes topic, just cos i compared tiwa n tbillz to dis issue. if ur brain is on o'clock like evryone in d world u wuld undstand d comparism in dis context. but since it on B.C ill explain to u,i compared tiwa n tbillz in dat, d same ppl who castigated tiwa for not comin out wit tbillz r d saem ppl dat praised n congratulated her for gettin d ring. so, d same ppl who r ranting about abati,jonathan,fashola ribadu r d same ppl who were praising em den! wen ppl like u get there, ur deeds will show. dese ppl r simply doin their job. just like ribadu,akunyile dem did .by d way, hi stella!
ReplyDeletewell said
ReplyDeleteSdk am busy,wil come back later to comment on this topic.
ReplyDeleteDear Anonymous 1;17pm,
ReplyDeleteIts either you are blind, or just plain stupid!
Cause if you are neither of these, you would have seen clearly signed at the bottom of that open letter
‘Niran Adedokun
Before you go yapping about Stella writing the letter! Stupid prick... Rolling my eyes and walking away!
@busty you are definetly Retarded
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed the epistle of Niran Reuben Abati e no tey again we shall see!
ReplyDeleteNiran Adedokun! Well said!
ReplyDeleteSis, did u even read this open memo? Dont think so, cos if u did, you'ld know d writer isnt stella.