The lady whos battered face stares at you is Kafila Sogunro from the famous Sogunro clan .
She is Married to Mr Gori.....
She recently suffered domestic abuse after attending a party in Ijebu with friends .
she was so badly beaten,she had to be rushed to the hospital
Kafila is out of hospital and telling everyone she was attacked by armed robbers!
I dont know long this has gone on but we can still advise/help her before its too late.
A lot of ladies quietly suffer domestic abuse but keep quiet because our society does not protect women who are being abused by their spouses.
When is it enough?when will our women learn to tackle domestic abuse and when will families learn to support their abused instead of advising them to stay and bear.
These women carry around scars,deep cuts and bruises and cook up lies to suit their injuries.
We all know in the last three years in Nigeria,so many women have lost their lives because a husband flipped and kept punching till the life was snuffed out of his wife.
oh,some even use knives to turn the wife into minced meat...oh no,oh no!
We are all affected by domestic violence one way or the other when people we know are abused/killed/maimed.
If you know your Friend/Sister/Aunt/Mother/Cousin is being abused will you advise them to leave or stay and die?...stay and be maimed for life by a man who professes undying love for her?
Why is the government not providing shelter homes for women who want to run from abusive spouses?
What has the government really put in place to tackle offenders?
What has happened to the past offenders?
I guess it continues because the appropriate punishment has not be put in place .
A man who as much as slaps his wife should be jailed,talkless of killing her!
Do we have enough NGO's to help?
So many Women are stuck in abusive Marriages/Relationships and they need help.
Who will help them?
You and I and the government have a role to play and i have done mine by writing this.
I hope this article embarrasses Mr Gori into keeping his hands in his pockets the next time he wants to raise them to hit kafila.
I am worried by the level Domestic violence has escalated to,especially Nigeria where law and order only exists in writing.
Please leave a word of advice for kafila and any one else who might be going through the beating of their lives in their homes...daily being beaten but keeping quiet out of shame.
Kafila might deny this and stick to her armed robbers story but she still has a chance to save her life!
Domestic Violence IS A CRIME AND MUST STOP!
Maybe he caught her with one of her lesbian lovers...
ReplyDeleteIs dat all u can say 'caught with lesbian lover' SMH
DeleteAnon 12.06 you are one of the daftest fools I've ever seen. Its a mystery you even know how to use your fingers to type. Maybe you should perfect the use of your brain. Giving a silly unrealistic reason for a man hitting a woman.
DeleteSoggys couture, Joke Shogunro's sister, u better run away from d monkey
ReplyDeleteAnimal n human skin
Women it's high time we speak up for oursevles.
ReplyDeleteIt's high time we spoke for ourselves not speak *abeg no chew me oh*
DeleteStella thank u for raising ur voice. I believe u. Should set up the first ngo for domestic violence in nigeria. Use ur voice as a platform.
ReplyDeleteFirstly Goriola is not married to her,secondly Kafila shld let him go lastly Gori shld be a man and let go of her and go and have kids of his own, i just dont knw what he is still doing with her
ReplyDeleteWho asked u if they are married?
DeleteIts clear u don't understand the question here
Married,live in lover or gf and bf
Dis Gori beat Kafila like this for what ever reason?
That's the question,
If uyour answer is yes, then its violence!
Abeg this woman should park well. Who doesn't know her in Surulere? She can fcuk anything in trouser and skirt. My friend who lives in London was her lover for many years. He dumped her when he discovered she was also doing his cousin. My fiancé once told me she was sticking out tongues at her. Some women can drive a man to commit murder with their wayward lifestyle. I am not in support of domestic violence but things do happen that turn men to animals.
ReplyDeleteI feel you bro. Some women are simply unmanageable. What do you do to a woman that is insultive, disrespectful, bossy, argumentative and violent?
DeleteOne of my neighbours is a banker. He loves his wife so much he would do anything for her. But she? She's one of those women who are unappreciative and never satisfied. She goes out of her way to provoke him and push him beyond endurance. Well, one night he couldn't take any more and he snapped. He beat the shit out of her and sent her back to her parents and you know what? We the neighbours(including the women among us) all applauded.
@anon 12:25, what does "My fiancé once told me she was sticking out tongues at her" mean?
DeleteAnd Darius, there is never ever any justification for a man beating up a woman. If he was going to send her "packing" he could have done it without the beating. What if he had really injured her or even killed her? And as you all applauded the shameful act, the devil clapped along with you. Smh and feeling sorry for your ignorant self.
@anon 12:25, what does "My fiancé once told me she was sticking out tongues at her" mean?
DeleteAnd Darius, there is never ever any justification for a man beating up a woman. If he was going to send her "packing" he could have done it without the beating. What if he had really injured her or even killed her? And as you all applauded the shameful act, the devil clapped along with you. Smh and feeling sorry for your ignorant self.
@Anon 2:06 I beg to differ. True there's no justification for beating a woman, but if you have the misfortune to tangle with a woman who is a beast in human clothing, I bet you will sing a different tune. I had that bitter experiencesome years ago. The lady (just a gf o) always pick the dead of night to start serious wahala with me, threatening to cause me all manner of bodily injury should I dare to talk back at her. Initially, I let it go for the sake of peace, but when she started breaking bottles and threatening to stab me to death in my own house, I had to step forward and deal with her once and for all.
DeleteSo yes, I don't support a man beating a woman, but at times it is the only way you have to keep your sanity.
@ Darius,that's what happens when a man picks a girl from the ghetto or is attracted to a tout!
DeleteHow did u ask an agbero out?=))•´¨)
¸.•´ ¸.ℓoℓ •*¨) ¸.•*¨)
‎​=)) ¸¸.•´=D(¸.•´(¸.• =))
You can't tell me that u didn't see it coming,maybe not that much but you definitely saw it coming!
Can I ask you two questions?
If it was Mohammed Ali that provoked you so much,would you easily raise your hand first?
Or if its a guy that you know will beat you black and blue that is cussing you out,would you hit him?
If not! Then you have no right to beat a woman just because she provoked you and you know you can beat her!
Well I don't support any abusive relationship but KAFILA SOGUNRO has long b4 now murdered sleep frm peaceful homes, she has broken a lot of homes, murdering ppl's character, giving a non challant attitude 2 those she has murdered. Living life like there's no God 2 fight 4 her victims, well I'm not God 2 judge wat will happen 2 her but I pray God gives her exactly wat she deserves on earth n another when we all c God Himself. Amen!
Delete@Darius, you could have left such a relationship. I don't believe that the woman you were with was misbehaving for no reason. Unless she was a lunatic. Which means you are not too sane yourself.
DeleteShe's bisexual and has used jazz in capturing gori... I don't support d beating but I'm sure she must have done something outrageous for him to pummel her like dis... kafila Pls stop licking tope awoyes p**sy.. enough is enough....
ReplyDeleteYou are foul mouthed. You need Jesus in your life TODAY!!
DeleteYou are foul mouthed. You need Jesus in your life TODAY!!
DeleteThose Sogunro girls are bad. There are two sides to a story, actually three sides. Let's hear Gori's side. However, a man should never hit a woman. Just walk away if you can't stand her cheating. What is still keeping him there? Did she tie him down? See what bleaching has done to her face. She has a mustache.
ReplyDeleteYea a real man should take a walk when provoked,there is no perfect relationship its just understanding that matters.
DeleteFor d average Nigerian woman who is abused, our society does not support them. Our families don't support them. A girl is brought up to know it is d nature of d african man to be polygamous,n sometimes abusive all in d name of love n these young girls grow into women knowing that what ever she sees in d man's house should be borne in good faith.wen she complains,her fellow women tell her that there r thousand n one women out there to take her place should she leave.she is filled wt gory details of women who suffer immensely cos they chose to quit d marriage. Society snob her cos she is a divorcee. Our girl child should be re-orriented. Should be taught self confidence. Should be taught that she has choices. It is a man's world, yes but we have our place in it. Should be taught that she is a life, a unique being wt a destiny. She should be allowed to dream n live her dream. N pls WOMEN,don't use ur sad personal stories to scare a sister in need. Don't scorn her. A woman's greatest enemy is her fellow women. Their gossip n scorn alone are enough to make a sister suffer in silence than confide in her friend. For the abused woman, build up ur already shattered self esteem.attend seminars for women. Determine to live for ur self as well as ur children.
ReplyDeletean advice to all women experiencing domestic violence- such women should leave (ben johnson style) and not allow obsessive love thier spouses are professing all is fake because if the woman is killed he will be let off on grounds of insanity - life goes on - women beware!!!!!!!
ReplyDeletean advice to all women experiencing domestic violence- such women should leave (ben johnson style) and not allow obsessive love thier spouses are professing all is fake because if the woman is killed he will be let off on grounds of insanity - life goes on - women beware!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteIn Lagos, and even other places, you do find women who grossly abuse their husbands and those men cannot but keep quiet. What do you do with that?
ReplyDeleteAnyone male or female in any form of relation, marriage, dating, friendship who is or has experienced any form or level of abuse needs to pray, talk, seek counselling and if nothing changes, WALK AWAY. Staying in such relationships will not get you any blessings from God or man.
DeleteNa man be this?
ReplyDeleteComment number 8 i almost wanted to ask if the Amoye girl too is bi? What of Bola and her BFF Dayo. A? Same circles oh, jazz, men, women and sex. Sad.
ReplyDeleteThe way pple dish out private stuff abt odas is amazing, its like they r d rodent(s) inside d home of couples...
ReplyDeleteStella, m afraid this topic is heavy and not every nigerian is ready to deal with this!!! The first 5 comments re somewht in favour of the abuser forgetting its easy to walk away from a messy and helpless situation than resort to violence!!!!
Some day soon in say 30yrs we ll attain the wisdom to do the right thing!!!
I don't support spousal abuse, but I think we should hear the guy's version of the story b4 hanging him. However, from what other people have said concerning this issue, d woman doesn't have a good record.
ReplyDeleteGbam! She no get good record o, my sister abi na brother. Lol
DeleteDarius, how dare you promote abusing a woman? were you born by a woman? How about your neighbor sending the woman away or ending the relationship. You are a disgrace to manhood. if your neighbor was annoyed by a fellow man would he have done the same thing? May your sisters or daughter never be abused then you can understand what am saying. A big shame to any man or woman who supports domestic violence. SHAME! SHAME!! SHAME!!!
ReplyDeleteSpare me abeg,she cheats and beating her will make her stop or what? If cheating is a way of life for her then beating her will not make her stop,perhaps make her more discreet and more careful so as not to get caught. The solution is to end the affair , relationship or marriage, it is not do or die and she is not your child or slave,women don't beat men up when they cheat, long hissssss
ReplyDeleteYu have spoken like some one who is filled wiv wisdom... Thnk yu
DeleteThis is horrible A̶̲̥̅̊nϑ completely unacceptable ... Why would someone do this... Get hot naija gist at
ReplyDeleteThis same moron beating her up will have gfs , ashewos, mistresses scattered everywhere, may even be doing house girl or a neighbour, then some fake people will start spewing crap that it is a man's becomes breaking news when the woman cheats, Stella, guys who resort to battering and violence do so becuz they are the worst cheats and guilty that is y they can't take it or address issues like sane people. Abi una swear oath? She doesn't
ReplyDeletedeserve to die cuz she is cheating, that is not the worst of sins, spare her for her parents ejo nitori olorun brother Gori.
Gbam gbam gbamest
DeleteYes tope awoye is bisexual always luking for young girls to initiate.... she's a mother of two young boys and has bleached her dermis and epidermis to extinction... she is kafilas lesbian partner for life... dats all.....
ReplyDeleteHanhan, anonymous may9 2:39pm, u don mean dis tope awoye b4 ni? Lolzz
Deleteit's an insane environment. Men unjustly pummel their spouses all over the globe, but in sanitized societies the Law protects the oppressed. In Nigeria, unfortunately, it's a pipe dream. The government doesn't give two-hoots about how women are faring with their spouses, forget the money-spinning-propaganda on women rights you see left, right, and center. All sham. If the government is serious about protecting women in Nigeria, for instance, why then does a woman need to obtain a written "acknowledgement" from a male family member before she travels abroad? Why hasn't the government berated the Saudi government for the embarrassing deportation of over 1300 women who went on pilgrimage last year? Even the women in "high" places aren't helping matters. In January 2011, over 300 of the PDP delegates in the presidential primaries were women. NONE OF THEM voted for Madam Sara Jibril. The truth is, the only real protection you will have from domestic oppression is a male member of your family. If you want to spend time on campaigns, sorry... not in this jungle society.
ReplyDeleteeven if she cheat,don't men cheat? he should free d woman joor
ReplyDelete*Even if she CHEATS* not *Even if she CHEAT*
DeleteNa wa ooooo!!!! See gist! Abeg bring out more joor.........""""eating popcorn and diet coke!!!!"""""
ReplyDeleteHmmmmm,Tatafo,na there dem go see you. Between,diet coke is very fattening o,don't deceive yourself
DeleteStella, pls dig into this Gori or gorillas life style and confirm if he is faithful, if he Is not then he has no right to beat her up, if he can't take it he should go jump in d lagoon or take a walk, this pathetic men cheat every single day and we haven't declared war on them neither have we started denotating bombs to register our hurt and betrayal.infact the man cheats and u end up begging him. U r scared of making trouble for peace to reign.Na so their body go dey pepper them when d woman attempt to get another mans attention, Ewuuuus. Stella Oya post nah, y r u waiting?
ReplyDelete*THESE pathetic men cheat* not *THIS pathetic men cheat*
DeleteBusyBody correcter, ur own too much sef hanahan, Lol.
DeleteWhat does her moral have to do with this issue? I dont' care if she was sucking off the family pet horse, she doesn't deserve to be beaten like a drum. There is such a thing as civility. The way the man walked to the court house to get a marriage license, he should walk the same road and get divorce papers. People are so quick to throw people's personal business out in the open...oh, is it that girl that sleeps with this person or that person? SO WHAT? Wetin that get to do with the fact that this woman had to go the hospital due to severe beatings?
ReplyDeleteWe all have our dirt. If he murdered her nko? Some of you here tell lies so if you go to the job and they do a back ground investigation and use a lie you told 5 yrs ago as reason to not give you the job, you for gree?
Well oga mi, u talk true but dis just serves as a lesson 2 all of us, let's all live a life that is that we would be proud of even when we leave here, has it occured 2 any1 dat if she had died, hardly wuld any1 av anything good 2 say abt her, let's all seek 4 the grace of God 2 live a righteous life so we can be account 4 it accordingly.
DeleteIrrespective of wat a woman does she doesn't deserve to b beaten.Am so opposed to domestic violence.If u can't handle break it off,there's no excuse to lay a finger on her.
ReplyDeleteAs for d women that go on blogs and ridicle other women ,I hope u realise d male folks don't do that.
I meant detonating bombs jare, my bad.Bless u Stella
ReplyDeleteAbegiiiiii this dirty short woman... good for her.u dont wanna know how many homes n lives she has destroyed? all d shogunro sisters are a menace...ugly dirty asawo things...from d jaw breaker Toyin with mouth odour, to Joke n this Kafilat. Joke be thier senior advocate for party crasher..kafila and Tope Awoye are full time lesbos n prostitutes..from China to Dubai be thier waka waka. That Tope na thief, ole olojukokoro..and na kafilat dey expose all her parole. bleached smelly biatchs...husband n boyfriend snatching tinz. Tope go go party go dey wink at both men n women...shameless tins. Abeg Stella, take these jazz doing ugly thing outta ma face. waste of space n my bloody time. see moustache..d gori wey dey wear leggins...her ex was nicknamed bioye na gori sogunro. low lives. mshewwwwwww
ReplyDeleteAre you jugding?are u a saint!,,like am so irritated,this lady was abused and all you wish to do is to give us a break down of her biography you think you know so well,,do u have some sort of concience at all?, I really don't wish you abused cuz u don't know what it feels like,,may God have mercy on your soul..
DeleteChai! Una are evil o. Wetin? Why batter an already battered woman? She tif ur man or ur woman?ko da o,its not fair rara. You ma sef u no be saint o,u no holy pass.Ur turn dey come
DeleteThumbs anonymous 5:51pm, I don't need 2 add anything again. Ur so damn right!
DeleteAt anonymous 5.16, women go on blogs to ridicle one another cuz we are so envious of one another, hateful and petty. U wil be shocked that some of these people are even her friends.When some women know a fellow woman or friend is happy in her marriage or relationship ,they start plotting to displace her from her home and they are ready to go to any extent.Chai, God help us,amen.
ReplyDeleteU can say that again.they r all obviously friends , birds of a feather flocking together then snitching on blogs.msweeehhhhhhhh
DeleteI am a woman and I can never support domestic violence. But this Kafila lady deserves joint beatings. She is the lady that ruined my cousin, Funmi Sogo's life. Kafila stole her money, slept with her husband and told him all my cousin's secret. The useless man now sent my cousin packing and her life has never been the same again. We always curse Kafila and her greedy sisters in my family for causing my cousin so much pain. Let me warn anyone who attempts to attack me for my comment. I will curse you with ayilala. Just try me.
ReplyDeleteY threaten with ayilala.... U can't cause 4 a causeless cause; btw some of us know who we re in Christ, so if u bother causing... Lol b rest assured ur doom is imminent.I guess ur cuz is as bad as kafila (if not worse) 4 her man 2 send her packing bcos of her. So pls u and ur cuz shd get over ursef, stop being a coward and get a life!!! Bitch!!
DeletePele o, madam cousin, ur obviously a liar n u don't know anything abt ur cousin, if not u shuld know she wasn't sent packing, rather they went their separate ways when they weren't compartible anymore. I beg ur pardon, did u say her life is ruined? Lolzzz, ur so damn crazy well if swimming in million dollar contracts n living a single but peaceful life is wat u know as 2 be living in ruins, then I'll love 2 be in dat category too. Pls get ur facts right b4 publishing or opening dat ur awful pathetic mouth 2 say wat is not! She turned dis monkey's life (kafila sogunro) around 2geda with her family, kafila herself confided in me n told me she's has bit d fingers dat fed her, but amazingly she wasn't remorseful, dat was when I knew I had 2 run 4 my dear life too, it was obvious she wuld do d same 2 me, I cannot categorically tell u dat I'm happily married n my husband will come back n say we r still planning our wedding. Lolzz. Anyways last on d last note, kafila seriously is low life bastard! Ww.kafilasogunrosexscandal! Datz all!
DeleteIn as much as I don't condone Wat her lover did to her, kafila deserves Wat she got like someone said she has destroyed a lot of people's relationships through malicious gossip and lies... gori I hear is a very gentle guy who kafila manipulates very often.. so before people begin to pour aspersions on his character it would b wise to hear his own side of the story... I actually feel sorry for d guy, cos it must b a real burden for him to still remain with her after al her misgivings...gori dis is for u,, get out of dis crazy relationship ur in and look for someone ur own age... she can't have kids for u oo... time don dey go ooo.. as for u kafila I don't feel sorry for u. Maybe the jazz u did to make him stick wit u don dey expire
ReplyDeleteNa wah ooo! Hmmmmm!!
ReplyDeletei think,d jazz is getting off from gori's eyes,probably caught her with tope doing there lesbo thing,i have dated kaffy b4 but not to a sexual level,each time we have an appointment dis tope awoye girl always interrupt and honestly i felt so bad wen i heard dat dis tope awoye girl sleeps in d same room with her frolicking from china to dubai doing lesbo thing.
ReplyDeleteyes she has sinned....but mr gori, is beating her d next best thing....she is infact a woman and dis is very very wrong.....
ReplyDeleteA man who hits a woman is a man who hits a woman,its a character trait,its in the genes,its not something that happens as a result of provocation.It started from childhood,they beat their sisters up,beat girls up in school etc and it grows with them.A normal man would either talk the woman out of her bad behaviour or walk outta the marriage,that's the most honourable thing to do.Many women can be stubborn and assertive sometimes,if all men were the beating type,I wonder how many women will be free from assault,battery and even death.I know a woman who was exactly like this Sogunro woman as described by her friends above,the lady went out on a certain saturday,came back and the husband was gone. Till date,she lives with the stigma and humiliation. That's a honourable man if you ask me. Why would anyman want to risk a life in jail cus of a woman? Why?
ReplyDeleteIn as much I take to SDK Blog, for her Authentic jist,I can say categorically dat ds jist na Old jist well over 5months av got this pic on my phone since then but d truth need to b told Kafila na anoder thing frm anoder planet. She once fought her School daughter for refusing to give her My able self contact saying she wants me @all cost bt I thank my God I escaped her. As per Gori, I love the way Stella Addressed him as Mr Gori Lol!
ReplyDeleteIn as much I take to SDK Blog, for her Authentic jist,I can say categorically dat ds jist na Old jist well over 5months av got this pic on my phone since then but d truth need to b told Kafila na anoder thing frm anoder planet. She once fought her School daughter for refusing to give her My able self contact saying she wants me @all cost bt I thank my God I escaped her. As per Gori, I love the way Stella Addressed him as Mr Gori Lol!
ReplyDeleteWat are u feeling like sef? Mtchewwww. Carry ur lie lie tlk shift Jor
DeleteSome peeps saying trash abt her shud not 4get she Picked Gori(husband) up 4rm surulere where he ws walking joblessly on d d street! I dnt ever support molestation no matter wat!
ReplyDeleteThis violence against women is not just in homes it's everywhere brothers beating up their grown up sisters, in taxi's whn a girl has a little scuffle with a man he raises his hands an her.Any man that hits a woman no matter the provocation is a low life
ReplyDeleteDirty educated illiterates!!! Wetin concern Dayo Bola Awosika's ex BFF? Bola Awosika is a lousy cheap prostitute! Can sleep with any man as long as she's not alone, want to live posh life with small income, yes she's bisexual... And still doing runs at 45yrs, very shameful!! Pls leave Dayo out of dis mess bcus she's married
ReplyDeleteAm with both anonymous 7:44pm&8:22pm. YES YES I know this kafilat very very well. She's a malicious devil incarnate. She has never been loyal to both her men and her female bed mates. Topping the list of her bed mates is her K9 dog, Tope Awoye. I hope they both reconsider n amend their dirty sexual indulgence so to escape the same wrath that God invoked upon Soddom and Gomora for practicing the same atrocities. known of these ladies since NYork, and am gutted to say that they have become worse than they started off since coming back to 9ja. Although they've been bed mates since way back.
ReplyDeleteMy standing ovation goes to them for crashing parties tinz, owing monies tinz, 3some and 4some tinz, Oral sex with politicians and area boys tinz...and of course bleaching injection tinz. They cross f..k the same men, backbite on themselves...and then fight themselves dirty in public. This is a concise summary of these women who have grown kids but never take care of them. Kafilat should go and pay Bisi Ibidapo her money o, she tried to swindle the poor girl hoping that she would be quiet, just bcos she pimps her too. But she was shocked when Bisi got the police to arrest her ass, plus she seized kafilats passport. Kafilat and Tope commercially tow China and Dubai route to do akunakuna with their Ibo clients...Not being tribalistic, but d Ibo men who frequent that route are their clients. And that's the only reason the foolish&greedy Tope Awoye cannot depart Kafilat. she's her mentor& source of partial income as per pimping tinz. Plus Tope is a renowned NYMPHO that can't do without sex. Kafila can destroy a whole nation with her lies and malicious gossips. She would lie to be heard, I know a lot of pple who are still out to deal with her if their paths ever cross again. She's got nothing now, always scavenging from one town boy to the other for crumbs and stipends. Men&women avoid them like a plague. Omo ale agaya, she's in her mid 40s o. The Gori is a dirty lazy twat na, no job no life. Him and Kafilat are a perfect match, so I wonder y pple are pitying him. He's as much of a public nuisance as his dirty sugar mama Kafilat...always drunk. This woman wey don take d better part of her life do juju finish? Shuooo... so much d juju don boomerang. Her waterloo beckons....the end is near for u kafilat. U either amend ur ways or u'll continue to face the full wrath of vengeance. See how many people here have attributed their broken courtship and marriage to Kafilat. Can they all be lying??? Pathetic
Yes o,Kafila snatched my gf
DeletePls people, is this the same white looking Kafila Sogunro? All what am reading abt is this same person character and for the fact that Bola Awosika was mentioned too made me ask this question
ReplyDeleteYes o, same kafila sogunro dat u know noni ati bola awosika
DeletePls leave madam bola Awosika out of this mess o..... Wat business of urs is it if she want to live posh life? Na u dey stress pay her bills for her? Abi dem tell u say runs dey commot for body? I agree with u dat bola Awosika is a very lousy woman plus she talks badly of all her friends as in anybody dat comes around including her old lesbo girl frnd Aisha... She's always busy doing 20 business at the same time and still borrow money like someone without a job, she brags knowing every powerful people in nigeria but can't account for anytin good she's done with those contact... Victoria island bigs girlz!!! Why won't she continue with runs wen she can't cut her coat according to her size? We went to unilag together but we've all left d street for younger girls but not Bola.... You can't stay 1hr with her without taking panadol, as in noise like you're in d market... Tope and bola fell off bcus of their london runs and money, Aunty agbaya!!!
ReplyDeleteNa wa for u though. You said they should leave Madam Bola alone but then proceeded to bash her. Are u well at all? And btw you really didn't make a point. I don't know any of these raz people who are being trashed here by they're raz friends because I'm not raz. Just had to comment on your hateration.
DeleteYepa!! I fear lagos women o! Walahi everytin said is correct about Bola, I met her in Abuja but we no last bcus her ways r really dirty with big big lies, she always borrow money to pay bills I mean ALWAYS! Bola I cover face for u, very Shameful!
DeleteKai see how a domestic abuse case has turned to a full expose. Run from anything Sogunro a word is enough for the wise. That Dayo is married doesn't mean she can't be a lesbo. After all, all these other women have men. Why doesn't Dayo go a-rocking with her hubby? She's always with B and you have tagged her ex-BFF. They will always bitch and fight.
ReplyDeleteLagos for show!! I fear my country women o! See gist....
ReplyDeleteHow can you move from 500k per year apartment in oniru to 4m in 1004? And you say a 45yrs is doing runs? B4 nko? Heard the 4m is not inclusive of service charges and light bill o....... Why won't she continually borrow money and do runs? If you ask me, na who I go ask?
ReplyDeletePerhaps she's doing well.
DeleteJesus loves us all. All these stories may be entertaining but Jesus is coming soon. Let's get ready.
She definately doing well to afford 4m per year! But she could as well buy or go build elsewhere bcus for a woman of her age a time will come when runs won't runs again. Be wise
DeleteI fear lagos women o! See Gobe!!! Why r u guys washing dirty linen outside? Pls stop mentioning peoples names
ReplyDeleteHmmmmm.dis is so sad.I don't knw y most women like to blackmail each other,even if dere's differencec btwn u,dat doesn't warrant all dis...
ReplyDeleteDayo dat sleeps with her frnds and Aburos husband and boyfrnds like someone dat is curse! Pls dnt make her feel like a saint.... Tope is number one credit card olodu back in her newyork days so now dat she's in 9ija and no credit card fraud the poor girl settle for runs.. Kafhila!!!!! I reserve my coment for u, Bola Awosika is living a make believe life always doing more dan she's worth Zero reputation! I cover face for all dis dirty cheap old women
ReplyDeleteHehehe! Pls forgive dem
DeleteObvious they are not friends. All oju aiye. Good for them.
ReplyDeleteSee her bleaching face like ojuju! I ave very bad experience with kafila and tope but doesn't support the abuse, as for Dayo she's a dog! Bola case is more psychological she too dey lie and really want to prove she's arrived while struggling with her bills
Lol!!! You no dem very well
Deletewhy are you making big deal out of this issue? Pleaseeeeeeeeeeee,most of the girls in Naija are all doing runs. So what the F**K. l have dated both of them before. and we did threesome. Aint no big deal about all the issue. these girls are just doing what they know how to do best. Both Kafila and Tope are thieves, they stole my Rolex watch and took my dollars. but l couldn't tell anyone.l heard that that Tope dated a guy in London and stole the guys Pounds. Then took off to Naija. so please that's their Logo. Lesbianism is what they do.
ReplyDeleteCase closed.
Dey finished Bola o!!!!! Lol!! those big boys she know dnt trust her bcus of her lousy mouth, one minister once said "if u want ur name in city people den hang wit bola" she's really lousy I agreed to dat, "I'm posh! I'm a diva" Lol
ReplyDeleteHmmmmmmmmmmmmm what a show on shame....the shogunro, not shocked I heard kafila shogunro,s dad got burnt without aches, ND their mum smokes like Sango when she owns a beer parlour...not surprised mishewwwwwwwww
ReplyDeleteAhhhhhhhhhhhhh awon shogunrooo tun gbedee ooooo...TOYIN SHOGUNRO snatched my 6sta,s hubby POSI ADEYEMI thank GOD the juju is no more effective,popsi has ran for his life.toyin shogunro is now struggling in UK,going to parties and drinking alchohol oloshi alainirorii.thank GOD posi is out of bondage toyin the jazz has now come to an end stop all this rubbish and look after your kids,yeye awon nuisance.
ReplyDeleteKai dis woman is uglyyyyyyyyy oh..
ReplyDeleteHoi sharap there..who told u Dayo is married?? She's not married o she has just been sticking to the same guy for a while after she don f..k all her friend's bf finish. While she moved with Bola Awosika she was d smooth operator while Bola was the lousy bee. LMHO@ moving from oniru bungalow to 1004. Whether na by force to live on Visland. Her men n friends cussed her while she lived in d dirty bungalow. Meanwhile nobody wey she no tell say na one of her men give her 2m to get d 1004 flat. Am yet to believe Bola is..or was a lesbo utterly shocked! Na gbese evict her from Abj come lagos na. I don't know what can be done about her mouth n too much talk talk...lies lies lies! Abeg make una lev Akeem shodeinde ex ooo
ReplyDeletethank you @ busybody corrector lolzzzzz
ReplyDeleteThey need jesus
ReplyDeleteCan't believe she's renting 1004!!! She told me her man bought it for her, dat dey agree to do IVF for twins.... She can't stop lying! She's been like dis since unilag days. Abeg did she sleep with Akeem movida too? Runs no go kill Bola
ReplyDeleteKafila tun gbe de o , sum stupid girls hv started following her now , am very sure these girls don't knw she is evil SDK I can send u the pix of those girls following her to parties now , one is dating a car dealer dat can't even a buy a car for his girlfriend , d oda 1 sleeps around codely , one of dem is married ,one is also Titi Masha's sister nd d last 1 is dating Agbero but dnt really knw if it is mc, koko , sego or kunle polly bag , Awon ti ori won o pe I hope those girls re reading this cos I pity dem so dey can run run run from her Kafila weray o ba yan je ju Olosi olobo Arugbo be continue Kafila oko Goriola gorilla Shogunro
ReplyDeleteI know the girls hmmmmmm , let me not cals names
DeleteDose girls re lesbo too 100% sure if their mentor b sisi Kafila , o ga o this life has turn upside Down
DeleteO ya select names , Yewande , Doyin , Kemkem and Sade the 2 sisters , Mayram n Biola , Tawa , Bose , Busola coco white etc Awon weray gbogbo
DeleteDose girls re lesbo too 100% sure if their mentor b sisi Kafila , o ga o this life has turn upside Down
DeleteI know the girls hmmmmmm , let me not cals names
DeleteOmo, see gobe.
ReplyDeleteSerious nyansh opening.
These women should relocate to Togo.
Wow. Faces can be deceptive
ReplyDeleteI just went through Kafila's FB profile and she appeared pretty, and good natured.
O ga o
But seriously, what's Bola business with kafila gist? common leave her out of dis saga, let kafila carry her cross alone, Bola pls lean from dis
ReplyDeletePls leave bola out of this, what exact has bola got to dot with it? I bliv bola is doing well with laviva, what if she lives at VI? Is it not many dreams to live at such location or did she snap anybody's husband to live there?
ReplyDeleteAnon 11:21am, please you mean the popular KemKem, as in Kemi Alayemola is a friend of this Kafila woman? She was my classmate in QC What is her connection with kafila? KemKem is from a good home. What can she be a friend to a woman that is old enough to be her mother? This life don spoil o.
ReplyDeleteMay God truly forgive all u commenters! Jesus is coming soon!
ReplyDeletethe bleaching no be small sha! even if she is a dog,a nympho doesnt mean that she should be beaten stop the violence.
ReplyDeleteHnmmm na wa ooo!!!!
ReplyDeleteThis is the most entertaining blog in Naija at the moment. Kudos to you, SDK. There is room for improvement though. Just keep the flag flying.
ReplyDeleteBTW actually stands for "By The Way" not "Between"
ReplyDeleteBA, BA, BA where do we start with that one? Like grandmother, like mother like daughter. She's the cheapest hoe around. Posh people don't say they are posh people say they are. She has the biggest inferiority complex going. Has her daughter's father accepted her yet? Her daughter that will see you size you up, say my Mummy doesn't have money and then she will start touching your wallet and bag. Nothing is beyond her and I know she loves dick so find it hard to believe she's a lesbian. But if her babalawo tells her to sleep with women for money and power she will do it. She knows everyone yet she's a mogbo mo ya. Tunde Folawiyo is my cousin, Ibori was my lover, Peter Obafemi is my brother, Wale Edun is my friend with benefits, Aliko is my friend, I have Otedola on speed dial and so on. So fucking what? Low life. Leave her with you man for two minutes and she will sleep with him. Oh she moved from the dirty BQ that she was renting from one of the Onirus? This girl took ATM to China when ATM first wanted to go and still slept with Aremo for a cheap contract of under 1 million naira. She's Kafila's friend and calls Joke Aunty but was Joke's ex-hubby Ekanem Umah's mistress for a long time. This was when Joke and Mr Umah were together. They were doing London runs. She's a pathological liar. Is she still in cahoots with her Mum still trying to steal her friends luck? Ask Tobi's Mum. That one runs when she hears Mrs. T, meanwhile she's the worst of the lot. The men and women who sleep with her must like the smell of rotten fish. This tale is legendary. Has she cured the big cyst in her hole? IVF from where? Maybe it's the IVF money that she has used to pay rent in 1K4 because she can lie like that to get money. When she's ready to get pregnant she will go back to the water spirit church that gave her her first daughter. Hoodrat to the core. I must happen by force. Bloody kpom. If she's so hot why haven't these so called men married her? Even as 4th wife they haven't married her. They all laugh at her ratchetness and lies. IVF for another man's husband right? Only married men can look at her. She's cursed like that. When she dates single men she finishes them and collects their luck. Yet if tomorrow RCCG is doing anything she will be the first to go there. Pueh. Go and wash your smelly armpits, smelly mouth and use acid to wash your rotten fish smell. No amount of bathing, deodorant and mouthwash can make you clean. You are so filthy. Adewunmi Yusuf what? She's as bad as the rest of these ones. Oh Dayo came here to say she's married? You see how they have opened your bum. Useless hoes. BA, you see yourself. Hoe for life!
ReplyDeleteLeave her with *your* man.
ReplyDeleteBBC you shall not get me. From your fan!
there is no justification for beating up a woman weather she is foul mouthed, a lesbian, a fuckist or whorevva.
ReplyDeleteif you know she aint good for you or you cant cope with her excesses, just return her to where you collect her from. wahala nor dey inside. matter end, case dismissed.
I really pitied bola state of mind right now with all dis secret coming out.. Omashe o! Bola pls stop talking negatively about ur frnds, u can tell all ave some bad to say about u... Appreciate and nurture ur beautiful daughter, You can't do runs forever madam, channel ur energy into work and cut ur coat according to ur size, stop chasing empty shadow bcus you're truly not in competition with anybody but urself, you're never relax bcus ur bills always too much, cut down on staff and lifestyle so u can save for d future, may God help u".............
ReplyDelete@ annon 4:01, are you referring to Adewunmi Yesufu? Gosh, na wa o, all this names mentioned are who I know but not well except for Kafila who I know train girls, I never knw the women are like this including Bola, I know Adewunmi was screwing A..... Husband while also was her friend
ReplyDeleteWaoh! Too much information! Pls forgive BA
ReplyDelete@ anonymous 4.01 youre a big fool saying trash for people to believe, goat go chop ur big mouth.....Bola dey USA dey network with the biggest players in oil and gas industry una dey here dey biff,
ReplyDeletewhat do you mean by Adewunmi was screwing A..... sebi all of them are just doing runs. They are used to cross screwing each other's man,so no biggy. what about A.... himself? didnt he know that they are friends? He just want to screw them all and think it's fun. Don't blame those girls alone,blame those men too.
ReplyDeletePls let Bola be, from all I'm reading here it's more like crucifying this woman for pushing forward, we all know runs is common in Nig, many raining insults on this woman are guilty of this too, Bola is not the with battered face here it's Kafila, let Kafila carry her own cross Abeg
ReplyDeleteHmmm! Na wa o! I can only pray for them that GOD shuld touch dem nd drastically change der lives for HIS Good wrks and to HIS Glory! Cos JESUS IS COMING VERY SOON o! May GOD Help us all to make heaven!
ReplyDeletejelouse go kill u people get a life and live kafila alone
ReplyDeleteKafila shogunro is the lady battered not bola... Tope awoye is ks besto not bola, pls free the innocent woman jo. Una want make she enter depression? Plus I dnt appreciate how anonymous 4.01 mention bolas mum and daughter in her comment, ave some respect for old age....
ReplyDeleteBola over to you, see how your past dey hunt you, young ladies should lean from dis dat waywardness is not an escape to wealth, upon all these years bola as been rocking and flying with all d big names in Nigeria what as she got to show for it instead she became more desperate and aggressive....
Dey said you're with the big players in oil and gas? What is ur main purpose of going? Thought you into event and hair business, dnt just be everywhere my dear sister bcus you'll be more popular for no good reasons, concentrate on ur event and hair, pray and never cease praying
Adewunmi you're warned!
ReplyDeleteNa wa O! God protect me from these vultures..lesbo, lesbian, etc. Damn!
ReplyDeleteAbeg which one be Adewunmi own o, @ anon 7:15, she snatch your husband? Adewunmi Yesufu I bliv is respectable atleats that's what I think, if she's done anything then say if nothing Abeg shhhh
ReplyDeleteChoooi ooooo. See gobe, oooooo
ReplyDeleteI need more caramel popcorn nd my diet coke for all this gist....I no go sleep today..Bring it on!!!
ReplyDeleteLOL I feel u die!!!
DeleteSTELLA DIMOKO KOKUS! my ear don load!!!!!
ReplyDeleteJesu Christi!
I am reading all comments to the letter! domestic violence have opened a can of runsssss!
E ka bo Bola @ May 10, 2013 at 6:22 PM. The truth hurts. Guard your mouth. You better shut up and mend your ways before you are further exposed. All the marriages you have broken and trying to break, all the friends you have stolen from spiritual and physical, all the lies you have told will continue to haunt you. You are in America with Oil and Gas people so fucking what? Oh wait, you are there as a kpom to some Oil and Gas executive. After all that is your line of business. Oshisco.
ReplyDeletegoriola shogunro ,u sef dey feel like hubby,omo ale jatijati,.pple call u with kafila"s last name and u dey happy,?u don use ur left hand to point ur father house...u sef dey beat woman...I will advise you to go a visa to FRANCE or SOUTH AFRICA and stop all the NFA*(NO FUTURE AMBITION) life u do in lag...
ReplyDeletewow nigeria is rotten. when did people become soo shameless..homosexuality, greed, evil...God help us oh.
ReplyDeleteThis is just too deep. I sense so much jealousy. Am sure kafilat's friends and BA are at work, revealing a lot, na wa for una oh, hide behind your computer and keep chatting shit, itara lo ma pa yin. Jealousy at its peak, let whom has never sinned be the first to cast a stone.Get a good grip of yourselves and stop typing rubbish, the last time i checked this was on domestic violence and not about their personal lives,awon wayray!!
ReplyDeleteHaha na wah oooo. Ha some people wicked and bad oooo. Haba! the reason for discussion has been blanked out na dirty laundries una dey wash for public and i bet many of these comments are from close pals hiding under anonymity to diss their friends. Ha aye le! una don they look for avenue to spill before? Won ni ka diju bi eniku ki a wo eni to love wa.
ReplyDeletePeople should learn from this that keeping many friends and telling all about you esp your personal life is not the best. Even men to join put mouth and some of these infos maybe fabricated, intended to tarnish images.
Pls let us all fear God in all we do including say and write. Ha aye! different names mentioned without any link to the topic.
Well to the ladies mentioned, if all these are real/true pls adjust if not for you (your names&images) then for the sake of your offspring bcos they may stumble on this if not now or in the nearest future and it may affect them negatively. Bcos on it's www for the world to see and some people may store/save these. We should be very careful with wot we post/write on the internet.
Lastly, violence in general(either private or public) must not be condone or tolerated in any relationship regardless of the situation. Lets us all ask for forgiveness and know our maker more bcos we're all sinners. To those truly hurt may God soothes your pains and replace your loses. -PEACE TO ALL!
Anonymous 9.47pm you're a bastard, motherfucker jobless asshole!! Your ass need to be busted with a bottle, ugly jealous bitch
ReplyDeleteThere's obviously no more gist from kafilas frenemies and seems Bolas envious frenemies has taken over
ReplyDeleteAnonymous 9.47pm why is bola business ur headache? Jealousy!! Why can't you come out and attack physically since u ave big mouth and can talk, miserable frustrated thwart! Coward! Come out and face me bitch
ReplyDeleteAdewunmi pls shout the fuck up before I open ur can of worm
ReplyDeleteAnon May 10, 2013 at 10:43 PM Bola is that you? Of course with your bastard daughter you think everyone else is a bastard like you and your pikin. Who's your Dad by the way? Your Mama carry belle from outside come bring am tag Awosika. Ah you are from a line of bastards and you think everyone else is like you. Pueh. Filthy hoe with your fish smell. Go and suck on a big dick or like they said Aisha's black and torn hole.
ReplyDeleteTope Awoye is a fugitive she jumped bail for shoplifting in the USA and can't go back cos she's scared of jail, she's so fake no guy can tolerate her and I wonder y she's addicted to pussy sucking guess it tastes like honey to her, the shogunro's girls are cursed, Gori got low sperm count and can't father a child after sleeping with most of kafilas friends including Tope awoye. Dayo A can sleep wit a guy for as little as 10k and Bola awosika is desperate for fame and can't boast of 500k bank balance. Shameless fake bigz girlz!!!!!
ReplyDeleteWhy is Laide Olohunwa missing in the list of Kafila and Tope lesbian friends? Her own story will take the whole blog. Agbero wife, herself agbero by nature. Always using thugs to fight her friends. Kafila change your ways. It is now confirm that your father other wives place a curse on you and your sisters. That is why your lives are all messed up. Even in London, your sister Toyin has become a public nuisance. Drinking like fish, pissing on body, sleeping with young boys for 100 pound and doing bambiala all over the place. It is not too late to change your ways. Nobody is perfect but this Shogunro family scandal too much. God will help all of us. Madam Stella Dimokoko please don't post another comment after my own o. Enough is enough.
ReplyDeleteUr father need get dna on u.....I can tell u need some medication to help u cool off... You're just a jealous miserable low life bitch
ReplyDeleteWhat else do u ave to say bitch? Bring it on!!!
ReplyDeleteKafilat should go for deliverance and give her life to christ. That's d only solution or else she won't have peace for the rest of her life, she and tope has commited too much attrocity and destroyed so many lives they can't find peace until dey repent.
ReplyDeleteYou ladies should pls stop dis mess for Gods sake....
ReplyDeleteWicked frenemies! All women including ur mother are bitch, God gave everybody punani without metre why taking panadol over someone else headache
ReplyDeleteSee as kafila carry her badluck affect her frnds? Ladies be careful who you hang with
ReplyDeleteAnonymous 9 .47pm you're sure frustrated with life and dnt ave anytin good going for you, pls go hang transformer to end ur miserable low life are very right,gori has virtually slept with almost all kafilas frends,I know of a lady called FARIDAH abdulkadiri or whatever she choose to call herself I live in surulere,i use to be faridahs junior friend until I realise how wayward she is although she Is a low class among this runs babes even after she got deported from uk nothing to show for all dis fork and pay lets give kudos to all dis big girls dat has something to show for it abeg.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous 11. 28pm, I'm sure you're out of ur antidepressant medication and sure need a refil before u go drown ur kids like Andre Yatt
ReplyDeleteOga o.....enough is enough guys!
ReplyDeleteShaking my head at the ppl saying it enough
ReplyDeleteYet refreshing the page every minute for more dirty linen to be washed
@ 11.16pm what else do u ave to say? Waiting! Wicked jealous dirty hoe
ReplyDeleteChaiiiiiiiiiiiiiii laugh wan tear my bele,serious show on shame,pls can sm1 support this kafila of a gurl eyinnn ayeeee..ejowo ejebure ooo.
ReplyDeleteAnon May 10, 2013 at 11:34 PM so says the fatherless. Pele orphan! Stop publishing what? Tell these hoes to stop fighting back if not more will be exposed. Go back to sucking smelly fish holes and bowing for your babalawos.
ReplyDeleteOne ought to be careful abt secrets one shares with friends, it's obvious all the anons commenting abt wat Kafila n co does are friends, I will not be surprise if one of them tip Stella abt this event n supplied the picture, it's quite obvious they all birds of the same feathers
ReplyDeleteTruly,gossip only happens here
DeleteNawah o
ReplyDeleteNawah ooooo ejoorrrrr
ReplyDelete@anon 12:05 , awon aiye, Farida is not Kafila, dnt rope her in cos she you didn't get what you were expecting from her
ReplyDeleteI swear down Stella, your blog is the most entertaining blog iv ever come across, thank God for that mercy Aigbe story that led me to your blog
ReplyDeletehello peeps i don't know why people are here to destroy other people?D guy in question Goriola solebo is not responsible for the incident that happened,you people should get the facts right,if you guys really wants to know happened it all happened in my presence ,the so called Kafila went to Ijebu for a party and she has a man friend she was dating as at then,on several occasion the wife has warned Kafila sogunro not to go near her husband again but she wouldn't listen,so the husband of this woman was in Ijebu with Kafilat when some1 hinted the wife that they spotted kafila with her husband d lady drove to Ijebu and trail kafila and her husband to a hotel in Ikeja that was where d incident happened the lady beat n tore kafila's dress and she was disgraced so please people stop attacking an innocent guy Goriola has nothing to do with the beating rather she lied to Goriola that they were attacked on their way from ijebu,so it was kafila that lied to d stupid n useless gori that she was attacked on her way from ijebu it was a woman kafila is screwing her husband that destroyed her face like that it was not Gori that destroyed all happened in my presence but my sincere message for this stupid goriola is to move on and marry a nice decent girl and not this hole u call a wife,she is worse than a whore,that is why i called her a hole,some1 sent me a link to this page and also sent me some paragraph to what people were saying so i thought i should come here and give you d true version of the story.kafila everybody knows her to be a whore and apart from that i dont know why people still run after her because her p***y is flabby and she even bed wet when she sleeps simply (atole)she's a spoiler,she ruins other people's joy and happiness she doesn't like any body to be happy around her its just herself n herself alone so if you know her you dont go near her but at d same time i don't blame her fully because all these girls goes to her for her to pimp them to guy'S and when d going is good she will go at their back n spoil d girl to d guy and give's him another gal is simple maths highest bidder is who ever gives her more return out of those girls is who she is more closer to like bisi ibidapo she has introduced her to so many guys if am not mistaken 5 guys that why u see some other girls envious people like babatunde omo onile in ajah,the other omo onile after oniru palace,one american guy that gave her range rover jeep to be using,ayo audu and so on n so forth,for Tope awoye she's just kafila's Dog she sleeps around and even toast men in a party,when she gets to a party she will not sit in a place she will be walking up n down in d party for guys to acknowledge her so they can carry her for the night,it is no news that kafila n Tope r screwing each other pls abeg no be today yansh dey back far far now since their yankee days now,if na anniversary they would ve done their 15th year anniversary so abeg my people no be today they ve been doing it,other gals too r involve in this lesbianism stuff i have all the names of their crew so its not a case of domestic violence its a case of women that cheats on their husband.
ReplyDeleteOh boy see gist o...secret of life...wey my eba n ogbono soup? this shit is hot DAMN!!! BBC u no come correct grammar? Abi this one pass u too? LOL #scary tinz 4 naija o#
ReplyDeleteFrieneniemies frieneniemies enemies!!!! I respect una! At the same time I feel so sad for una! Most of u fuckers are just jobless! These folks ain't loosing sleep over none of y'all!!! E te pa mo ise! Weray ni gbogboyin jooooooo!!!!!
ReplyDeleteWhat more can smI expect from farida??,coz ive forked her and i can category name names of my numerous friends that have slept with her,pls drop this farida,s case she is not up to the standard of this kafila & shocked why her name is even mentioned on this blog coz if you know her that well she is nothing near human being,faridah is the cheapest girl v ever seen, money she no get,pikin sef she no get so what are we talking about.... all this run girls ve got kids oto oroo korooo,i rest my case.
ReplyDeleteWhat went wrong with the shogunro sisters? Seems dia babalawo don die o. Cos all their marriages just collapse @ d same time, toyin,joke and now kafila. See y one should nt rely on juju? Trust God and live a decent life all other tins will fall in place. To Bola A God gives wealth and adds no sorrow #gbam#
ReplyDeleteTope Awoye has a new lesbian partner. Her name is Sola Olab. Sola use to be Bisi partner before trailer went between them. Sola and Tope are like hubby and wife. Shame no go gree me continue their tory.
ReplyDeleteThis same Gori slept with tope awoye, farida ,laide olohunwa, and kafila knows and still calls him her husband na wa o. The gorilla is even call mr sweet dick and u expect him to have a child? This witches hv sucked out all is benefit in life. He's violent because he's depressed
ReplyDeleteDayo A is not married o, she's just giving pple d impression that her mugu has married her. The man has wife and kids abroad and he's just enjoying free pussy cos he knows she can't get pregnant. She still sleeps around big time.
ReplyDeleteKafilat's shop is dead, no stock even the marnequins are naked she can't get a loan and travel cos bisi ibidapo seized her passport tope awoye is also out of business as she can't afford shop rent cos they both acquired dia working capital dubious means and stealing please learn from this story y'all. God giveth wealth and adds no sorrow
ReplyDeleteHusband snatching yeye toyin sogunro is begging for money to top up her fone and buy groceries in london and joke sogunro sleeps in her shop on awolowo road after she was kicked out of her husbands house. They must have been cursed by one of the pple dey ruined. Jesus help dem o this punishment is too much
ReplyDeleteWhat has domestic violence gt to do with runs,lesbians and runs? Na wa o
ReplyDeleteWho is dis shit hole talking abt farida kafilas frd??excus me farida is happily more farida on dis blog.... blood will be shed in shitta I swear down....wats d problem u pple tink u can mess around wit anybody dis is 2013....I swear to God pple wil be killed or kidnap I swear wit my life. U Guys shld mention her name one more time.una go see gombe....low down dirty shameless paupers....who has a land or built a house among u??
ReplyDeleteGori sogunro? Wow he changed his fathers name to associate with this dirty family? So sad am sure the jazz no fit fade for life. This kafila wicked no be small its better she used him for money rituals cos of his greed dan this riddiculous act of having him adopt her maiden name. Gold diggers beware of sugar mommys they got no mercy
ReplyDeleteAm intrested in adewunmi's story pls bring it on as per farida she's doing well and making it big in okota wia she runs her spa even yetunde up2u is jealous of her and ready to beg her for soft loan cos I heard she's broke and planning to run to canada as all banks are after her for loan repayment defaults.
ReplyDeleteSDK pls close dis tread its getting messy and can lead to anytin. Domestic violence turned riot!
ReplyDeleteTope @ 32 looks like 45 and wants her mates and seniors to call her aunty tope shame on u fool. Get a life and stop dis wierd bleaching tin it makes u look like a doll. Don't u ever wonder y no man wants to have a relationship wit u? They all wanna fuck and run cos u don't look real stop lesbianism,stealing,BF snatching bleaching and live a good life for the sake of your kids kafila will just destroy u cos her life is already destroyed beyond ammendment
ReplyDeleteToo too much venom and secrets being spilled out here. If these women ever jam themselves in public, area go scatter that day becos these are some very angry women.
ReplyDeleteLadies, fishy odor emanating from the private area is most often caused by bacterial vaginosis (bv). See you obgyn ASAP for antibiotics.
Ha oloriburuku ni eyin weray yi oh!!!! Fear God small..
ReplyDeleteAnon 1:09am you just described Bola Awosika without the lesbo part.BA runs after all her friends boyfriends including the dead Tobi's husband whom she goes to live and sleep with in America.Ask her what happened with Aremo,Aisha Achimugus husband,Aunty Joke's hubby Umah,Abdulsamad,Kunle Ogunmefun all her friends hubby's o!BA I know the man you are in America with another friends boyfriend.Stupid aged kpom
ReplyDeleteDirty Adewunmi Yusuf! Bloody hypocrite! Did u not come f...k Tope Awoye man in london for a mere handbag? Vain! Open ur mouth again and I'll say more, useless cheap orobo! Slept with Gbenga Daniel for contract u never got, one chance!
ReplyDeleteBola Awosika! See ur yansh for public, very shameful!!! Bola is full of envy which is why she always talking bad of her friends, I dnt care how many men she sleeps with bcus the punani is hers, Bola knows everybody but dnt no why she's still struggling desperately.... I've neva see her relax without shouting and nagging forming busy doing notin,, her major problem is she's always in competition with others and lies. Bola my dear you can't be like Aisha, Timbo, or anybody else those not mean wen ur time comes you won't be better dan dem, plan ur spending according to ur income to avoid unnecessary stress, only u one can't do all the business, narrow ur business to two and give it ur best, bola as like 10 companies with about 30 unfounded accounts, why? Before she make small profit she's bought ticket to travel, buying cheapest fake junks to stock doesn't make u a big girl, big girl is the girl that as less quality stuffs with investment and fat bank account... My dear BA you ave enough to live well with ur daughter if u can be a realist and not a dreamer, stop lying! Stop dis I wanna be by force, bcus she as bad reputation she always want people to feel you're bad too.. Said so much about me to her friend and dat one told me wen she got to no I'm not wat bola portrays me to be.. I no u can't pay less dan 2m for ur flat but if ur income can't support it why stressing? Be Real to urself so u can ave peace..
ReplyDeleteBola Awosika! See ur yansh for public, very shameful!!! Bola is full of envy which is why she always talking bad of her friends, I dnt care how many men she sleeps with bcus the punani is hers, Bola knows everybody but dnt no why she's still struggling desperately.... I've neva see her relax without shouting and nagging forming busy doing notin,, her major problem is she's always in competition with others and lies. Bola my dear you can't be like Aisha, Timbo, or anybody else not mean wen ur time comes you won't be better dan dem, plan ur spending according to ur income to avoid unnecessary stress, only u one can't do all the business, narrow ur business to two and give it ur best, bola as like 10 companies with about 30 unfounded accounts, why? Before she make small profit she's bought ticket to travel, buying cheapest fake junks to stock doesn't make u a big girl, big girl is the girl that as less quality stuffs with investment and fat bank account... My dear BA you ave enough to live well with ur daughter if u can be a realist and not a dreamer, stop lying! Stop dis I wanna be by force, bcus she as bad reputation she always want people to feel you're bad too.. Said so much about me to her friend and dat one told me wen she got to no I'm not wat bola portrays me to be.. I no u can't pay less dan 2m for ur flat but if ur income can't support it why stressing? Be Real to urself so u can ave peace..
ReplyDeleteAnonymous 8.11am you're damm right! But Kunle as long left her but always forming like they're still close, nuisance!! .. Bola is too dirty, can fu..k anybody which still bothers me how she does it, " my Oga" my boo"
ReplyDeleteAunty bola pls stop allowing ur child call Everyman u screw daddy, very irritating! Her sister is my frnd so trust me I no dis woman very well.. Brings in different men to sleep in ur house with a growing daughter is bad, plus wen you go work for her she doesn't like paying which is d reason she can't get good team to support her, na only u need money? Agbaya!
Am sure all u pple commenting dnt hv anyting to kp u guys busy ,make all una go gt a life no 1 is a saint .u all shuld go read d bible abeg , if any1 of dem dies today na so una go dey cry nd b saying RIP .
ReplyDeleteAnon 1:09, i laugh at your fake story. How can u come here to present such a lie? Kafila was not beaten by her lover's wife. She was beaten by Gori. He beat her blue and black bcos she was sleeping around. On d day of ojude oba, Kafila and her lover, Kamoru baale went to ijebu ode together. One of kafila friend did amebo for Gori and he waited for her to come back. When she came back and Gori confronted her. She was trying to do big girl and Gori landed her with igbati gbigbona. He beat her sotey she was rushed to d hospital. When people saw Kafila later and asked her what happend to her, she lied that she was attacked by arm robbers on her way from ijebu. It was Gori himself who bust her lies and told people he beat her up. So where did u get your verson from.
ReplyDeleteAdewunmi Yesufu you are the worst of the lot because you are forever on Facebook criticizing actresses like Fouke Daramola for husband snatching. Your sanctimonious attitude makes me wrench. You are nothing but a bloody hypocrite who should cover her face in shame. Your dirty laundry list is longer than the route from Epe to Nassarawa. Always sleeping with other people's leftovers. No wonder you and your so called besto Kemi beat each other black and blue over Dele. That is your modus operandi, targeting married men who only use and dump you. You are nothing more than a jump off. You have a serious inferiority complex. You are so jealous of your big Kemi . You begrudge her wealth and are always struggling to keep up. If you come here to say rubbish. I will reveal your true cheap ass to the whole world.
ReplyDeleteshameless low class women..look at you all washing your pants on stellasblog.make una go meet una sef for oshodi fight na.shame shame shame!
ReplyDeletewith all the accusations here,i will quietly advise you all to leave the internet and go for checkup to know your status'
ReplyDeleteall the men and women that these women have sexed,if you are reading this,i hope it tames you all...........low life bitches kiss and tell.
kafila sogunro.this is your life...the chronicles of an asaewo oloriburuku.
ReplyDeletesee what your watery pussy has caused?
i have been waiting so long for yor ass to be snatched my man yrs bk,broke my marriage but i have been praying for this day and judgement is here afterall.
i am having a party this weekend,no one will know why.but i am too happy to let this just pass.
karma visited you afterall!
Laugh wan tear my shirts o..... Price u pay for bin too popular!!! You need see Tope and Bola in party how dey go table to table to mark register, very classless hoes, Dayo comport herself better though she might ave cleared all the Omo town there but u won't no... Bola case is the case of taking someone outa gutar but can't take gutar out of her, she really need to go to school of behaviour to learn the how to comport and behave outside... Was in her 40th birthday as she claimed but wasn't surprise to see her setting, was thinking living in vi would ave change her gra gra but still d same Bola even her mum 80th wasn't organise at all for someone dat is an event planner, shame!!! Everytin na by force for bola o... Neva relax. No integrity at all!! Bola can't be balance bcus gbese too much, she lacks coordination...