Stella Dimoko Thursday Spontaneous Post


Thursday, March 20, 2025

Thursday Spontaneous Post

 #smile #thoughtfulthursday #thankful #blessed #loved #itiswhatitis #selfloveisreal #positivevibesonly

Good Morning....

(Reads the prayer up there and say a big AMEN)
It is a positive vibes week so keep ignoring anyone with negative vibes around you.......
Warm hugs



  1. Heavenly Father,we thank you for another wonderful Thursday morning.
    Cast your cares on the LORD and He will sustain you;He will never let the righteous fall.
    Beloved of God, in this time of difficulties, may we find comfort and strength in the belief that our Lovely Father will sustain us to n Jesus name 🙏.
    We pray for our families,may heaven offer us guidance,protection and assurance of his unwavering presence in Jesus name 🙏.Today,we declare we will never go alone for the Lord will lead us to still waters in Jesus in Jesus name 🙏

  2. "The Gift of a man, makes way for him".
    The above quote is found in the Bible, and simply means, those who discover their gifts/talents, and are able to harness it, will enjoy wealth, greatness and dine with royalty.
    Genuine Gospel singers, sing songs to glorify the name of the Lord, edify the body of Christ, and make small change to take care of themselves. These people have needs, kids and families to cater for, and for most, music is all they got. So, because the songs are for the glory of God, they should come to your church, minister and go? When it's time to pay his children's school fees, will Nathaniel Bassey sing "Onise Iyanu" in the school premises, in exchange for fees? Or will Mercy Chinwo sing "Obinasom" in the supermarket when she wants to get diapers for her baby?
    Are Pastors and missionaries not paid for their work and service? Why should a singer be condemned for requesting for something to come and minister? These guys rehearse daily, have band members they need to settle, pay for studio sessions, logistics etc. Let's be realistic!
    Do some of them charge exorbitantly? Probably. But that's what they feel they are worth. If you can't afford it, bounce!
    I'd rather blame some churches for making some singers charge ridiculous amounts. If every church builds their music department, and invests in their own singers, they won't have the need to invite anyone who will annoy them with their charges. But most times, in the bid for competition, promotion and to excite the crowd, churches invite top stars to make a statement.
    Dear Pastors, invest in your singers!! The ones who are popular now, other pastors who believed in them, invested.
    Una Gud Morning......#ALiSpeaks

    1. God said he will bless the works of our hands. What do these complainants think this sentence means for gospel artistes. They should charge their worth abeg. If worldly singers can make money for their family from singing, why should the voice I use to glorify God not bless me?

    2. Na where person dey work e go from chop. I tire o
      Every worker is entitled to his or her wage 👌🏻
      Beautiful Morning bro 💜

    3. Where man they work na there e dey chop. These god of men feeding fat from the church while expecting others to render their services for free. O wrong nau.

    4. Afterall, the pastors are "chopping" where they work!

  3. Be grateful in all circumstances because when you are grateful, you paint little smiley faces on everyone you come across.

    Good morning blogfam I hope we had a great night rest? I am grateful for the gift of today and God's mercy. I wish us a beautiful and safe day ahead.

    1. Gratitude is the best attitude.
      Good morning Omo 😘 and do have a blessed day ahead 🥰

  4. Rhapsody

    Make An Impact With Your Life!!
    Mathew 5:14.

    "In Matthew 5:16; He said, “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” Here, Jesus emphasized letting your light shine so brightly until others are inspired to glorify God because of you."

    "Every day, glow with such radiance, brilliance and intensity that your life becomes a testament to God’s glory."


    Dear Father, thank you for making me the light of the world. I commit to letting my light shine so brightly that men see my good works and glorify you. I demonstrate your nature and bring glory to your Name. Thank you for giving me a life of purpose, impact and influence, for your glory. I’m enthused by this reality, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

  5. Good morning everyone.
    Have an amazing day.

    1. Good morning beautiful Cyn 😍

    2. Good morning sis 💜 have an excellent day

    3. Good morning Cyn 🥰 Wishing you a beautiful day.

  6. Goodmorning iya Boys
    Goodmorning Bloglicious Family

    Heavenly Lord Your Name Is Wonderful
    Your Name Is Excellent
    Your Name Is Beautiful
    I Worship You Lord For You're
    You Got The Whole World In Your Hands..

    Hallelujah 🙏🙏
    Kisses 💋 And Hugs 🫂 From Chikalicious 🌹

    Hello iya Boys

    1. Good morning beautiful Chika 😍

    2. Good morning beautiful sis 🥰

    3. BBlicious My Darling 🥰
      Purest sweetie 🥰

      Hello iya Boys

  7. Good morning beautiful people of SDKville 😍
    Trust y'all had a pleasant night rest.
    Amen to the prayers up there🙏
    I wish y'all an amazing day ahead 💘

  8. Lent: Day 𝟷4


    Key Verse: "_Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you._" (1 Thessalonians 5:18)

    As we journey through Lent, we are reminded of the importance of cultivating gratitude in our lives. Gratitude is a powerful tool that helps us to focus on the goodness of God and the blessings that we have received.

    In 1 Thessalonians 5:18, Paul encourages us to give thanks in all circumstances. This is not always easy, especially when we are facing challenges and difficulties. However, Paul reminds us that giving thanks is the will of God for us, and that it is a key part of living a life of faith.

    As we reflect on the importance of gratitude, let us remember that it is a choice that we must make every day. May we learn to cultivate gratitude in our lives, even in the midst of challenges and difficulties. May we give thanks in all circumstances, knowing that this is the will of God for us.

    Dear Heavenly Father, I come to you today, asking for the strength to cultivate gratitude in my life. Help me to focus on the goodness of God and the blessings that I have received. Give me the courage to give thanks in all circumstances, knowing that this is Your will for me. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.


  9. RAMADAN DAY - 20 DUA🤲🤲

    Oh Allah, on this day, open for us the doors of the heavens, and lock the doors of Hell from us. Help us to recite the Qur'an, Oh the One who sends down tranquility into the
    hearts of believers. Amin ya Al-Qadir🤲
    Good morning everyone 🎉

    GOD I thank you for life today 🙌
    Good morning Sweethearts 😍
    How are you doing today?

    1. Good morning beautiful NN 😍. Doing great 👍

    2. Good morning ijele Nnukwu Nwayi 😍

    3. Good morning Nnukwu nwanyioma 😘

  11. Birthday studio picture, total of 8 copies for 2 outfits, Lekki photographers are collecting 1.7 million to take it.
    All these hardship rant we are doing, Tinubu no go believe us because of some of you & your choices of luxury or nothing😂😂

    1. Is this true?
      Here it is 3k per copy, then you take at least three pictures per outfit. That is the cheapest.

  12. Once you start seeing results, the grind becomes addictive.

    Good Morning.


    © TEEJAY

    1. Teejay I use Opay POS machine for my POS business, not Moniepoint.
      No vex say I no reply on time, your brouhaha with Glory did not allow me to remember what you asked. I wanted to reply the next day when you both started drama.

  13. Good morning everyone
    Being alive is a gift.

  14. Replies
    1. Good morning beautiful Aboki 😍. It's the terrible network dear. We're paying more,for less 😔😔😔

    2. Thanks mama. Couldn't comment ask through yesterday but it's working now.

  15. Ekaaro gbogbo ile

    Ameen to your prayers stella


    'Those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again.' John 4:14 NLT

    The woman Jesus met at the well had been married five times. She had tried multiple relationships in an attempt to fill the void within her. But it didn't work for her, and it won't work for you. Neither will climbing the corporate ladder, or acquiring more and more stuff, or achieving fame. Note what Jesus told this woman: 'Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again' (John 4:13 NKJV).

    When you're in the desert without water, there's a point at which you start seeing mirages and believing things that are not real. And when your soul continues to be parched and dry, you start reaching for things that are not real and cannot satisfy it. Jesus didn't bring up this woman's past to embarrass her. He referenced it for one reason only: to let her know that he could heal the wounds of her past and give her hope for a better future. And he did. Not only did he transform her, but she also became the first person to introduce the gospel to Samaria.
    Word For Today

    Essa Atelier

    1. Jesus the fountain of life 🙌
      Thanks Essa 😘

  17. Good morning everyone 💛👋💛

    Contentment isn't something you find; It's something you create by living authentically and Unapologetically as yourself 💯💯💯

    Y'all have a splendid day ahead 😘😘😘

  18. Good morning everyone.
    As we step out today, GOD's favour shall locate us Amen.

    Thank you all for celebrating my daughter's birthday with me yesterday. I truly appreciate 🙏.
    I say a Very Big Amen to all prayers and wishes .
    God bless you 🙏🙏

    1. Happy belated birthday to your baby girl.. good morning ezigbo Adabeke 🥰

  19. Nobody takes this- "Never feed a horse you're not riding" rule seriously like me ajeh😂
    I even extended it to birthday gifts sef, I wonder why I have been so dvmb giving gifts to ladies on their birthdays when they don't so the same to me, asin i was always doing it like it's their right and I owe them that,. You go see all of them just becoming nice to me a week or two before their birthdays, now tell me few days before - Dante my birthday is next week Friday.. me sef go come dey budget wetin to give not minding how uncomfortable it makes me.. Omo, I don too jonze oh.. I have unlearned that shii now..

    Now for ladies that we share nothing and I know won't do me same, I don't stress to be nice to them, on their birthdays, I just wish them a happy birthday and give them a very lengthy prayer 😂🤣.. abi I no try??

    I go come dey look their status later dey do "wow" and "oh this is so nice" for post of the gifts and monies was sent to them by other guys wey never wise up.. wetin concern me😌

    1. Someone said something yesterday that cut so deep in me and after he had left, I kept on pondering on those words. He said, ''Some persons only come into our life for their greed and gain.''

      True friendship is priceless.

      © TEEJAY

    2. I believe in give and take..this I have applied even in my home, with friends and family..
      I'm so use to it now, except I'm just helping you out without expecting anything in return..

  20. Good morning everyone and Happy Thursday to us,I say Amen! to your prayers up there Mammi Stella 😘🥰
    Cheers to a new day ✌️

    1. I think I'm crushing on you already!
      Glory o

  21. Amen to the prayers up there.
    Good morning all.

  22. The Ancient of days shall prolong ur days & u shall be divinely enriched; The enemies shall not rejoice over u & ur household, no set back for u, in Jesus name.Good morning beautiful people.

  23. I can’t believe that it’s my nose that is this clear. I can’t believe it. Didn’t use xylo spray throughout yesterday and I woke up with my nose being free. Hey God! I just can’t believe it. Now, my prayer is that it’s not just a temporary situation because of the medications I’m still on but I highly doubt it. I don’t even care at this point if they bill me CHF 1000 for this, as long as it cures this nonsense I’ve had for over 20 years of my life (if I remember correctly).

    Can’t remember the last time I sneezed or even blew my nose, something that had been my signature steeze for the past how many years.

    Nocturnal (forgive me if I’m wrong but I think it was you that mentioned having the same issue), I believe this is ur cue to visit an ENT specialist so they see if there’s actually something else causing urs that can be treated

    1. Wow thank God for your healing and I pray it remains permanent.

  24. AMEN 🙏🏿

    Have a blessed day people.

  25. Most women and lying to themselves.
    Whenever the evil feminism is discussed, you'll see them saying feminist fought for women to work, be heard blah blah blah,. .
    Yes, that was feminist of the old, what impact are the present feminist making, what advice do they give, what do they do, what is their character.. bitter, damaged, ev!l women that are only out to support immorality and insult men.

    It's just like saying cultism is good because the cultist of old were fighting for a good cause,. Or you try to justify cultism because of all those Bangladesh they say about how they're there to fight oppression, social justice and equity, service to humanity, protection and all other rubbish lies,.

    These are just what is used to get members to join, same way feminist use the lies about fighting for real women empowerment to get member, but in truth, na ev!l demonic organisation all of them be.

    If you claim feminism is a good cause, then you should agree cultism is a good cause too..

    The people that are honest with themselves know this, the rest of you can argue with your keypads👍🏽..

    1. Honestly?I don't really understand the modern day feminism.When women/ladies tell me they are feminists I wonder what they understand by feminism.I am still waiting for that explanation that makes sense because when they claim feminist,they are often rude,uncouth,self centred,wild,crazy,stubborn,GenZ behaviour maximise by 100,kai the list is endless.

  26. U are not alone in ur struggles , God has a plan to prosper u, to give u a hope and a bright future.
    Good morning blog fam.

  27. "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all. Amen."_
    _(2 Corinthians 13:14)_

    "The communion of the Holy Ghost" in the verse above refers to the relationship, partnership, communication, or fellowship with the Holy Spirit. It involves talking with Him; yielding to His Lordship and guidance; sharing your thoughts with Him, and receiving His thoughts in your spirit and through the Word. This is what marks you out for an exceptional grace.

    Develop an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit. Commune with Him constantly in prayer and through meditation on God's Word.
    Remember He's the Helper, Counsellor, Teacher, Advocate, Comforter, Strengthener and standby that Jesus said the Father would send to us. *_(John 14:26)_* 😍😍😍😍

    Good morning 💕

  28. Good morning my beautiful people 🥰

  29. Good morning great people.

    Has this been happening, or am I just noticing it now? I received a credit alert from Orange Bank last night, and a few minutes later, a one hundred naira debit alert for electronic transfer charges. I thought charges only applied when you transfer money. So now, one get charged for transferring and receiving money.

    This is wickedness to the average Nigerians

    1. You are just noticing it. Even the "pay" ones we are using have joined them 😠

  30. Women are bad, they are these and that, men are scum bla bla yet all the event halls in Lagos and other states are serially booked down and busy every weekend.
    Dey there dey rant every eke market day, dey play!!!! Is it goats that are getting married every Fridays and Saturdays in Nigeria?!

  31. Lagos Mainland Girl20 March 2025 at 08:33

    Thanks for the prayers
    We say Amen

  32. Bonjour lovelies 🧡❤️💙😍

    Few hours to weekend.

    Hope we are keeping it real✌️

    It will favour you today.

  33. LORD, I'm grateful for the bright and great day,I'm grateful for everything be it good or bad, thank you JESUS for dying for my sin, take all the Glory LORD 🙏Good morning beautiful people.wishing you all a blessed day filled with love and happiness ❤️🌹🥰

  34. LORD, I'm grateful for the bright and great day,I'm grateful for everything be it good or bad, thank you JESUS for dying for my sin, take all the Glory LORD 🙏Good morning beautiful people.wishing you all a blessed day filled with love and happiness ❤️🌹🥰

  35. Amen and Amen 🙏
    Good morning everyone 💞💞

  36. Goodmorning Everyone.
    Day 79 of 365...

    TobeChukwu..... He has Done It For Me!!!!

    1. Thank you Jesus 🙏🏽

    2. Thank you YAHWEH SABAOTH, Altuage is Thankful.

    3. Thank U Lord 🙏 for another breaking of the day.

      Olorun atobiju

      Mogaji odé orún

      Ení mimo fúnfún bala wú

      Obá tó gá jú oké ló

      Obá aladé Alafia.

      Obá aikú

  37. Good morning Sdk family
    A big AMEN to your prayers Stella 🙏
    May God help us to achieve all that we desire 🙏

  38. Good morning SDK and BVs. Tremendous Thursday. Thank you Jesus. Chukwu okike. 🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿

  39. Amen Jewelu,
    I'm Indeed grateful Lord🙏🏻
    When I was down to nothing, I knew You were up to something.
    Uwese baba 🙌🏻

    Beautiful abd Blissful day ahead everyone 💕💯

  40. Up and grateful to God Almighty for the gift 🎁 of life
    Good morning blog fam
    Hope you all had a great night...
    Have a wonderful day ahead

  41. Up and grateful 🙏🙏
    Alhamdulilah for the gift of life

    Good morning everyone 😍🥰

  42. Up and grateful 🙏
    Thank God for seeing another day
    Oluwaseun 🙏
    Amen to the prayers Stella
    Y'all have a great day 👌

  43. Commenting on this blog these days is now a Herculean Task for me. I think it's because of the hatred this place exudes. I will continue to say my truth not minding whose ox is gored.

    1. Miliki, it's your wickedness that caused it. No peace for the wicked.

    2. What wickedness? 😂😹😆 That should be for the user paying peanuts and not me. I can never be a user na.

    3. So why are u still here? crying, begging the 'user' for money,job?
      Go to where u won't be use and get whatever you asked.. LEAVE

    4. My dear grow up and go and get a job.

      Leave your fellow miscreants this year who are still wiping spit off their chest and make something of yourself. C'mon!!

    5. Silly thing you are still here? used you how u nincompoopu copied and brought to me from other pple and i paid u for it....did u create your own content? for your info while you yourself a river, i am richer now..hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
      pathetic piece of cow dung...imagine coming to my blog to do this? its not by force, please GTFOH

  44. My Nyanya people, hope you all are safe. Yesterday's accident was a WA. May God keep guarding us,.amen.

  45. Bonjour Blogfam ♥️
    Amen to your prayers Stella 🙏

  46. Good morning everyone 🥰😘
    Stella I say amen to that beautiful prayer up there. Thank you and God bless you.

    #Thankful Thursday 💃 Abba Father im so grateful for everything you are doing and everything you will still do.

    Bvs have a tremendous Thursday.
    E go surely be ✌️

  47. Employers should learn to treat their employees right. It's not too much to ask mbok. Do y'all know how hurtful/painful it is to be defamed?? It's unforgivable trust me. Even if I had the intention of being apologetic before, that singular act was a dang stumbling block. I am loyal to people. You treat me right and in turn, return the energy. Ebira people don't take nonsense and of course, my case hasn't been any different. Any good, I have gotta skedaddle. Toodles!!

    1. Cry me a River, Vincent..
      Leave Stella alone naw,is it by force to employ you?
      You are a wizard..
      And if u didn't leave Stella alone,her matter will bring you down fall..
      See now,u are already going mad..

    2. I in turn**
      I am still on here notwithstanding them odds


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