How is everyone......
Hello Stella and BVs. My name is Irene, I have been a BV for 2yrs, I comment (not so often sha) as the best amongst the cuties. I am married with three beautiful princesses.
Stella I must say your blog is bae, I have learnt a lot from it and its a place I visit everyday. I say make I send in photos na, make me sef folo. Lol.
Shout out to all the BVs, you guys are wonderful. Enjoy the week.
Three kids?you look like someone in her teenage!!!
"Hello Nwunye Korkus,
I took these pictures after church on Sunday and said to myself; "Ihn, here we come". Lol!
My name is Uche, an ardent bv thaT has refused to get a blog I.d
@valoirevents is my IG handle, oya beevees come and mark register. 
Side eyes at Sarah (my co-bv turned client, turned friend) and kisses to her son, Tenife (Sarah can collect her kiss elsewhere) Lol!
Stella I love you and I love this blog. After SDK na still SDK. Muah!
Side eyes at Sarah (my co-bv turned client, turned friend) and kisses to her son, Tenife (Sarah can collect her kiss elsewhere) Lol!
Stella I love you and I love this blog. After SDK na still SDK. Muah!
Uche covers in house news with segzy hi'
Some guys will look at you and be like ''We die there!''
Some guys will look at you and be like ''We die there!''
People often talk about the dreams they have had and I have also noticed a few people on this blog, seeking interpretation to their dreams.
According to Wikipedia, a 'Dream' is a succession of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations that usually occur involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep.
Dream is experienced by both the young and old and it is associated with human life.
Sometimes, dreams can be pleasant and at other times be a nightmare.
Below are my assumptions and opinions about dreams........
• Every dream can either be a message, summary of the day's events or a reflection of one's state of health.
• I think there is no generic interpretation to dreams as may have been thought. Hence seeking interpretation to all dreams is irrelevant to me.
Some dreams convey messages meant for individuals and for particular reasons and purposes.
Some are pleasant with the "feel good" factor. This type of dream usually occur when an individual goes to bed with good thoughts about certain things.
• Growing up, I came to understand that sleeping positions can cause nightmares.
An elderly man once told me that when you sleep with your back and your face facing the position of the sky, you are likely to have a nightmare.
I have found this to be true sometimes through personal experiences.
• Dreams can also be spiritual battles that individuals face unknowingly. This aspect of dreams is usually scary and could end up with the dreamer shouting or crying out loud in their sleep.
It is also possible for the dreamer to struggle to wake up or regain consciousness.
• Dreams can be the continuation of the day's events. Those unfinished businesses and discussions usually play back during sleep.
• Do you know illnesses can also cause nightmares?
Oh yes! Some people experience nightmares with malaria.
• For messages that come in the form of dreams, they are usually revelations and it may take deep understanding and prayers to discern such revelations.
Often, God reveals things to us about the future or present through dreams.
• Not all dreams manifest as you see them.
For example, It is possible to see your loved ones in a negative way in your dream but it doesn't mean they are evil.
In conclusion, no matter the type of the dream you may have had, be it a pleasant or nightmare, it is advisable to always pray to God about it.
By doing so, negative situations can be arrested and unforeseen orchestration of the devil can be cancelled.
P.S (Post written & composed by TEEJAY. 15th May 2018).
People often talk about the dreams they have had and I have also noticed a few people on this blog, seeking interpretation to their dreams.
According to Wikipedia, a 'Dream' is a succession of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations that usually occur involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep.
Dream is experienced by both the young and old and it is associated with human life.
Sometimes, dreams can be pleasant and at other times be a nightmare.
Below are my assumptions and opinions about dreams........
• Every dream can either be a message, summary of the day's events or a reflection of one's state of health.
• I think there is no generic interpretation to dreams as may have been thought. Hence seeking interpretation to all dreams is irrelevant to me.
Some dreams convey messages meant for individuals and for particular reasons and purposes.
Some are pleasant with the "feel good" factor. This type of dream usually occur when an individual goes to bed with good thoughts about certain things.
• Growing up, I came to understand that sleeping positions can cause nightmares.
An elderly man once told me that when you sleep with your back and your face facing the position of the sky, you are likely to have a nightmare.
I have found this to be true sometimes through personal experiences.
• Dreams can also be spiritual battles that individuals face unknowingly. This aspect of dreams is usually scary and could end up with the dreamer shouting or crying out loud in their sleep.
It is also possible for the dreamer to struggle to wake up or regain consciousness.
• Dreams can be the continuation of the day's events. Those unfinished businesses and discussions usually play back during sleep.
• Do you know illnesses can also cause nightmares?
Oh yes! Some people experience nightmares with malaria.
• For messages that come in the form of dreams, they are usually revelations and it may take deep understanding and prayers to discern such revelations.
Often, God reveals things to us about the future or present through dreams.
• Not all dreams manifest as you see them.
For example, It is possible to see your loved ones in a negative way in your dream but it doesn't mean they are evil.
In conclusion, no matter the type of the dream you may have had, be it a pleasant or nightmare, it is advisable to always pray to God about it.
By doing so, negative situations can be arrested and unforeseen orchestration of the devil can be cancelled.
P.S (Post written & composed by TEEJAY. 15th May 2018).
How will you feel if you discuss issues with your husband about his brothers and Brother's wife and your husband goes about telling his brother and now my home is not too settled as hubby is ready to hit me at the moment. did I go wrong in telling my hubby something?.
*Were you trying to cause discord between your hubby and his brothers and their wives?...Did you tell him not to ask?why?such things cause bad blood and then it depends on the gravity of what you it true?did you show him proof? time look for a solution whilst you keep your mouth shut.
*Were you trying to cause discord between your hubby and his brothers and their wives?...Did you tell him not to ask?why?such things cause bad blood and then it depends on the gravity of what you it true?did you show him proof? time look for a solution whilst you keep your mouth shut.
While I was serving, I and another lady were posted to the same place of primary assignment, so our employer gave us a room to share. The environment was very boring and lonely,so most times after school hours we would just relax and gist and this made us bond easily.
One day she told me a sad story that made my belief about village people stronger . She lost her dad at a very young age and so her mum was left with the responsibility to cater for six children; four boys and two girls. Her mum usually visited the village with them and each time they visited,her aunty was always welcoming.
In fact she would go out of her way to prepare food for them on their first day of arrival. She was so nice and everyone loved her. They never realised that beneath the cheerful and nice façade was a calculative and evil aunt. By the time they knew her for who she really was,she had done so much damage.
Thank God for her mum who quickly became a prayerful woman and God directed her path to a pastor who could see visions and have revelations before disaster could strike. This lady was beautiful by all standards; tall,fair skinned,nicely rounded in the right places but from the time she gained admission and graduated no man ever asked her out. It was so glaring. Even when she went out with her friends,they would get male attention but no one ever fancied her.
She managed to be in a relationship with a guy she liked but she was dating herself because the guy never did anything for her. If she asked for N200 recharge card it would come two weeks later and with serious begging. She was really worried and her elder sister was not left out. That one was in her early thirties and any man who showed interest in her would all of a sudden develop cold feet. The mum did not relent but continued steadfastly in the place of prayer for her children.
One day during prayers,her pastor called her out and told her the second daughter she had was painted with charcoal spiritually and that no one could really see her. The pastor broke the yoke and prophesied that she would marry a very rich man and that her wedding would be the talk of the town. The pastor warned them to be careful about her aunt as she was on a mission to wipe out the family.
There was a time her elder brother became unnecessarily stubborn, he just changed, refused to help around the house and always itching for a fight. The mum found this strange but didn't attach much significance to it. However, during one of the programs, the pastor revealed to the mum that their aunt had sent the spirit of madness into her son and it was only a matter of time before it fully manifested. She was told to look for a mad man and give him money and that would cancel the power manipulating her son. She did just that and her son stopped being recalcitrant.
One day she told me a sad story that made my belief about village people stronger . She lost her dad at a very young age and so her mum was left with the responsibility to cater for six children; four boys and two girls. Her mum usually visited the village with them and each time they visited,her aunty was always welcoming.
In fact she would go out of her way to prepare food for them on their first day of arrival. She was so nice and everyone loved her. They never realised that beneath the cheerful and nice façade was a calculative and evil aunt. By the time they knew her for who she really was,she had done so much damage.
Thank God for her mum who quickly became a prayerful woman and God directed her path to a pastor who could see visions and have revelations before disaster could strike. This lady was beautiful by all standards; tall,fair skinned,nicely rounded in the right places but from the time she gained admission and graduated no man ever asked her out. It was so glaring. Even when she went out with her friends,they would get male attention but no one ever fancied her.
She managed to be in a relationship with a guy she liked but she was dating herself because the guy never did anything for her. If she asked for N200 recharge card it would come two weeks later and with serious begging. She was really worried and her elder sister was not left out. That one was in her early thirties and any man who showed interest in her would all of a sudden develop cold feet. The mum did not relent but continued steadfastly in the place of prayer for her children.
One day during prayers,her pastor called her out and told her the second daughter she had was painted with charcoal spiritually and that no one could really see her. The pastor broke the yoke and prophesied that she would marry a very rich man and that her wedding would be the talk of the town. The pastor warned them to be careful about her aunt as she was on a mission to wipe out the family.
There was a time her elder brother became unnecessarily stubborn, he just changed, refused to help around the house and always itching for a fight. The mum found this strange but didn't attach much significance to it. However, during one of the programs, the pastor revealed to the mum that their aunt had sent the spirit of madness into her son and it was only a matter of time before it fully manifested. She was told to look for a mad man and give him money and that would cancel the power manipulating her son. She did just that and her son stopped being recalcitrant.
During our service year, another man came to ask for her sister's hand in marriage. After the introduction rites,the same process was playing out again so she begged me to join her in prayers for her sister. Service year ended and we went our separate ways. We kept in touch for a while and I got informed that her sister was happily married. With time, we kind of drifted apart but I still had her on my whatsapp contact.Two years later, I saw her profile picture with a very beautiful and expensive looking diamond ring. I wasted no time in chatting her up and she confirmed she was getting married.
From the picture she sent, he was so good looking and when she later posted the pictures of her house,it was as beautiful as those seen in movies. I was so happy for her.
From the picture she sent, he was so good looking and when she later posted the pictures of her house,it was as beautiful as those seen in movies. I was so happy for her.
*So your friend was the one they prophesied would marry a rich man?Thought it was her sister....What happened to the Aunt?Make una try dey finish gist na....
Stella I'm dating a guy based in abroad and married to a White woman. I'm just confused.. We really love each other and he wants me to be his Nigeria wife. If it has worked for anyone please help a sister.
I saw this in a wrong post and decided to bring it here....the next two were also posted in a post that had no relation.
You say he wants you to be his Nigerian wife?My dear,if you settle for less,you will get even less than you settled for....How can you even Marry and not live with your hubby?
Please help I need advise I just found out my boyfriend that we are supposed to get introduced this year is cheating on me with his Ex and also with his younger sister inlaw. I need advise on what to do. Should I confront them? I am confused and pained ......
Confront them as in go and confront the Ladies?better not try it before you get beaten up or insulted....Face your boyfriend and do all the confronting with him.
I have a question.for the Christians......
can some tell me where in the bible there was courtship between a man and a woman before they gut married .like wise same question for the Muslim,where is it written in the Koran?
Its amazing to know different people have their knowledge and perception on honey. For some, it has an awful smell, for others, its the taste they can't stand, for some its the texture of it they can't imagine on their skin.
Its always interesting when I hear people say, "why should I buy honey when i don't take tea often" because it reveals just how ignorant such persons are to the numerous benefits of getting LoveDosh honey.
Why do people take all the herbal cleansers despite their bitter taste? Why do people endure pain for a greater good? When you get honey, take it, ignore your initial thoughts, keep at it and you will just see how amazing it is. Its simply the best
Honey has a wide range of uses:
* Honey relieves ulcer cramps... this can never be over emphasized.(2-3 table spoons in the morning and the last thing at night and anytime you ever feel ulcer cramps).
*Honey contains antibiotic properties that help to build our immune system.
*Honey is the best at relieving cough (few spoons of honey morning, noon and night and you will notice the difference right from the first day)
*Honey helps to smoothen your skin and makes it soft and supple (you can mix some of it in good proportion to your cream, don't be scared of ants following you about cus you won't even remember you have honey on your skin).
*Honey cures and prevents acne (apply honey on your face, and wash it off after 20-30 mins, repeat it in the morning and evening and you will be good as ever after a few days)
*Honey helps to relieve nausea (2-3 table spoons of honey when you feel nauseous and you will be fine)
*Honey helps to relieve constipation (4-5 spoons of honey in a cup of warm water or few more spoons can be taken raw and you will get relieved)
*Honey helps to relieve insomnia (warm milk and honey does an amazing job)
* Honey helps to heal chapped lips (dab honey on your lips before going to bed, repeat this for a few days and you will see how smooth, succulent and inviting your lips will be)
*Honey helps to treat mild yeast infection ( dab/pour honey in the infected area, hold it for about 20mins and wash off with warm water).
*Honey helps to fade off scars (applying honey on scars helps it fade off)
*Honey helps in the treatment of insect bites, bruises, burns and wounds. (Due to its antibiotic properties, it heals very fast)
*Honey can be used as a good hair treatment for dandruff and hair breakage thereby encouraging hair growth. (Using honey and olive oil to condition your hair or adding honey to your regular condition or also using honey directly on your scalp helps to treat dandruff and also promotes hair growth).
*Honey treats infected nails (pour honey on an infected nail or pour in a little container and hold your nail in it for 15-20mins, repeat process and you see your nail healing in a week)
*Honey can be sure used to spice up za oda room (hehe... just do it the way u want it ooo...drip honey all over those places u love to suck n lick and add some sweetness to your lives)
Place your orders today and get it delivered to you. Distance is never a barrier.
We have a 3 bedroom flat available for rent in Ibafo. It is in a secured environment with electricity and constant water supply.
All rooms have separate toilet and bathroom.
Working class couple preferred.
Interested couple should kindly contact me on 08035973706.
Thanks and God bless you.
Our shirts are crafted with an obsessive attention to details, because YOU our customer is at the heart of our uniqueness...
Send ur shirt size and get a shirt (official and casual) for 6k. let's make some nice designs for you...
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IG: Heritage_couture_
We deliver nationwide
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Contact us now via WhatsApp: +2347039129948
Limited stock available. Discount offer valid while stock lasts.
What are you waiting for?!
I will like to sell this beautiful size 8-12 wedding dress for 85k.
It also comes with a free basket, free bouquet, free veil and also size 39/40 stoned silver shoes.
I can be contacted on 08139037793. My location is Lagos.
Hello Stella,
I once sent a job posting to your blog and hired two people from the applicants. Unfortunately, we had a bad experience with one of them and at the moment she has been terminated and stole the company’s property. I would appreciate if you post this on your blog to serve as a disclaimer.
*Important information*
Hello all
This serves as a notification that OA, a former customer service rep for LennCapita limited and ardent follower of SDK blog who was hired from this same platform has been terminated from her appointment.
For whatever reasons, she also stole the company laptop on her way out of the office premises yesterday*
She was seen red handed by the facility security man.
Please anyone that sees her should report to her nearest police station or to LennCapita limited.
It was not our intent to do this but we cannot encourage theft.
Thank you all
This is so sad.......Please contact me to clear your name...
Hi ya all π
ReplyDeleteToday has been awesome so far ππ
Happy 16th Wedding Anniversary to darling Boss. 16 years no be 16 days o.
And I pray May all the good things of marriage never cease in your union. May God continue to beautify your union. Amen
Happy Anniversary once again Momma
#Iya Boys
Dare to trust GOD not just when things are going your way, not just when He’s meeting your demands, fulfilling your desires, but even when you don’t understand.
HWA SDK. 16years no be beans
DeleteHappy wedding anniversary sdk
Deletei need tips to get rid of mosquito have try sniper and bagon to no avail.
Awwwwwww.. Happy 16th wedding anniversary to you madam korkus, wish you continuous folds and folds of blessings in your marriage. Amen
DeleteHappy anniversary mrs Korkus. 16 yrs no be come chop..
DeleteAs you celebrate this years of matrimony Stella, may the Lord continue to be your strength and may His countenance shine upon you. Happy wedding anniversary and wishing you all the good things of life.
DeleteHappy anniversary dear Stella...
DeleteGod bless your family ππ€πmore love in home..
Happy wedding anniversary maami,God's blessings fall on yu guys ππππ
DeleteHappy wedding anniversary SDK to more years of happiness with your hubby and kids amen...thanks for the inspiration mamiπ
DeleteHappy wedding anniversary ......many more years in love ma..#loveisthegreatest.
DeleteThe same price here in Ph.I cooked same soup yesterday. Every food stuff just adding money bit by bit........OHA soup loading teejay my man
DeleteHappy Anniversary Stella, wishing you many more years of marital celebrations in Jesus name Amen.
DeleteThanks for posting Stella. Happy wedding anniversary. Wishing you many lovely years together.
DeleteHappy Marriage Anniversary Stella! Cheers to forever π»
DeleteHappy wedding anniversary to you Stella. May God continue to bless your union. Bvs, I did not see the lappie thief pictures. Where was it posted?? And let's not be quick to conclude. Why didn't the security man collect the laptop from her? There are two sides to every story.
DeleteHappy marriage anniversary Stella.may God continue to keep your home.
DeleteWe be learner for your side
Happy wedding anniversary Stella. God bless your home.
DeleteHappy Wedding Anniversary SDK.
DeleteHappy wedding anniversary SDKπππππππππ
ReplyDeleteHello bv, pls wt can I use fr a smelling veejay,my hubby always wnt to go down on me,bt am always ashamed,nd dnt use to allow him.Tanks
Delete@anon do u cleanup after urinating. That is one of the cause of smelly vj.if yes, then see a doctor.
Deletetake flagyl. One tablet 3times daily for a week. Better still comot shame go visit doctor.
DeleteDo I have infection? Go n treat it...or don't u wash up?
DeleteAnonymous you must be very dirty,or you are one of those that clean with just tissue without properly washing down there with water
DeleteHappy wedding anniversary Stella, peace, blessings and God's grace abides with your family always.
DeleteGo n get original Izal, drop a little in your bathing water.
DeleteHappy anniversary Stella.
DeleteAnonymous, the best option is to see a doctor. Run one or two tests. Commot shame abeg. Flagyl is good but do not use it if you are pregnant.
Izal???? That thing that smells like shit and sewer???????? Abeg.
DeleteTake lots of yoghurt, pineapple and will help
DeleteThis reminds me: I once had sex with a girl just after she consumed egusi soup, I started smelling and tasting egusi down there. It was epic. I died.
DeleteIzal is a disinfectant and not suitable for bathing.
DeleteIt’s easy to get discouraged and think that’s our lot in life; everyone has disappointments. But if you’ll stay in faith and not get bitter, God is going to bless you in such a way that you don’t remember the pain of the past. Yes, you went through difficulties, things you didn’t understand, but now you’re so blessed, so fulfilled, so happy that you don’t dwell on who hurt you, what didn’t work out, or how you weren’t raised in a healthy environment. You’re too blessed to be angry, too blessed to be bitter, too blessed to hold a grudge, too blessed to think about what didn’t work out.
ReplyDeleteHello peeps!
ReplyDeleteThe AC in my office is killing. Phed una try oo
Happy wedding anniversary SDK. May God bless your home with everything you desire.
DeleteIf you no get shoki hide your face π,iwant to appreciate stella for the card and her patient, she sent the first card to me ,and I noticed it has been loaded by another customer, one mind tells me not to bother her again, another says, I should tell her, well I did , and guess what, she sent another one, which I did not get to read the full mail, just the first line, I didn't know a card was at the bottom, I sent her a reply to clarify that I'm not lying, and she told me she has sent another one, I quickly went back to check, and I see my card waiting and smiling at me. You made me happy, God will make you happy too
DeleteHappy Wedding Anniversary Stella. May the good Lord keep your home. Many more years to celebrate in Jesus' name.
Must u bring back everything here. U could have just acknowledged receiving the card without the long story
Delete@werewolf of ikorodu:
DeleteMust you read the comment???
If at this age you can't face front,what is left for you?
I had chicken pox some years back and my skin was beautified with black spots. I am in-between light and dark in complexion(chocolate). Please BVs, recommended an affordable soap or cream for spot removal . Thanks
ReplyDeleteBv spot remover come and answer your question.
DeleteGood mixed black soap
DeleteHi Beevees…
ReplyDeleteAny BV is Berlin – Germany or Denmark- Copenhagen?
DM me..
One of the ones in niaja? ππππ
DeleteI owe u a snickers... Whats your size?
DeleteEm jay, another snickers loading,I hope all your snickers are not giveaway snickers πππ
DeleteJHW. My size is 38. π πππ thank you
DeleteING is here....
ReplyDeleteIm just here to correct some impressions.. Not that it would change anything but let me just talk.
ReplyDelete@Retired slay Queen, I just read your comment on my chronicle about bad boys going for bad girls. I don't know how true that is but you see this my man is different.
He likes and goes after decent and homely girls.
As in cool headed girls and even the girls he's dating now are some decent girls**when it comes to the bad girls you mean** yes I know cos no matter how he tries to hide them I somehow get to know and he keeps asking me if I'm a witch to know any of his new catch and me too I can't explain cos nobody, I mean nobody will/can try to come tell me anything he does outside cos nobody want his problem. Who will even try it sef?
And he always go after small girls from 19 years and below. If not for one thing I would have dropped one of his teenage girlfriend's Facebook page here.
He even burst my head cos of that one August 2016.
Not that I even called or texted her oh.
Infact, I don't want to talk again and I don't want this topic to keep dragging ,
just that I saw your comment and I disagree with you that's why I'm replying you.
And to those people that said I was going anonymous to support myself, ha! Na wah for una. I don't have time for that kind of rubbish ok.
And those two anonymous that said I was cursing innocent people, now tell me who are the innocent people? You mean the ones who went and use another person's life story to dupe people or who.
And I prove it to you now that you are the people who used my story to scam people.
I won't address this issue again.
I did not proofread so any mistake should be taken in good faith.
Your written English is coordinated today, I wonder what happened on the day you ranted in the comment section of IHN
DeleteAmanda favour, like I said in the comment section on Friday, I typed those things at midnight and was in a hurry to finish up so I didn't bother proofreading or coordinating.
DeleteO. K, now I understand
DeleteNow Na midnight, no be for salon again. De there, he never even begin burst ya head.
DeleteAmanda Favour keep catching them for us. She wrote at midnight with bad English wo ole plenty for this blog
DeletePinky's whatsoever no dey today? Today that I feel like reading some copy and paste.
ReplyDeleteMake I go chop mango instead.
Hahahaha SWAG LAFRESH you nor go kill person with laff. Na real copy na paste. Awon copy and paste masters.
DeleteHaha haha π ππ
DeleteBad "shild"
You dey mind that yeye pinky,long copied nonsense πππ
DeleteDem plenty for here na. Stealing from websites and dropping in comment section. Can't wait for the day they will disgrace Stella again. Ikwakwakwakwakwakwakwa
DeleteI think is good to say this here and now, and for the very last time. I have read often in this blog how miserable and hopeless people insinuate things about me as a result of wickedness.
ReplyDeleteThis morning in the spontaneous post, lady bug and an anonymous are trying their best to discredit my image here. Why the arrant nonsense that I am here to hit a gold mine then run away? Where is the gold mine if I may ask? What are all those nonsense and rubbish for? Why create unnecessary attention that I am here to scam Stella? Is Stella a baby or mugu?
I don't just understand this level of hatred,bitterness and conspiracy. Why can't people stay without mentioning my name that I wonder what are my crimes.
First I was alleged to be sexy daddy but none can bring evidence to that ill conceived allegation even when Stella requested for it as to published it. Next it was my bad writing skill and I overcomed that as well and now it is me being a scam. What will tomorrow allegation be? Maybe it will be I impregnated a bv here.
Why trying so hard to drag me down to your level? Why this so much effort to make people hate me with the lies you are peddling here. Am I responsible for your miserable lives or the reason for your depression and failures? Are you being intimidated by my happiness here that you think you can drag me to your pitiable condition. I think time will answer to this all.
You have same attribute with previous scammers. Don't blame your accusers,just prove them wrong.
DeleteTeejay abeg get lost
DeleteNwanna..if you keep explaining, it will continue till thy kingdom come. Why are you even bothered about what anybody think of you?? Show me any Nigerian that doesn't have enemies and I'll show you a virgin grandma. People must continue to bring you down whether you are good or not...ignore them brah!
DeleteBut you said you won't address this issue again na.
DeleteThe same price here in Ph.I cooked same soup yesterday. Every food stuff just adding money bit by bit.......oha soup loading with cow leg...... Teejay aiye
DeleteWe already get tired with your long posted epistles,you are pasting another one hereπππ,you still get wetin you want,be patient πππ
DeleteTee Jay, let's meet up, take pictures and send to Stella for IHN just to clear the air that you are not sexy daddy. (not like I know who he is sha) do you like the idea?
DeleteTjay, Upper cut, sidestep, readjust...dress back,I say dress back,proceed...Oya attaaaaaaack !!!!! Atttack!!! Yaaa!!!!!!!! Dat is it. No retreat, no surrender. They have met their match today. Gboa!!!! GBOoaaaaaa!!!!!GboAAAaaa!!!!!!!!!
DeleteWhen will your for the last time end. Always addressing. Take a chill pill and do you if you are sure you are not sexy daddy. Do you want to be tagged Address minister. Long hiss. Even Stella that owns the blog, who receives call out every second does not address like you. Stay there be behaving like baby up and down. Mtchew
DeleteHahahahahahah so you believe sexy tjay will alow you take his picture?? Hahahahaha
DeleteSeriously, this attack anonymous is a crazy person.
DeleteSee as I dey laugh like mumu for here.
as in ehn, the kind laugh wey I laugh this afternoon na only God understand am,this anon 15:58 your ginger na top notch!!
DeleteI don't understand this @Tjay it is like you just like the sound of your voice. Memo this morning, memo this afternoon. Everyday 'addressing issue' when you can easily close this issue once and for all.
DeleteKrixs' photo was up yesterday, Yomi's photo was up a few days ago. We celebrate one another here,what is the big deal? Someone suggested uploading your pic as your dp since you are too 'shy' to send it to Stella to post. You ignored. You prefer to type epistle after epistle after epistle when you can easily do the needfull and shame your accusers.
Can you see how quickly the accused person today sent a rejoinder? The one of last few weeks ago nko that missed a job for one reason or the other? That is what you do when people accuse you 'unjustly', silence them with facts,with data,with evidence. Not epistle.
I. H. N
ReplyDeleteMaybe, the BV is a Klep.
Have a nice day y'all
Why oh Why
ReplyDeleteAfter searching for job and you let greed walk you out.
This is serious oo, stealing company's property.
Honey for the oza room
Leggo π π πππππ
Happy Wedding Anniversary Iya Boyz πππ
DeleteYou are a celebrity,just coming from your IG
See how celebs lined up, from omoni to Rita Dominic to Juliet Ibrahim.I have drop my own too.
Silver and Golden jubilee to come in togetherness.
Happy wedding anniversary Stella. May God continue to bless your marriage. Amen!
DeleteStella, the problem is lack of contentment and some people are just naturally covetous even when they have just enough. It has nothing to do with village people either, so leave them out of it.
ReplyDeleteMy friend told me of how a colleague was let go over ear phones, how much are those again even if you want to buy Sony or beats earphones? Also, you think these people who roll over and insult people over giveaways and recharge card are incapable of such act? They feel entitled to even gifts. Instead of striving to make their own money and spend as they wish, they stay monitoring how others spend their hard earned money.
Noticed, how an anon has been going on and on about Lucille not doing giveaways and what not. I’d just ask her to ignore because even when she does the giveaway they’d still come back to say something to demean her effort.Not ‘everything’ that comments on the blog deserves a response. Just do you!
With until you hear from the accuser, maybe she was owed and she thought the best way is to abscond with the coy's property. Not justifying her actions but let's wait until her side is heard.
DeleteSkywhite, not sure your comment is meant for me because I was talking about people who steal generally and if you read my second comment, you’d see that I mentioned it was too early to have the alleged victims name and picture posted.
DeleteSeriously? After finally getting a job. The next thing is to steal?
ReplyDeleteP.S (Post written & composed by TEEJAY. 15th May 2018).Teejay ohππ
It's always good to pray after a dream; whether a good or bad dream.
Beautiful faces cover IHN. Momma with three kids, I see you. Lappie lady should please clear her name.
Happy Wedding Anniversary SDK. 16yrs no be beans
ReplyDeleteWhy will this beautiful girl steal now?
happy wedding anniversary to you and yours Stella, may you grow old in one pillow... Amen
DeleteHappy wedding anniversary to a beautiful soul SDk and to your Awesome hubby,Many years of celebrations and more of God's blessings!!
ReplyDeleteI believe the lady in question would have an explanation for leaving without notification, as for the laptop I no think anything cos if you carry what does not belong to you then it is theft.
ReplyDeleteHappy wedding anniversary Stella, silver and golden jubilee to come
DeleteDreams are not to all the time mean something.
ReplyDeleteIt's funny when people can't decipher when your brain is just rearranging old stuff and when you are actually getting message.
Some of you will listen to songs with vulgar/sexual lyrics, read blogs with erotic insinuations and even add a little bit of masturbation/porn then you will have sexual dreams and be claiming marine husband..
To the other person asking about courtship, remember that in the Bible, God specifically warned the Isrealites not to marry other nations, so they could hasten marriage because it was assumed that each child/individual within the Israelites had been brought up knowing God.
Now courtship is for our own safety, while it doesn't guarantee a marriage's longevity, it helps you to know the other person and their family.
Goodafternoon everyone.
That was how I had one strange dream that Davido(of all people) was driving me. Dude was having a temper tantrum and threw his expensive wristwatch out the windo. Me, I was upset and came down to retrieve it...details are really fuzzy but I've taken blood tonic and upped my fruit intake as well. Okbye
DeleteSee beautiful faces up there.
ReplyDeleteWow! Irene, I thought you are a smallie oh.
Lol @ 'smallie'
DeleteA great time to be alive. Things are really looking up.
ReplyDeleteIt's been long. Glad to be back.
ReplyDeleteThe name of the alleged thief even sounds bogus. So she deliberately take the job just to see what she could move off with? Doesn't even sound like she completed the three months probation period. Makeup and nice hairdo cannot fix your dirty character. You the type going to your friends home and stealing behind their backs and then smiling in their faces
ReplyDeleteThe 'name sounds bogus'?? See how stupid you sound with no effort? So she deliberate take the job... you should be in school at the moment, either receiving total refund or playing with crayons.
DeleteThe future looks bright
ReplyDeleteApplaudise on your wedding anniversary
Like you said you've been married for as long as it took my sperm to swim
Pls wat can i use to get rid of mosquito except bagon and sniper.tanks
ReplyDeleteMosquito repellents, nets, incense, etc
DeleteLearn to always close your doors and make sure no hole on the window nets.
DeleteGet lemon or lime.slice it into 2 ,put cloves on them,then place it in the room.this is harmless and a kind of room freshner
DeleteThis one, stealing is in our blood.
ReplyDeleteSo you are also a thief? BV take note
Delete*our. Oro ka yeye oba Lara, oni oun tikatika yeye obo.
DeleteCold sunny day.
ReplyDeleteIHN here I am.
Ogheneruno... But why. You're too beautiful for this. Please clear your name asap.
I greet y'all.
HWA Stella... 16years no be beans.
DeleteMore blessings on you and yours
Thanks Stella for the airtel shoki, God bless you yanfunyanfun.
ReplyDeleteAbout those going for surgery I want to ask won't the scar be on their body? I don't understand o.
Fine faces of IHN..
The bv that stole companys laptop come and clear your name.
May God bless our hustle.I love this weather.
Mori ababikum ya Ramadan...
Have they contacted her, it's just yesterday,they could have hold on a bit instead before making this disclaimer in a haste,laptop?
ReplyDeleteAs a company,if you're going to put a disclaimer,it must be properly detailed,what was the bad experience,all these small companies always in a haste to terminate for the most flimsy excuses πππ
Thank you. What if something happened to her?
DeletePlease, the company has everything right to put a disclaimer! She stole a laptop. She has no right to take even a pen that belongs to the company.
DeleteThere is a probation period in every company and if the new employee is not performing up to standard,the company can terminate the contract.
We should always side with right no matter who's involved .
I honestly don't know any company that plays around when theft is involved, they will file a police report and even sue you. Most jobs here now do a criminal background check, the last company I worked for did an international criminal background check. As for firing for flimsy excuses when you are still under the probationary period you can be fired for ANY reason. The probationary period is for the company to test you out to see if you are a good fit; unless a probationary period does not exist in Nigeria, here in North America it is 90 days.
Deletestop justifying evil... Your comment is always full of bug. Why will she carry company laptop knowing fully well that her appointment has been terminated? Or is the company owing her salary?
DeleteHappy Wedding Anniversary SDK..... I admire you alot
DeleteOpportunity indeed is a very scarce commodity
ReplyDeleteI know honey is good just that it's too sweet for my liking and I'm scared of rubbing it on my body.
ReplyDeleteI dont understand, when security officer saw her with the laptop, why didnt they collect it.
ReplyDeleteI wonder oil... Till I hear her side of the story mouth is judging
Deletethank you Stella for the recharge card. God will richly bless you.
ReplyDeleteHappy wedding anniversary Stella ukwu sugar. May God sweetness never depart from your home. Kisses to ya boys from me. Goggle decided to yank off my blog ID....
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteAh! Na wah oh @ that termination of appointment.
ReplyDeleteHelo... To answer to that question about courtship in islam. There is no courtship in islam. Am too busy to type at the moment. Will do that when i am less busy... Let me go and ask scholars too
ReplyDeleteU ended up not answering the question.u shld have ask ur scholars b4 typing na
DeleteThis is so bad, how can she steal from the company just like that! Some people are really the cause of their problems....
ReplyDeleteGosh! How do some people sleep at night knowing that they have a stolen goods in their home. I hope she returns the laptop and any other thing she must have stolen.
Stella you are kind but some people take your kindness for granted and that is bad.
Madam that gossiped her brother in law and his wife with her husband, what you did was wrong. You don't say things that will cause a rift between your husband and his family, you will always be the one at the receiving end at the end of the day.
Before you discuss anything that concerns your husband family with your husband, you must make sure that you have enough proof to backup your words. I pray you get back the peace in your home. Try and settle with your husband and apologise to your in-laws if need be.
What else, beautiful ladies up there.
I have an appointment later, so let me go and start preparing.
Beautiful afternoon /evening to you all.
Happy wedding anniversary Stella! May God continue to bless your home. Enjoy your family.
DeleteToday is your wedding anniversary? Wow!
ReplyDeleteHappy wedding anniversary to you the one and only ogbonge blogger.
May God bless your home richly
Happy anniversary iya boys. God bless your home
ReplyDeleteAh picture and name posted already? I think they should have given her ample time before escalating so fast. 24hrs is not enough and didn’t she drop a forwarding address or have a referee? Abeg, it would be wrong to accuse someone falsely because the internet never forgets.
ReplyDeletePosting her pics is all shades of wrong.
DeleteSwag it's like this story hit a nerve. Is she in your group of deceitful and ungrateful beings?
DeletePls oh, u guys are mixing it up. I am not the thief. my face was only used as FOIHN.
DeleteThe best amongst the cuties, no one is referring to you. Stella posted the picture of the alleged thief immediately after the disclaimer by the ‘company’ but it has been taken down also by Stella while your picture and that of the other FOIHN lady remains. So those who saw the picture before it was remove are well aware you’re not the ‘thief’ but used as FOIHN.
DeleteTrust this clarifies.
Can you imagine? You even have the audacity to post pictures when you haven't clarified from the other side? Lolll. One day you will meet someone whose madness will make you bow.
DeleteThanks for explaining to me doppelganger truth is that I came late. I didn't even notice, twas hubby that was saying people were thinking it was me! Come and see my heart beating fast, as in eh, I fear no be small.
DeleteCongratulations SDK on your wedding anniversary..πππ may your marriage continue to be sweet like grapes. Il be attending a silver jubilee wedding anniversary on Sunday and I'm even more excited than that my friend that invited me, I must tie gele.. Lol..
ReplyDeleteBe back later..
Happy wedding anniversary SDK... More blessings to you and your family
ReplyDeleteI feel you should have heard from the bv first before posting her pic, but people get mind sha stealing in your place of work too bad
ReplyDeleteHappy wedding anniversary Stella.
ReplyDeleteSelene in response to your comment on spontaneous post. When I was growing up I heard from people that when an "efik" lady gets married her room in her father's house is always kept for her and the father will tell her husband that he is not selling his daughter if he treats her badly she can come back home because her room is reserved for her, but this practice has long ceased. It is not true that this really happens. Any marriage can suffer divorce irrespective of the tribe. Every tribe has something bad or funny always said about them but that doesn't mean everybody from that tribe does that.
Your friend's man just trust their love enough.Why would he want to lose a good thing because of a mere fallacy. Your friend should take him or direct him to meet with an elderly person from her place and make enquiries. It is well.
On a lighter note, maybe I need to remind my mum to take us to her father's house to go and claim her inheritance,lol.
This case of theft I just hope, she has a good explanation for it.
Happy wedding anniversary Stella.
ReplyDeleteAccording to the mail, she was sacked after she stole the laptop. If that is the case, she didn't seal it but took it for unpaid wages. If the company is owning her, they have no claim. Why did the security affair allow her to pass through the gate or leave the premises. Since they saw her with the laptop, why wasn't she nabbed at the point.
ReplyDeleteAre you the lady in question?
DeleteIf the security personnel saw th laptop, that means it wasn't hidden. It was carried out in full view. Will wait to hear the other side of the story.
Deletehmmmmmm, it's well. For the Bv please come clear your name. it's really bad that this just happened yesterday and they already posted it here. There could be another story from her. Is not good to hear from one end only, need hear from both sides. My thought though.
ReplyDeleteand I had a surprise alert of 75,000..Highest Money Gifted to me..Ramadan is going to be smooth....
ReplyDeleteThe lady might be sick thats why she didnt come to work or probably an unforseen accident happened...
Na wa o Someone should gift me money too nau
DeleteWow wow wow! Yes I'm a siren.So maami Stella u got married on my wonder I over love u.happy anniversary to u ugo diya.for me today is jst like other days.
ReplyDeleteKai see beautiful thief o..babe u no try Sam Sam.
Teejay weldone o..saw ur otinkpu this morning on sp shouting "attack attack" as usual.I laugh tire.even as I'm typing I'm even laughing.That person na werey aswear.kwakwakwakwa.
Make Una enjoy Una Day my yard pple.
NB..pls maami xp try show face small na as e don try..nwanyi ka ibeya.
And u mmasinachi my tomato Jos..haba not fair o
That's his 'hypeman' na
DeleteIf the security caught her red handed y did he let her go with d laptop n do u have so many laptops dat dey just lie around idle for some1 to just pick up
ReplyDeleteStella 16 years no be beans for marriage! Kudos for keeping it down and being good at so many things at once.
ReplyDeleteTeejay has sharparly attached P.S to his writeup. Adeniji you're yet to reply to the post you claimed as yours abi did I miss your explanation?
Lenncapital is it not too early to tag Miss ogheneruno a thief? What if she had an accident on her way home? Is it aganist company policy to carry the laptop away from the office? It's barely 24hrs naa.
Poster asking for a biblical verse on courtship what is your problem exactly? To know if you should dive into marriage headfirst without trying to get to know the person you want to spend the rest of your life together first?
No there's no verse in the bible that shows an example of courtship if that is what you want to know...but then what exactly is courtship? That should help you make a decision to engage in one or not, because there's is danger in ignorance. Don't perish out of ignorance and tying the knot with a stranger is not advisable.
Uche is a very fine gal. I'll love to hook up with her.
ReplyDelete@courtship in the bible question- read matt. And Luke chapter 1. Mary and Joseph were 'espoused'. They both got certain instructions for the angel. That's why it was easy to make the decision on the child she was carrying. Courtship is a time to seek God's face about your decision. Not gbensh.
ReplyDeleteOld testament - David and Michal. There was sometime between when Saul agreed to be his father in law and went on to demand 100 philistine's foreskins from him (as dowry) and David went to get them before he was given her hand in marriage. You think it took one day to do all that? Courtship is also time for a man to show the extent he will go to wife you, like David did. If the guy acts like he's doing you a favour because you love him, then he's not worth it. Everyone knew Michal loved David but he still did his part, even though he was Israel's greatest warrior at the time he wasn't being bossy about wifing her. Remember the bible is summarized so somethings (like time frame) get lost in translation.
*from the angel
DeletePatiently waiting to read comments... .. It's cold and seriously raining here in PH.
ReplyDeleteUna good afternoon oh.... Abeg na who thief??! Lol. They dont have her address?? Didnt she submit a means of identification when she was employed, that can be used to trace her? Next of kin nko? Wasnt confirmed? Referees nko? Okay.
ReplyDeleteGuarantor nko sef?
DeleteThanks for all these questions, disclaimer indeed πππ
DeleteHmmm! Na questions I ask oh jare. Cos before any announcement these things should have been tried, with recorded failure. A company announcing such without checking these and more, exposes some glitches in your hiring process. Before you start looking for the thief, better start getting these details from all your currently employees. Or it can happen again.
DeleteI do not know about any detailed courtship stories in the Bible. The closest there is to any courtship stories are Mary & Joseph, Jacob & Rachel and the story of Ruth. These are not courtship stories in the sense that you are provided any details on how they courted and what activities they engaged in as they got to know each other, but there are elements that give you an idea of the interactions of the couples prior to marriage. Samson and Delilah, Solomon and Sheba are explorations in sensuality and infatuation, though I think love existed to some degree between them.
ReplyDeleteHappy wedding Anniversary Stella, God will continue to bless your Union. Irene and uche you are beautiful
ReplyDeleteThat wedding gown is cute for days....I got a sad news this afternoon... A colleague's wife lost her think she gave birth to this baby after 5 miscarriages...I was happy beyond words for them. Now the baby died after 2 weeks. It is well
ReplyDeleteYou want to be unfortunate abi,I've never noticed you on this blog but you decided to dance naked yesterday,just be warned!ππ
DeleteSo to the Honey lady, please we have all the information we need on google. Just saying if we have space for more entertainment from SDK, i think that is fair enough!
ReplyDeleteWhat if this girl went home with the lappy to do some work? What if this girl is missing? How much is a laptop that will warrant you to destroy someone's image just after one day? Not even a week? Not even trying to contact her next of kin on her documentation. You guys are lucky, if I was the girl and it happens that something happened to me, like being knocked down by a hit and run and in the hospital fighting for my life and I wake up to this because of a laptop!, heaven knows that by the time I am done suing your company it will fold before you know what hit you. You guys had better do an investigation and come up with facts not assumptions, rubbish!!!
ReplyDeleteAre you minding the company,all these these small companies there pay peanuts behave in the most wicked way,laptop of 50k, mtsheeeeew ππ
DeleteStella please I suggest you pull down her pix and name unless the person that sent you the mail is the owner of the company or the company authorized the mail sent to you cause when shit happens, the sender of the mail won't loose anything, the company will bear the consequences.
DeleteIs well, I have bad hand writing, I don't know what to do about it, am shy to even write anything cos of my hand writing, I cannot apply for bigger post in my office because of my hand writing, I feel I will fail if I write application letters, OMG how do one come out of this big shame? Am over 30 years someone should help me
ReplyDeleteWhat happened to typing your application letter!!! What century are you living in mbok!
DeleteDrop your email I can teach you, that's if you are not shy about that as well. People have lost their destinies cos they are shy. I need to start something to help them
DeleteWhat about typing the application letters?
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteHappy wedding Anniversary Stella Nwanyi OMA. may God continue to bless your marriage
ReplyDeleteHappy Wedding Anniversary SDK. May only good and better things fall on you IJN... Amen
ReplyDeleteTo the lady that gossiped with her husband... Lol. Did you not hear that blood is thicker than water?.. No matter how your husband loves you.. Be very mindful and careful of what you say about his family. Lesson learnt.
To the accused thief. Stella, I felt you would have heard from the young lady before posting her picture. To the former employer, I feel something is wrong with your accusation. How will a security man who is employed to secure life and property allow someone to leave the premises with company laptop without raising alam.
Since you brought the issue here. please complete it by telling us the reason of her termination. Was her entitlements paid after termination. We need to know if you contacted her about the laptop issue before publishing her name here. Accused thief. if you are innocent. Come and clear your name please.
Happy Anniversary SDK. Cheers to more blissful years!
ReplyDeleteHappy wedding anniversary Stella,I wonder how old I was when you got married,16 good yearsππππππ
ReplyDeleteHappy love celebration in good health and prosperity!
Happy wedding anniversary nwunye Korkus. As you continue to be a blessing others,God will alwaya be there for you. More of God's blessings upon your home.
ReplyDeleteHWA to u Stella May the good Lord continue to protect ur home n ur family...@joblesshousewife please anything for my boy?make una no abuse mi o
ReplyDeleteWow!!! Stella of life, happy 16th wedding anniversary to you and your hubby, may your household be blessed forever. Love you like mad.
ReplyDeleteIhn don land.abeg who knows where i can sell my diamond bracelet?biko help,i reside in jos.
ReplyDeletehappy 16th wedding anniversary. wishing you more years and years of marital bliss.
ReplyDeleteHappy wedding Anniversary Stella babe. Congrats ooo. 16 years and more counting for you and your fine bobo with children. May God keep you all well Amen.
ReplyDeleteMake i go eat. Na wa ooo i don refresh tire, na wa ooo. It is well
Hmm... About the disclaimer, I think something is wrong somewhere...
ReplyDeleteThe lady that posted her nysc roommate story. Ma, you did not tell us the moral of the story. Are you advertising tbe pastor or you just want to indirectly send a message to someone you think you know her story.
ReplyDeleteThe picture attached is not for the said suspect. I was saying in my mind they will mix this whole thing up.
ReplyDeleteThere was a picture of the suspect but Stella took it down. Only those that read early saw it
DeleteHappy wedding anniversary Stella. May your marriage continue to stand the test of time. May you both grow old on one pillow.
ReplyDeleteConcerning the call-out and theft accusation, I think you should have heard from the accused first before posting this call-out side by side with her own side of the story.
I Google searched her name and her profile popped up with picture. This call-out also popped up.
Why did the company hastily send this mail to you? Did they go to her house and that of her guarantor and did not get any reasonable explanation for her absence? Did they even call her phone lines and that of her guarantor? This is defamation of character. The internet never forgets.
D'Royalty help me ask o. Do you realise that there is a certain number of hours that must elapse before issuing a disclaimer? I assume this ex staff has a phone number? Did the company reach out to the staff informing said staff that if company property is not returned within a stipulated time frame then a disclaimer will be issued. Do you realise that a company must first reach out to referees/guarantors etc before sending a disclaimer? Do you realise that even if this post is deleted, it has been shared with hundred of other sites and will forever remain on the Internet? This must be a one man mushroom business that has no idea of PROCESSES and PROCEEDURES. When you received this so called 'disclaimer '. What stopped you from putting a hold on it, requesting for the other party to send in her side of the story and posting both. I trust you na, always eager and so quick to destroy people's credibility, you and your filthy zombie like minions. Even if the lady stole, even in court, don't they hear out both sides???
DeleteHappy 16th anniversary ma'am. May you be alive to celebrate silver & golden jubilee in good health & peace of mind. Congratulations..
ReplyDeleteHappy wedding anniversary Stella. More glorious years ahead sin Jesus name.
ReplyDeleteThe lady that gossiped with her hubby, do you all live in a communal household?? More like family house?? But even at that..your hubby shouldn't have told his brother all you said.. may you all find peace.. apologize & learn to mind your biz.
ReplyDeleteI choose to believe the accused Lady didn't steal the lappy..but then no knew can be trusted & I hope she'll cone out to clear her name.
The lady with the cheating bf.. please put that intro on hold & confront him..involve your parents...let people be aware because should you go ahead & marry him, he may never stop cheating & you'll prolly have no choice than to continue to endure..
May sense find you
Happy wedding anniversary to you dearest Stella. May God in heaven continue to bless you and your family. ππππ
ReplyDeleteHappy wedding anniversary Stella. Here is wishing you more sweet wine in your marriage.
ReplyDeleteHWA Stella...@Valoir events, you did a wonderful job planning my sister's wedding..Uche was very professional...I pray for more businesses for you. Kemi
ReplyDeleteAwwww! Aunty Kemi you're also a bv? Wooooaaah! Thanks a million. Muah!
DeleteHappy Wedding Anniversary aunty Stella(I will call you aunty because 16years ago, I was still a baby)...π π π enjoy your day and send me pics for my eyes onlyπππ
ReplyDeleteFine Faces of IHN today@Uche and the other lady. Una try
These days my pepper body is on another level. I don't know what's even wrong with me sef. But i laugh with myself sometimes after i give attitude. Na boredom sha.
ReplyDeleteHappy Wedding Anniversary to you, Stella. May God preserve your Union forever. Congratulations!!!. CherishD.