Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative...


Tuesday, May 01, 2018

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative...

Hmmm,tough one!!!


Hello Stella,

I have been thinking for almost 1 month now about whom I can genuinely talk to without being mis- judged or slammed. Thought about my pastors but I already know what they'll say. My 2 friends are a no go area coz I already know their answers. Been thinking and praying so I opted to talk to a neutral person. Someone who barely knows me so they can honestly give an overview of my situation without being flawed.

 Forgive my English. I'm french.

 I promise i will be very honest . Please be patient with me. I will bare my heart out and not pretend to be good simply because i'm sitting behind my computer or because you don't know me in person.

I am a 33 years old woman and I live in the US. Never been married (At-least not genuinely)and don't have kids.(Dying to have some). Have been here for sometime and to be honest I've had my own fair share of the battle paper-wise. I shouldn't be saying this but I've been robbed financially many times. between $5-11k each time. I hustled day and night to put this money together yet I'd end up losing it and would have to start all over. At some point my mum had to start sending me money from Africa to pay people. Yes it was that bad. Yet each time something will go wrong. I have never been able to understand why. Even tho my pastors wife kept saying Please do not pay anyone to give you papers. God will send you a genuine husband.

I'm not trying to blow my trumpet. I am not ugly. God blessed me with things that appeal to men and i'm very curvaceous with a very tiny tummy. My 2 Nigerian female "friends " would always ask me"who good girl help" ?. Join us and hustle these big men. They now live in luxurious houses and drive big cars, Got men to pay for their papers , trips and all what not. I don't judge them at all and of course I want all those goodies too but don't have the courage to sleep with different men. At-least God blessed me with a job as a manager in a big firm even tho i'm using someones papers. That freaks me out everyday. many doors have opened in my face but I cant do nothing about it coz I don't have papers. My friends are travelling the world right now and living the life. Oh Lord!

Here is whats getting me depressed. A 50 years old over-sized retired American veteran asked me for well over 1 year to be his woman. Of course I said No coz I don't love him. When trump became president I was desperate and sick with fear, I agreed to marry Mr A. permit me to call him that. I do not Love him and we have never lived nor slept together. We've been married for 7 months now. I told him to give me time to Love him and he is very patient with me. He says just knowing I'm his wife gives him joy. Truth be told I do not and may never Love him. Believe me I have tried but I cant. I only married him so I can get my papers.

This is what baffles me... Since I married him we haven't filed for my papers. Money isn't the problem. For some reason that I cant explain each time i try to file I get reluctant. hmmm! 3 months ago I decided to put myself out there and see if God was indirectly telling me my partner is still out there and Mr A inst my helper. I don't go out because I have a very crazy work schedule. So I subscribed on Christian Mingle. My 1st week on there I met someone and I stopped going there, lol! that's my dumb life. once I start talking to someone with whom I think I click, just talking to someone else makes me feel like i'm cheating. I did not meet my Christian mingle prince charming until 3 months laterbecause he is in the Military and was away for training. He is Nigerian and I've always Loved Nigerians. Lol

Okay here's the drill. The Nigerian immediately started talking about marriage. We kindda have common interest. We Love to travel and have a good time. We both have a heart for God and he is serious about marrying me immediately if i get a divorce. Twice he has asked his mum to fly from here to go to my country and meet my family/pay my dowry but I asked him to slow down I need to think. This is why I'm skeptical, I maybe wrong. Maybe he is God sent, maybe he has selfish interest like I suspect.

1st of all he will leave the barracks if he is married. He hates living in the barracks. He absolutely hates it and cant wait to leave. If I Marry him that's a window for him to leave. 2ndly the government pays part if not all of his housing allowance.
3rdly he gets a raise coz now he has someone else to take care of. He cant wait to get me pregnant. My friend who's in the military told be military kids comes with their own benefits too. Like I said this maybe just me thinking crazy. Overall the way he is eager to get married has me thinking. Is this God or just him putting his interest first?

Mind you I don't love him. My mum says I'm too picky that's why I'm still single. I really don't think I am. I believe physical attraction counts. He is short and I do not like short guys. Another turn off is his financial decisionS. He wants us to practically share every bill. I don't have a problem supporting my man but when you make plans and expect me to share the bills, or when you spend money and keep reminding me that you went out of your budget /keep ranting about what you spent bothers me.

For the past 1 month I've been thinking, should I go ahead and file for my papers with Mr A? That would mean at some point I would have to move to his state and perhaps start sleeping with him. That's the only way we can convince the government we are genuinely Married. Oh Lord! the thought of that makes me sick. OR

Divorce him and Marry the second. While he is using me to achieve his goals , id also use him to achieve mine which entails bringing my mum/family over including going to school and have the government pay for my studies. That is part of the benefits I will enjoy as a militarily wife. I don't mind living with him. Maybe he is genuine and I might end up falling in-love. Maybe i'm the selfish one here. Maybe Maybe ,Maybe.... Apart from the financial aspects and the fact that he is short, he is very calm, patient and OMG has a heart for God. What do I do?

My friends would tell me to stay with the first since I can control him, get my papers and follow them round the world. But is that what I really want?. I am 33YEARS OLD. I'm not a child.

If I'm a wicked person please don't hesitate to tell me. Help me please. What should i do? Stay with the first OR proceed with the second and learn to Love him? HELP ME PLEASE. I also need to get my papers so i can have some sanity. Anyone of them can give me papers by the way coz they're citizens.

Thank you for your time and forgive the length of my mail.
Would be glad to read from you. You can put my story out there if necessary.I just don't want my identity known , or maybe we should keep it private since it concerns sensitive info. Help a sister please.

Remain Blessed.

*Please stick with the person you are with now and file for your papers,the other guy will mess you up OK?
Like we Nigerians would say ''Wetin dey for Sokoto,e dey for Sokoto,my sister that bread wey you dey find for America,e dey for Abab''

Good luck and stay Happy


  1. My dear, I prefer the first man. I genuinely understand how you feel about not having feelings for him. I can't even pretend to hug or kiss anyone I don't have feelings for. But try and do this, you will achieve everything you want with that man, I don't trust your Nigerian man in military

    *Larry was here*





    2. Poster, have you met this Nigerian military guy who is away on training in person? Have you met his family in person? I was on Christian Mingle too and that's a common scammer storyline right there! 3 days to your "wedding" he will have an emergency which you would only resolve by sending lots of money. You seem so naive...

    3. The military guy does not exist, lol! That's a common scam line... You are lucky you brought your story here. I hope you don't lose too much money to him because trust me, when he's done with you, he will recover all he's spent along with your life savings...😔

    4. The military guy does not exist, lol! That's a common scam line... You are lucky you brought your story here. I hope you don't lose too much money to him because trust me, when he's done with you, he will recover all he's spent along with your life savings...😔

    5. Of course the military guy is a scam😂😂😂😂that’s why he is telling you to share all the bills with him. Wait for an accident or an emergency that will require you to fork out lots of coins. Stick with the over-sized American that loves you, it is better for the man to be more in love with the lady.

    6. Better manage the first guy because I don't understand the military guy who wants you two to practically be sharing every bill. Is not Davido a small boy that bought his girl Porsche? Is he sharing bills with Chioma? Abegi a man should be able to take care of his woman and his kids

    7. Ona don start oh, davido is favoured to see millions at that age, no comparises.

  2. You are not a wicked person, u are simply what we call mumu here or ur age u don't Have Common sense.

    1. Oya advice her na, thats why she brought her problem here.

  3. Please keep praying.where is the generals wife..havent heard from her ?

  4. Stella,,you are right dear but am confused somewhere,this poster should be very careful of that military man(my G guys can relate)..
    If u enter one chance,I swear,u will have to go back to square one.

    Then allow God to direct ur steps

    Mc pinky

    1. I am telling you...😂😂😂😂😂

      That naija guy na scam... I pity her.. Aswear.

      The guy don format her

  5. Feeling funky at 33... I think you are hyping yourself if not why cant you attract a hot handsome man. You Married a 50yrs old and messing with a dwarf😕😕😕 When your mate are done with child bearing at 35....I became pregnant at 27yrs when i had no paper with my husband, 10yrs later i thank God that i made the decision then... Bless with two lovely kids with paper.

    1. I'm so sorry but you sound so stupid and entitled. First, you think you did it all by yourself by getting married and done with having kids at your age? Receive some sense your proud moron! From what I red up there, you have not achieved one-tenth of what poster has achieved. You are one of the idiots insulting those not married at some age. Some even married earlier than you and are still TTC. Be grateful to God for once and stop sounding like you made alk that possible. Do you know that you can lose alk your kids to one unfortunate incident if God wills? Keep sounding stupid!
      Stella, make I no find this comment.

    2. What paper...refugeee status lol. Trump is on your case

    3. wats your point though? you sound so stupid

    4. Stupid somebody sounding as if it's by your might,homeland will soon come knocking and you will find yourself in ijede with your kids because Lagos is filled up already shioorr

    5. If u are not a fool I don’t know what u are

    6. @ Anonymous personified no evil shall be fall me.. I send it back to you and your offspring...

    7. Anonymous personified thank you. That idiot up there ranting don't know the mystery of life. You think what you hv today is permanent. Don't try God by laughing at his creatures. Do you know the tears some girls spill in secret? Better ask God for forgiveness.
      I have experienced enough strange deaths to know that God can do and undo.

    8. Anonymous Personified you finish work. Why can't people stay humble in their so called achievements?

    9. @anonymous personified please tell them. So many of them on this blog, counting 1+1 as if they know tommorow. I laugh! One even said she will ensure her daughter marries at 19 (or something silly like that 🤣). I was gobsmacked that day that people like that still existed and used cell phones. But what's my own? They were most likely the ones holding clouds up when God said 'let there be rain', so they should have the power to control EVERYTHING in life.... ko??

    10. Very silly, empty, stinking, shallow sounding cretin @15:23. The sad part is you passing these traits to your children.

  6. who's the lesser evil huh?
    Dilema situations are best tackled with prayer & common sense.... then a little bit of time, cus one wrong move will negatively define ur life. I believe u prayed & God sent u a 50yr old helper with a lot of patience, yet ure looking forward to something else, i dont think this guy has an ulterior motive or plans to use u as a step forward... i cant say same for the Nigerian. When the nigerian finally gets what he wants then ud know his true colour.

    Patience still remains a virtue.

    1. At first I thought your story was boring but you got me at (he's a Nigerian) the second I read that I already know it was a scam we Nigerians know ourselves that is why it's a little hard for a Nigerian to trick a Nigerian. I'm sure he said a lot of interesting things that is appealing to you and now rushing things to trap you, before you know it you'd be broke and abandoned in Nigeria asking yourself where it all went wrong, better forget about that one and set your priorities straight, stick to the first one get your papers and cut off the Nigerian devil, once this kind of men see mugu(stupid)like you since you don't know the tricks they will suck you dry.

  7. Poster I think you should stay with the man you got married too, maybe when you two start living together you will live him.
    Move in with him, file for your papers and have your peace of mind.
    May God help you in taking the best decision.

  8. At least file for your papers. You're playing with trouble. If Trump catches you and you've not filed, you will regret it forever. Don't marrty Naija guy you don't like him. You don't have to sleep with Mr a for papers and you don't have to move to his location

    1. abi oh, hurry up & dont procrastinate with the paper filing.... no one trully knows what Buhari was signing in that book... maybe he signed for all Nigerians witout legit papers to be sent packing with no cent to their name, who knws??? cus Trump seemed pleased & friendly.

  9. My dear. Pls stick with the first and get your papers.. u r Better off there than sharing bills with one short man. Enjoy your life with the 1st abeg

  10. Nigerian guy will use you and drain you. Then marry some chic in Naija after saying you are not submissive enough. Save yourself woman. Get your papers and if things dont work out with Mr Veteran then wait on God.

  11. @ poster please stay with the 1st man.He is matured and will treat you fine..
    Wish you the best

  12. I think I will go with you on this Stella. The grass is not always green as one may think.

  13. Poster, this second guy has scam written all over him. This is the way it plays out. The whole rush and wanting his mum to travel to go visit your mum in your country is part of what they use to deceive gullible women to gain their trust. Trust me, I have seen alot to know what I'm saying. That guy is a typical Nigerian yahoo guy, do not fall for it.

  14. You are already married to Mr A so why don't you get your papers first? After which,you can uncouple from him nicely and see where the second guy might lead you to. No need for guilt, you both had an agreement, not filing for your papers is simply shortchanging yourself.

  15. The devil u know is better than the angel u dont know....short people are wicked....think n act like a man...let Queen n bus come and advise u

  16. Whatever you do, dont marry a Nigerian/American man. Their story no dey sweet.

  17. The truth be told, your primary aim for getting married isn't the noblest. You want marriage to enable you acquire your papers first, then other priorities follow suit. Though I truly understand your quagmire, I must tell you to change your motives for marriage if you want the best from God. If your motives are skewed, I'm not sure you'll get the best deal from God.

    Also, you can have God solve your 'crisis' by allowing the Holy Spirit take control of the situation. And this will happen only if you will yield completely to his Spirit and live by his 'word'. That paper and marriage you seek is nothing compared to what God has planned for your life. But are you willing to pay the 'price' of absolute surrender to his 'word'?

    It's not about being a nominal Christian lady, there's more: you have to be devoted to the study of the word and have a blossoming relationship with the Father, through his son. That was king David's secret. I assure if you do this, you'll be amazed at God's manifestation in your life.

    You can get books by seasoned Christian authors to help you navigate this tide. The truth is: it won't be easy but you'll overcome if you remain steadfast.

    You are Blessed! Amen.


    1. Monseiur I so much love your reasoning and look up to your comment always. Thanks for those words you just shared. I love people like you, another good reason I am here.

    2. This one sef na yahoo tactic too

    3. God bless you for this, spot on. I hope single matured Christians can read this

  18. Better stay with the first man. The second guy might have ulterior motives and u never can tell the horns he will grow in the future.

    It's always better as a woman to marry a man who is ready to worship the ground you walk on, and I can confidently say that the first man is that man.

    Marry him, get your papers, try to love him, if eventually it doesn't work, u can divorce him later probably by then u must have a kid or two.

  19. The Naija guy is even stingy, you better focus on the big belle American oldee.

  20. You condemn your friends that they use men and hoe around travelling round the world,but what do we call you that wants to use these men to your own advantage,you better stay with the man you are married to and file for your papers,learn to love him,have kids with him and stop looking out through the window,there's no 100% perfect marriage or man out there.i dont like that you went on an online dating site when you are already married( is that not the dating site blac chyna found her teenage boyfriend)you need to stay focus so you dont get to lose out both ways,what if you divorce your husband now and the other military man dump you,some men are very dangerous and loving,stlylishly manipulative and as well charming,men are deceiptive,use your head woman.
    Anonymous Bug

  21. Must you live in America??your choice thou, but please leave that Christian talk out of it. Christians don't do engage in all those things you people do in America. Funny thing is even when you get papers you will still stick to odd jobs to survive

  22. The fifty years old man you married was he once married? if yes what was the complication? if no then you have to learn how to love him, because you cannot eat your cake and have it. Also know that you are presently cheating on your husband with the other military man, cheating is not just sex, but emotions as well. #myopinion

  23. My dear most Nigerian guys overseas are bad news...stick to the man that loves you most.

  24. This same Christian mingle that black chyna met that teenage rapper?
    That naija military dude is a typical Yoruba Demon Pls don't leave the old man for him

  25. Hahahahahaha,which military?which barracks?lemme not put sand sand for the guy garri,can you please block the guy right now and go with MR A,block the military guy and thank me later we no as e dey go..MAGA at 33

    1. The military man is trying to scam you oooo. Nigerian format!

  26. Madam leave all this complications and file for your papers with Mr A, he has been patient with you even though you don't love him, how about you at least protect yourself from the law first.

    If you then move in with him,you can help him loose weight and make him the man you so can work on him.

    The military guy sounds like trouble, so just stay with Mr A that you are already married to.



  27. The military dude will mess up your life. Run

  28. Scam. Scammer. Scammest. Military my left butt😂😂😂

    1. Dear Madam,
      Nigerians have given you their unanimous verdict on their brother, their kind and kindred - HEAR THEM.

  29. Poster.....better sit your ass down where your bread is more buttered....inugo

  30. Poster, from your write up, your aim of getting married is just to have your papers. Well, just stick with the older man. That military man could be a scam. Be wise.

  31. Lmao. Babe wan sow seed for our Yahoo youths. Military fire

  32. Lol Christian Mingle of all places???? I don’t trust American military men, a lot of them have mental problems and very abusive. I will advice you to stick to the old man. Your main aim is to get your papers, you are already married. That Nigerian guy will fuck you up big time that you will hate life. Please use your brain to make decisions, not your heart.

    1. I had a Christian Mingle account but had to close it as I was almost suffocated by scammers. Lost my registration money but I had peace, phew!!!

  33. Lady, you sound genuine but there is something fundamentally wrong with you when it comes to the present choices. You are putting living in America as a citizen first and as a precondition for finding love. The scripture says, do not fret for it only leads to evil (Psalm 37:8). Of course you did fret and the "second evil" was jumping into a "marriage" you know does not exist. Now which is the "first evil"? That's where you are working -"with someone's papers". That's impersonation and you might end in jail if discovered. I am a US Citizen and will tell you some truths that I know. The moment you file for permanent residency with this present man you are "married to", investigation of your person starts. If not then, it will be when you begin the process of citizenship. Once they find out that you impersonated someone, it is finished! You may say that a lot of people do it -yes even those in your church do it. I won't be surprised that you "pastor" knows about that and that's a shame if that's the reality.
    You are living "a false life", moving with false friends and the evil communication with them is corrupting your good morals (remember I said first that you sound "genuine" -yes). If these factors (becoming a citizen, your false friends, this charade you call marriage etc.) are removed, you will be a true follower of Christ and you will be led by his Spirit. You will see the genuine man that loves you that he has for you. You will have peace and stop "thinking", worrying, getting older than your beautiful self and realize the essence of life here on earth. Do not follow the multitude to do evil. With the web you've woven around yourself, God will not lead a "Son" of his to be your own. He is waiting for you to humble yourself.

    "How do I get there?" You probably are asking. Begin a daily fast and reading your New Testament (you can actually listen to it from yoru smart phone). Missing a meal will do for a start. Subdue your flesh and its inordinate desires and see your spirit love and appreciate God in your life.

  34. You are a fraud and con person! You are seducing men and opening yourself for eager men to fall for you and then either withhold affection or try to rope them into engaging in fake marriage arrangement with you.
    Be careful here silly old woman like you, once you've been flagged for fraudulent activities in America, remember that the govt. has your fingerprint in their database & that will ultimately block you for life to progress in that country.

    You claim to be smart and sharp and yet you can't imagine or understand the implication of jumping around from relationship to relationships on paper here and there...all over the place???? You toy around with other human beings emotions, sanity, financial resources, time and energy; but you don't realize that some curses are for real and do have everlasting effects upon the wicked!!!


  35. Babe you have been chatting with a big time scammer!! Yahoo boy!!!u better get sense.I be yahoo boy so I know wats up.block him now and face the one u know. Dnt later come here and cry oo

  36. Military guy is a boy simple! Come thank me later ok

  37. Have u met the military guy in person??? Lol yahoo boy won chop your life saving ooo😂😂😂😂😂😂😎

  38. To tell you that we are really telling u d guy is a scammer! ! If u hv not met him! Tell him to in person after d training. Lol yahoo boy won use your money buy latest benz for naija here.

  39. This one una they shout trump. Pls my bf is relocating to U.S. pls I need advise ooo abi make e change country ooo😓😢

  40. Stella u tell thus chick say d military guy name scam

  41. Please take this to God in prayers. Seen God's face and Wait on Him to speak to you concerning this issue. This is my sincere advice

  42. Please stick with your oldie.

  43. Second guy is a scam.

    Proceed at your own risk.

    I repeat he is a SCAM.

  44. Poster I'm sorry for your predicament and I feel your pains. But I was taken aback when you said you have a heart for God. I don't mean to judge you but from all you wrote up there, you clearly don't. People who have a heart for God do not lie and deceive others for their selfish gains. Are you truly walking in God's ways or are you just adamant about getting papers by any means necessary? I may feel you're being smart but You are shortchanging yourself by all these scheming and planning to marrying men you don't love. I commend you for not sleeping around like your friends but have you you ever knelt down to pray and ask God for His will for your life? You need divine direction in this matter but your heart is still after the wrong things. Where's your heart for God when you care less about what He wants for you which is certainly not living as a fearful illegal immigrant. You need to go back to your roots and set your foundation straight. Pray about everything and think of ways you can regularise your stay legally. There's hope for you in Christ dear Sister. Surrender your life to Him but you must be ready to to do whatever He requires of you even if it means going back to your country for the meantime.

  45. you are very annoying. Finest girl with the slimmest tummy. Continue doing good girl until you get deported. nonsense


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