Stella Dimoko Stella's Interview With The Sun Weekend


Saturday, December 02, 2017

Stella's Interview With The Sun Weekend

Did you graduate from the university with a Third Class and feeling that life has come to an end? if that is the case with you then listen to this. Blogger, Stella Dimoko-Korkus made a Third Class from the University of Benin where she studied Linguistics.

 However, today, she is ontop of her game as her blog, SDK, has been rated by Forbes among the Top 100 blogs in Africa. However, her journey to the top began as a journalist at Encomium Magazine and Hints Magazine where she cut her teeth before branching into blogging. In this chat with TS Weekend, the happily married mother opens up on her career, growing up and how blogging found her.

How time flies. Those days in school at UNIBEN, if anyone had told me I would be interviewing you someday as a journalist, I probably wouldn’t have believed it. Tell us about life as a blogger?

Yes I remember our school days and class times. Greatest UNIBEN! If I was told you would ever interview me I would have laughed my head off! I also share in your success story, Tony, you may not be a loud name but I am proud of who you have become in your field of work. You were one of the hot heads book wise we had back then and you graduated with good grades. I always like to talk about my third class degree because I know a lot of people out there are ashamed and suicidal because they left the University with same grade like I did. 

Permit me to tell them that life goes on. Upgrade your degree and make the best out of it. Lots of you don’t even need to use their degrees because of the situation in the country. Become your own Boss, yes, life as a blogger is hectic and more so because I have to combine it with the task of being a mother. I tell you that it is not easy but I get by because I plan my day. I also don’t do late night blogging because I have to attend to the home and do other stuff and also get-off online! That is my balance.

Where you born with a silver spoon?

Growing up wasn’t easy. I was not born with a silver spoon but things were pretty okay for a while. I have beautiful memories of my childhood. I relive them every now and then and break out in smiles.

Was it your dream to be a journalist or did you stumble unto it accidentally?

I was always a gossip, always poke-nosed and always helped circulate gist faster than CNN whilst growing up. I also used to write a lot but I never dreamed of being a Journalist. I wanted to be lawyer or doctor but like they say ‘man proposes and God disposes.’ Did I stumble into writing? That is exactly what happened. I cut my teeth at Hints Magazine and moved to Encomium before I moved on to blogging.

Your platform is rated among the top 100 in Africa. Did you believe you could be this big someday?

When you say big, what does that mean? Successful? I didn’t think about failing when I started out. I always have positive thoughts about being better than anybody else so you could say even though I never planned to go into blogging, once I did, all I wanted to be was not number one but the best; a site you would come to and get hooked, a site you and I can relate and interact on. Uche Pedro of Bellanaija encouraged me to go into bogging and kept pushing until I gave in. I am very sure she must be proud of me (laughter).

Today, a lot of Nigerian youths look up to you because of your success as a blogger. Could you share your five tips to success in blogging?

Don’t look back, study what others are doing and find your G spot. Don’t feel threatened by someone else’ high traffic. Be creative, Challenge yourself and keep pushing until you hit where you can read your own story and be like wow; be competitive.

Was there any point you felt like quitting due to challenges and pressure. And if so, what was your turning point?

When I started blogging I barely had any comments; everything was just topsy-turvy but I never felt like quitting because I knew I would catch up. I have this attitude which is never give up no matter how sweaty and anxious you become.

Have you made money from blogging?

I have over 20 awards and I am very grateful for this. Have I made money from blogging? Let us just say that blogging has been very good to me. I always say that becoming a journalist was awesome and one of the best decisions I ever made but blogging helped me fulfil all the dreams I could not reach as a print journalist. A journalist’s reward is in heaven but a bloggers own is here on earth (laughter)..

How do you feel when people attack you on social media for your stories?

How I feel? Honestly? I feel nothing. However, I try to find out why I am being attacked and try to apologise or make corrections. I used to be very ruthless with the way I did my stories but I am all grown-up and don’t want to hurt any one. I just want to deliver news that is educative, entertaining and full of gossip without really hurting anyone. Sometimes it is futile and sometimes not. Being called out for stories I write is okay. It kinda provides a check and balance on me.

Do you think social media should be regulated? If not, what is the way forward against the backdrop of fake news and libel?

Regulating social media would amount to gagging the public and taking away their right to express freely. We have a lot of ‘emergency blogs’ started by people who are not journalists but want to make money. So they come online and post whatever they hear in beer parlours and that is tragic. My take is that people should be more sensitive to the kind of things they read and believe.

The entertainment industry is replete with tales of marital breakups. As a woman, what is your take on domestic abuse and at what point should a victim seek help?

I hate physical altercation. I am not referring to just the women being abused but I am also referring to men being victims because men also suffer domestic violence. A situation that involves emotional or financial abuse might still be managed but the minute the first punch or slap lands, you decide if you want to stay and work it out or stay and end up dying or just take a walk. Most abused people always go back so these days I try to support anyone who comes to me in any way I can but I do not tell them to stay or leave; I just help them find their voice.

What are your dreams?

Everything I am doing now is living my dream. Dreaming is for people who are asleep; I am wide awake and living my dream.

Interviewed By Tony Ogaga (My former class mate in UNIBEN)


  1. Congrats Stella. I am at a wedding. They mix jollof and fried rice together. I hate combination.
    Anyway congrats to all jare

    1. Lol.
      Nwanu commot the one wey you like chop nau.

    2. Stella, I can tell you’re a genuinely nice person, and your mentality is very progressive, you have a very modern mindset yet a stickler for good values. Keep soaring, we are all cheering you on.

    3. Keep the flag flying Stella.

    4. Aww I love this, keep up Stella.

    5. Stelzs u read linguistics? I also read linguistics too.

      Beautiful answer by d way👌

    6. Congratulations @ Stella🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌

      Nice one..
      Keep soaring higher..

    7. I love you much sist.......💋😘😍

    8. Congratulations dear Stella. The sky is your stating point. Yori Yori you no well Oo 😂😂😂😁😁😂😂

  2. Replies
    1. Kudos queen of blogsphere. Nice one.

    2. She "has really calmed down?"
      Was she erect before?

    3. Tuale to the very Queen of blogosphere. Number one blognalist in Africa. Yes o, I am very honoured to be the PA to a woman who knows her onions.

    4. @Queen and boss,Stella has truly calmed down.

    5. Anonymous 15:23, why not keep quiet if you dont understand what Queen & boss said. Its no beefing and we love Stella but the truth is Stella has calmed down as regards her responses during the interview. More maturity as well.
      Well done Stella 👌😘😍

  3. This is really interesting. It's not how one started but how one finishes that really matter.

    1. See nose... like Nosa.. lolzzzz back to post jare

    2. Tecki take ya time o
      Don't you know the nose rhymes with the face? if to say God put a smaller nose there, the face for look odd. As e be so, everything blend together. Make una leave our Stellanosa like that. kilode?

  4. Sdk the great, I'm wide awake and living my dream, God bless you for that line ma.

    1. Yes!, that line caught me. Thumbs up 👍 Stella

  5. Good interview, always very open and sincere. Love you girl.

  6. Matured and intelligent answers. Nice one

  7. Goodone madam stella, the Lord is ur muscle

  8. I love your responses. Can't wait to start living my dreams too. I love you Stella.

    1. Don’t look back, study what others are doing and find your G spot. Don’t feel threatened by someone else’ high traffic. Be creative, Challenge yourself and keep pushing until you hit where you can read your own story and be like wow; be competitive.

      Just what I needed.
      Kudos Stella

  9. Congrats Mrs.Dimo, I love you.

    SDK No. 1 stan

  10. Congrats Mrs.Dimo, I love you.

    SDK NO 1. Stan

  11. ...wide awake and living my dreams.
    That's it.
    Kudos Stella.

  12. I just came here to shout Greatest Uniben!😅😅😅😅
    Welldone Stella for encouraging people with your story.

  13. Very straight forward every bit of the interview.

  14. Stella, you’re very relatable and personable. Balancing family life and career. More grace to you. I hope to meet you one day.

  15. kudos stella. you are doing a great job. i truly believe you,when you said you don't want to hurt people. wise woman. this stella, you get old mama wisdom. please God, help me not to die with my dreams but good memories

  16. One thing I like about you is your intelligence "keep the flag flying"

  17. MonkeyNoFineTheTafiaMama2 December 2017 at 15:30

    Interesting 👏👏👏👏

  18. The best interview so far


  19. Nice one Stella. God bless you abundantly

  20. Im wide awake and living my dreams...I love DAT line SDK of life.

  21. Clear road for sdk herself..... Keep soaring high our ogbonge blog queen

  22. Yesoooo, Uniben Uniben. Aunty Stella, I've told you before in the mail. Your blog don do me well and I love you. The questions were well answered. I calm gokwa downooo. Hehehehe. Kisses.

  23. Congratulations Stella. Interesting and encouraging! I love this. I was introduced to your blog by my husband. It has really been a source of encouragement for me. Keep up the good work!

  24. Very mature and unique stella,God will lift you higher than what you are today.

  25. Baddest Mc ever liveth. I'm wide awake, living my dreams #dropsMIC# 💙💙

  26. Stella I really hope to meet one day.. and I believe I would.. God's willing..

  27. Stella I really hope to meet you one day.. and I believe I would.. God's willing..

  28. 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽🙌🏽

  29. Congratulations madam. Greater heights we pray. The most sane and steady blog I'm visiting. Proud that you aren't allowing the competition to drive you into sharing contents that against your values. We love you ma

  30. Baddest Blogger of our time
    I love you to the moon and back✌✌✌✌✌👍👍👍

    Very matured interview

  31. Nice one mam. You look good by the way

  32. Nice response Stella. Carry go, you are unstoppable

  33. Thumbs up Stella.Keep up with the good work!
    Nice read.

  34. with age come wisdom. am happy for u stella.

    *hangs leg on the wall*

  35. Dreams are for people who are asleep. You have a way with words SDK, GREAT WOMAN!

  36. Dreams are for people who are asleep. You have a way with words SDK. GREAT WOMAN

  37. Dreams are for people who are asleep. You have a way with words SDK. GREAT WOMAN

  38. Olofofo beautiful interview, Love you and so proud of you.

    Chi of Nairarule

  39. Good one @SDK SAN (Senior Amebo of Nigeria)

    Kai, I fear that school UNIBEN.. Na so Dem "bend " my @Uncle.. Lol


  40. I love the responses
    Very intelligent and clear
    God will take you there @SDK, the sky is your starting point

    @Uncle Tony, thanks for the interview o


  41. Great Interview Stella,more coconut oil to your elbows.well done

  42. Carry go @ Stella
    You rock

  43. Greatest gbagba, Greatest gbogbo. I hail.

  44. I like that you didn't allow a temp setback hold you down. Good job ma'am


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