Stella Dimoko Sunday laughst


Sunday, May 21, 2017

Sunday laughst

Hehehehehhe who is making Jollof rice today?Make sure it looks like this photo....

*Time*: *3Hrs 30MINS*

*1.* You have dated a girl for *two* years, eventually she drops you for another guy. Calculate the percentage of time wasted. *(20 marks)*

*2.* You bought a phone for your girlfriend and she gave it to another guy. Using trigonometric identities, derive a general formula for this type of love. *(20 marks)*

*3. For Boys* You're dating around 15 girls and every girl is demanding for a Samsung Galaxy and an iPhone 6s
*(a)* Plot a graph of girls against prices of phones. *(15marks)*
*(b)* Use your graph to estimate your future poverty *(5marks)*

*4.* You are dating other peoples' sisters yet you don't want to see any guy with your sister. Calculate the Percentage Error in your Thinking Capacity. *(20 marks)*

*5.* You are a *civil servant*, your wife is a petty trader, your combined household income is less than N50,000. Your daughter who is awaiting *GCE* result is using iPhone 6s and Samsung Galaxy worth N90,000 each. Calculate the Percentage of your Parental Negligence. *(20 marks)*

*6. *For girls* You're a girl and you have dated 20 guys with hard labour, use the law of diminishing Return to calculate the substance that will be left for your husband to enjoy. *(20 marks)*

*7.* You can't give your wife N1,000 for a pot of soup, but you spend over N5,000 in bars and restaurant.
Calculate the radius of your 'stupidity', take π=3.142 *(20 marks)*

8.* You have been in the church and in your for years but your name is not in the book of LIFE because of the secret sin. Calculate the years you will spend in HELL? (30 mark)


*SECTION B: Theory.*
In one word give 5 reason why is difficult for Ladies to propose.

Your Time Starts Now.



  1. Replies
    1. Hey! My beloved, how are you dearie? Shouting out from my hood to you...

      Please who can help me with the lyrics and meaning of this song?

      Aka akaya, aka Jehovah name nma
      Onu ebube ya.....
      Isi ichendu.....

      Pls help me, igbo kwenu!

    2. Aka aka ya aka jehova na eme nma
      Olu ebube ya, nke na erughari na ebe anyi no
      Isi iyi nke ndu nke na adighi ata ata.
      Aka aka ya, aka jehova na eme nma

    3. Aka aka ya... His hand
      Aka Jehovah n'eme mma... Jehovah's hands does good
      Olu ebube ya... His faithful works
      Nke n'eghughari n'ebe nno... that is all around me
      Isi nke ndu nke n'adighi ata ta... the source of life that never runs dry
      Aka aka ya aka Jehovah n'eme mma.

      Hope all the interpretations are correct or almost correct. Na Igbo L2 I do for secondary school

    4. Fan Emmanuel come here o. Come and mark the script. Let me know the one to cram. No be only to yab you go dey speak igbo.

      Thanks @ uptown girl and Tuesday Child(whats behind that name btw).

    5. Odunlade and his faces.

  2. Lolz ghana n naija jellof rice kikikikiki issorite

  3. Ghanaians have really suffered sha
    Well, that's what they get for trying to rub shoulders with their big brother Nigeria.

    Lmao, see how Oshiomhole was ridiculed
    The person that made that meme has no joy.
    I'm making Banga jollof rice today with black fish and turkey
    Let me run along to the market now.

    1. Banga jollof? Haven't heard that one. Recipe pls. Love trying new meals. Mk e sha sweet o.

    2. Chi exotic Nwa, which one be banga jollof, oya drop the recipe make I cook am next Sunday.
      thank you.

    3. Lol
      It's just the normal Banga oh
      I use the washed Banga to make jollof
      No seed tomatoes or thin tomatoes.
      Add enough crayfish and onion, black fish and Banga spices, other spices, chicken or beef, any of your choice then you pour in your parboiled rice.

      Do you like pepper like me? Then add lots of pepper. Use Cameroon pepper, it aroma is superb.
      I like rice a lot and I always try out different ways of cooking it.

      Basically, it's just a way of using Banga soup to make jollof.
      Whether e go sweet or not? Dem no born am well make e no sweet.

  4. Hahahaha issacson see your life ooo

    1. Hahahahaha nor mind bv ola.... I will be posted to where I will get uninterrupted power supply ijn amen....

  5. Hahahaahahaha... the Ghana jollof rice guy looks like the guy that holds my pastor's bible.

    1. Never outshine your master.

  6. Very funny, see me laughing in church.
    *puts phone back into purse*

  7. That transformer meme had me rolling on the floor.I grew up in Lag,so I can totally relate.Those days, smh.....

    1. Its everywhere but in Lagos, it's a big problem

    2. Yes o! Jokes were on point today except a few.

  8. Replies
    1. See fight between me and you lol
      Iffa hear say light nor go dey for my ppa lol... U nor want make I dey come sdk blog abi lol

    2. Ola wealth👍👍👍👍

  9. I laughed all through. Thanks Stella for the stress antidote.

  10. Hahahahahahehehehehehuhuhuhu

    1. What you order from Jumia and what you get delivered to you ...hahahahahahahaaa!!!

      Sherry's Daughter

  11. One of these new corpers that their names just came out today chatted me up:
    "De law ,goodmorning, am a corpse coming to Lagos"
    I don't know if I should ask him the exact mortuary he is coming to or I should just type RIP, what do u Guys think?

    1. OMG...... LMAO. U bad gan. Give him the address of the best funeral home in Lagos. Lol.

    2. Could be auto correct dealing with him, funny though.

  12. You are still wondering where u contacted that sexually transmitted disease from,
    but your boyfriend's name is Stanley Tochukwu Dike (STD).
    Are u thinking what I'm thinking?
    Don't mention, it's just words of wisdom from me to you.

  13. Hahahhaha Simi cannot keep secret

  14. Badass Nigerian Jollof. Exactly what I am cooking this morning, I haven't taken jollof rice in like ages. I am not freaked about it especially as I don't really dig rice.

    Can't find the napkin? Na napkin den dey use for kitchen?

    Ola wealth, your memes are funny esp that of kris and ibukun....I chuckled out loud

  15. Funny, good work Ola wealth

  16. Olawealth I will soon contact you to do business meme for me.

  17. I know some of u don't know this.
    When you connect with somebody through:
    KISSING.. is called chemistry
    EYE CONTACT... is called physics.
    ROMANCE.. Is called Biology.
    THEIR LOOKS.. is called fine arts.
    THEIR GOOD BEHAVIOR.. Is called Home Economics.
    THEIR LOVE FOR GOD..Is called CRK.
    THEIR called Business studies.
    SEX.. Is called H.P.E called Igbo language.

  18. Replies
    1. Somtin sure wrong witcha!

    2. Thank you for that anonymous 13:37

  19. I made correct afang soup yesterday, I'll download that later with swallow. Me I don't understand this tradition of eating rice on sundays anybody frown for me for this house today enter kitchen.

  20. One of the best Sunday laughs so far. Thanx sister Stella. I laugh sotey mess comot.

  21. #The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make a mistake*

  22. The Tuxedo and suit got me rolling


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