I got this in my email and my mouth was agape as I read through....This is definitely a must read....WHAT!!!
Nigeria has had her fair share of notable armed robbers like Dr Ishola Oyenusi and Abiodun Egunjobi who terrorized the entire South-west.
Lawrence Anini who dealt with the entire South-South.
And Here Is The Story Of Derico Nwamama who held the Entire South-East to a stand-still (Especially Anambra State).
His real name is Okwudili Ndiwe A.K.A Derico Nwamama!
Derico started out as a Street Urchin in Onitsha, then graduated to a pick pocket, and then to a dreaded Criminal whose mere mention of his name sent shivers down the spines of every single human being in the entire South East part of Nigeria.
Indeed, long before Derico became famous (infamous, rather?) for his Exploits in the City of Onitsha, The entire Anambra State was under the control of another Ruthless, Merciless and Cold Blooded Armed Robber known as Chiejina...
Under the Reign of Chiejina and his gang, all residents of Onitsha were living in fear.
Infact a Policeman once told me a horrifying story about Chiejina.
He said that on 16th of February 1999, two days after valentine celebration, Chiejina, acting on a tip off besieged a family in Onitsha hoping to get money from the man of the house, but unfortunately, the man didn’t come home with money, he had gone to the bank before going home.
Chiejina became so enraged that he grabbed the man’s 4months old son, threatened to throw the baby from a 3 storey building, and when the man and his wife weren’t forthcoming with his demands, he flung the baby from 3 storey building and shot the man twice in the head!
Infact Reports have it that he forced families to have incest in front of him for his own amusement. He forced Fathers to sleep with their daughters and Mothers to sleep with their sons, Refusal meant death!
Derico and Chiejina were very good friends at that time and also colleagues in the Armed Robbery Business, friendship that started during the famous Umuleri/Aguleri War... But Derico was not based in Onitsha then, he was based in Abuja, the Federal Capital territory and only visited the east from time to time to carry out his robbery operations with maximum terror...
And after raining a torrent of bullets and gunfire upon the hapless and ill-equipped officers of the Nigerian Police and defenceless Nigerians, he would speed back to his safe haven, with his loot, safe on the laps of power, luxury and comfort.
But according to reports, wahala started in November 1999, when the then Obi Of Onitsha, HRH Obi Ofala Okagbue rallied Onitsha-Ado Youths to help curb the ever rising Crime in the City to enable indigenes who ran away to return for the Christmas Celebration of that year...
Ado youths then sat together with some of the notorious armed robbers to know how to settle them and have peace return to the City of Onitsha...
Chiejina and Derico were present in the meeting!
But after the meeting, the deadly Chiejina refused to stand down, infact he attacked some members of the Ado Youth and became even more Ruthless in the entire State!
Ado Youths sought the help of his bossom friend, Derico but it didn’t yield much fruit, so they decided to give him a taste of his own medicine!
They liaised with Derico and some special Police Officers to raid Chiejina and his gang. The Operation was not totally successful because Chiejina was not present at the time but members of his gang were rounded up and sent to The Central Police Station, Onitsha.
When Chiejina learnt what happened, he felt betrayed by his bossom friend, Derico, and without thinking about the consequences, called on his right hand man who also doubled as his bike man, Amobi, to take him straight to Derico’s parent’s house.
On getting there, he met Derico’s father and decorated the man with lots of bullets!!!
Derico heard about it and set out for revenge immediately, he ran into Chiejina close to Emmanuel Church at Ugwunokpamba road, Onitsha and pumped in lots of bullets into the Great Chiejina, and the Iroko of the Underworld fell into a gutter...
Derico then put Chiejina into a wheelbarrow and wheeled him to the Police Station at Isiokwe, Onitsha.
Unconfirmed report claimed that Chiejina didn’t die on the spot, that while in the wheel barrow, he begged Derico to kill him and not take him to the Police Station alive. Derico then obliged him and pumped in one final shot to end the evil reign of one of Nigeria’s meanest Criminals!
On getting to the Police Station, Officers were dancing and celebrating, they lifted Derico up as their Hero and celebrated him as the King Of The Town.
Little did they know that they just crowned a more wicked soul, the King and Protector of Onitsha!
After the death of Chiejina, Derico became the undisputed Emperor of Terror in the Land. The Entire Anambra State was in soup and the environs will not be spared too!
At some point, Derico used the town of Umuleri as his hideout. Then from there, he would issue threatening messages to the police that they will pay for killing members of his gang. He also maintained bases in other towns like Agbor, Benin and Asaba.
Indeed, The traders in Onitsha could not display their wares with peace while many slept with one eye open. Derico sacked commercial banks in Onitsha, carting away millions of naira. Travellers who had to pass through the state held their breathes, expecting the hoodlum to strike at anytime.
The then Governor of the state, Chinwoke Mbadinuju, became an old man over night with worries on how to handle the menace of Derico.
He was described as the personification of terror. From Nnewi to Nkpor, down to Onitsha, up to Asaba, from the villages in Umuleri to towns in Ihiala, the old and the young, Men, women and Children were terrified at the mere whisper of Derico Nwamama.
He took over people’s Lands, Businesses, Wives and all his members including members of his family got away with anything cos they were related to him!
At that time, he was said to be invisible and could not be arrested.
According to reports, Derico Nwamama killed over 200 people including 25 police officers whose lives he mercilessly wasted. He was a master of countless bus robberies and will not blink twice before pumping his hot lead bullets into the beating hearts of helpless victims.
And after his successful raids, he would boast and declare himself invincible. Derico seemed to have placed a lot of faith and confidence in the charms prepared for him by the traditional witch doctors.
Indeed, Governor Mbadinuju was not the only one worried about the reign of terror perpetrated by Derico Nwamama as even President Olusegun Obasanjo was enraged that the criminal was left to unleash terror in a part of Nigeria.
The police were helpless and had lost many men to the dreaded bandit and seemed at wits end on what to do to bring him and his gang to book. In May 2001, the Anambra State Police Command launched the Operation Derico which was aimed at capturing Derico and his gang members at all cost.
The police managed to arrest some of Derico's men but he was still elusive as he kept operating with reckless abandon, robbing, killing and kidnapping innocent Nigerians.
In December 2000, Derico and his gang committed the worst crime known to man till date!
They attacked a 59-seater-Luxurious Bus filled to the brim at the Popular Upper Iweka.
The bus was about to leave for Lagos.
After robbing every single person in the bus, they decided to kill everybody on board! Including women and children, and mercilessly, the devil himself (Derico) gave the orders and his men shot all the passengers, execution style and left them for dead! (Only 4 people survived the ordeal)!
After that horrible incident, the then Governor of Anambra State, Chinwoke Mbadinuju didn’t have any other choice but to bring in the Dreaded Bakassi Boys to help save the State.
On Tuesday, July 3, 2001, (If this date is your birthday, then u deserve one bottle of whatever your brand plus one plate of Nkwobi cos that was the day Onitsha, and indeed Anambra State was liberated)!
On the 3rd of July, 2001, Derico was in a bus going from Agbor to Onitsha, on getting to the Onitsha axis of the Bridge Head, The Dreaded Bakassi Boys stopped the bus.
Sensing danger, The Crime Lord Jumped the Window to run away, but before he could make the first after jumping out, the nearest Bakassi member on the scene chopped off his left ear and that was how Derico was captured.
And For a man who thought he was above the law and could not be captured, it was funny how he started crying and pleading for his life. He was taken to Borromeo Hospital for treatment cos he was bleeding profusely.
When news of his capture broke, ever single human being in Anambra State celebrated as if it was the second coming of Christ!
Indeed, Derico met his end in the most awful manner. Before then, the Bakassi Boys had developed a terrible and blood chilling reputation for dealing with suspects and Derico's days were surely numbered from when he was caught.
On the 9th of July 2001, six days after Derico was captured at the Niger Bridge, the Bakassi Boys did to him what many had earlier predicted. Chanting war songs, they drove in their convoy around the town and ended at the Ochanja Market Junction along the popular Upper Iweka Road in Onitsha.
As their buses came to a halt, shouts of excitement and expectation rented the air. Many knew the fate that would befall Derico, so they all trooped to the spot to witness the final judgement on him.
Derico was dragged out from the bus, looking gaunt and severely beaten, a trademark of the vigilante group. His body bore cuts and gashes, a testament to what he must have gone through in their hands. He must also have known that the day of reckoning has come.
He was in obvious pains but no one seemed to care. Still chanting war songs and egged on by the enchanted crowd, one of the commanders of the Bakassi Boys named Okpompi, addressed the crowd, telling them they were in the state not for politics but to fight crime.
He handed over the microphone to the now trembling Derico who, like a coward, began begging for his life to be spared. He made feeble attempts at declaring his innocence:
“My name is Oddy, alias Derico, alias Nwa Mama. I appeal to you the people of Anambra State, please don’t kill me, I don’t like evil. It was when I killed Chiejina that people thought I am a strong guy, you know.
I trust Bakassi Boys. They are strong. Please, mercy for me. Nobody can identify me as having robbed him. People just believe that I am a strong guy.”
He confessed that while he was on the run, he was sheltered by a member of the National Assembly in Abuja. He also confessed that he had two other powerful protectors, one being a member of the Anambra State House of Assembly while the other was the chairman of a local government council.
What was to follow remains one of the most macabre displays of public executions in Nigeria. With the speed of a guillotine, a cutlass handled in the strong arm of one of the Bakassi Boys flew and came down with an unforgiving thud, landing on Derico’s slim neck. In a flash, Derico was beheaded.
His severed head rolled on the floor before the crowd while his convulsing body collapsed on the ground, with bright-red blood gushing from his carotid arteries. It was like a sacrifice to the gods had just taken place.
The crowd was satisfied and as far as the Bakassi Boys were concerned, that was a clear lesson and message to any criminal bent on making life miserable for the Anambrarians.
With the lifeless remains of Derico still lying on the floor, the people erupted in jubilation, patting one another on the backs and exchanging mutual congratulations after a monstrously grotesque show of iron and blood. That was not the end.
Razor-sharp machetes flew from different directions and chopped his pitiful remains into sizable chunks. Derico’s mangled remains were heaped up, properly rinsed with fuel and set on fire.

*Please if you are the writer,send me a mail so that I can give credit to story properly.
Na wa o, so anini was a learner where this one was
ReplyDeleteDon't say that ohhhh! Aninih was evil personified. Rather it was Derico who was a learner compared to Aninih. Google top 10 or top 5 armed robbers in Nigeria, Derico is #4 while Aninih is ALWAYS #1 so you can imagine.
DeleteHe was not only interested in money, but also blood thirsty. He sold his soul to the devil. Smh
DeleteAnini bu who? The day Derico was killed was like a carnival from Afo-igwe down to new market Onisha, I was in Umudioka girls den oh boyyyyyyy come c Nah, we jumped fence to go watch o, no market that day Pple were frying Akara and yam free, we stopped at Afo-igwe packed inside Nylon, waited to board bus, iga asikwa ( for where) buses all d way for Abagana, Awka was filled to d bream, Pple heading to upper iweka to go watch Bakkasi boys in action, u must put palm fronds even in d private cars and commercial buses, finally me and some friends got in lapped ourselves, chanting all those like Aye, jirate song it was amazing, Pple sticking there heads out of d bus jubiliating ,na so ,the traffic was MAD, it seemed like d whole Anambra came out, as we no fit take d traffic again we just jumped down at Ikenga junction, see free foods in restaurants, free minerals Chai... The whole road was something else but it was FUN!!! Families who were affected was singing ,jubiliating declaring drinks, it was mad o!!!! Eventually we got back ard 6 and our punishment awaited us, we didn't care o! Derico Nwammamma was DEAD! The happiest day ever! Even better than d day the prophet was killed(i can't Remb his ugly name again the one that gave Pple free wealth and children with staf, it was same Bakkasi boys that killed him too) y Derick's death was so famous was because of the Young shall grow motor attack, Sandra okagbes Dad, (flavours wife dad) played a prominent rule that yr because during Ofala of that yr, he made a promise he was going to deal with Deric.... I think Bobby Manuel featured in one it's many films they made of him, the one he was asked to sleep with his mother and after he did, d robbers left them alive but Bob cldnt take d shame and swore if he laid eye on his mum in his life time again, that wld b d day he wld die, he was Derico in d movie I think, So many yrs after he saw his mum ,that was d day he was captured.. Pls am not sure if he was Derico or chiejine again. I can't Remb again. C typo now Hahahahah
DeleteYea I remember this while in primary school, we all lived in onitsha during the rain and fall of Derico. This man was once sent to assassinate my mum but he spared her and still named the person that sent him, the rest is now history.
DeleteAnon14:04. Derico reigned for just a year. The sum of what he did in a year compared to Anninih own which was spread in years I will think Derico is worse than Anninih. Imagine if Derico lasted for 5 years.
DeleteQueen r u serious Haaaa. U guys r lucky that means ur mum or dad was a big trader cos the rival traders were using him and his gang to silence there competition back then. Measles son of d devil. Did u say Anini was nos one? Well for us in Anambra Derico over so am during our days, u may be right
DeleteHow do we get all this old movies to watch? Nollywoods can fall hang o
DeleteThen after they killed all the criminals and the rest fled to neighbouring states. The govt culdnt stop the Bakassi boys who then became a terror to Innocent Citizens of Anambra. They became infiltrated and turned into a political tool. They killed many innocent boys for flimsy beef issues like someone dating a fine girl that refused one of them. They forcefully took over people's properties, raped innocent underage girls. I remember my kid brother witnessing one of their public executions of an 18year old boy on his way back from school. He was in primary school and still remembered how the boys mother later came and confirmed that she gave the boy the money to take home from the palm oil supply factory behind our house. She mentioned the exact amount she gave him to take home for safety because she closes late from work and most of thpse market women don't use banks then. They have cut off his two hands and legs and set him ablaze before the woman ran down. they claim their machete turns red when they see an armed robber. Even before any news can be verified, they ve killed. Then if you just came back with flashy ride and babes most admired Hmnnn, na death be dat. Finally most of those bakassi boys died by bullets from police, armed robbers etc even after they were dissolved. Cos they all turned into armed robbers. It is not easy for someone that has the kinda power those people had to just become redundant after they have done the job they were recruited for, esp when the killings was already sweeting them. I wonder how they sleep at night. I heard they ask if you want short sleeve(cutting the hand from the elbow) or long sleeve(cutting the hand from the wrist)
DeleteHe was known as Deri nwamama nd piple will shout deneee abi senee,lol d piple do dat cos dey were scared
DeleteI remember the derico story from movies. Didn't know it was this serious.
DeleteShivers all through my body
DeleteFeeling cold
The bakassi boys kill more innocent pple than the major criminals, most main mrkt oga's that don't want to settle their boys after serving them pay them to eliminate them they will come& pick the boy from his oga shop with oga arrangement with them & that's the end of those boys,
DeleteStudents Nko? Parents has to take away their sons more than 17yrs else If ur enemy pay them 30k then ur son is gone. But all of them was killed, though their problem started when they kill Prophet Edward okeke aka eddy Na nawgwu.
The bakassi boys kill more innocent pple than the major criminals cos those major criminals flee the state immediately , most main mrkt oga's that don't want to settle their boys after serving them pay them to eliminate them they will come& pick the boy from his oga shop with oga arrangement with them & that's the end of those boys,
DeleteStudents Nko? Parents has to take away their sons more than 17yrs else If ur enemy pay them 30k then ur son is gone. But all of them was killed, though their problem started when they kill Prophet Edward okeke aka eddy Na nawgwu.
Chijina & derico are both onitsha indigines,
DeleteBAKASSI boys started killing innocent soul, raping women if the husband of the woman talk u r dead,Settling debts, assassins. they actually kill more innocent souls than derico & chiejina combine & police & some bad gangs they killed their leaders killed them gradually,
Derico don't wear shoe he always wear a pure white bathroom slippers always, obiokosi primary sch was there bunk. Have seen him countless times, he doesn't steal inside imeogbe where onitsha indigines stays that's his major issues with chiejina but he is a terror where to non indigines eg the upper iweka robbery,
DeleteOnitsha derico! He was dreaded then
ReplyDeleteI can never forget then when we used to travel from the north to the east for Christmas when we got to onitsha we were asked to hold onto each other at the park cus my Mum told us we could be easily snatched away. I don't even know why we were forced to go for Christmas when we hardly left our compound cus of the deadly stories of this guy. Once when he travelled we saw a dead body on the main road near main market, no one cared as everyone kept on crossing the road like nothing, my mum almost came down from the car as she couldn't hold her tears as to why people were crossing carelessly. We were told that he was a big businessman who was assassinated by a deadly gang. We thank God for today and for the likes of Peter obi and willy cus today anambra is a better place and a better land it shall remain Amen
DeleteThere was a movie about this guy.. Emeka Ike and Hanks Anuku I think
DeleteGeeeeeesh!i can still remember then ,houses wer robed one after the other,at d sound of gun evry1 will start shivering though i was jst 4yrs old den
DeleteThe fear of Derico was the beginning of wisdom for my people in the East. People were afraid to travel for christmas or easter at that time.
ReplyDeleteHmmmmmm i have really forgotten such a person exist
Hmmm, na wa ooo, only one man!
ReplyDeleteOnyerom onu okwu. What a wicked world
DeleteThis is a great story, simple and articulated writing, held me spell bound to the end! Now I know the real story behind Chiejina and Derico nwamama. Thank you Stella!
ReplyDeletePls can all these cinema actors use this to make a movie, cus we haven't had such a movie in a while, at least one with great buzz so that the younger generation would be know about this history. It would make a great movie so intriguing
DeleteThis would make a great movie, let all these new generation producers make this into a movie, it will sell enh. Atleast we would have a rest from all these October first kinda movies. I was so glued to my phone.. Genivive, ufoma, Rita dom see movie o
DeleteAs in ehh,i follow u dey thank stella nd D writer,u did well
DeleteMy God!!
ReplyDeleteI shiverrrrr
This person is a good story teller.
I was fixed to my phone.... I imagined everything..
I know when the Bakassi group was formed.. It was scarrrry!! That vigilante group was a necessary evil. Ofcourse their methods were questionable but Onitsha was left with no choice.
I remember when rumor filtered into other eastern states that a notorious Armed Robber was making sons have sex with their mothers,fathers their daughers. This is the most psychotic,twisted,disgusting thing ever.
There was a good movie too.. Derico Nwamama!!!
The chants i think was "Isakaba owende Isakabaaaa"
Ah!!Poster you've made my day.
I love history.
Knowing about past crimes,investigations,reenactments... I love KNOWING!
Write to us about The Otokoto saga.
Otokutu, that is another scary story
DeleteIphie kai,I just remembered that otokoto saga, it reigned then o, I remember how houeses were burnt, the likes of obidiozo and the rest
DeleteSorry Otokutu is different. Otokoto is the story of a hotel where they butchered people abi? It was a little boy's death who brought the end to it right??
DeleteThe one that terrorized aba and its environs too, pls we need to read about that one too. Bakassi also killed him.
Deletethis is terrible. see goose pimples all over my body. I remember the days. People lived in dread and fear of robberies in Onitsha and environs until the Bakassi boys came. And he was pleading for mercy when he showed no mercy.
ReplyDeleteI remember the popular Isssakaba movies that were produced shortly after that.
THese stories should be added to history lessons. there are a lot Nigerian children born in the 90s do not know. Let it be a pointer that evil does not pay
It was a bad time for Onitsha residents back then.
DeleteBakassi brought sanity back to Anambra state.
ReplyDeleteWhoever wrote this is as skilled as bloglord.
Sad that the Nigerian Police could not handle a criminal element. Glad he was killed and may his fate befall all those evil and dangerous criminals who kill people for nothing.
Waohh this was interesting reading,have never in my life thought it was a true life story.only watched the movie then and couldn't understand what it was all about. God help us not to be found where you never wish us to be ijn.Amen
ReplyDeleteI was waiting for that bakassi part.
ReplyDelete*shudders* those who live by the sword shall die by the sword!
ReplyDeleteAnd he was just 22?! Hah! What a wasted life.
wow wow wow poster na u Biko I thoroughly enjoyed reading this story and to tink dt I use to hear dis name and I tot it was an endearment maybe becos of d nwa mama attached to it anyway tnks for dis wonderfully enlightening story nw I cn go nd gist my neighbors
ReplyDeleteDerico nwamama tenee..i had this nostalgic feeling reading this story...
ReplyDeleteHmmmm..it was hell then in south east.
ReplyDeleteAba was worst.
We couldn't sleep with our 2 eyes closed.
They kept sending us back from school cos bakassi boys and Jango guys are exchanging bullets.
To the extend they started using charms to track down criminals.
Robbers that will write you a letter 4 days before coming to your street.
Osisikankwu started his own, Aba has always been a town for the hardcores.
DeleteOsisikankwu of aba
What a life ! 😩😩
ReplyDeleteWow!!! I heard this story when I was growing up cos I was 10 then. I even encountered bakassy boys too. We need gist on oyenusi though I've watched the movie.... interesting
ReplyDeleteInteresting ,kudos to the writer
ReplyDeleteDeirico Nwamama the dearded criminal just like Anini
ReplyDeleteMaking a common thief a star...na wah for social media these days
ReplyDeleteNde' nmadu na tu ujo x2
ReplyDeleteMaka onwere ajonmo nono obodo
Iwu deri nwamama, ke..ne.. ke..ne..
Deri nwamama, kene.
Surely, he'll always be remembered for evil.
Teea neea
DeleteGoodness God!!! Had to read line by line to the end*shivering* Human beings dey this world o! Chiejina flung four months old baby from 3storey building and Derico killed all 59 passengers on board. Jesus christ!!!!!!!! Ruthless is an understatement in the case of these dare devils. May I never come across such wicked,hardened souls. God forbid! Wonder what happened to Bakassi boys self. Learnt they really calmed onitsha and all. Nawaaaaa!!!
ReplyDeleteI heard some of them joined bad gang and became criminals.
DeleteThey had no better life because there hands was stained with blood
DeleteVery interesting, Thanks to the person that sent it.
ReplyDeleteGod Bless Everyone
I seek God's refuge from all forms of evil and attrocities. Amen
ReplyDeleteI can imagine the day he was born, people were happy no knowing he is a devil. God please forbid bad children, children that will bring pains and curse to human.
Amen oh
DeleteWaoh...What a good read!!!
ReplyDeleteAh who doesn't know about Derico nwamama!!!
ReplyDeleteCrime does not pay really
The writer is Ifeanyi Huge man Orakwue.
ReplyDeleteI remember chiejina vividly. Once sent me on an errand to buy him cigarette. He was dating a girl in mu street. I was 9years old when he died. My street was just opposite the place he was gunned down. His terror destroyed a beautiful name. 'chiejina' meaning 'let darkness not come' but his life brought darkness instead. Now nobody can name his child chiejina
They were so young. I saw derico once. They came to barb their hair near us. Onitsha was hot in 2000. I remember peeping from the window in broad day light and everybody was indoors on a self imposed curfew, they passed our house carrying a ghana must go of loot. I remember seeing their guns and being fixated with their shoes. Very heavy boots they wore right past our windows. They were tall guys. That luxury bus massacre was the worst ever. Also remember another luxury they told the passengers to lay down on the coal tarred road and the bus was used to climb them all. So sad remembering.
DeleteMy God!!!
DeleteShivers as remember that gist of running over the passengers his gang had just robbed. It was indeed a sad time. The night life in onicha was forever change
DeleteJESUS!!! 😨😢😱😱.
DeleteWow! I red to the end. Nicely written.
ReplyDeleteWow! Nicely written, read till the end*
ReplyDeleteWhich one be "No real igbo man"? It's "No real Anambra/onitsha man".
ReplyDeleteOnitsha pple call us non onitsha indigines Ndi igbo, so they don't really behave like real igbo pple both their culture is more of Benin, stature, behavior, so they hate other part of igbo with passion & they don't hide it. Though some of them that are enlighten are trying to change abit but their bad blood for other parts of igbo is still there. No they are not real igbo. Is hard for a full born igbo man to marry onitsha woman.
DeleteToo long to read....
ReplyDeleteYou should read it. It's worth the time
DeleteTry and read it. It's very interesting.
DeleteHmmmmm. what a story. Crime doesn't pay at all.
ReplyDeleteAnybody who lived around Anambra or one of the neighboring states then, will agree with me that Derico was more worst and deadly than this.
ReplyDelete'was more worst?'Why? What did English do to you?
DeleteVery gory story with vivid details...🙆🏾
ReplyDeleteI don't even know why I read it *shudders*
Errrhh this was the exact article I read when I Googled the guy.
ReplyDeleteThis story sent chills to my spine. Emeka Ike was derico in the movie
I have been waiting for this post long time ago. God bless you Stella for posting.
ReplyDeleteVampire nah learner compared to him
This is terrifying...
ReplyDeleteKai, he was just 22 and he was that ruthless? My God!
ReplyDeleteAs in...that was what freaked me out. How did a 22 year of lad become this heartless? What happened to him?
DeleteI remember this story very well... Especially that chiejina part. In fact, my friend was the DCO of Isiokwe police station then. Inland town, was hot that year.
ReplyDeleteDerico!!!! Hiace bus filled with hefty looking Bakassi boys, after cutting off the head, they used it to play 'football' before finally setting the whole thing ablaze. A VERY GORY SIGHT
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteU don't say!
DeleteI remember the name. Most of the onitsha students in my secondary school always talked about him and I remember how they jubilated when he was killed.
ReplyDeleteWaoh,i shouted all through.heard about him though I was still little
ReplyDeleteRead till d end!
ReplyDeleteIt's like someone poured me cold water!
Cruel! Cruel!
Where are the bakassi boys now?
See your life? they killed derico for you but you still wish them hell
DeleteI remembered those dark days.
ReplyDeleteGoosebumps! Goosebumps! What a detailed story. Derico was only 22?
ReplyDeleteHeyyyyyyyy God!!!
Writer 👍
ReplyDeleteWhy are they still talking and writing about a criminal though?
ReplyDelete* in sansa stark's voice *
His words should disappear.
His house should disappear.
His name should disappear.
All memory of him should disappear.
MISS Jacobs.
DeleteYeah, I do remember this derico story, then my dad will not allow us to travel because of fear of perico, gush. Weldone to the narrator you tried
ReplyDeleteChilling and gripping! Gave me some goose bumps. Anini was a terror in the South West. His name with that of Dimka were used to frighten us kids back in the 80s. Those were the days.
ReplyDeleteDamn good writer.
This story is not entirely tru,deri nwamama was caught at home while sleeping,sold out by one of his gang members,i no dis family so well his family house is still at ugwunobamkpa by Emma nuel church,he was also very good to pipo around him
ReplyDeleteVery good piece, deadly criminals are always from the east, get rich or die trying sets of people
ReplyDeleteThis is why you don't and won't have sense.
DeleteThis your own Na pure OP off point!
DeleteTribalism will never get you anywhere
ReplyDeleteSee my comment too.
I was in unzik then. Both Deri and the bakassi boys were evil then. Bakassi boys were horrible!!
ReplyDeleteThis story reminds me of my secondary school days, QRC Onitsha.
ReplyDeleteNwa Q!
Delete@anonymous 13:31, which set were you? I was '99 set.
DeleteI schooled in inland girls wow so many onitsha breed in this blog.
DeleteWow - interesting read. Such evil!
ReplyDeleteUpper Iweka onitsha, SMH Bakassi boy turned that place to a slaughter center, same place they butchered Edi Nogu, they were doing well not until politicians high jacked them. You don't want to see this boys in Action, very brutal.
ReplyDeletePammy udu bunch...Ijeka añu molutina?
DeleteTheir slaughter center was ochanja round abt
Deletekudos to the writer
ReplyDeleteProphet (Edwin Okeke) Eddy na nawgu
ReplyDeleteI wasnt exactly as scared of chiejina as much as i was scared of the 'one door' brother. Especially chinedu, the infamous 'edu-one door' onwualu. *shivers* those ones were terror that was closer to home. Stella this brought so many sad memories.
ReplyDeleteYour childhood memories must really be terrifying
DeleteDon't want to imagine
Wat of Chinedu Agbata ekee? Pat's bread's son. Is he still alive?
DeleteUmu otunkwo I dy see una. Who club for shouting?
DeleteMy God!!!
ReplyDeleteI felt some shivers down to my spine when i was reading this story
God bless the writer
They didn't talk about the charms n jazz that bakassi boys used, btw where are the bakassi boys now? Those ones turned to a menace in the society n the government took them out one by one!!
ReplyDeleteInteresting story. Reminds me of the dreaded eddy na ogu.. Someone should pls narrate his own too.
ReplyDeleteSee history! Chiejina n Derico Kai...
....where 're the bakassi boys now? I mean , their livs after Bakassi....?
Dead dead dead.
DeleteSome of them are crazy from wasting of so much blood. My cousin Sunday inclusive
Delete#If you are truly wanting to change your life, it is important to be around people with a similar mindset*
ReplyDeleteThis reminds me of Isaakaba.
ReplyDeleteThat movie gave me sleepless nights
Sleepless gini, we watched it until we could recite every one of Ebube's lines. Can't even remember any one now.
DeleteWho remembers igbudu in the movie, igbudu eh igbudu osula eh osula eh...😂😂😂😂😂. Zulu was Eddy na ogwu and Franca brown acted as his wife right?
That movie is like Expendables+Avengers in one. CLASSIC!!!
Be like Olivia, like seriously? Lol
ReplyDeleteWe don hear.
My family used to live in Nkpor another city very close to onitsha. My siblings and I schooled at the popular all saints primary school onitsha. The first Bakassi killing in onitsha was in front my school, it was somebody Ogbotobo, by the end of school that day his decapitated body was scattered all around, directly in front of my school. It was a gory sight, I haven't forgotten the grin on his head which lay apart, his torso was in the gutter,his limbs and arms scattered all over. I was in primary 5 then.
ReplyDeleteOnitsha was a terror filled city before 1999. I can't remember the number of days we jumped out of the car to take cover on our way to school because of ongoing robbery operation, the days we had to duck in our house because there was an operation in the neighbourhood and bullets were flying around. Many nights we would gather in my mums room to pray in hushed voices whenever the robbers came. The poor woman became hypertensive.
One night they came very close to entering our house. One of the robbers came to the gutter in front our house to pea, we usually peeped from the windows to see what was going on. This guy now looked up and admired our house, our house was very outstanding and big. We held our breaths. Suddenly the leader of the gang said forget that house- the landlord don kpai! Then they left.
One time a guy was shot dead in our very eyes, we were just hanging out on the veranda, next thing a car on top speed screeched to a stop, next thing bullets were raining on the man driving the car. It was someone we knew. Story had it that his son ordered the killing because he wanted to posses his father's properties.
I can write a book on my experiences growing up in onitsha.
It's a terrible city and I couldn't be happier when we moved to Abuja.
Na wa ohh
DeleteNawa scary much
DeleteWhen Biafra come calling, u shall move back
DeleteIt was terrible. All is well now.
DeleteIt was Pls, ur school is Opp agba str while the boy was killed @ Tasia str about 7buliding away from Ur school, Cos general hospital onitsha is more than 6yards combined together & the str was opp Guinness eye center where they kill late Afam ogboto snr 'son besides the guy is chiejina group member, so he is a proper arm robber,his elder brother didn't plan his death, Afam jnr is a very hardworking, peaceful & talented musician, their Mother died from HPB after few yrs after his death, If you mind ur bizness in onitsha & don't get mixed up in their affair you don't have issue, onitsha is not as bad as u paint it to be.
DeleteGreat story for a Great movie ( apart from Derico Nwa mama acted by Emeka Ike.) Another one should be made with more details. Great story, enjoyed it.
ReplyDeleteI heard of the stories but I didn't know it was this bad. The guy is evil. Killing people as he pleased forgetting that surely there is an end.
ReplyDeleteThe writer kept me glued till the end. Well written and interesting too.
Hmnnnn. Chilling. I remember that movie about Deri starring Chiwetalu Agu. One of the most interesting Nigerian movies I've watched.
ReplyDeleteThe evil that men do lives after them.
ReplyDeleteEddy n'ogwu
Hmmmmm that was some chilling and fear inducing narrative. I wonder how people who were once innocent babies can grow up to become such heartless animals.
ReplyDeleteJeez I knew these names but always thought the Isakaba movie was exaggerated work of fiction.
Hmmmmmmmm I pray Nigeria never goes back to those gruesome days of crime.
Very long read..but totally worth my time.Im not one fond of reading "epistles" on blogs especially when i have the inkling that it might have been written by Reuben Abati.I told myself while reading this interesting story that if i get to the end and i see Reuben Abati's name eh... lol
ReplyDeleteThings de happen oo, my God I reject evil children in Jesus name Amen
ReplyDeleteThis story is true.
ReplyDeleteMy family had to relocate to Port Harcourt in 1997 because of the frequent robbery incidents in Onitsha.
I was born and brought up there but the town became something else in the 90s.
We thank God for BAKASSI BOYS.
... and the man died.
ReplyDeleteNgwuekelomu, osisikankwu, Eddy n'ogwu, edu-one door, chiejine, Deri nwamama, onyisi in okwe - asaba, chiedu in okwe asaba too... All confirms the assertion :no evil shall go unpunished... Examine yourself... Oge u. Asaba.
ReplyDeleteThey should've been made to say who their native doctors were, so they could be killed as well. Phew what manner of wickedness.