Life ain't easy no doubt but if it gives you lemons,why not make lemonade?
Stella,I seriously need to clear my head.I have been dating this guy for about 3years,i am 27 and his 30 years.its been 3years of trouble, ups and down.So much has happen,from his family not wanting us to be together cos i am Igbo and he is from Rivers to them hating my guts cos i am really doing well.
To the matter at hand.......late last year,i fell pregnant and he decided we should come see my people since his mind was made up with us getting married.I just didn't feel comfy with the whole idea,but I said since i am pregnant I should let It happen...
We fixed a date and the introduction happened.It was a huge celebration cos we are both popular in the town we reside.My problem is that, this guy feels he is God's gift to women,he always remind me that I should be lucky he choose me (Kaiii I dun suffer) Meanwhile in these three Years,i have broken up with him over a thousand times cos of his randy ways. He cheats with anything,without fear or respect...To make matters worse,once I leave, his whole family will call and beg me...Everyone around me will beg including my elder sister.That was why I wasn't happy with the marriage thing,i thought about it and prayed.It was so unfortunate I lost the pregnancy after the intro...
This guy accused me of tampering with it which I didn't but I wasn't sober or unhappy.
Fast forward to early this year,i noticed we are drifting apart...Things were not working out(i can't go into details)his cheating became worse than I could handle, I was hurting terribly but I couldn't bring myself to leave cos each time I did I felt so lonely like I was gonna die.We stopped making out,which I told him cos I was scared for my life.
I Am always catching him each time I showed up at his place without calling,he will ask the girl to go that I am his girlfriend but won't talk to me till I leave.His family were happy with everything I guess,cos they stopped reaching out...The thing right now is that I called it a quits with him last week but i am in a mess right now,i used to be a strong person, nothing gets to me but this guy destroyed everything I believed in and made me vulnerable...My family are asking me,what we are planning and I just can't say. I feel so messed up right now that I can't even cry or think...Dunno what to do right now.
You dont know what to do?MOVE ON and stop feeling sorry for yourself!
Hi Stella,
I type this with a broken heart. I Am on my bed. Can't sleep, just thinking about my life. I had been single for a while but decided to give love a try. One guy that was asking me out, he promised heaven and earth that he won't hurt me, bla bla bla.....
I liked him a little then we became close. All of a sudden when he ate from the cookie pot, his attitude changed. Started making excuses, slow to reply my pings and calls, etc. Stella i am not a saint but God knows I really fell in love with this guy and treated him well. I respected him and was there for him. You all can curse me out for having sex with him But I don't regret it because I truly loved him.
Now Stella I am angry with myself and with everything. I have been silent for a while.I Am angry and broken because I am bottling up everything inside. Should I tell him how much he hurt me and move on? Or I should continue with the silence and move on. Note: I have moved on already but I am bitter. I don't know if telling him how I feel inside would heal me completely. Thanks and God bless.
Its the same trick every time ooooh.
its like that adage ''same sh*t different toilet''.
Now you know better,next time no matter how nice he sounds,tie your two legs together!
Giving in doesnt make it better and being a good girl or treating him right is not the issue.You gave him the key,told him your weakness and he capitalised on it and promised you he wouldnt hurt you again.
What would telling him do?You might probably end up having sex again if you try to make contact and make him feel guilty.
my dear,stay on your lane and look for what to get busy with....dont you work?you seem to have a lot of time spent sulking!.