Stella Dimoko RE - Help Save Baby Victor Born With Eye Tumour...


Friday, November 20, 2015

RE - Help Save Baby Victor Born With Eye Tumour...

This Is an update on little baby Victor's case.....

Baby Victor was born 11 days ago,with a massive tumour growing out of his left eye.Doctors have not attended yet to him because his parents were asked to provide about 400k for Surgery but thank God this update offers a ray of hope...

Dear Stella
 I cannot thank you enough for your swift response to Baby Victor’s plea for help; the response has been overwhelming I must say!

Many thanks to all SDK Family for their prayers, calls and donations to Baby Victor, his parents are full of prayers and appreciation for the show of love towards them. They don’t even know anything about Stella or any blog but are dazed who this people are! Indeed, angels are on your blog.

Stella dear, it is only God that will help us in this country o! Do you know it was until the people you told me about got to the hospital and started asking so many questions before the Consultants showed up? 

Before their arrival I understand the wife had been crying uncontrollably as they just abandoned them there giving several excuses that doctors are on seminar and all what not and today is day 11 since his birth. When they now heard that the people got to know about Baby Victor’s case online they were angry with the father that why will he post the picture online, and they started running around has the ladies who visited were really on their necks with no breathing space.

I understand they told the ladies that the reason for the delay in surgery was because the anaesthetic machine they were supposed to use is bad and will want to find out if they can use the other one in the main theater, the ladies insisted they will wait till all information is confirmed! They later confirmed they can use the machine in the main theater but surgery can only be done next week Monday as they have 5 different tests to run on the baby (they never told the parents this all along o) and they have done several test before this, they were able to do one of the tests today and will finish the 4 others tomorrow and they cannot carry out the surgery on Saturday or Sunday.

Did I remember to tell you that when the ladies interrogated the main consultant on the amount needed for surgery as quoted by the hospital earlier he denied and said it shouldn’t cost so much as he is only a baby! But before their arrival they had informed the parents that they will need over N400, 000! Victor’s father told me this evening that so far he has received several calls and alerts totalling N568, 500, THIS IS REALLY AMAZING!!! And he said the only test he did today cost less than N8, 000.

Stella God will bless you and embarrass you with divine surprises!!! Please thank all SDK family for me ooo, Victor’s father, mother and grandmother are all praying for you! I believe the ladies will also send you a report on their findings soon……..attached is a picture of baby Victor and his parents as requested''.

Hmmm the little baby was abandoned by Doctors because his parents had been begging and crying THAT THEY DO NOT HAVE MONEY.They are presently in LUTH ikeja, and the phone number to reach both parents are 08166186188 and 08163625300.

So please pray for Baby Victors Successful operation on Monday.Now they have the money and all they need is prayers.

More update after Monday.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Oh Jehovah jireh! The God that fights for his own. Thank you sir! My heart is just filled with happiness right now. I'm ecstatic! Pls keep us updated dearest bv. And thank you for helping this family by bring their plight here. A lot of people are actually going through hell in general hospitals due to lack of funds. It's appalling. These doctors /consultants only smile with you when you have a little change. It's so unfair. Sometimes these People are left to their own fate. This is a sad truth most health workers don't like to admit.

    2. Thanks to everyone who contributed,
      May God meet you at the point of your needs. Baby Victor will come out alive and well IJN.

    3. I just can't wait for Monday. Lord thank you, Stella may God continually bless you and your ministry.

    4. The spirit of God is in charge. My fear is settled. Joshua 1:9

  2. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said...
    No kid should be allowed to go through this type of pain abeg....

    1. This just made my day. The surgery will be successful in Jesus name, amen.

    2. Stella pls can u repost the account number. Thank you

  3. This country's health system is nonsense and ingredient...
    See the doctors and workers acting like they are god!...
    Baby Victor is healed already in Jesus name Amen!...

    1. Thank God for this baby. I hate it when babies or little kids have to go through so much pain. Hurts me a lot

    2. May God perfect the healing of this baby in Jesus' name.

    3. This is just good..I wish him divine will end in praise new.

  4. The surgery would be a success in Jesus name.
    Thank you Stella and everyone who contributed.

    1. Thank you for this update and thank God for coming into the situation coz I know it's only God that brought all these factors into play.

      Our health system is a load of hogwash! Not favourable to the poor at all!!

    2. Amen!
      Stellz LUTH is @ idiaraba while LASUTH is@ ikeja!
      God bless every1 that contributed to baby victor! He is healed in JESUS name! Amen

  5. May God take charge of the surgery... everything will end in praise ijn.

  6. I can't read d update because of d pictures... God will send u Ur helper baby Victor. ... Mehnnnn I can't wait to get to my destination it's like dis ship is not moving!

  7. stupid wicked greedy hospital...eye service.....the best way to punish such hospitals is to publish their names in the national dailies so they loose customers. We have to start holding businesses who offer public services accountable.......
    baby victor your surgery will be successful IJN...the lord will heal u speedily IJN. God bless everyone who has contributed to this case.....

  8. I am just in tears reading this story...please give us an update to know if the surgery has been done and what else is needed.
    God bless you all dearly.

  9. God will finish what he has started in Jesus name,Amen.

  10. Thank U Stella and all that donated,God will bless U and meet U at the point of your need.U all have put a smile on their faces

  11. Was just crying while reading this post!
    Just imagining the pains this baby is going through! It's well!

  12. God please let the baby live after the surgery. God perform your miracle in the theatre on that day. May the doctors not be confused on what to do. Amen.

  13. I cried looking at this little baby's eyes! Oh lord...where is your face? This baby will survive in Jesus name! The operation will be successful ! I can't even begin to imagine the pain that this baby is in... Lord have mercy!

  14. God bless you Stella n all 'member of bv'...

  15. OH! cant stop crying, that baby must be in pains, the surgery shall be a success in Jesus name AMEN!God pls take control and save this baby, where do i start from in thanking the people that donated? may God bless u all and u all shall never know sickness or hardship, as for Stella, you are the best thing that has happened to blogosphere, some think u are harsh and heartless but they dont know u are more than an angel, behind ur gra gra u have a very beautiful heart, Stella may u never lack and may God grant ur heart desires and protect u and ur family.

    1. I second you on that. Her gra gra be like icing wey cover the main cake. She no get mind at all.lolzzzz... May the surgery be successful. I can't imagine a little baby in such pains

  16. Am so happy the operation will happen soon. It will be successful in Jesus name.

  17. Jesus Christ!!! Oh merciful God,let ur healing be made permanent in this child's life, &to all who has blessed them in one way or the other, God will NEVER forget u all, ur seeds will speak IJN,Amen...

  18. I thank Almighty God for His work. We commend this baby to his care. I also thank Mrs. Dimoko-Korkus for her benevolent work. This is one more reason why this blog is a cut above the rest.

  19. God will bless and replenish all those that came through for baby Victor and his parents. Most importantly God will continue to bless and enrich you Stella,both with your material needs and your heavenly needs, you have a heart of gold. Keep up the good work.
    I wanted to assist,still waiting for salary day. By Gods grace I will see what I can do for the other baby with hole in the heart. That is if its not too late for her to use the money.

  20. Stella.i pray God bless you with the biggest blessings in the too.amen

  21. This is wonderful. We wish him a successful surgery and a speedy recovery

  22. Am so happy with dis update, the surgery would surely be successful. Amen

  23. Can't stop crying. I hope the baby comes out of this healthy with his two eyes intact.

    Sdk family, u guys rock jor.

  24. Oh God heal baby victor in jesus mighty name Amen.

  25. Jehovah will do it for u victor....
    Thank God for sdkers..
    Stella, Nneora jisike....... A big testimony is loading for u & ur family...& To all sdkers una testimonies is loading dis season & beyond...

  26. Glory be to God.
    His surgery would be successful by the grace of God.
    Stella,may God bless you mightily and to all helpers,God would meet our needs abundantly.
    It's well.

  27. God will bless Stella and the sugery will be successful in Jesus name..bless u little angel

  28. Balm of Gilead will perform the operation.
    Take charge God

  29. God will bless Stella and the sugery will be successful in Jesus name..bless u little angel

  30. God bless you stella and others that contributed.may your pockets never run dry.the operation shall be successful IJN(amen)

  31. All will be well with the baby in Jesus name. Thank you Mrs Korkus and all that gave. God bless you all tremendously.

  32. Thank God for mercy. My heart goes out to them as well as ALL others in such situation. God, in His infinite mercies, will see them through.

    The operation is already a success and baby Victor will grow in God's power, might and favour.

  33. *crying* I wish I can do something to help this baby, I really do. My payers are with you little angel, you'll pull through. Doctors & their callous ways, that's how their negligence led to my Mum's death.

  34. God bless you Stella, I wish baby victor a very successful operation. God almighty 'll be by his side to guide and protect him (Amen).

  35. *crying* I wish I can do something to help this baby, I really do. My prayers are with you little angel, you'll pull through. Doctors & their callous ways, that's how their negligence led to my Mum's death.

  36. God bless you all..
    The success of the surgery is all I pray for..

  37. Baby Victor, you were born in the month of November cos u r a great star!. I don't hav money to support but I know God has settled everything.

  38. it is already done IJN!Amen

  39. May the operation go successful. I'm a mother and I feel for this lady

  40. Baby Victor is healed...Insha Allah.

  41. The Lord will prove himself as the JEHOVAH RAPHA in the life of this baby in Jesus name.

    God bless u and urs Stella.

  42. Baby Victor you will be well in Jesus Name - AMEN.

  43. The surgery is a success already..your name is Victor and you shall emerge victorious in Jesus name..

  44. I wish baby Victor a successful surgery. Thank you Stella, God bless you, thank you bvs.

  45. Thanks to everyone for their support via cash n prayers. The surgery shall be perfect IJN.

  46. God is in control, am rest assured baby Victor is already victorious, have a very safe and smooth surgery session IJN.

  47. yippee!!!!!!!! we did it, happy to be part of this kind gesture, i pray for the success of the operation, his name is Victor and he's victorious already in Jesus name. Amen

  48. Thank you lord for this, I believe the surgery will go well and this baby will be free at last. thanks SDK and SDK family and friends may God's abundant mercy forever remain with you all amen.


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