The half naked lady in the above picture is Vivian Agbaza, she's about 27-28years old. Lived and studied in Lagos until she met FFK about 4years ago. According to sources when he met her she was in rags, though she had just finished her 1st degree from Unilag at the time. She's from a poor family background, but an exceptionally intelligent young lady. He met her through a young dude whom sources say is her social friend. from Then on he began the dry cleaning process to clean her up to match his status.
Anyhow, FFK and Vivian kicked off their relationship, and soon after he invited her to come and live and work in Abuja..though she had a job in Lagos at the time. But because he wanted to see her often, he asked she transferred to Abuja, which she did. She worked for a few months upon relocating to ABJ to be with him, but soon stopped working when he asked her to stop. It was from that moment on that FFK became solely financially responsible for her needs. He transformed her life completely. Moreso the lives of her aging parents who live somewhere in Ajegunle, lagos.

A bit of Vivian's background is thus...her father has been ill and physically incapacitated for many years and uses adult diapers. Before Vivian's father took ill, he used to pastor the family church which attracted a few members, a church attached to the house where they live in Ajegunle. Vivian's mother a petty trader sells stuffs in front of their house, stuffs like sweets, condoms, maggi etc. She's a co evangelist in the same church. Vivian lives to please both her parents being the last child of 6. She's always morally mindful of her folks and tries to convince them that she's a responsible daughter. So her relationship with FFK who's a married man would be a taboo to before her family. So when she, Vivian, moved into FFK's matrimonial home in ABJ, she lied to her parents that it was her employers that got her transferred.
FFK bought her a car soon after she got to ABJ, he started to give her monthly allowance when she finally stopped work. He would also cater for her family indirectly, as they assumed that the monies sent to them was from the work she was doing. Not even her siblings got wind of what Vivian was up to. While she was in ABJ with FFK, a lot of unpleasant issues happened. One of which was that FFK's wife finally got to know that another woman had taken over her position in her own husband's house. A situation that she couldn't manage because she's not able to come into Nigeria for reasons i do not know.
According to the sources, All his wife could do was render her hubby prayer's from her base.
Vivian took advantage of the unfortunate situation in the Fani Kayodes' life to turn things around for her selfish benefit.. including his household staff who started to answer 'madame' to her. Oh FFK was alright with everything because he was blinded and in 'love' with Vivian.... She would demand huge sums of money and wouldn't rest until he met all her needs. This was the modus operandi for the first 2years that she lived with him. Then came a time when she insisted on going to the UK to study for her masters degree.
Let me also state that before this time, Vivian had never been on a plane before she met FFK. But for the few times when she insisted on visiting Dubai for a shopping spree with her friends, with all expense paid by FFK
So he facilitated her travel document and got her an admission in one of the Universities in the UK for her degree program. When Vivian resumed in the UK, her parents didn't know about it either, they assumed she was still in ABJ. She was able to maintain the lie because she frequented Nigeria during the course of her studies. And then....her financial demands of FFK mounted and doubled but by this time FFK had become financially drained...NO MONEY!
Vivian knew this fully,but would insist that he gets her monies at all cost, did I mention that he was giving her $2,000USD a month as pocket money? Well, she wanted more than that and if he shrugged, she would start war with him. A war which finally led to the very messy breakup between the duo end of last year 2012.
She would at different times pass deterogatory remarks at him when they start their fights. Remarks like.."I have finished you, you are nothing now. I got everything I want from you. Go to hell"...etc. These words truly got at FFK, who at this time believed that Vivian had a spiritual hold on him as revealed by several men/women of God who prayed for him at different times. Her aim was to destroy him completely. He knew this but still couldn't flee from Vivian Agbaza. It became life threatening at some point too. It was also said to FFK by some people of God that Vivian was sought from the marines by her mother. And that the family church which Vivian's folks operate is not of God. But that in fact the church represents a spiritually demonic embodiment which is where Vivian and her mother got their manipulative powers from.
Also, that it was the same marine powers that Vivian's mother sought and used to turn her father into a vegetable who today now wears adult diapers. Its been said that Vivian's mission is to destroy FFK and leave him for dead. She has been described spiritually to be a 'glory thief' and dangerous...these and more were revealed about the young lady Vivian A.
Femi Fani Kayode not only started to see true evidence, the implications, and the manifestation of the spiritual undertone. in the physical, he also started to feel the doom spiritually too. But he couldn't withdraw from her...the hold was very strong. And it seemed that every time he almost achieved to blot her out of his life, once she sought to have sex with him and he complies, he would be hooked all over again.
In all of these, Mrs Regina Fani Kayode, FFK's wife, started to pray and to fast for her husband to be liberated from this daughter of Jezebel as she was now tagged. It was 4 years of complete turmoil for the Fani Kayode's while this lady lived in their home.
What finally broke the camel's back was sometime last year when Vivian was rounding off with her masters degree in the UK. She had planned with FFK who promised to get his friend who's British to secure a good job for her, Vivian in the UK when she was done studying. She was happy and hopeful. But while this was pending, Vivian started to imply in her conversations with FFK that when she returned to Nigeria it would be a new face of her life. That she may have to move on without him because she also wants to settle down, have kids, get married, and perhaps to make her parents proud of her after all. These comments didn't go down well with FFK because of the tone in which she delivered them. He found her words the most insensitive words from a lady whom he had spent over 15Million Naira to sponsor in the course of her studies in the UK alone. Not mentioning all the other things he's done her and her family. As a result of her comments they had a little argument and he threatened to withdraw his British friend from securing a job for her as planned. She went very mad because of this and started to cuss him out.
Üerhaps it was the prayers of the Mrs.....or perhaps not but
It looked like FFK had been waiting for that day to come when Vivian would voluntarily move on, a day that he would be free from her shackles...but a part of him felt used, drained, rejected, when she spited him about her future plans. He was very unhappy.
Finally at the last lap of her degree program she demanded money off him again. A huge sum but the handsome ex minister didnt have it..pepper no rest!..that was how the fight started again. She called him unprintable names as usual. But this time, he also blasted her and told her to go to hell.
he reminded her of all that he did for her...and she said there was no big deal in whatever he may have done to help her.
His reaction shocked her.....the scales were falling off his big eyeballs.
At this point he cut off all communications with her, and refused to pick her calls. Then she resorted to cheap blackmails...Vivian Agbaza picked her phone and made a call to FFK's wife..telling her to warn her husband, and that she would deal with him.
On hearing this, FFK went ballistic. This was when he decided that he had had enough of Vivian Agbaza's ungrateful traits and evil manipulation of his life. He also decided to fight back by letting the cat out of the bag.
He called Vivian's parents to explain all that their daughter had been doing in the 4years she lived with him. He also revealed that he sponsored her to the UK and every other thing that transpired. Of course the news almost killed her father who was already sick...and it was a rude shock and shame to her mother who thought that her daughter was the most well behaved who could never date a married man takless of moving into his matrimonial home whilst his wife is still alive.
Mrs Fani Kayode also reacted, she called the Agbaza's asking them to please put Vivian to order because she had suffered enough humiliation from her in the 4years of her affair with her husband.
Vivian was crushed to find out that all her secrets had been revealed to her family, she tried to reach FFK on phone but couldn't get him to answer it and She sent in series of abusive messages but When she couldn't reach FFK she hacked into his email and facebook account.
Sending mails sporadically to his female friends that he was a bad man and a liar, that he has no money again and is frustrated, that he preys on ladies on social media...etc. She even went as far as to share with his contacts some of the mails that he exchanged with some random females.
All these and a lot of messy stuff transpired. But finally, when Vivian realized that FFK was not continuing the relationship she became frustrated and attempted to commit suicide. She cut her own arteries with a knife and was rushed to a Hospital in London when she fell into a coma.
It was from the hospital that her cousins who were at her bedside pulled a call through to FFK. First they threatened that if anything happened to Vivian he would be held accountable for it. But then later, when Vivian insisted that it is only when she speaks with FFK that she will know that all is well, he was forced to talk soothing words of comfort to her at that time. And he promised her all will be well...and that ended the drama for then.
But today...months after...but for the recent half naked picture that was exposed of Vivian Agbaza by FFK on his blackberry display Clearly points to the direction that all isn't well with the duo again.
His caption on the picture reads.... "Lessons for today- buy fresh pampers for your shitting father and stop trying to teach your elders and betters any life lessons. A pig with lipstick is still a pig."
Eh eh eh...definitely there's fire on the mountain between the duo again. Only I can't put a finger on what may have aroused the shocking caption he put up on his bb status......
Those on his bb say he has since taken off this pic and the message.
*Talk bout Drama
ewoooooo Chineke..permission to
Na wa. 15m for masters etc and other goodies. Pple like me de wen for just enjoy d goodies without rocking d boat. Madam will not find out about me. When madam is happy, oga will be happy, and I will in turn be the happiest. See better opportunity when she misuse. Hope she saved sha
DeleteTangerine,Orange or Vivian shut the hell up, possessed pauper, You stll have mouth to talk. when u were enjoying all d benefits of FFK u didn't know he was all these that you are now spewing and that it aint gonna last! You now want to act the victim. Suffice it to say that if you have extra marital affairs, be prepared for its consequences. Karma is a bitch! Go and hide ur self in shame ewu Vivian
DeleteGreedy man which juju did she do? the man has no shame, a former minister that has no self control. Abeg let us rest with this story, she's not the first, i know of another
ReplyDeleteExactly my point. You are so right my dear. Greedy useless man. No be only juju
DeleteLove tale gone sour or better still escapades gone wrong. FFK should stop denting his already battered image and have an everlasting seat when he was sleeping with a demonized lowlife and street urchin he didn't cry wolf! scumbag.
DeleteAunty Sterra, for this one i go join u chew bitter kola and bitter leaf follow eeeeee.
ReplyDeleteWhat a mess!
ReplyDeleteHaaa! na wa ohh!
ReplyDeleteVivian is obviously possessed.
this is a good lesson for men that can't keep their pants on.
Yeye idiot,you must be seriously possessed too,to know that vivian is possessed.painbody like you,no wonder ur husband cheats on you,ewu of blogs!
DeleteHow u take know her hubby cheats on her...Ndi Ajo Obi..Tufiakwa
DeleteStella baby... chai! u pass person walai. this is epistle of "Love gone sour" from FFK to the people of Gold diggers " Vivian and her likes"
ReplyDeleteThis is Dirty laundry.
DeleteSomeone needa to put a leash on these dogs.
Femi Fuckaholic Kayode i hail i sir
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteKai... This man probably thinks he is messing her up but he is disgracing himself and his wife. If you fight with Agbero, na u people go laff.
ReplyDeleteThey used women to curse this man. He's on wife number 3! His wife can't enter Nigeria? Are you sure? Or were they doing a trial separation? Women like this Vivian are made for pervs like FFK. Good for all of them.
ReplyDeleteLngkmd @ her mama sell stuffs like condom
DeleteThis is typical FFK he does this to all the girls he dates and most of it are pure lies, the man is a wicked soul, Chioma Anasoh can tell u more, he is mentally unstable
ReplyDeleteYes,ffk is a junkie.he takes cocaine,he's been to rehab abroad but I guess it solved nothing.
DeleteThis is serious...ewooooooo
ReplyDeleteOmo! There is power in the pussy o. See capturing sha. Men should learn from this and zip up. If una never enter grave, una no go hear word. Mtchewwwwwww
ReplyDeleteThe women rape them?mumu idiot
DeleteWhat a disgusting tale. Some Girls lack shame, and can do anything just to have money, not minding the repercussion. What ever a man soweth, so shall he reap. Let them continue with the saga..
ReplyDeleteAbeg sharrap jor...
DeleteMessy, messy, messy.
ReplyDeleteShe is the same fool. That sold ffk to EFFC. She has a tattoo on her breast FFk. Devil she is. And u want to marry. SDK na u biko
ReplyDeleteThat one I different from thi 1 oh.
DeleteEFFC? Lol. No grammar wey person no go see for this blog
DeleteThis is not the lady who shopped him. And doesn't that prove how irresponsible this man is. Always plagarising other writers work in his self appointed role as social commentator.
DeleteHehehehehe!!! Nollywood movie!! Make I watch as the story unfolds!!
ReplyDelete*Sipping kaikai on the rocks!!
Why are you blaming Vivian didn"t FFK know he was married before he approached her cleaned her up and moved her into his matrimonial home? They are both useless people and the Mrs is better off without such a husband but we all know traditional Naija women now she will stay just to continue bearing the Mrs name. I have no sympathy for any of them!
ReplyDeleteHmmm...a whole lot of about a man who has no regards for his wife watsoever.e reach to commit suicide shaaa...satan don catch her! Married men,plz be faithful to ur patners to avoid unnecessary waste of resources.
ReplyDeleteThere is more to this story
ReplyDeleteStanding by for more gist
dis story aint entirely true,why would her mother who is supposed to be a bad woman be suprised at the act of her daughter.I TIRE FOR BLOGGERS DERE STORY.
ReplyDeleteThank you. Exactly my thought
DeleteAbi oooo...
DeleteThank you. Stella you didn't even pick up on your own contradiction. Her mum didn't know about her exploits but masterminded them. Na wa
DeleteHmmmmmmm,FFK again.
ReplyDeleteHe's a cow. Why is the woman always the victim? Was he not fucking her? If he didnt have anything to gain he would have left her. He's the one committing adultery and should be the one to be disgraced and not the woman. Mtchewww stupid useless man. His wife will forever be fighting women off him. He didnt leave her because he repented. He left because she does not want to fuck him anymore. Big born fool.
DeleteIn dat pix, looks like a guy in the mirror. Very low hair, no breast signs.
ReplyDeleteKai! And d wife was @1 corner enduring all these? Is d viv girl now d wife? She looks lyk a man @ d mirror. Jeez! Dis ex-minister got guts 2 be doing dis wit a mistress? And 4 d whole world 2 see? Smh.
ReplyDeleteWould not comment, because don't want marine spirit after my life on issue that does not concern me. Mi o ni fi owo ara mi fa ogun si inun aiye me.
ReplyDeleteHahahahahhahah u just cracked me up big time ba so u dear Marine spirit? Lmao...
DeleteNo oh that was chioma anasoh @ #10.... Sterra abeg dig chioma anasoh gist too, that one also dated FFK, messier gist than this one sef heheheheheh
ReplyDeleteSorry oh, but I love it when for once women deal with men ruthlessly.
ReplyDeleteJust like madam ibori and mistress dealt with iboris ass.
As for nude pic, misswhathername will be forgotten by next gossip, the pic sef nothing to show na FFK popular pass and SHE STILL CHOP HIM MONEY CLEAN MOUTH and as for selling him to efcc. hahahahahahaha. No wonder he was spouting abt women leading to mens downfLL and yemoja tinz, oga abeg buckle your dick or kuku castrate am, haba naija men una too suffer women, so baby abeg well done.
No wonder he wrote that piece on pistorius( don't know if I got d name right) he went on and on about how women use men, he sounded so bitter in that piece. I was kinda baffled on the position he took in that writing, now it all makes sense. Eeeeeeeeeeew!
DeleteHeheheheh am so laughing in Swahilli.
ReplyDeleteDirty people both Vivian and FFK.
ojukokoro man, u tink money is everytin... nd d stupid greedy geh too fuckin anoda woman husband.. karma is a bitch vivian abi wetin b ur name wat goes around comes around....
ReplyDeleteStella how much did FFK pay u for this write up???
DeleteFFK has daughters. Plenty fine daughters. May men do to them what he has done to many women out there. She reported him to EFCC is all lies. When OBJ is still alive. Blog Lord and you know she's obviously possessed because you have read a story. What a simplistic view.
ReplyDeleteAbegiiiii so y did d women date him? Good for the women,greedy things all out there,they wanna take over and dominate another woman's home jes like dat when she has a living God?=))º°˚˚˚°ºнaĦaнaº°˚˚˚°º=)) dem neva hear am as much as I dnt like the fact dat FFK doesn not regard his wife,I also love the fact that he doesn't gv in to blackmail!!! He shd disgrace himself along wiv the ladies who wanna get overly greedy and dominating. Mschewww anofiassss!!!
DeleteMumu if u don't know the gist ,just shut up ur mouth.she is the same ngozi that went to unilag and has tattoo .EFCC used her to get information abt FFK.she is a greed.she must have used something on him.u people are blaming ffk for fucking her.why not blame her for allowing a married man fuck her.there are small boys that she cld have dated in ajegunle and unilag.
DeleteBusy body ITK 2.47,
DeleteIt is Chioma Anasoh not Ngozi.
Both Chioma and Vivian finished from Unilag.
FFK must really love unilag babes.
Umu Asa una get dis hand o.
FFK too like small girls from poor homes that will later mess him up. Same story with Chioma Anasoh in 2009.
ReplyDeleteIs it not FFK again?
ReplyDeleteHe can sink to any level for pussy.
Shameless man!
He had better not claim she jazzed him. That's his stock in trade. If she really had marine powers, wouldn't she have dealt with him?
He has made his match, maybe he will learn.
Imagine him stooping so low with such a disgraceful picture and message.
ReplyDeleteFFK just loves scandals. Disgrace of a husband and father!!!
DeleteHmmm.. What a story! I will encourage this girl to deal with FFK very well to teach other married men a big lesson. A married man that will move another lady into his matrimonial home ? Hmmm, the shit Nigerian women take from their husbands eeh! The funny part is in the end this same women will join there husbands and fight the other woman! Like, are this women serious? Madam let him park his SHIT alone! FFK is sooooooooo IRRESPONSIBLE!!! ( I had a lot of respect for him before )
ReplyDeleteYou hit the nail on the head.I concur,welldone!!!
DeleteVivian is SHIT...FFK is a bigger SHIT.Two idiots.Everything said about Vivian and her family na pure true.
ReplyDeleteVivian's mother???? Jazz mama...she has been helping Vivian destroy married men even before FFK...e get another married man Wey d wife and kids dey London...
STERRA babyyyyyyyy....I no say gist must drop dis you die.Keep it go be like LIB and time don pass.
FFK na useless agbero from time jare! The man is just so uncouth, abeg they fit each other.
ReplyDeleteFFK is a fool! he knew he was married and was running after the girl. Displaying her nude picture when things turned sour and referring to her dad's ill-health only confirms FFk's foolish and immature status. SMH and that was a man that was a minster some years back, Nigeria!!!
ReplyDeleteLadies that date other women's hubbies, u no get conscience? Even going to the extent of 'colonising' the matrimonial home and flaunting the guy! How do you sleep and have rest of mind? How do you pray to God or go to church? Just wondering o because i dont know how i could be comfortable in such a situation.
Many wicked girls are doing this. They are going to church, praying and mocking God but as we can see from these ridiculous stories, no one mocks God and goes free. I left my husband after one of such entered our marriage. One year later, she has ruined him - no money, no home, no friends. Now he's calling me his wife. I don port o! Lwkmd...I laff in spanish. Oloshi
DeleteThis link will actually open your eyes more to the kind of person Vivian is. Am just surprise that her mom who is said to evil herself does not know of her daughter's escapades.
ReplyDeleteShe shld 4get bout d guy if she's wise.try n start up a decent life 4 hersef.itz nt 2 late 4 dat.sure she has her masters now n shld av some savings.ask 4 God's 4giveness n start afresh..
ReplyDeleteGod bless u for this wise comment
Oh Boy! This one nailed it...but really could all these stories be true?
Ffk is doing major damage control so ignore 99% of what you read about his women. The guys always talks bad about his ex wives, ex girlfriends, one night stands etc useless man
DeleteThis is a stupidvstory. Stella u r an idiot for such a biased write up. This man shud be ashamed of himself. He deserves worst. Stella use ur brain sometimes.
ReplyDeleteTell her pls
DeleteAnon July 9, 2013 at 10:47 AM you are joking right? Hiss. The guy has spiritual problems and not this chic. Ntoor.
ReplyDeleteI agree with u annon. 10:31AM... The story lacks coherence... All geared to rubbish d girl's image and make d man a saint.
ReplyDeleteI agree with u annon. 10:31AM... The story lacks coherence... All geared to rubbish d girl's image and make d man a saint.
ReplyDeleteWow, just wow! Sterra watch your back, this babe is weird, wacko and wicked! The story on that blog is an expose on this babe. Mind blowing and some of the details are not that different from what you have on your blog but more comprehensive. God! so detailed with names and places. This source must have been badly bitten by Vivian and has sure taken his/her pound of flesh! More like a woman's handiwork, a very scorned one!
ReplyDeleteand here's more :
ReplyDeleteVivian abeg you try sef...unto the next one!
ReplyDeleteAbi o. Viv abeg write a 'How to' book cos these useless bastards that don't know what to do with their embezzeled loot are everywhere and girls are not smiling this year.
DeleteChai, drama of the century..........hehehehehehee
ReplyDeleteI dunno dis chic frm anywhr n av neva heard bout her buh I dnt like d way dis man is treatin dis issue..I guess she dated dis guy cuz she wanted 2 change d condition in her if all stella bout d poverty in her family r tru..those of u cursin her dnt knw jack bout poverty..if u luv ur family u wnt mind sacrificing ur happiness 4 dem!!well dis is still a lesson2 gurlz who go about dating marriedmen..d lesson here is dat it will definitly backfire n ul b d 1 2loose in all.wiseup gurlz n leav dese men alone.
ReplyDeleteMy warri pple talk say: Man wey hin eye no dey outside,juju no dey catch am! FFK,u were having an affair with this ogbanje while still married.u deserved what hapnd to u and a whole lot more!all these whoring men that won't be content with their wives!they will now come and be saying "its d devil", "na juju" Thunder fire all of una!
ReplyDeleteChoi,make I finish wetin I dey do come re-read this gist! Na wa o.Shameless people!!!
ReplyDeleteDis one na husband so....smh
ReplyDeleteFemi Fokaholic Kayode (FFK)..lmao
ReplyDeleteBullshit stories that women enjoy. Yes im a guy.
ReplyDeleteThis is my first time commenting on this blog,I actually love this blog,bt SDK,you seem to be taking sides in ur recent posts,I'm sure u don't even knw d full story,anywy to me,even if she is possessed and she actually jazzed him,he put himself out der to be jazzed,he went afta her n askd her out.
ReplyDeleteGood For them!
ReplyDeleteCP (space) show biz blog of the year (space) Stella Dimoko Korkus send to 33121.
Nwanne rapu dis woman biko. Okwa o kogogi onu. Hian
Deletedis is a serious marta.
ReplyDeleteuseless man why juju she use make u come meet am. now that the thing backfire you are now changing words. Laughssssssssssssssssssss.
Stera i dey gbadun u gist jare
I pity his grown kids.
ReplyDeleteMaybe they are even on his BB contacts?
ReplyDelete@anon 12:03pm. Ur d bigger fool.hw dare u open ur rottened nd decayd mouth to insult my darlin SDK.ur a retarded idiot
ReplyDeleteAdaobi, Loveth, Chioma 1, Chioma 2,Vivian, Tomi......
ReplyDeleteFFK, na only you get dick?
And you are so foolish, you send the girls and their siblings for Masters abroad.
How much gets to Madam Regina and your kids then?
I will be very surprised if Regina still calls herself your wife. For how long will she continue to mobilize 50 prayer warriors anytime a new mistress comes on board?
A minister of d federal republic at a point in time .. Wahala dey
ReplyDeleteTo think that all this SHIT is coming from an ex minister!!!..Mtcheew...Posting her naked pic.? Agberos in high places!
ReplyDelete"It would be recalled that Chioma Anasoh has a tattoo with the inscription FFK (Femi Fani-Kayode) on her left bosom, also has a tattoo of a mermaid on her right side buttock. And the top of it was inscribed with the words Chioma and Femi forever. Informed sources disclose that frantic efforts she made to erase the tattoo have resulted into a black patch at that portion of her buttock."
Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha. I dey laff o
Yawnsss...and its a wrap. This na ogbonge super story. Both the billy goat and the she-goat are shameless.
ReplyDeleteNa Chioma Anasoh sold FFK to EFCC, she is the one with FFK tattoed name on her boobs.
They dated seriously whilst he was a minister.
Google am
"The ex-minister, FFK was also contending with an immoral issue: That of having an affair with the house maid of Mr. Akin Osuntokun, former Special Adviser on Communication, whom he was alleged to have impregnated and sponsored for an abortion. The poor house maid was later fired from her job"
ReplyDeleteBenin girl i fear you i live in Europe, mama make you waka that there language if they don catch new person i better run before they come after me.
ReplyDeleteThe power of the rich and mighty over the poor.
ReplyDeletePple should pls think well before you comment. From the look of things, if this could have happened between he and some other girls before in the past, then, he is seriously the one with a BIG PROBLEM. I'm sure he his putting all these up to spoil that girl's image because he knows he has got power than her.
For Christ's sake, how can a former minister of Nigeria indulge himself into such act and how can he shamelessly even have the guts to be putting up pictures on bb and narrating stories like this to the public. Oh my gosh, this man sucks to the bone and I can't just help than to throw up. In fact, this man should be dealt with lawfully because he has dragged the name of Nigeria into the mud. At what age does he still act this childish? Who send you not to be faithful to your wife? And yet, fellow Nigerians won't see where the real problem lies than to help and blame the powerless. FFK or whatever, "ole ji, ole gba" . This is how God will always continue to seize up Nigerian monies from your hands. While you were rulling, you also ate up poor Nigerian monies. You all thought and still think you would go scot free, but know ya'll will be disgraced and face God's wrath one by one. After this one, keep spending money on them chicks and claim it is their mothers and their jujus....later you will say them take you do sacrifice....OLD FOOLS. I would sue him if I were the girl.....
Abeg no be only me go read this one alone, see wetin I find again oooo. FFK abi wetin you call am,the guy get problem o!!!
Stella! No wasting time for approving comments.
ReplyDeleteAnytime I refresh and the comments have increased, I just hail "Steeeelllla".
And my husband will just shake his head.
U would have 2 b xtra stupid 2 buy these juju stories. Vivian is d 3rd or 4th ex girlfriend ffk has accused of juju. D guy has a hard on for Ibo babes from poor or average homes. U can't throw so much cash in their faces nd then start pulling back because u suddenly love ur wife. Ur Ghanian wife Regina is number 3 or 4. Why can't u tell us why she can't come to Nigeria?. Regina is saying prayers for Femi? Stella u must be smoking something strong. This man is d most irresponsible, immature man u can ever meet. Chioma got tattoos with his name 2 please him. You really think he didn't reward her for it?! A few months after he dumped her he started dating another girl Onyeka. He warned Onyeka 2 not listen 2 any of the things Chioma had 2 say about him. U really don't know that ffk can stoop low to send threatening messages 2 the new girl posing as d ex? D man is sick. So the above pic was his BB dp? Oniranu. He now writes about God? God cannot be mocked. Any woman that can date ffk with his disgusting reputation is a gold digger. The man has an mo dat never changes.
ReplyDeleteThe APC men..hahahahahahaha FFK is a known pussy lover from when he was in Germany to when he was OBJ...
ReplyDeleteNigerian representatives shouldn't be found doing all these shit. Since you signed on being a minster where presently or in the past, pls you owe Nigerians the responsibilities of indulging yourselves in responsible acts and protect us. What a cheap so called ex minister...mchew
ReplyDeleteNonsense! shameless sexcapades is what many of these yeye politicians steal Nigeria's money to do. spending the country's money to satisfy insatiable mistresses.
ReplyDeleteWhat did FFK achieve as aviation minister other than to carry his useless mouth to abuse his father's mates. Soon the day of reckoning will be here and they and their useless mistresses will face the guillotine.
I am surprised at you SDK that you also buy the juju insinuation. This is not juju but simply moral bankruptcy, and corrupt lifestyle; the reason why these yeye rulers are destroying the country. Thunder fire all of them.
FFK is a nuisance and disgrace to his family. g.a.y. a.s.s moda!
ReplyDeleteOBJ is not rili behind u! watch!
Stella may God forgive you for this. If you know the sort of man FFK is,you will know that THIS is a pattern he employs. Any woman that leaves him,he starts to slander,harass,bully them.Just ask any of his ex's. Scratch beneath the surface,I'm sure he must have asked to screw vivian again and she said NO.Were I to tell you what he did recently,you would rain curses on him. Femi Fani-Kayode is a cursed man,someone who forgets he has 5 daughters. He lies,is evil,mentally unstable and a disgrace to whom birthed him.Someone whose end is here,looking for those to go down with him. Femi Fani-Kayode,you might know who I am if you are reading this as I KNOW you wrote this article! God is watching you Femi. Vivian if you are reading this,I know how you feel. God be with you. Let people talk,soon it will be yesterdays news,and those of us that know the TRUE story about Femis "false marriage",and evil ways, will continue to just wait on God to handle him. Trust me people that mans cup has run over a LONG time ago. Destruction is next. Stay strong Vivian.
ReplyDeleteHow is God going to be with Vivian? Has she repented of her ways? What u sow u will reap. Karma is waiting for both of 'em.
DeleteHow is Vivian guilty? The man is not married if she can live in his home and no one even knows whether madam is still in the marriage or even alive. He used her poor background to get her. Now he's using it against her and has employed bloggers to help him. You can even see that she barely had time to cover her self in this stupid pic he's now using to blackmail her. If he's serious about his accusations he should produce evidence not this silly pic.
Wow. See a married man narrating stories about his mistresses and dividing up his heart amongst them.
He nearly married Chioma as second wife, no wonder she was so bitter and gave him up to EFCC.
Pastor Regina, you dey try sha.
ffk or whatever his name is is an embarrassment to his generation. a man of his calibare should not have condescend so low to expose his amorous relationship with a pimp. i realy think FFK needs help
ReplyDeleteFFK tells tales,it's sad that he has not properly addressed his mental health issues, he personally sponsored this story the way he did to Anasoh telling lies to smear her name,I am FFKs friend and I can tell you for sure these are plain LIES! Akin
ReplyDeleteComment 98, shut the fuck up with the fake post you put here. Using her to get info is different from roping him and arresting him. The original memo to arrest him was from a big oga.
ReplyDeleteChioma as second wife where? More like 4th.
He is the PROBLEM and not these women. He has a generational curse he's yet to break. Until then he will keep misbehaving.
Sick morrafucker
ReplyDeleteFFK a disgrace to the Federal Republic of Nigeria. Manwhore
ReplyDeleteAnd to those who claim the women are gold-diggers,Femi Fani-Kayode has been broke for at least 4years now.Kindly ask Wale Babalakin,El-Rufai,Ribadu,IBB and certain women he has fleeced. Femi you CANNOT change. You are filth.Evil and a betrayer.
ReplyDeletePlease pray do tell,what did Vivian ever do to you REALLY? The same Vivian whom you stripped naked publicly,beat to coma severally,arrested on trumped up charges WHILE dating her?
Those who know,KNOW that you are NOT married,Regina left you a while back for various reasons, NEVER coming back.You know as well,but anytime you want to play victim of the "evil" women,you claim they ensnared you with evil powers,and tried to break your home. We see through you Femi Fani-Kayode,your game is old and faded.Your way is to prey on women from lowly backgrounds,the Chiomas,Vivians,Sekis,Adaobis,Sallys,Loveths of this world. Apart from Tomi and Fatima who come from solid pedigree,your preference is certain women.YET they ALL have something in common. They ALL RUN away from you once they discover your cursed,evil,mentally unstable it not your way Femi? When Chioma left,you labelled her mammy water,when Tomi left,you labelled her a witch,when Vivian left,you labelled her a ritualist,when fatima left,you labelled her cursed,when seki left,you almost ruined her,when Adaobi left,you said she was sent to destroy you,need I go on?The common factor? You slandered them get people to do your dirty job for you in slandering others. You tell tales,tell B things about D,lie lie lie. Your ONLY skill is your lying tongue. You lie Femi Fani-Kayode.Done even let me mention your evil heart.Guess what? People see through you these days,and look at you with pity.You are a finished man.A cursed man who deflects his faults on others. Are you the ONLY one? I can't believe ANY sane person can take this man seriously. And Femi,WE both know you wrote this article.all you do ALL day long is threaten people,especially women. You have destroyed soooo many lives,caused tears,pain in people. And you think peace shall be yours? Some of us are waiting for you to carry out a certain threat you made a few months ago.
We pity you Femi Fani-Kayode,we see your end,and its not a pretty sight. Vivian once again stay strong,if you know who I am ,you would be shocked. Even Regina his wife gave up on the hopeless man ages ago.
ReplyDeleteNo thanks Femi. We've already read your side in this shameful write up here. Satan is in complete control of your life.
DeleteIts alright. The devil in her village is dancing SUWE with her destiny. LOL
No comment...
@109 abegiiii... Femi Fani-Kayodes side of WHAT story?
YOU HONESTLY believe ANYTHING that comes from him?
Ask him to tell you all the evil thinhgs he said aboutd and did to those SIX women he mentioned in his "sob story" interview.
Someone who does NOT have a good word to say about ANY woman that leaves him.
Even Regina has NOT been spared. How she is a thief who stole all his money to Ghana.
THAT is his dinner table conversations. Yemisi is a witch,Saratu is a mermaid. The SAME story.
Femi Fani-Kayode.
One day people will find out the truth about him.
Until then,we wait and watch.
Sorry 112 I meant..apologies 109..;-)
ReplyDeleteAll I know is that some weeks ago, FFK wrote on twitter, accusing a female of being fatally attracted to him, hacking his pc and threatening his female friends. Now I wonder who the woman is.
ReplyDelete@oluyomi odukoya
ReplyDeleteThat story is FFKS oldest LIE.
People" (those who only exist in his head) are always hacking into his account anytime he commits atrocities or wants to commit atrocities.
Watch this space.He will have a perfect excuse for this story.
A) someone hacked into his email account
B)someone stole his BB temporarily
C)another jealous woman is attacking vivian
D) Yesterday when he wrote about pigs and lipstick on his twiter(which he has I think deleted),he would claim his twitter was hacked.
But someone should reach Vivian and ask her what's transpired between her and Femi,she would have the TRUTH to tell. He MUST have threatened her,and carried out his usual threats.
No be today na Femi.
U no get shame one kobo.
Is this what your mates are getting up to?
Anyway na joblessness na.
And keyamo don find work for you again.
Stella pls shut this thing down.
Its unfair on Vivian.
ReplyDeleteStella i didn't blink for a second while reading.
But what does he hope to achieve with the picture on his BB Display???
Tangerine with all you have typed you have said shut this thing down? Who are you? Chioma, Folake his older lover, Seki, Dewunmi Yesufu or who?
ReplyDeleteFfk is such a child, everyone knows him much of a low down dirty niccur the man be and how bitter he gets with his mistresses. if those ladies were possessed then the juju is in your d*ck abi u do am at gunpoint? nansense. He seems like a bi-polar control freak. And his wife do well to stay 'happily married' in ghana cus he seems to have finished with her.. Then again this SDK fit just yank this post like she did with that ify williams post. stella i respected you bcos i tink say u speak out no matter who/what, but abeg you yab. (i know bcos i mentioned ifeoma andreas williams ur liver don cut and u wont post, but just read am belleful) *munching roasted snails)
ReplyDeleteThank you oh! I was wondering too
ReplyDeleteThis man is soooo Childish. #smh#
ReplyDelete@anon 120..You know a lot about the women obviously.and there are still many,many more whose lives he's messed with. In the course of his cheap games. He does not understand,break up and move on. He will want to make sure he soils their names.
ReplyDeleteLet's just say I'm someone who's had the misfortune of knowing him in the past few years. Now its all from a distance. I could mention more names. And EVERY one he has attempted to mess up. That man has offended man and God. I suggested shutting this down because this whole charade is femi fani-kayodes modus operandi.
To all saying Vivian this or that. Femi Fani-Kayode is a SINGLE man. Don't let me say more than this. He knows,but because he recognises he is a failure in his personal life,he still holds unto the illusion of marriage to Regina when it suits his selfish ways.
Let's just say if Femi should tell you its raining outside,don't just check,make sure you are soaking wet with it.
To the person who mentioned that satan is in control of his are so correct. Femi is the spawn of satan himself. Cursed,but doesn't know it. His evil deeds would fill the bar beach. A very wicked person. When you deal with him closely and see what he has put people through,then you will understand what I'm talking about.ask him what he stands to gain by doing this to Vivian. The him I know,he must have been blaclmailing her for a while for sex. He is that insane. Just ask Ajoke what he did to her. I rest my case.
And I maintain that God be with Vivian. When you date someone for 4yrs of your life,a single man at that,(he doesn't even know where his "wife" lives in Ghana!Lol)and you realise due to various reasons,its time to move on,and he resorts to the worst form of blackmail and slander,then you will all understand why I've asked God to be with her.
ReplyDeleteVivian did NOTHING wrong. Ask yourselves why after the end of a break up are the women always evil?sent to destroy his destiny?
I know Femi too well.
Sick bastard he is. Even his friends don't take him seriously and have a code name for him behind his back.
There are so many men like FFK, useless and shameless. When they have money they think they can do anything with women. Dont mess with some certain women. God's punishment cant miss him. Poor girls. May God be with d Vivian.
Deletetangerine why did you get entangled with him then? did u know he had been with scores of other women?
ReplyDelete@Tangalo, you know so much about this guy.......hmmmm, did he do you and you are bitter? Just asking.
ReplyDeleteThe blogger is mad
ReplyDeleteSterraa ooooooo,which one be her papa na pastor and her mama na woman pastor and that her mother is a petty trader sells stuffs in front of their house, stuffs like sweets, condoms, maggi etc. Sterraaaa...u go kill person here 1 day with ur mouth.A pastor selling condom.
ReplyDeleteLol. I'm sorry but I had to come back and read his poorly scripted trash again.
ReplyDeleteFemi Fani-Kayode.
You are INSANE!
Vivian called your wife? Or you got someone to call Vivians parents PRETENDING to be your wife. Your big mouth that you forget to shut,is what you used in telling certain people,at a certain dinner you went for. After you left,your hostess said she would NEVER let you know more than is necessary,as if you could do that to a woman who stayed with you 4yrs of her life,there's nothing you cannot do. This same hostess you've called a prostitute behind her back. You wanted to ruin and hurt Vivian as you've done to so many before her. Is it adaobi the apapa prostitute you turned into a girlfriend,that when she left you,you then decided to start your character assasination? What of Bola the pastors daughter? Did you know her father was a pastor before you did what you did to her?do you know how he cried to God on his daughters behalf? To you she was another hole. What of what you did to Tomi lately? The lies,slander,online attack,employing your equally daft minions to do your dirty job.(Mona mohamad ali,sally atane,love ihaji(the call girl)).But those around you who saw what this girl did in your life have been silent. And Seki? You harassing the kid because she chose her fiance over you? Going as far as calling her folks and her prospective in laws,as you swore her marriage wouldn't hold. Did you forget how seki also stood by you and was a true friend to you? How you told your friends that she was a jazz babe? Femiiii,you talk too much evil. Your soul is a constant battleground of evil and greater evil. One of the friends you told had a LOT to say about you. He said kiss a snake,machete FFK. Remember you mentioned it at your usual hostess"table. But the hostess knows your evil ways.which is why she pretended to understand your rantings of a lunatic. Is it you going round telling people Fatima 419d you of millions of naira and she would die soon? She is still alive,hale and hearty,I saw her recently Femi. When those that KNOW,KNOW that you live on handouts and don't have a kobo to rub when did she 419 you? WE all know why fatima left you.We know the true story.and we as usual know ALL what fatima did in your life. What of what you did to Loveth,throwing her out in the middle of the night with nowhere to go? Your own girlfriend? Femi Fani-Kayode what of what you did to Chioma Anasoh? The lies,stories,planted articles online? Even women who birthed children for you,you slander them EVERY day. You still did so last week didn't you? Talking rubbish about Yemisi and her drunkard of a husband as you call him. At least his drunken sperm produced 2 sons. Something you crave with your life. You now wonder why in your old age EVERYONE is avoiding you. When people leave you,you even go as far as stalking them. And we are not just talking about women. Domestic staff,friends who see through you. Have you forgotten all you said about certain friends of yours? You wish death randomly on your enemies,real and imagined,forever battling yourself. You are your own worst enemy.ask yourself if vivian deserved this. Just ask yourself. I pity you femi,I really do! Femi Fani-Kayode,we know you,and have been watching you for a while,but choose not to come to your level as a mightier fall is coming your way,wether in a year or ten years. Your exit from this world will be a painful one. Your mothers worst mistake was not getting on her knees to swallow. You are a waste. An evil waste.
@agbalumo(lol nice one)I understand why you are asking, and the other anon 8;55pm
ReplyDeleteBitterness can never be my portion.
Let's just say I knew him beyond sleeping together or dating and I've seen what he's done to so many,which he BOASTS about.
THIS is his way. Trust me.
Right now I deal with him from a VERY far distance and unless absolutely necessary.
He can come on here and start accusing me of being one of his numerous other women and ex's. No shaking.
But when he reads certain things,like dinner with his hostess,he will KNOW I'm telling the truth.
It gets tiring,watching and hearing a grown man deliberately scandalise women and wanting to squirm out of the situation and pretend he is the one who has been wronged.
Give him time,he will come back and pick on another girl to slander.
Yet people aren't stopping to think WHY is the same thing always happening to him?
Femi take your time o. Let me give you a hint as to who I am.
I was there when you were fixing a date with Lola A.E. ;-)
So please don't attempt to fuck with me. I know too much about you.
God bless you madam Tangerine. May ur tree continue to blossom. Thanx for the info, we appreciate!
DeleteTangerine, I gbadun your jist. So he wants to do Lola A.E? L.A.E; hot pants. LOL! Isn't Saratu his ex-wife married to R.E her ex-husband? What a web. Is Seki a London girl? What of the Kemi.O.O angle? They were exchanging notes on Facebook a few years ago.
ReplyDeleteHa ha @fanstuff.
ReplyDeleteYou are smart dear.
Saratu his ex-wife dated Lola A.E's ex husband.Yes real madam hot-pants! R.E is her ex husband as you rightly mentioned! ;-).Seki is a naija babe,jist of him and sekis scandal (which he used his big mouth to broadcast) was all over Abj.You know his way now. He single handedly told everyone what transpired between him and the young girl,slandering her,her antics in bed etc.destabilising her for weeks on end.
Kemi and him,nothing came out of that. He was as usual famzing as he assumed he'd met a co "rich-man" pikin like himself that he could look down on commoners(the rest of us that is) with. I guess one persons cuckoo was more than the other was their case.
Femi is an animal. If only people know how much of a beast he is.
I would LOVE to see his daughters in say 10-15yrs time. Something tells me they would be paying for daddy dearest'sins.
After life has tossed him about and spat him out of course.
Femi sha??
What he did to me a few years ago,came back and falsely apologised and still doesn't know I know he goes around talking trash.
Reason I only speak to him if absolutely necessary.
@Tangerine...whoever u are I LOVE u. U have spoken the TRUTH about this man...much more. A few of the names u mentioned I have heard and know of. Isn't Ajoke married now? about the married one whom he fucks and claims is a 'family friend' and Regina is aware of? Fatima?? The only thing u have stated here that is news n shocking to me that Regina is no longer with him. OMG this FFK is a lying bastard from the pit of hell. Am not one of his bed mates, never have...thank GOD..but had the 'privilege' of meeting this man years ago. Oh Lord...the first turn off were the outrageous lies from his bloody mouth. Yes he said Vivian..aka Zino is a daughter of Jezebel as the writer put it. Femi said Regina and his daughter had to flee Nigeria to be in Ghana because of his case with the EFCC. And that because he can't travel he's not set eyes on them in years. One would believe that bcos of his case....but he claims that he speaks with them everyday, and that Regina even helps with his court case financially and prayer wise. Ahhhhhh!!!! I too was wondering why a woman would abandon his husband for that long. Hmmmmm you are right. He is soooooo cursed!!!!!! Ahhh so Fatima didn't swindle him? Ahhhhhh is all I can say o. Femiiiiiiii!!!!! He takes pictures of all these girls in his house...having post a lot of pics of his home on FB one didn't have to be told where they were taken. Ahhhhh!!!!!! What about Gbemisola Saraki? Hmmmmm. Yes he's so broke now..he lives from hand to mouth. One would think that's enough lesson to put him right..but nooooo...he'll be writing rubbish articles because he has NO job to keep him busy.
ReplyDeleteFemi Fani Kayode. But you said that Seki was a young Muslim spiritual lady who would have her Imam clerics pray for you. With your own mouth you narrated how she was close to Gbemi Saraki and how she helped you. So why did you attempt to destroy the girl's life when she wanted to marry? So all that putting the picture of herself and her husband on your BB, congratulating and wishing them a happy married life was all false? You must be a bonafide bastard you this man. Oloriburuku ni iwo bobo yi sha! I even heard from a reliable source that this morafucker is always stylishly asking women for money too! So you fuck them finish begin send them on money errands? Am sure that's why your children deserted you because you don't contribute to their upkeep. U dey pay school fee so? Yet you boast your daughters are in England when you can't even buy common ticket. Olosi! You bette go and sell the only thing you are left with, that cursed house of yours where you host all these pussys wey dem mention. Your mates are receiving baptism of fire you dey receive baptism of punanny. How do you expect that God will bless you? Ewuuu like u Hian!!!!
ReplyDelete@anon 11;56 pm.THANK YOU.
ReplyDeleteSomeone that knows something.
That man Femi ehn. Hmmm. If we start on him we will NEVER finish o.
His days are numbered.
Yes Regina knew about Fatima. The "family friend". Until Fatima ran away from him as I said for certain reasons. The rest is history dear,he resorted to his usual lies to damage her image.which swindle? Don't mind him,does he have 1kobo let alone millions he claimed he was swindled of?
Yes he hasn't seen Regina and his youngest child in about 5yrs. NOTHING to do with EFCC. He showed her hell,she saw an opportunity and ran. Reginas story is one for another day,if ever.I don't want to dig too deep as most of these women didn't ask to be blemished by the evil donkey.
NO No No,Regina does NOT have a dime to give him. That is his lie when he wants to fleece people of money. "Madame just sent me 15m,I need a balance of 2m" Darling,be rest assured that what he really needs is that 2M.
How can Regina be sending him money when she squeezes him for child support for every dime he can borrow and beg from people,most times under false pretext?
As for prayers,lol lol lol,dear let's allow him his fantasies.
That women no send am!
And he knows.
Talk everyday?
For where na?
I'm glad you recognise we are dealing with a sociopath,a psychopath and confirmed ex inmate of an asylum.
He lies,and lies and then lies some more.
He can look you in the face and say you ate beans last night even though you ate chips.
And he would almost make you doubt you ate chips sef!
Femiiiiiii,Femoooo lala...Femo scorpion...
You know him so much dear.
I'm impressed by your comment.
Oh Gbemi Saraki treats him like the necessary evil that he is..even though..shhhh..;-)
And I can't repeat the stuff he says about her behind her back.
Let's just say,he's had her several times over (maybe in his deluded mind,since we can't trust anything he says)
Congratulations dear.I'm genuinely proud of you for not succumbing to him,and for your own good,don't ever let it happen. It is usually at the risk of everything.
He is a desperate man who stops at nothing to bring others down. He would spill A's secrets to B,B's secrets to F,etc. Turn people against themselves with his formulated and cooked stories.NOBODY trusts him now,and EVERYBODY in the circles has a way of handling him.
Oh his financial situation is now an open secret.
And you are so right,its joblessness that makes him write those God forsaken articles.
His wahala has just started.
Just siddon dey look dear.
His jist can never end.
Terrible man.
Like most smart people,I deal with him at an arms length,too bad our circles are so intertwined.
Lying swine.
@anonymous 12;26am
ReplyDeleteYessssss,someone else that KNOWS something.
I LOVE how the tides are turning against him on here.
Femiiiiii,you set out to do your usual,see your life?
People are seeing you for what you are.
My dear whoever you are,you got it right.
That's the SAME seki he went round saying was jazzing him with her alfas. This same Femi went round telling people that he is a born again spirit filled xtian who doesn't send alfas,that they do jazz the way they do for wale babalakin his MAIN BENEFACTOR,can you imagine!yet seki was helping him with prayers with this same alfas he condemns.Don't even let me start on what he said about Tomi and the help she rendered him or Fatima and all she did for him.
Forget that thing,all that BB congratulations (yes Femi,I'm on your bb) are all false.
Ahhhh yessss!!
He asks women for money,just ask Fatima,Folake,Tomi,Gumsu(you need to hear his opinion about Abacha),Gbemi,and even myself,I told him where to stick his request asap!
EVERYBODY who has helped him,or being good to him,this cursed entity has done nothing but slander them,bear false witness against them,malign them,etc.
Darling,the house isn't his.
To show the world how wretched he is,he does NOT own one block of cement anywhere.
Let me not say more than that.
Shall I stop now?
Shall I?
Femi Fani-Kayode if there is an attendance call and oloriburuku is called out,you should be the first to stand up and say present in your loudest voice.
See Gobeeeee!!! This man again? What's all these? Is this for Real? Twas last year I deleted the man from my Fbook because he was irritating me for real. My course mate when I was in unilag was a victim toooo. D gurl gave me this Vivian gist n FFK told my friend dat Vivian was a thief. And he was sneaking behind her back to get her gist from her friends too. When my friend told me I told her to be kiaful of the man dat can do dat! My uncle's wife in abuja has nothing good to say about this Fani man, choiiii will have her read this blog too. Be like say God be wan deal with am dats y all this is xposed. Thunder fire u useless man
ReplyDeleteOMG Tangerine, reading this makes it look like I wrote it. YES..."Madame sent me 12M" osanobuaaaa...that's his exact phrase. My God...My Kayode see ya life? Everyday is for the THIEF one day for the owner. Nwamooo so Regina left the bastard? I am hapi for that woman I swear!! Even Gumsu too? YES Gbemi's matter na REAL! He thought he could manipulate her for money too!! Gumsu is married nah, n so is Fatimah whom he claimed he did biz with but that she refused to pay him after rendering his soliciting service to her as a lawyer! Maybe its the Seki's head that is catching u ohhh!!! So no be him get house ontop all the wahala??? Wale Babalakin whom he recently hired to help with his case?? The same man Femi says he has to pay 80Million naira to for his case? And that so far he has paid him 60M? Are we talking the same FFK here biko?? Femi u are finished!!!!!
ReplyDeleteLWKMD!!! I done laugh sotey hubby don chase me comot for room. FFK na ya house I dey come sleep this night ooo! See Femi life for Stella blog ooooooo!!!!! Sweet mouth with that ur rubbish gap teeth. I didn't know this man is completely useless. So na to begin beg for money? Abuja Aboki fine bara...beggy beggy molato. Make he go sell those cars nah, shey we see range for fbk. This will teach all these useless gals walking up and down looking for govt officials. As he dey pose for camera for house grant interview dey disturb us for FB, twitter n Youtube u go think say na correct pesin o. So na who be hin landlord for abuja? He don pay hin rent so? How he dey take survive sef? Abeg I dey gbadun u madam Tangarine biko. I knw authentic story when I read one. I know everything uv written is 100% accurate GBAM!!! Not everyone that's commenting here has fucked that man, some are genuinely spilling their minds bcos the opportunity has come for dem to do so. And na God way of shaming the forsaken FOOL! Trust me, if that Regina could leave Femi again, she'll be the 6th wife to do so. They all can't be wrong, na Femi oloju nla we go ask wetin dey make those women pick race. Mr man, if truly Regina is out of urlife, I suggest u run for deliverance in MFM cos no other woman will tolerate ur crap. Not even any mumu oyinbo woman. So na only ur blokos dick be the only property u comot for govt with? After all the loot? Na d Nigerian pple curse upon u dey work, n of cos the curses of all these women uv been wicked to. Bloody animal!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteOmo, since i read this post. I have been trying to google all these girls you guys are mentioning. In the google process, i saw correct yabs for FFK on twitter. Check:
These babes are not smiling oooooooo, they are so angry to the point of madness. FFK prick is that good? Abi na because the man dey talk anyhow like woman. FFK shame on your old ass. See girls old enough to be your kids rubbishing you. Tufia. Dirty, disgusting man!
Lord have been reading more revelations on twitter about this FFK. How he planned to assassinate these women. How he took Vivian's pant to someone tru a fetish means to kill her????? That the house he presently occupies in ABJ is that of Orji Kalu. The man fucks his housemaids too???? So he raped Regina and married her to cover his crime? Performs abortions in his house? Done several abortions on his cooks? Please why is this man still walking free? So Regina actually eloped with his share of the loot? Very good, I like! Poor woman.. she must have been miserable when he didn't have sex with her for the 3yrs he served as a minister. I resent this man right now! Jesus Christ Femi u are doomed!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteWait o, what about Sara his wife or mistress not to sure now that was staying in VI she had a daughter for him? Men na wa ooooo
ReplyDeleteI swear dis story is d bomb nd tangerine pls don't stop u r making my day already. I love u #nohomo
ReplyDeleteTangerine are you from Ile-Ife? LOL! You don't have to answer. Okay, not the Seki I know of.
ReplyDeleteNow see another link; FFK, Gbemi and Babalakin. Hmmm! Gbemi doesn't like broke men. Except she just wants sex and she'll move on.
Orji Kalu's house? That one doesn't give anything for free to both men and women. Are they.......? Or were they......?
Sleeping with his housemaids, getting them pregnant and removing the pregnancies may be ritual sex. I heard a lot of politicians are directed to do stuff like that by their marabouts.
Gumsu Abacha? How did she get entangled with him? Thought she was happily married and living in France.
The sad thing is that there are many people in the corridors of power who are doing similar things to what this FFK is doing. I just feel sad for the people who fall prey. We should all be watchful.
@anon 4;23 am know now.
You know this man well.
Ahh so he has reduced the money he claims wale is asking for?
Lol..better believe wale is not collecting anything near that from him.
Its a system he employs to beg for money.
When he first came to my step-father to beg for money,he claimed his lawyers were costing him 400million.
That was the day my step-dad concluded he was insane and refused to see him afterwards ever again.
Its not only Sekis head that's catching him. This man sat with people old enough to be Sekis parents and said the most despicable things about her. All because she chose to move on.
What of Tomi.Ask Tomi what he did to her.He does not realise that those that know KNOW. While this babe was with him,he slandered her EVERY time. This is someone he still used his mouth to say was always helping him.He got people on twiter to insult her and created false accounts to do the same.All because she chose to move on. What of the babe in London,that he lied to,made her come to naija,then he refused to see her and lied that vivian locked him in the house? Instead of him to be honest and say he can't afford to accomodate her etc. The woman left after about 36hrs..Femiiiiiiii Femo lalaaaaaaa...Femo scorpionnnnnn
Even wale babalakin,you will faint at femis stories about him.
Babes that's his way now,I'm sure you know.
Yessoooo Gbemi is so much smarter than him now. She knows how to handle him like the leech that he is.remember she's known him from way way back.
I live in Abuja and my ears don full. This man would sit at dinner tables and talk trash about seki,tomi,regina,loveth,chioma,vivian,saratu,yemisi,ada,etc.
And he always had the SAME thing to say.
How they all wronged him.
He has kids he refuses to claim now. As he can ONLY force certain women to have abortions.
Anyone that tells him the truth,he hates and starts to slander.
He is a chronic debtor and executive beggar.
People know him for who he is now.
Read his Twiter always believing he can mock God.
He will be having a field day now telling his fans its his "enemies" and "bitter women" or "obsessed stalkers" having a go at him on here. But his mind is so damaged,he can't see or comprehend the truth.
The curses on his head ehn?
E no get part 2.
He has told EVERY lie to obtain money from people.
Femi u wan doubt who I am?
Oya let me juggle your memory,I was there at tinubus mothers funeral party. And oh boy where they offended at your childish facebook updates of getting "sloshed" Aunty Remi had a LOT to say about you.
*ps* you can force yourself into the APC circles all you want,they have already marked your spot for you,and trust me,you can't go beyond that spot.
It doesn't matter who Tangerine is but she obviously knows FFK very well. Let us take a cue from people that know this man. You claim Chioma is from a low background yet her Grandfather and FFK's father were friends. Her grand father always made sure FFK's father was well taken care of when ever he was politicking in the East those days. Her Father may not be a Government official but he was an industrial chemist who worked in a multinational company. FFK you might have succeeded in creating an impression that she and these other women are from low backgrounds. One thing you forgot to mention was all the violence and psychological abuse you inflicted on these women not to talk of the men who served you, just because you felt they didn't have a voice. FFK goes for girls much younger than him so he can easily manipulate them. In so many countries, bullies and abusive men like you will be in jail. You may think in your mind that you succeeded in destroying Vivian's life but unfortunately you are not God. No matter how hard you try only God has the power to determine a man's destiny. FFK is very sick; he suffers from Bipolar disorder those that know him will understand, He is under a curse! FFK your end has come, Your judgement is here! All the people you hurt but they kept silent because they chose to leave you to God.
ReplyDeleteLol..he is now preaching woe unto himself on his twiter page. Ewu lunatic.
ReplyDeleteAnswer me this Mazi Fani-Kayode,did you have compassion on Vivian and ALL the women you have constantly rubbished and slandered?
My only wish and prayer is that all these women move on with their lives positively and away from him.
To think he has grown up daughters.
What a disgrace he is.
He relishes scandals.Thrives on it. As that's the ONLY way his irrelevant self can be relevant.
ReplyDeleteHahaha. Let's just say I have VERY close links to that man.You know those kind of links that even when you shift from him,you still run into him every damn where.
Yes dear,Orji Kalus house,though he lies he bought the house and his wife furnished it with 50Million and Pure Gold. LOLLLLL
As of last year the rent was hovering around 14M,recently got increased Let's just say his debts are as tall as his lies. Hmm Fanstuff,you know things.
Yup..that thing about him and orji kalu..shhhh.
Gumsu I feel bad for,ask him why he said Gumsu wanted to see Mallam Nuhu Ribadus penis? Can u imagine?
Gumsu is meant to be his friend,yet he said that behind her back.And people were there.
If Tutupie knows what's good for her,she would keep well away from him as one day,he would call her husband up to tell him tales about her.
Just ask Mrs O.
Oh he has a LOT of marabouts,visionaries,spiritualists,prophetess' that surround him and feed him with lies.
Those that tell him the truth,he does the usual,slanders them,chases them away.
Fanstuff,let those of us that know him keep laughing,his end is so near.
The man is VERY sick and I KNOW for a fact he wasn't completely healed of his mental health issues.
@Anon 161, 11;13 am
Didn't mean to offend dear,Re Chiomas background. I'm only talking from the tales Femi has told people about her background. Apparently he met her when she was a broke job seeker,handing out cards at the airport for her sisters store in the ghetto (one of his numerous versions of how they met).
He claims to be the saviour of her family when her father had been abandoned in the village by her witch of a mother and how he dug them out of poverty,clothed,housed and exposed her to the finer things in life. And he has told the world of how he did everything for her and how she ruined him.
I set Fatima,and Tomi apart as these ones met him as career women with their own money,who have family pedigree to fall back on.
His style is very young impressionable girls with nobody to call on to in days of trouble.
I'm sure you would know how many he must have threatened and blackmailed into silence.
If I expose this wretched mans level of obsession with women he's been with in the past. He spends EVERY waking hour stalking their progress and talking about them constantly.he would order his dumb errand boys and girls to obtain info about this women. One of the curses working in his life is that he can never be happy in a peaceful environment. He must always always destabilise his surroundings.
Ask him why he wanted Chioma dead at all costs.
Oh dear,if I were to start on the physical and psychological abuse he inflicted on so many of them,we would be here all day.
And you are so right,these women learnt to keep quiet,not because they are dumb. But because they all choose to hand him over to God.
Go and watch him now,I can bet my life,he has at least 4 other women he is lying to about the previous women in his life.
I don't want to expose new names.
Vivian will be okay,I'm very sure about that.
She just has to hold her head up high and move on.
At least people have seen him for what he is. Now were any saucy pics of any girl he's been with were to surface online,its obvious he is behind it.
Look at the ridiculous and wicked things he's said about all these women.even women he hasn't slept with or had anything to do with,he would lie.
This is a man who would put people on speaker phone unknowingly and let others hear stuff.
Forget the lies he's spread about Folarin.C. Aliko D. Tinubu,Tony E,
Oh and Miss F.D.G,are you reading this?if I were you I'd zip my mouth around him.
He's spread your sexual preferences alll over abuja.
Femi WE know you can NEVER change.
So just continue in your wicked ways.
When the end comes,whenever it comes,you see all these people whose spirits you have offended?
You will seek them and beg them.
Tangerine,fanstuff,vivian,seki,gbemi,chioma,ngozi, loveth all of you are birds of the same feather all of you are runs girl in short you are asewo, agarasha with your husband or man friend femi fani kayode.The you hear is name femi mr lover boy a big fool at fifty two the difference between you and femi fani kayode is that is a male while you are female . asewo no be work, you did need to be sleeping around to be big girl once you went to school get yourself a better job and stop sleeping around look for young man of your age not someone old to be your dad. Aids is real change before is too late. omoba say..............
ReplyDeleteIn as much as you are entitled to your opinion,at least we beg of you,write in clear English now.
Lol. You gave me a headache.
And FYI..not everyone who has an opinion about Femi slept with him or dated him,and not all who slept with him or dated him did so while he was married or in a position of power.Some were truly helpless,eg the maids,cooks.
So your reasoning is flawed.
Its people like you that attempt to taint the pool of truth.
Femi is what he is.
He cannot change,has absolutely no respect for anybody,is rude,violent,sexually perverted,wicked,mentally challenged,has a severe personality disorder,I could go on and on.
So omoba,think what you will.
The truth remains.
Illiteracy is a disease. You read all this and came to an ignorant conclusion. My take; I don't spar with illiterates like you anon July 10, 2013 at 1:02 PM. You are a non-entity. Keep reading free jist and keep mute.
ReplyDeleteAnyway,I'm done ,no more exposing the freak.
ReplyDeleteWOMEN learn!
He is so FAR from what he portrays.
Femi fani-kayode,how's the gay brotherhood discount you get on your rent these days?
Ah Tangerine fi le, too much English for that one who can't read. The internet has given idiots the platform to abuse people outside their league. Some of us were born and bred in these circles so some of the things we hear are said over dinner at home. Again, all fingers aren't equal, there are levels. Knowing someone doesn't always equal sex. The dumbness of some retards like that fake omoba is amazing. You wish you were in such circles to know these people. In your next life, ekwuensu.
ReplyDeleteOmoba is right though. You are all prostitutes there for the money or connections. Mostly from wretched homes and too lazy to work hard. These men know why you are there. So they treat you like trash in exchange for money and sexual acts they wouldn't ask of an animal. Even if it is billions you collect, they can never treat you like a human being. You sold yourself cheap in return you lost your dignity, name and future respect. Am sure tomi and fatima didn't collect a dime from him and it was a true relationship, reason why he cannot say anything about them. You say he hates to hear the truth. I hope you don't mind hearing it too. This does not take away the fact that FFK is a big fool at his age. He is the type that will die miserably and all his kids will turn from him. How could you be a minister and not have a home for yourself? Not plan for your retirement. But squander it saving whores and prostitutes. That is quite pathetic and seems like a curse. Curses of his father. The guy needs to truly examine himself. He is heading for homelessness and disgrace in old age. I hope this post makes him change the path his life is heading
ReplyDeleteLeave Fati and Seki out of it u fools, now i know pple chat shit on blogs coz half of these things are false which i know for a fact, most of these commenters are bipolar just like ffk, spreading things voices in their heads are telling them, yes i know them and the fool (FFK) harrassed them to no end but they NEVER dated him.
ReplyDeleteTangerine and others well done o, shebi u have gists, MOST OF WHICH U COOKED AND SPICED, ur mouth will help u to ur doom very soon, since u know it all...ode buruku
@anonymous 2;53 pm
ReplyDeletePlease don't ask for trouble on Sekis behalf or Fatimas behalf.
Let us just respect them as far as we have.
BOTH of them cannot say they didn't have anything to do with him.
Kindly behave yourself.
In as much as I'm supportive of these women,I will NEVER spew lies.
Don't let others that know come on here and expose them further.
Just don't.
Seki and Fatima CANNOT place their hands on the Quran and repeat the lies you just typed anonymous.
And READ again,if reading and understanding is your issue here .
Like ALL women before and after them,he harassed them AFTER they walked away from him.It doesn't mean they didn't have anything to do with him.
They did.
In suporting them,you will make people with even harder facts come out and talk.
EVERY woman who has been mentimed here had something to th him.
I know you feel like defending your friends.
But be careful how you go about it.
Even Femi himself is crazy enough to come on here and prove he did date them as he is that much of a pig.
You think I'm lying?
Ask seki if Femi didn't put a call through to her father to tell him he was sleeping with seki.
When Gbemi saraki heard she couldn't belive he could descend so low. And he tried ALL means to make her prospective inlaws turn on her,lose her job with Gbemi etc.
So please,some of us are talking with facts.
As for fatima,shall I spill why she ran from him?
Why he started consulting his fake spiritualists to kill her?
Stella your blog is killing me o.Lol
I keep coming back as I can't believe how easily fooled people are.
Drunken sperm? O the harshness of a woman's tongue there is no taking back the damage that is done.
@anon 2;21pm
ReplyDeleteAs I said Femi has NO respect for anyone.
In as much as Fatima and Tomi have their own money and careers,he still talked shit about wealthy as Gbemi saraki is,he still talks crap about her.
Slander is his game. He plays on the fact that if you smear a womans name in this parts of the world and call her names like ;witch,mamywater,destiny destroyer,etc,people would avoid her.
You are wrong again,the prostitute bit is a lie from the pits of hell. Femi has been single for at least 5yrs now. And what money does he have to offer this women or connections?
Yes,he picked up one or two live prostitutes along the way,one he still employs called Love Ihaji.But NOT a relationship.
The one he turned into a girlfriend was Adaobi.
Guess what?
Femi says it himself that Adaobi was a streetwalker.
What are we saying here?
When as usual she left him,he went round saying she was a thief etc(can u recognise the pattern yet?)
I think its an extremely simplistic view to label all the women as prostitutes.
As I said,I don't want to say too much. As all I've written and all those that know have written on here is NOT 1-10th of his atrocities.
You have automatically assumed I am one of his "prostitutes"
I laugh. He wishes.
Anon 2;11 pm gave the best response,some of us grew up hearing this things at dinner tables.Now as adults,we mix in the circles where it happens live.
You will be amazed at what people get up to.
Femi is a walking joke.
But you are right about the cursed bit dear. But deep things a gwan in that aspect,so let's shhhhhh. ;-)
Homelessness and disgrace already knocking on the door.
Tangerine i admire your writing skills and the ability to capture your audience. You should try your hands at writing i must say. Just want to add that life is stranger than fiction so im not at all surprised.
@anon 2;53 pm
ReplyDeleteI'd responded to you earlier,and don't know why stella didn't post my comment.
So I'll keep it brief.
Fati and Seki CANNOT place their hands on the Holy Quran and claim they didn't date him.
I don't want to start dragging issues with you.
Those that know KNOW.
In as much as you desire to protect them,don't cause them more damage okay!
Because they dated him does not take away from the evil fact that he harassed,bullied and slandered them.
So don't get me wrong. And I don't know what "blog awakening" you got darling.
It is what it is,I know it might hurt reading about those you love.
But remember that I'm still being kind,some in wanting to expose and bring Femi fani-kayode down will spill detail by detail.
I'm just trying to let these women who might have been ignorant to his games see him for what he is.
So don't get your knickers in a twist,I want to assume we are on the same side.
**group hug**
And say hi to seki for me,she went through hell in his hands.Glad she has a supportive man in A.O
Gracias natureman
ReplyDeleteTruly life is stranger than fiction.
Anyway,I hope someone has learnt something from this.
Vivian once again,pick yourself up.
Worse things happen dear.
Omooba or whatever your name please this is not Pasuma's blog...cos I see and can detect your very shallow mind. People like you play down on very mind boggling issues, this is an intelligent propaganda that'll only entertain serious minds who are truthful enough to share the experience they know of this bloody Femi. Please go away and let people who know what they are saying share with ignoramus' like yourself. We are talking about a potential serial rapists and murderer here, you are here trying to label the informants as being mere prostitutes or whatever just to silence them? A man who's seeking to serve Nigeria, and who's served her? Are u crazy? Femi started to rape Nigeria FIRST before these women. And he'll do it again and again if you don't expose him. Even if they are prostitutes, are the infos not tangible and vital enough to save another from the obscure sexual shenanigans of this mother-fucker FFK politician? Is ur brain dead or something? Get out of here pls.
ReplyDelete@Tangerine, again GBOSA!!! Yes his new found love is the Asiwaju's circle, and the FOOL made a public display of his usual charade of foolishness when he almost neared and tasted wealth again, mere bloody champagne he was advertising and tweeting. Clear evidence that he's been deprived over the years after being a minister. And the first sign of celebration from the slacked ass hole was to let the world know that he was in Bourdillion with Tinubu and co. Oh please, Remi Tinubu, even asiwaju himself, will NEVER condone FFK in their midst. They can only pity him and toss him dry bread so that he will not die of hunger. Same Tinubu he has continued to call an 'agbero' ooo. And FFK, wait until your ass hole has been mutilated beyond redemption before you go and rent a room and a parlor that u can afford to live in. Or stay there let omo ibo orji kalu with his Akpu dick destroy your yansh!
FFK You have no family member living with you, just housemaids u import from Ghana, those whom u cannot even afford to pay their salaries, yet u try to live as though all is well? You most be a MAD man. Traveling from Ekiti to everywhere, trying to relive a non existent political image you created of yourself in your deluded mind....better go and seek a job with OAU, perhaps become their librarian or something. Atleast you'll get a chance to properly write your craps...your FIRST and ONLY love who will NOT desert you.. The writings from a narcotic infested brain!
ReplyDeleteYes we saw the fake Tomi handle on twitter, which was where all his escapades were further revealed. Mona Alli the prostitute his accomplist on twitter! Femi give it up mother fucker all of these stories cannot be LIES! All these women do not know themselves, and the ones who may now be intouch did so because of YOU to compare notes bastard!!!!!!!!!!
Hey God, i thank you for my Egbeshioush life! I am a truly blessed married woman. Goodness, my mouth is wide open.......
ReplyDeleteAbeg, i take God beg una, no curse this man daughters. They are a victims themselves. They are friends to my niece and their mum has tried for them. This man needs serious prayers. Kai, Kai, fine man, see what you've turned out. I am not your family, but i feel so ashamed for you. You need Jesus.
ReplyDeleteTangerine, you sure know your onions. These are no lies at all, I strongly believe.
ReplyDeleteComment 169, it takes a prostitute to know one. You are a real child of a whore. Chief of prostitutes.
ReplyDelete@Anon 5;07pm
ReplyDeleteI'm glad I'm not the ONLY one who knows these facts.
But Regina stopped sending maids and cooks from ghana after he raped and raped and raped.
But he IS a mad man.
His case is hilarious as he thinks people don't know his games.
Well a foolish few still don't.
My dear you deserve an A+ for your analysis; he is desperately reliving a dead political career,a battered image,etc. But it can't happen for him again,UNLESS he stops mocking God,humbles himself,apologise and restitute.
NOT one single family member lives with him.
Story of his life.
Hahahaha,my dear,u r tooo smart.
Writing his crappy articles is the only thing he has to depend on,and if he is smart,he will go and humbly seek a position in a school library.BUT then the students,BOTH male and Female won't be safe.
Re the fake Tomi handle(s),that babe must be strong,did you read the atrocities himself and those prostitutes Mona(especially) and sally wrote and did? He used his usual system of lying to Mona alli and Sally atane and all else about Tomi,then got them to create accounts and harass her.then making sure their minds are so poisoned they don't contact her to find out the truth. That's when I knew women are their own worst enemy. Attacking your fellow woman over someone like Femi Fani-Kayodes baseless lies and fantasies.
We were all reading and watching from the sidelines o.what he didn't realise was that people were contacting Tomi to find out the truth,and the babe was telling them what happened,with proof. And the jist juicy die.
Even one of his benefactors was like WOW,this is femis handiwork all over AGAIN! Can he NOT change etc etc!
This same Tomi that went all out for him,the same way Seki,Fati,Regina did. As usual,he repaid all of them with evil.
Ask him the favor Chioma did for him and how she supported him when he wasn't even sure his ministerial screening would go through.
Yet he's spent years blackening her name at every opportunity.
Saying she must die,she will have a terminal illness etc. His spiritualists keep telling him these women will die.
Years later Chioma is still alive and doing good,he has gone down in EVERY way.
To garner pity,he will tell anyone who cares to listen that these women were sent by the devil to ruin him.
We laugh in Egun!
He has never looked inwards to realise HE is HIS own problem.
With all what OBJ did for him,he goes round saying OBJ sleeps with his drivers wives,is this and that,a cultist etc.
Femi is NOT a human being. Omo disgrace first class.
Let truth be told,these mans kids would need serious deliverance.I understand Saratu,Yemisi and Regina have done a good job shielding them from him and his madness and nonsense,but that's just the physical.
The spiritual is deeper.
Someone he raped,actually cried to God to take the pound of flesh from his favorite daughter.
Do you know how many people curse his kids on a daily basis.
This is a man who has NO pity for other peoples kids,male or female.
God cannot be mocked.
Femi I KNOW your crazy self will be on here reading this,is why I've dedicated time to this.
If you need more hints as to who I am,I shall give you. Brother ode!
Yes I can relate to Tangerine very well. Anyone who can articulate a person's antecedents has she's clearly done shouldn't be passed as 'bitter' or a slanderer as some of u may presume. An intelligent mind as hers will not bug over irrelevances like FFK's if it isn't important that she speaks. I will along Tangerine expose this man even addition to the already mentioned,this guy is a murderer. YES! His plots to murderer several of his mistresses and the men that later resumed in their lives after they dumped him HOT like hot potatoes shall be published. With the names of the people whom he tried to use to carry out his sacrilegious acts! Even if this dear blogger, Stella, refuses to publish them, we'll be sure to release the info to the public through another medium. About time. I read on for now...!
ReplyDeleteThe unfortunate thing is after all Tangerine has spilled some stupid girls will still fall for him.
ReplyDeleteComment 182, unfortunately for you, i am not you. I can stand anywhere with dignity. I am sure you cannot. Most especially because your greed drove you to suicide by relating with FFK. I pity your life. Dont go and farm or something. We know your type probably has nothing in her brains and must have payed her way through school. So you cannot function in a corporate or legitimate environment. Again, madam prostitute and from a prostitute generation. Why are you mad i called you your name? You lay your bed, lie in it abeg.
ReplyDeleteTangerine carry on, and dont be shocked that ffk is the one replying and trying to provoke you. I agree with you that there is a pattern in his 'hunting skills'. at 50plus..hissss
ReplyDeleteThe day I knew FFK was bonkers was when I learnt he created multiple accounts supporting/replying his own self.
He bit more than he can chew with fellow bipolar disorder patient Kemi O.O when that one munnched their conversation and displayed it to the wall. He and his multiple accounts tried so hard to deny it, but K.O.O's evidence was too strong.
Its a pity that at 50 he acts like a 20 yr old BOY
@Tangalo, i believe your story. But tell me, what is you relationship to him. Want to be objective here and see your angle. Without any doubt, even guys talk about this psycho. But he must have really hurt you! Really deep pain. I am sorry on his behalf. This guy needs serious spiritual and medical help after reading all these. No normal guy would behave like this. We know guys are crazy et all but this is too much. Like @Ajara pointed out, his innocent children should be left out of this. Rather direct the curses at him if necessary, because God would surely take care of him! Their mothers would not be happy reading all these. Most of us here are mothers and we pray against generational curses on our innocent children. May we not fall into the trap of FFK. To you married women that can't seat their butts, you are squarely on your own. Ashewo no be work o, nah management tio.
ReplyDelete@anonymous 5;05pm
ReplyDeleteThanks a lot dear,I'm happy someone can see through this fool called Femi and the little rat called Omoba trying to belittle the facts here.
Dear,you are funny,let me re-arrange your tense.
Femi started raping the women BEFORE Nigeria.
God bless you once again.
Forget what aunty Remi and co said about him. They were so pissed at his "I never chop" attitude,boasting on twiter like a hungry man! I swear if I didn't know better,I'd assume you were sitting right there o.LOL.
He is like that dog that will be placed at the entrance of APC to bite and bark at intruders and then fed crumbs.
BUT will NEVER be allowed into the inner circles or made to enjoy any comfort.
This is a man who photobombs pictures so he can lie that he was hanging around big men who have worked him out and are now keeping away from him.
Just ask a certain ex VP.
Is it only Agbero he has called jagaban?
My dear,he said Tinubu killed a certain late politician in a ritual sacrifice.
My step dad was amazed when he started romancing this same APC,whose members he has slandered and keeps slandering. My mum bless her had to say "but everyone knows femi can't be trusted now"
About that room and parlor.
Give it time,he will go back there.
Na wa o! Make una see wetin OBO and OKO dey cause for naija!!!!!
ReplyDeleteComment 186; I hit a nerve, chief of prostitutes? I bet you wished you knew all these people so they can sleep with you, give you money and steal your destiny. Crawl back into your hole before your recharge card finishes. The internet has given hoodrats like you the platform to talk to people who are better than you, from solid backgrounds, have good educational qualifications and who have it all. Ekwuensu.
ReplyDeleteTangerine you are right on some aspect, Femi Fani kayode humilates his ex, those who have done nothing wrong to him, I know Femi and how evil he is, he is a bad man, but let me tell u that not all the girls u mentioned actually dated him, That is false because I have a proof of all the girls he dated, you mentioned someone who never had anything to do with femi even though femi has always tried to get her, I know this because I know femi and I know her, Femi has been begging me to beg her for him so he can date her but she would never agree because of all what she has read about femi, Yet u put her name up there. My advice to u is that, karma will pay each and everyone, Leave God to judge we have no right to jugde anyone, in our homes we are worse, who who is without sin let him be the first to cast a stone, Would we like it if God judged us this way? What do we enjoy from all this gossip? Like I will do, I will pray for vivian, Chioma, Tomi, ffk and the rest girls who he has humilated. Please be wise people, don't let gossip like this have the best of your day.
@anon 7;00pm
ReplyDeleteI think its about time that is done.
This man has done the most despicable things EVER.
Help me ask him why there are orders from above banning him from ever having uniformed police escorts and protection?
This lunatic while enjoying the privilege in years gone past,abused the men in uniform severally,some he would physically bite them,ask them to carry out demeaning errands,wicked errands etc.
The case and constant complaints filled the ears of the top bosses,and a circular was passed round the WHOLE of NIGERIA.
He CANNOT be assigned any escorts,or allowed men in uniform around him. If ANYONE should see any around him,be rest assured they are not his. And such person would be dismissed. Reason? They concluded his insanity posed as a threat to him controlling the men. And behaving towards them in a rational manner and he couldn't be allowed to go on disrespecting the uniform!
Reason why he uses the "aloku soldiers" that is those that have been for various reasons dismissed from the force. And they CANNOT wear uniform of course.
How do I know,my step-dad is tight with the person who passed the order.
Ask him how he goes about lying about his fleet of cars,when he has ONLY one range rover!
He sold EVERY car he owned,apart from Reginas that he sent to Ghana because she promised to curse him were her to touch her cars.
Femi fani-Kayode,did you NOT sell one of your luxury cars for 100,000naira when you were flat broke?
He lives a VERY false life!
Big man that borrows money to fuel his generator!
@anon 8;08pm
ReplyDeleteYou knowwwwwwwwww
When I first discovered the multiple accounts thing,fear catch me!
He actually created a fake account in the name of one of one of his pimps called Osahon,to create an online shrine to Chioma Anasoh.
He then proceeds via the accounts to chat with himself etc.
He is totally detached from reality o.
As in completely.
Oh dear,I know he has been on here to say crap and divert attention away from this expose.
But fool that he is,I'm a step ahead of him.
Lol,let him provoke me at his own peril.
@anon 7;09pm
To think some women would still follow him is beyond me.
But hey,they can do so if they choose to,but I beg them to be VERY careful in dealing with him.
He cannot help himself,he will mess up,and then blame them,and then mess them up.
ReplyDeleteDear,let's not make this seem like I'm some wronged person seeking vengeance.
Far from it.
I want to open peoples eyes and understanding to what we are dealing with here.
In a developed world as someone said,Femi fani-kayode would be behind bars for paedophilia,sex offences,blackmailing etc.
And he would be a repeat offender as it were.
NO,he has NO power to cause me pain,as what he did to me a while back is absolutely NOTHING compared to what he did to the women in his lives and those that encountred him along the way.
Mine was more of a bully trying to score points,and he failed woefully as I have a solid support system. Which is why right now as I said earlier,we only relate unless absolutely necessary.
Just that I cannot totally avoid him,too many intertwined ties.
My dear,go and hear the curses people rain on him and his kids,whatever I've said here is mild. Very mild.
He has put those kids in a very sensitive position.
This is a man who wanted to kidnap one of his own daughters so as to collect money from people.
Pls tell me what chance do these girls stand with a dad like that.
I only hope God looks at them from their mothers angles.
But let truth be told,karma does not work like that.
There is a saying that when the sinner is being punished,even those that know nothing about his sins will partake of it.
Femi Fani-Kayode went astray without looking back a VERY long time ago.
Where hasn't he gone wrong? Yet NOT for one day has he retraced his steps and changed.
In his personal life,he is a failure (broken marriages,kids scattered everywhere,living alone nearing sixty)
Professionally he is a failure(no investments,jobless,no business,nothing)
Financially he is a failure(broke,two steps away from wretchedness,begs from all and sundry,wreckless spender when he had)
Medically he is a failure(mental health issues,fuelled by hard drugs)
Spiritually he is a failure(need I say more,the curses run very deep)
Politically he is a failure( ex minister with a battered image,wasted his opportunity,scandalous,difficult to manage,stepped on too many toes,criminal case pending 5yrs and counting,)
Character-wise, he is a failure(arrogant,condescending,has a God complex,rude,wicked,evil,slanderous,two-faced,gossip,perverted,liar,etc)
So how can someone like that matter in the grand scheme of things anywhere?
Especially in MY life.
I write all this from a good place
And that is to open other peoples eyes.
As we speak he owes my step-dad and 2 uncles money.
My step-dad shut the door in his face after he came with his 400million naira legal fees story.
He is insane.
And I wish him all that he deserves in life.
This man set Chioma Anasoh up at the airport while they were dating can you imagine.
Then when it resorted to a scandal,he flipped on her and made it seem like she was smuggling money out of the country.
Don't let me start.
Let's just all learn.
ReplyDeleteYes Tangerine I know very well. Believe it or not I am not even close to this man as such..but I can write an encyclopedia full of his person. He thinks that everyone is foolish enough not to scrutinize what he tells them, well NOT me. I have always played along with the crack head. And he builds up on his foolishness by the day. We have various pictures of his dick that he took while ejaculating in that his cursed house. Whoever will take that house after him must invite the holy trinity and divinity plus strong men of God to anoint that place else...hmmm! Femi once those pictures have been released you can deny its not u in them if u that time we'll SHOCK u and silence your ego for life with futher CLEAR picture evidence. So keep up with the lies!! Dare me if you wish.
ReplyDeleteYessss he said Chioma stole his already missing in transit crappy GLORY oo. He still spies on her till date and I can PROVE it. Why is Regina still bothering herself sef? But then again I don't blame the woman, bet she's doing it for God and for the sake of her daughter Remilekun. Little wonder Regina didn't birth any more kids after so long... hmmmm! Now we know Femi! Same OBJ he's trying to please so that he can get small small money from him? Infact let's drop OBJ matter. Right now he's onto another small girl he's been displaying her picture for weeks. And I just shake my head in PITY, that girl cannot be more than 20yrs of age. A model she is..he has started to lie to her too. Taking her pictures inside that same house again. And am sure he records their sex rampages waiting to do what he's doing Vivian now to her should she decide to leave him later. Which is why everyone is spewing all his escapades. After this time out any lady that comes out to cry wolf with regards to Femi's ill treatment to them I will NOT pity such. A word is enough for the wise oooo!!!!
ReplyDelete@Agbalumo don't even bother ur head about who tangerine is...for real. Just concentrate on her FACTS. I don't know her but she spills the TRUTH trust me.
This FFK stays home all day behind the computer, that is if there's no PUSSY to be fucked. He forms the 'busy' mode doing absolutely nothing. Everyone in Abuja avoids him like a plague. Little wonder EL Rufai and co despise him, they only tolerate him when it is absolutely necessary. Hian!!!!!!!
ReplyDelete@anon 10:03pm. Sorry to disappoint you this isn't 'gossip'. I have been reading this blog for a while now and I read many unfounded gossips but never comment even though I have my reservations. But this right here about FFK is NOT surreal..I'll liken this thread to the famous DV diary that SDK initiated recently. Need I say that these are concise and very coherent facts and issues that MUST be revealed. Notice the trend in posts here are not made by random onlookers. These comments are made by the relevant people who perhaps have at one point in their lives had to relate with Femi. This isn't merely a gossip or stories by 'jobless' people. Again if you scrutinize the stories u will notice that many here are professionals in their own rights. Femi must be exposed, that's the least that can be done to savage his victims who are yet to recuperate from his sheer wickedness to them. #team expose FFK#
ReplyDeleteI understand you mihght want to protect your friend. Whoever she is.
BUT I stand by my words.
EVERY single woman whose name I have mentioned here as having had something to do with him,DID have something to do with him.
I don't want to embarass your friend by asking you to single her out and I will give you the facts.
I made clear about Gumsu- he has slandered her.
Gbemi -he has said so much about their so called sexcapaded-read what I said,I think I made clear it might have happened in his head as he is always adamant gbemi wants him desperately.
F.D.G-i said she should zip her mouth around him,he has spread tales about HER sexual ways all over abuja. Because she trusted him as a friend and opened up to him.
L.A.E-dont let me go there.its a POINTS thing with him for obvious reasons.
Tell your friend to be more honest with you.
As FFK can be fucking someones mum and still be pretending to their face that he's still trying to hit on her.
Lolo,I KNOW him like the back of my hands.
I maintain EVERY other woman he has messed with,messed up,bullied,harassed etc.
If you doubt,anonymously send your friends name here and I will break it down for you.
If I mention 2 people he was seeing simulatanouslyas of a month ago,and what he did recently to one of them,NOBODY would believe it.
Lolo,I KNOW what its like to be on this mans receiving end,so will NEVER deliberately smear anybody.
I'm saying,women be careful. Be very careful.
Either way,let's all stay on the same side.